Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday nice and quiet

Saturday I was so bored, Makala had visitors from Holland so she was occupied with them and we did not go to the Flea Market like promised. I really wanted to get out and do something. I worked on the book for two hours, then I got dressed walked to this book store here, but it was of course closed, everything closes Sat and Sun.
So I began walking to Of course TALAMANCA! I was quietly walking, two cars stopped offered me rides I said no! Not many people on the roads here, and not many cars yesterday in Jesus. then this Guy I met here in the San Francisco, he is handicapped in a wheel chair, Really has a nice personality, and is very handsome. Stopped when he saw me walking and yelled out the window of his van, MARIANNA GET IN.. so he took me to Talamanca, and dropped me off.
The new sand beach bar outside has opened with live DJ Simon my friend. Simon drinks alot he is an ok DJ hes about fifty, so hes not really engergetic because of this drinking and well the life style. I do like him he is a kind person, and has a very warm heart. What I am saying is his music is low key, sometimes good if hes not drinking so much... But I stayed to support him because he was nervious and it was the first day.
Later I danced in front of his speakers, I know many people now there so it was fun. Then after an hour I danced more, people applauded and asked me to get in the center of the tent. This is the place that said maybe I can Belly dance there.. So Simon put Belly dance music , then I did some. I had a really good repsonse. Possibly with Practice to the music and I become familiar with the songs I can really do a nice job. I had lots of questions from people, the response was very positive and nice. ITS POSSIBLE I have a little job there for tips. Its all outdoors mostly in the late afternoon and evening. I love dancing so hey its great exercise and if I can make tips well that is a plus. Two days a week, on the weekend would be perfect!!!

I was with friends, so it wasn't like just being an exhibitionist! My friends were encouraging me to do it. Stephano and Paulo were there, Mattie, Simon, Alegria, and three of the ladies I met on Thursday night. Plus many more people. After I got the engery going people joined in and danced. Simon was happy and kept giving me the thumbs up! I was happy for him too.. he dreamed about doing this and now it happened.

The interview never happened, the guy got busy never called but messaged me and said we would talk this week. I want this job! I think it will be a nice way to learn the Island and the perfect situation to be able to work from home or a cafe.

Today I woke up tired, I had phone calls in the early morning hours from some guy that is a freind of one of my friends. He was drunk and kept calling me, finally I blocked the number. I went to bed late, and woke up from the calls at 5, 6, and 7. He was talking in Spanish to me and I asked him how he got the number... said my friend Gave him the number!!! DAMN IT... So I got up I made a simple breakfast of strawberries, one egg, toast and coffee. I was about to clean the house when Leo called the German man I met at Blue Marlin. He invited me for lunch, at his house. I told him I had to clean, and wanted to do a pedicure since I have not had one since Costa Rica and the poor feet are tired and sore from walking. They looked horrible!
So I cleaned up took a shower, did my pedicure and he called again he was out front.. Germans are totally strange for me to understand. He speaks some English but he was not about to wait he got a bit tiffy.
I explained you have to wait, come in my house. But he said no I will wait in the car.
So I finished and got ready to go.
We drove to San Jordi, this is where he lives in a tiny little house. Its simple but nice. No yard or garden. Only bigUGLY CATUS!!! We made a nice lunch of some sort of curry chicken soup, rice and salad that I made.
We ate outside and talked he wasn't feeling well so he took me back to the house. I got the computer and came to the internet it was only three oclock its early. Nothing to do..
Now its just hope this weeks brings work, I want to say Hi to my friends in Vancouver, and my sons, and there partners. I haven't heard from my boys in a week or so maybe longer.
Hope all is well! have a good Sunday