Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fixating on living in Spain

I am still fixated on the idea that I live in Spain now, yesterday was a real live epithany of my life.
Began a little late, I wanted to get up early but for some reason I sleep so late here, I got ready after eating of course, and walk into the center of town. I timed it for the first time yesterday it took me one hour and 20 minutes to get to the center. Its far, no exaggeration, I had on wedges, WRONG!! I really don't have very much now, I am not complaining only stating so its understandable. I gave almost all my clothes away, very little shoes, ones I knew would go with many things. I have four pairs only. So I wore some that rarely hurt but all that walking wow did me in by the end of the day. I had blisters EVERY WHERE!!! But the day was great!

I was walking into the center when I noticed a man, he was the type I have described on a paper of someone I want in my life. I saw him but he had no idea I noticed him. I was wearing sun glasses. I wasn't looking for anything I was thinking about the day. Finally it was nice hot and sunny and was so happy to be out. I noticed him talking to someone else. I walked past, and just said to my self this is the kind of man I was thinking of.

Ten minutes later I was in a little discount store just looking at lamps that were in the window... mearly looking for one minute or so. When I came out, there he was some three or so blocks away from where I saw him orginally. HMMMMM he thought the same as me, I was the kind of woman he wanted to meet.
He said Hola and asked if I would have coffee sometime with him, I said no not now but maybe some other time. I had some things I wanted to accomplish before everything closes up. He agreed to call me later and have coffee or something?
I did my things walked back into town, and he called.. ended up meeting at his office in the center, and having a glass of wine. I showed him my web page on the net, he said there are people in his office that have need of my work the would gladly talk with them and also below was a custom design store and he and the owners were good friends, he offered to talk to him as well. They work for the elite crowd that comes to stay in the Island for Holidays.

We had a very nice conversation, although my Castillian is not that great! he understood me..
He asked me out for Friday so I think were going to eat some where? He did call last night but I was busy and couldn't really talk so maybe today he will call again.
I explained to my friend TINA, that I am not getting excited about anything. If it happens it happens if its only a connection that perfect!
I did have a response from another company today that is setting up a meeting with me for work. Everyday I try to connect with someone.

Today Kathy and I are going later when the stores open back up at Five to shop for some things for her new place. I need a few things myself, shoes, clothes underwear!!! more...

Other than that I am in San Francisco right now the little corner cafe/ bar with great Spanish/ clasico/ flaminco music in the background. Its so romantic, I am really loving the music here, much different than Costa Ricas, latin merenge, Salsa, Mixes..The reagaton I do not miss! but all the other music yes.

Although most of the music here is HOUSE MUSIC, mixture of European. Some is ok, I like some not most.
Too much, but the chill out music is very nice. Very artisitic, and Inspiring to someone who has artistic tendency's.

Today is nice little over cast but nice, I am enjoying the day so far did laundry, cleaned up the apartment, nothing more. Waiting on calls!