Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dancing,on the beach

Well I did it, last night was the first night I belly danced on the beach at the Talamanca Alegria Bar. There wasn't very many people, but I did the routines I practiced anyway. Simon was slightly drunk by the time I danced, he screwed up the music and had to restart it but it went off ok.. people liked it, I danced some three hours, past to other music, Simon kept telling me get out there. I did and made 50 Euros but someone took Fifteen of it off my skirt. It was tucked in the hip area, I did dance next to some guys earlier on and they probably took it. It wasn't on the ground I looked right away as soon as I noticed! so needless to say I was a little upset. Belly dancing is difficult. For the first time I did ok!

Fabio had called to make a date with me, only to say that he had plans with his friends and could he come in the afternoon at 2:00 to my house? I said no.. Meet me at Talamanca after 9:30, he said no he was going with his friends for a foot ball game. I said ok fine if like Call tomorrow.
He hung up. About some 20 minutes later he changed his mind, called back to say he would prefer my company and would be at Talamanca at 9:30 or a little later, I said perfect! I figured he would bring me back to the house, and In person I could ask him just what happened the last week when he asked me out and didn't show.
Ok So I danced, forgot about the date, but come 9:00 I remember he should be coming soon. I finished at nine thirty or a little before when I found out someone stole the money. I changed my clothes. It was really windy and cold on the beach. Super dark. I put on the little sweater I have and waited on a stool behind the bar not out in front.
Simon was finished he was busy chatting with someone, Well Fabio never showed up, I waited till after ten thirty. I asked Simon if I could talk to him and he got upset?? It was probably really lit by then. I didn't speak to him again after he flew off on me for no reason.I just gathered up my things, and began to walk home at 11:00 at night.

It was cold, windy, and I was sore and tired, and upset. I made it back to the house at almost midnight. No internet, nothing good on TV so I laid on the sofa, and fell to sleep but my feet hurt so bad it woke me up.
I showered my feet off, put some cream on them and crawled into the bed.
Didn't sleep well, my back is very sore.. I practiced all day then three hours. With out doing much exercise aside from walking its pretty rough on me.
I thought I would be doing it again tonight, but when I woke up the weather had changed, its cold and raining very hard. The reports said all day and night and possibly Sunday.

Making my weekend SUPER BORING, except! I do have internet now in the apartment. Today they finally got it right. But I can not go anywhere, I don't have transportation, although the landlords boy friend is a taxi driver. I wouldn't dare ask him to take me.. he is not super friendly.
The bus only runs every hour, but I never seem to be able to catch it even at the correct time.
Haven't had good luck with the bus here. Its always different times... and I was told that it is because its not season yet. June its regular.

Still no work, I been waiting, writing, contacting, but nothing yet. I had a call from that nice company but no return call for an interview.
Feeling lousy today, discouraged, and alone and super sore. I didn't sleep well at all.

The rent was due today, I paid but boy something better happen soon!!!