Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lots to say about nothing

The past few days I have not felt like blogging, The rain gets me down. I have been stuck in the apartment for almost three days. I dance Friday right? then Sat it rained the weather changed, and it stayed that way until yesterday at 3:00. I got out for a couple of hours two of the days, one hour here and one hour there. Only to be soaked in the rain. If I had warm clothes I would be fine going out, but I don't so I stayed inside. Watched TV, cleaned, danced some, and interneted. Been Reading my friends book she sent me Called the Final Sirens. It is not a published book yet!! But I sure hope it gets published, its Sci Fi, Fiction mostly. Very cleaverly writen, and super explicid. The style of her writing is so grippingly real . I am enjoying this book about the wooded maidens who spell bound men with there charm and magical abilities. I can see it as a movie actually, the details are amazing. The description of the wooded areas where these GRACEFULLY SWIMING DAMSELS LIVE, is deep in color and truly amazingly real in her portral of this acient land.

Now on to Simon, the DJ:
Ok he fired off at me the other night for no reason other than I believe he was lit, and didn't know why he was mad? He sent two text messages aplogizing to me telling me that I know he loves me. But I didn't have credit on the phone so I couldn't repsond, or call. Finally when the sun came out yesterday I took off for Talamanca, two reasons, one to see him the other to discuss this weeks dances. I need blank Cds thinking he may have some to down load my music I practice too.
When I arrive he was thrilled to see me, hugged me kissed me petted me, saying how sorry he was to be mean to me and worried that I was alright walking home that late. ( NICE BUT A LITTLE LATE) I just smiled said thank you, he asked over and over if I was angry with him? but my response was no, I was fine. Shocking to him, he kept hugging me. I was angy but I didn't want him to know. I was over it by Sat at noon. I couldn't walk my body was sore from the dance, not being use to much exericse latetly, and then walking so much. But Sunday I began to feel better the back not as sore. But I think I may have thrown something out, because everytime I practice now the back Kills me! I don't care I am still going to dance!!! So He didn't have CDS but I visited, then helped Alegria, the guys at Talamaca, clean up tables and glasses. They were swamped with people the SUN CAME OUT.
I had four people, ask when I was dancing again, I said Every week Weds, and Friday weather permitting! This was nice I thought. I walked home after four hours of visiting and talking with people.
Made some dinner, ate some
I made this Salsa. You see they do not eat Chili's I love hot Salsa, picante, pico de gallo its called with Fresh tomato, Celantro, onion, chilis, lemon salt or vinegar. I looked in three of the markets here for Jalapenos, but no one sold them not even in the can. I found a jar of huge olives the olives were the size of apricots, with a skinny long chili stuck inside the olive wierd looking.. kinda falic! I asked if it was hot the clerk said yes.
They were 3.90 Euros, almost $6.00 for the jar, I said ummm no so I walked some half a mile to another little store and checked there they had the same for 1.60 euros so I bought them. I wanted this salsa bad I was craving something cooped up in the house for so long.
Came back picked the onions from the garden, and began making it. I tasted one of the huge global olives, WOW IT WAS HOT! but so tasty... Didn't try the chilis, funny thing is the process of the olives curing, caused the chilis to be mild and the olives to be hot. After making the Salsa, and trying it with what I found as Corn chips, very thin lightly baked I believe Corn chips. ( they don't sell tortilla chips here) it was very mild? I was disapointed. So I thought HMMM?? chop the olives very fine and put it in for the flavor, Well come to find out, IT WAS DELICIOUS with the little tibits of olives that were spicy. The Second day it was devine! So I made up a new receipe, So if you can find this Olive thing its called:Gordal con Guindilla, Gordal olives with hot chilis It says its made in Spain. VERY GOOD!! Make PICO DE GALLO CON ACETUNAS

Been searching online for anything, I mean anything! I thought well there are lots of Cruse ships here in the area, the come in daily I would love to be a cruse ship director. I went to the application department, and found you have to pay to put your application in, even if they do not accept it you still pay. Well today I received a invitation from a reader asking me to be there my space friend. When I read her profile she works for a cuise ship agency. I want to ask her if she knows how I can get the names of the ships around here and help me apply for a position! I was happy to see that letter!
I have not had any responses to any resumes I have sent, calls but no one sets up the interviews.
Other than this, I am writing, dancing, and trying to not be worried about things. Yesterday in walking I thanked God for just being here, that I live peacefully, and that I am well. Gratefull for whatever I have, its not much. BUT I AM GRATEFUL!! how drastically my life has change in the past few years. From Driving a Caddillac CTS sports car to now Walking, from having a home with huge garden, walk ways statues veggie garden, pond waterfall, deck, and BBQ area to a tiny small apartment with only terraza and pots. But over looking a huge rustic style dirt garden, with plants randomly planted here and there. Big change I have gone through but happy that I have dared to adventure and try something new, see new things and eat new things.
I am learning daily... more about life