Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nothing much new!

It Is Sunday, the weather still is very ugly. Cloudy rainy, I am not enjoying this one bit! I do not have the appropriate clothes so its not very comfortable. I have been writing some, and practicing dancing. Walking when I can. Still no jobs, but I know it will happen. I am active almost daily. Making some sort of contacts as much as I can.
On the men front, well Daniel, my French, Spanish, Italian friend has been busy. Although he messages me occassionally. I haven't seen much of him. I really like him hes so special, great personality, and not to mention good looking! He saw me on the street the other day walking back from the store, Here in Jesus, he stopped dead in the road and ask me to ride with him to Ibiza town. We did, but nothing much, we just went in he was suppose to meet a friend. The friend didn't show. So we drove back, tried to stop to get something to eat but the places we went where closed. So he dropped me off at the house.
Haven't seen him since.
Fabio the one I met in the street the one I said is the type? WELL I GUESS HES NOT THE TYPE!!! he invited me for Friday, but at my house? he called on Thursday, our conversation was not the kind I wanted to hear actually. It was super suggestive, and I was insulted honestly. I asked him not to pressure me about SEX! that was all he talked about. In the end I said I will see you tomorrow. He said yes. But When Tomorrow came he never called or Showed up.
He still has not called to say what happened or he was sorry, or he was tied up! and Its Sunday..
I just hate it when men say right off the bat they want sex from me.. that is a total turn off, reason is work up to it... Bluntly saying I want to sex you, open line? NOT! not for me anyway. I know what happened, He didn't think he was going to succeed , so why show up and why call her? RUDE!
So I was a little sad for a day, then yesterday I took a long walk, I walked into town. I found a new route on a dirt road. I saw some old structures that were so interesting, I found a clairs in the down town and bought a pair of thongs making my walking a little easier. I also found a nice home design shop that was super reasonable. I took notes to come back and share with Kathy, so we can return and I can help her pick out drapes and accessories for her new apartment.
Actually nothing going on. I spent the day walking, felt much better about things. Clearing the mind is so nice.
I woke up today with a really bad headache, I ate some paella yesterday, so maybe its a reaction from the shell fish? The plate was the size of a cake plate it wasn't much, but the head is really in pain. I had one mojito with Kathy last night. It was her first. I made with with the fresh mint growing in the garden, she had the Rum, and the lemon. We only drank one so I know it can not be from that???
Sunday, I feel a little down today, the weather, the head, other things..
Could use the company of a good friend!
Missing Rossy, for some reason my mother too... she has been gone alot of years. I have been thinking much about her. Cleaver woman, creative, smart.. and in her day super beauty. What would my mother say if she knew how close I was to her home town? When my mother came to America, she never returned to her home land. I want badly to go there in Aug, Why Aug? I don't know but I have a projected date. I would love to see the city of my family. Perhaps meet some distant relatives? Learn more about the Culture. SICILY!