Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday May 2nd

Yesterday I wanted to see what all the talk was about, here in Ibiza for the fiestas??? Well I found none not one. The Talamanca chill out bar was not ready so the delayed the celebration.

So I walked about, looked at things in the Marina, stopped had a nice early supper at this one little tapas bar that is right in front of the Marina. There are many shops and restuarants there all are not open yet. They are waiting till the middle or end of May to open. I thought about how nice it was to be sitting in a beautiful place, looking at the center of Ibiza, where there is a Castle in the middle of city. From the Marina you can see almost all the main core of the city.

I felt so amazed, I was happy to be there eating in the sun, although its not the same as Costa Rica at all. Its a completely different world here. Very costly, very stylish, very hip, really a different world. I do miss Costa Rica, although I am living super simple, I like it right now.

Last night I spent time with another new friend we drank a glass of wine and talked it feels like I am getting to know quite a few people, before that, I was about to walk all the way home when the owner of Talamanca was sitting out front with two cocktail tables to watch the sunset, with a group of women. When they saw me walking they called me over and invited me to join them for a glass of champagne and cassis. So I sat watched the sunset with these women laughing joking and carring on. It was so much fun, I met five new women, older but so great! it was a super nice suprise. One owns a beautiful shoe store in San Eularia she invited me to see it, but I was there a few weeks ago and past by it not knowing it was here and noticed it since I am a shoe finatic. So how nice that now I am inivted to check it out. She was a funny lady actually.

Then after I walked home it was almost dark it was so chilly I walked so fast when I arrive my new friend was waiting and invited me for a glass of wine. I had a very nice Thursday!

Today after breakfast, Makala showed up again so we got dressed I wanted to go to the news paper to put a notice in but as I know now everything CLOSES AT ONE! I was unsuccessful once again this is the third try.

We then decided to internet, before this I had a message on my phone from one of the places I had inquired about work. They wanted to talk to me. I called and they offered me a small job doing some writing. YES I KNOW sometimes on here I am not so good, I write so fast on the blog and I have worries about being super correct, and often times now I find myself missing words because I am thinking in Spanish and writing in English. Changing your language constantly is effecting my writing and my speaking.

But professionally I check and double check and try to make sure the grammer is correct, spelling for sure! so those of you that are anal and critical calm down. I do have some sort of flare and I love to write so this is a great opportunity. They want web descriptions, and beach reviews. This could be great! also they do events and they said they have several weddings coming and promised me jobs. So things little by little will come together for me.

I keep putting my name out there and giving my number to everyone who may know someone who knows someone. This is how work happens. With this it could be a door to many different jobs. I am happy to meet them and begin the writing.

It is an internet site, I am not sure if they have a publication other than Internet. Tomorrow I will find out.

So I was super happy today. We then went to Blue Marlin to have a cool drink but it was so full, toursit are begining to come now and things are filing up fast.

We left and drove into town to do a few things that Makala had to do. I went along for the ride and to get know areas. She took me To playa De bossa. It is really a tourist area, its very colorfull and fun looking. Lots of shops, places to go and huge discotech called Space.

It was fun to see something other than Jesus.

Later she had to get photos for Club passes, I guess you have to have passes when summer comes or you can not go in.

So I don't know if I will be visiting any dance places, I hear it is super difficult when all the tourist are here.

We returned to the Apartment and now I am across the street at The San Francisco with her, watching videos, I am waiting for Stephano I want to talk to him so I messaged him to come here so we can talk. He has three cars, two scooters and maybe he will allow me to use one and pay on time. I need to have transportation here its not like Jaco, the Island is big and you can not just walk where you want. The bus yes but its not running all the time its strange.

So now I sit drinking something called cortado, its a strong coffee in a small glass cup