Saturday, May 10, 2008

Not been online Much this week

Today is Saturday, we have had three days of rain. It feels like Vancouver been dark dreary, rainy and cold. I have not been able to go out since I do not have clothes that are cold weather and where I live in Jesus, there is no clothing stores. So I been in the house and at a friends
watching TV in French. So confusing, French, Spanish, German... ENGLISH!! OH MY.

Yes I had mentioned about a person I met in a wheel chair, On Monday I had walked all over town, to find work. I must have walked ten or more miles I honestly have no idea how far but it was super far! After the town closed I began walking toward and area I thought I knew. I just headed in the direction finding all sorts of new stores, shopes.. bakeries pasterias, tapas, just everything. I found myself really physically learning the areas.
I walked right to the Plaza I was looking for. I was so hungryI hadn't eaten in hours. I thought ok I will pick one place I knew in the plaza, have something to drink and order. As I walked past this one outdoor place I saw my friend in the wheel chair. He stopped me called me over, he was with four German guys all drinking beers, in the afternoon. It is the life here, when everything shuts down people stop rest, drink eat and take their time for up to four hours.

So I sat with him, although in my head was thinking hell I am hungry I told him no thanks on the drink he insisted. I ordered a chandee, its beer like a mechelada in Costa Rica, only its made with sweet lemon drink that has gas. Actually its super refreshing. We talked laughed, then he said he had a great idea, asked me if I had time??? I said of course I am not working I have all the time in the world. He then invited me to go to San Eularia, to eat on the water front. I have never been so I said WHY NOT??? He is very pleasant, he had a bad accident some ten years ago, and now is confined to the chair. He is Italian, and Spanish,but lived in France most of his life with his parents. I call him frantalish... hes very good in almost four languages, He wants me to help with with English of course!
So we drove some ten minutes away, to a beautiful beach area that had a board walk above the beach. A Ice cream parlor on the corner and many restuarants, and shops.
Its a very scenic area, the water is pure, the moutains are close filled with pine trees, the pretty white sand and all the nice places right there on the beach.
We had a first class dinner, very elegant, and two types of wine.. I was in heaven again.. WOW how nice ya know. I was so thankful, I tried to express to him how nice it was for us to meet again. We have seen each other in many places.. he said destiny. MAYBE??
We seem to get along so well, we watched the sunset, then rode back to Jesus. He lives there too.
Since then we have seen each other three times. I went to his house and watched movies ate popcorn and tried like hell to understand the french movies and commercials that are so absurd!
There is a comedy show that is from france,( of course he only watches French shows) its hillarious even with out understanding the words. THEY ARE CRAZY!! but he also speaks perfect Spanish, and now he is trying with me to speak English. HE DOES WELL!

I enjoy his company but were just friends.. he said he is super independent( like I am not??) and he probably has other girls. He is handsome I will say that!

Other than this, I have been trying to write to companies for work, the one that offered the job called yesterday to say its going to be about four weeks before they have the job ready for me. So untill then I need to find some small work. The possiblity of dancing is out this week, because of the weather. Too bad because I have been practicing... I am ready.
Simon dropped off all his clothes this week for me to wash so today we had a little sun I washed them for him. He is a funny English man.. But he is a very nice friend.

Yesterday Lets call Him Daniel, called thep Frantalish.. to see what I was up to? I asked if he could take me to Ibiza town. He said sure, so at five he picked me up we went into town to see the mediaeval festival. It is something that has been going on for more than a hundred years. It is reall cool, its held in the fortress area, of the town. The castle is what I thought it was but in reading this past week I found out it is a fortress.
Ibiza, Mallorca, Fromtera were all invaded many times by Pirates, the stone walls I see every where and tourrets are made for warning towers with fires to warn the town of ivasion by pirates. ITS REALLY AND INTERSTING PLACE Tomorrow I will explain the whole story... but this is where this festival exsists..
Its all done back in those times. Wow I saw Sausages that were huge like footballs all deformed, I didn't know what I was looking at. Tomorrow I am going again with Kathy the owner of my apartment. The reason is Frantalish, can not go up the hills.. I volunteered to push him I know and can I have done it many times with my sis.
But he said no he didn't want to go its too steep and the roads are all rock they are cobble.

We enjoyed, he made me eat some of that sausage, I DIDN'T LIKE IT! so fatty, and its made with all blood.. we ate some other thing I have no idea what it was it was crusty bread with some red spread, I thought it was piemento, or roasted red pepper but when I bit into it it had a fatty taste, and YUK I didn't like that either! they offered you little cups of wine with it, I DID DRINK THAT TO WASH IT DOWN!!! too funny I am.. I had to laugh at me honestly. I must have made a horrible fast because he laughed very hard at me and called me BABEEEE french accent...

IT was to dang cold to enjoy anything I was shivering. We left and came back to Jesus.

Today I did laundry for Simon, then I went for a walk, talked to a couple of people I have seen in the neighborhood, then had a puree of calabasa with Kathy in the new apartment. We drank a glass of wine, and talked. I sure to like my land lord. She is super!And Evon is so adorable, he comes to my door all the time to see me. Sometimes entering the house.
Like a week or so ago I couldn't get the door open, when I saw a little hand inside opening the door it was Evon. I had left the back door open and he goes in all the time because before no one lived in this part of the house he was free to roam where he wanted.
I love Evon.. he such a sweet baby.
Now while I am writing, I received an invitation from two guys sitting on a computer that is amazing.. I commented on it I have never seen one so huge. and portable. Come to find out they are some famous producers of Parties. I was minding my own business when one Inivited me to this place where Paris Hilton goes when she comes here called ELEPHANT. Its fabulous look upthe site.
This will be my first time seeing something so incredible here. I have heard of it but its far away. They offered to pick me up and take me so I said YES!