Saturday, May 31, 2008

Hurricanes, Tornados, Rain May has been a disaster

Just about everyone knows the world is changing, With Global warming, and the demise of the ecology. But isn't it a fact that the world has from the beginging according to records. Changed? it has always been in the process of change. Evolving from one era to another, land masses moving, climate's varying from hot to hotter, or from warm to cooler. Weather forming or transforming areas that were once tropical to arid? Or once aird to waste land. The World, has always been in the process of change. Although now we are all more aware of the changes through technology, More Scientific descovery,Television, and man kind who are conciously involved with saving the Earth. Mind you I agree, doing what you can on your end has an effect, even though I have heard its impossible to undo what civilizations have distroyed. But I think its all a matter of evolution of the world. We can change what happens, not only in this, but in out lives as well.

But how do we stop Hurricanes, and Tornados, and Rain that doesn't let up? Is this all the process of past doings? Maybe? or Maybe the world is trying to tell all of us something?

I heard from three friend's in Costa Rica this past week, with Hurricane Alma, The distruction that the outskirts that this storm caused, it was miles if not Countries away. Today for example, its raining terribly again Here in the Island of Ibiza. The people here say its very strange, during this time of year there is rain but nothing can be done. My friends in Costa Rica said its been so bad, flooding, raining, landslides, colapeses, distruction on all sides.

I saw this week, for the first time in one City in Spain where they had hail the size of gumballs, it distroyed the vineyards, with freshly new clusters of grapes being formed.

When I saw that I remembered living on the Vineyard growing up and how my father would worry about rain and hail, distroying the fruit and the vine, thus reducing the production of fruit for Raisins or Brandy. This was Wine grapes here in Spain, so you know that this years crop is going to be expensive to produce, and the wine will be scarce. If not valuable?

So in this I am saying, Everything has it's value. My life has changed, I relate it to this weather change in the world, no its not all about me, but I do feel that change is ever happening, your life is ever changing daily, we can control things, and direct some things, but not everything I believe is in our control. Nature is a strong force, it causes so much distruction, Do we cause all our distruction, or is some of a part of nature?

Or is it the nature, the distruction causes changes, like the vines and the fruit that is damaged by the hail, the crop is deminished, but now the price becomes higher, and the quality of wine is reduced. Leaving only a small profit but a greater in value because the demand is still there. Ok so how does this relate to our lives? Sometimes damage happens to our relationships that are difficult to repair or replace. But there is still a portion of the relation remaining, like the vines with less fruit. Taking what we have and nuturing that instead of dwelling on the loss can develop a relationship, that might be different, but still is valueable.

I noticed, the relevance in the garden, when I was working in it the past few times. The weak plants that I cut back, tend to become stronger. So when we have had something disasterous happen to us, or if we are weak, should we cut back on something that we do, making us grow in other areas? creating a stronger feeling, or a stronger structure?

I honestly don't know where I am going with this, but in the garden, and with the world changing, weak plants tend to be attacked more than the strong. This is nature in itself with everything. The old addage only the strong survive, well if we try to do better, we will survive, in the earth as well, maybe it won't be exactly as it was but adapatation, and nuturing is bound to resolve.

This is something that is not easy to understand, but with change does come inventiveness, and adapting to what is left or what you have,may teach you something in the future and makes strength.

Just ask any old person, who has lived on the earth more than fifty years, and you will hear that as long as they lived things have changed. Its all how you deal with it and accept the change.

About technology, I believe in new things I love to see new inventions and ways to combat this or that. But still nature is the best way, some of the best remedies I have used for physical use was natural, taught to me by my family. Come to find out now the world is waking up to the same exact remedies that were handed down to me from them. Shall we move on and change, and remember some of the old ways of doing things, in order to retain what we have now?

YES, AND CHANGE HAPPENS take distruction in any form, build from it, move on but try to use the past as your teacher.

Thursday, May 29, 2008


My days are pretty simple, I am sure there are people out there who read this and think how stupid! or boring. But My old life was one of an Event Designer, Floral designer, Landscape Designer, and interior. I worked many hours for lots of years some 15 hours most times per day, stressed about how I was paying for things, how I would accomplish this or that. Dealing with sometimes insatiable clients. Making my life complicated, and difficult. Many years of this.
Now It's the extreme opposite, at times I do miss that complication, silly or crazy at it may sound, I find myself reminising about old times. Yes it is sometimes boring, but very peaceful.

I am in a very deep mood today, Reason is, I practiced all day yesterday dancing to written coreography practing seriously. Trying to refine moves, working on correct postions to music that is strange to me. Arabic, but really interesting once you get into it. Its intricate, and stiring.

Ok so the sun finally came out again around 5:00 I packed all my things, walked to the beach, its about a 45 minute walk from here. The wind was blowing making the walk a bit more difficult than usual. I was trying to be in positive thought, not allowing my mind to wander about anything that is not. Actually I was imagining that I had a purse full of money!
I got to the Alegrea. Not very many people. I asked Simon to permit me to listen to some of his CDS of Indian and or persian music.
He hooked up the Computer outside with small headphones, and I sat, with sun glasses on and practiced in my mind with the music.
I waited some two or three hours. Finally people showed up. It was a little chilly so not many people.
I changed, into a pretty hot pink bangled laden, top and my skirts with the coin belts for dancing. Lots of silver jewerly on my arms and a belly necklace.

I waited more, Simon said not many people.
He doesn't do introductions for me so the people are not sure what the hell I am doing. I asked him to make an announcement that you have a dancer to get peoples attention but he drinks the whole time he is DJing and most things like this are un-important.
Finally after two hours of standing in my costume, I said please just put the music on and let me dance.
He did but right away not giving me time to stand or enter really wrong!
I didn't let it effect my dance, I began it was 7 minutes long, I was able to get some attention of a few people. In the end lots of people clapped. I continue to dance amongst the crowd, but no tips last night not one penny. I smiled and kept smiling but thinking GOD I NEED MONEY!! I had a guy offer a drink, honestly I didn't want it but I said thank you kindly. I drank a beer.. didn't want it but I didn't want to be rude. Perhaps he returns the next time and gets a clue that its for tips!
I stayed till about 10:30, Simon put on some music right before I left that was totally latin, Costa Rican. I felt good.. I danced merenge, salsa alone no one wanted to dance with me. I had changed my clothes and my pants and a sweat jacket. Then I walked home, in the dark. I walked along the beach last night carrying my belongings, thinking ok at first disapointed no tips! then thinking ok wow your in Spain, and your walking along a very peaceful area of a beach with no waves and how pretty the lights are at night. I took a short cut through a small field and it was filled with mud.
Got my feet all mudy, I couldn't see it was dark. Simple as this sounds I washed my feet in a puddle. Walked the rest of the way home, trying to hum, and not be discouraged. Although I really was.
When I got home, checked mail, nothing... looked to eat something but not much here. Ate a little cheese and some of those olives, a couple of waffers.
I laid in bed thinking now what!!! slept pretty well, but I do dream extreme here? I don't understand why. I have had seriously some very vivid dreams living here. Most are in detail.
When I woke up, I felt bored, I have alergies bad now.. I made my coffee went outside to see Ivan playing on a mound of sand that sits in the far center of the garden.
I watched him play, he yelled at me! As if to say GOOD MORNING MARIANNA! I love this little one, he is honry, and sometimes Mean but I love him. He really gets excited when he sees me. We have a nice little freindship this baby and I.
I watched him drinking my coffee, the sun is out the wind is blowing its nice. I helped Kathy put the clothes on the clothes line so they would dry before noon. In watching Ivan play so simply I thought about a bible scripture, that my mother use to qoute, and really came to a reality of my own about children.
If only we could be as simple as they are, not much concerns them, except food, drink, play and sleep. The love and afection of there parents, and others... how simply he was satisfied with playing in a mound of sand. Why can't we be more simple? why can't we be satisfied with just simple things? Remember this is coming from someone who's life couldn't be more complicated before. Rasing children pretty much alone, running a business, a house hold.. and more.. I actually began to cry a little watching him. Thinking wouldn't it wonderful to just be happy for nothing!!! sometimes I am.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lots to say about nothing

The past few days I have not felt like blogging, The rain gets me down. I have been stuck in the apartment for almost three days. I dance Friday right? then Sat it rained the weather changed, and it stayed that way until yesterday at 3:00. I got out for a couple of hours two of the days, one hour here and one hour there. Only to be soaked in the rain. If I had warm clothes I would be fine going out, but I don't so I stayed inside. Watched TV, cleaned, danced some, and interneted. Been Reading my friends book she sent me Called the Final Sirens. It is not a published book yet!! But I sure hope it gets published, its Sci Fi, Fiction mostly. Very cleaverly writen, and super explicid. The style of her writing is so grippingly real . I am enjoying this book about the wooded maidens who spell bound men with there charm and magical abilities. I can see it as a movie actually, the details are amazing. The description of the wooded areas where these GRACEFULLY SWIMING DAMSELS LIVE, is deep in color and truly amazingly real in her portral of this acient land.

Now on to Simon, the DJ:
Ok he fired off at me the other night for no reason other than I believe he was lit, and didn't know why he was mad? He sent two text messages aplogizing to me telling me that I know he loves me. But I didn't have credit on the phone so I couldn't repsond, or call. Finally when the sun came out yesterday I took off for Talamanca, two reasons, one to see him the other to discuss this weeks dances. I need blank Cds thinking he may have some to down load my music I practice too.
When I arrive he was thrilled to see me, hugged me kissed me petted me, saying how sorry he was to be mean to me and worried that I was alright walking home that late. ( NICE BUT A LITTLE LATE) I just smiled said thank you, he asked over and over if I was angry with him? but my response was no, I was fine. Shocking to him, he kept hugging me. I was angy but I didn't want him to know. I was over it by Sat at noon. I couldn't walk my body was sore from the dance, not being use to much exericse latetly, and then walking so much. But Sunday I began to feel better the back not as sore. But I think I may have thrown something out, because everytime I practice now the back Kills me! I don't care I am still going to dance!!! So He didn't have CDS but I visited, then helped Alegria, the guys at Talamaca, clean up tables and glasses. They were swamped with people the SUN CAME OUT.
I had four people, ask when I was dancing again, I said Every week Weds, and Friday weather permitting! This was nice I thought. I walked home after four hours of visiting and talking with people.
Made some dinner, ate some
I made this Salsa. You see they do not eat Chili's I love hot Salsa, picante, pico de gallo its called with Fresh tomato, Celantro, onion, chilis, lemon salt or vinegar. I looked in three of the markets here for Jalapenos, but no one sold them not even in the can. I found a jar of huge olives the olives were the size of apricots, with a skinny long chili stuck inside the olive wierd looking.. kinda falic! I asked if it was hot the clerk said yes.
They were 3.90 Euros, almost $6.00 for the jar, I said ummm no so I walked some half a mile to another little store and checked there they had the same for 1.60 euros so I bought them. I wanted this salsa bad I was craving something cooped up in the house for so long.
Came back picked the onions from the garden, and began making it. I tasted one of the huge global olives, WOW IT WAS HOT! but so tasty... Didn't try the chilis, funny thing is the process of the olives curing, caused the chilis to be mild and the olives to be hot. After making the Salsa, and trying it with what I found as Corn chips, very thin lightly baked I believe Corn chips. ( they don't sell tortilla chips here) it was very mild? I was disapointed. So I thought HMMM?? chop the olives very fine and put it in for the flavor, Well come to find out, IT WAS DELICIOUS with the little tibits of olives that were spicy. The Second day it was devine! So I made up a new receipe, So if you can find this Olive thing its called:Gordal con Guindilla, Gordal olives with hot chilis It says its made in Spain. VERY GOOD!! Make PICO DE GALLO CON ACETUNAS

Been searching online for anything, I mean anything! I thought well there are lots of Cruse ships here in the area, the come in daily I would love to be a cruse ship director. I went to the application department, and found you have to pay to put your application in, even if they do not accept it you still pay. Well today I received a invitation from a reader asking me to be there my space friend. When I read her profile she works for a cuise ship agency. I want to ask her if she knows how I can get the names of the ships around here and help me apply for a position! I was happy to see that letter!
I have not had any responses to any resumes I have sent, calls but no one sets up the interviews.
Other than this, I am writing, dancing, and trying to not be worried about things. Yesterday in walking I thanked God for just being here, that I live peacefully, and that I am well. Gratefull for whatever I have, its not much. BUT I AM GRATEFUL!! how drastically my life has change in the past few years. From Driving a Caddillac CTS sports car to now Walking, from having a home with huge garden, walk ways statues veggie garden, pond waterfall, deck, and BBQ area to a tiny small apartment with only terraza and pots. But over looking a huge rustic style dirt garden, with plants randomly planted here and there. Big change I have gone through but happy that I have dared to adventure and try something new, see new things and eat new things.
I am learning daily... more about life

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Dancing,on the beach

Well I did it, last night was the first night I belly danced on the beach at the Talamanca Alegria Bar. There wasn't very many people, but I did the routines I practiced anyway. Simon was slightly drunk by the time I danced, he screwed up the music and had to restart it but it went off ok.. people liked it, I danced some three hours, past to other music, Simon kept telling me get out there. I did and made 50 Euros but someone took Fifteen of it off my skirt. It was tucked in the hip area, I did dance next to some guys earlier on and they probably took it. It wasn't on the ground I looked right away as soon as I noticed! so needless to say I was a little upset. Belly dancing is difficult. For the first time I did ok!

Fabio had called to make a date with me, only to say that he had plans with his friends and could he come in the afternoon at 2:00 to my house? I said no.. Meet me at Talamanca after 9:30, he said no he was going with his friends for a foot ball game. I said ok fine if like Call tomorrow.
He hung up. About some 20 minutes later he changed his mind, called back to say he would prefer my company and would be at Talamanca at 9:30 or a little later, I said perfect! I figured he would bring me back to the house, and In person I could ask him just what happened the last week when he asked me out and didn't show.
Ok So I danced, forgot about the date, but come 9:00 I remember he should be coming soon. I finished at nine thirty or a little before when I found out someone stole the money. I changed my clothes. It was really windy and cold on the beach. Super dark. I put on the little sweater I have and waited on a stool behind the bar not out in front.
Simon was finished he was busy chatting with someone, Well Fabio never showed up, I waited till after ten thirty. I asked Simon if I could talk to him and he got upset?? It was probably really lit by then. I didn't speak to him again after he flew off on me for no reason.I just gathered up my things, and began to walk home at 11:00 at night.

It was cold, windy, and I was sore and tired, and upset. I made it back to the house at almost midnight. No internet, nothing good on TV so I laid on the sofa, and fell to sleep but my feet hurt so bad it woke me up.
I showered my feet off, put some cream on them and crawled into the bed.
Didn't sleep well, my back is very sore.. I practiced all day then three hours. With out doing much exercise aside from walking its pretty rough on me.
I thought I would be doing it again tonight, but when I woke up the weather had changed, its cold and raining very hard. The reports said all day and night and possibly Sunday.

Making my weekend SUPER BORING, except! I do have internet now in the apartment. Today they finally got it right. But I can not go anywhere, I don't have transportation, although the landlords boy friend is a taxi driver. I wouldn't dare ask him to take me.. he is not super friendly.
The bus only runs every hour, but I never seem to be able to catch it even at the correct time.
Haven't had good luck with the bus here. Its always different times... and I was told that it is because its not season yet. June its regular.

Still no work, I been waiting, writing, contacting, but nothing yet. I had a call from that nice company but no return call for an interview.
Feeling lousy today, discouraged, and alone and super sore. I didn't sleep well at all.

The rent was due today, I paid but boy something better happen soon!!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Weather finally cleared up its beautiful!

Well finally good weather, its nice hot and breezy. Much different than Costa Rica. The breezes here are some what cool right now. The warm hot sun, with a cool breeze now and then is very relaxing. I walked today from Jesus, it is pronouced HEYZUZE to Talamanca with the hopes that Simon and I could put together music for me to dance too, but hes too busy DJing now. I need to practice to songs so I know what moves to make. Improvision for me is easy but I want to do some correography so it looks more professional, making my tips better.

I have mixed feelings about it, one day I am super excited then today I felt unconfident, thinking its silly of me to do this! but I need to make some cash fast and dancing is so natural for me! I love it I feel free, but God its difficult to do the correct moves. I don´t have internet as of yet, so going to the San Francisco and trying to down load music is a little tough with people all around. I can not down load videos they don´t seem to store in the computer.. so I practice from memory of the Classes that Rossy and I took and from my past when I was a teenager. DAMN THAT WAS LONG TIME AGO!!

Still no jobs,pàtiently waiting. Been spending lots of time with Kathy the land lady, she is super nice so accomedating, actuallys likes me allot. And Ivan the baby can not stay away from my apartment or me. Hes a terror some times but I love him.

No word from the men I have met, so nothing to say about that, I did hear from Rossy, I miss her so much.

It will be easier to communicate now once the iternet is activated in my house. They installed it today but its not working yet, they said to wait 24 hours. So hopefully tomorrow or late tonight it will be working. Then I can Video talk to people my MSN is

I have video talked with Jon my best gay I mean guy friend!! and my children a few times and Rossy and Raquel. I really like it makes it easier than typing.

I got the photos out of my camera now there in the computer but for some reason it won´t allow me to put them on the net. As soon as I get the internet going I will work on fixing them and start posting photos of Madrid, and Ibiza, the beaches, the places, the people, and the food.

Should make this more interesting.

Walking today was peacefull, the tall reed grasses that are mixed inbetween catus, and various sorts of arid plants were gracefully bending today from the breeze. It was warm but feel so good on my skin. I am so use to hot weather that this is nothing to me but the people who live here are complaining about the heat and its only been a day and half.

Right now the boganvillas are in full bloom the color is very intense, they stand out because there is not much vegetation like in Costa Rica. Not much green. The colors of some of the plants here are very bright, when I walk I notice everything I saw a huge tree.. with bright red blossoms and I could not figure out what it was. Walking closer, in inspecting the blooms I found they were giant Pointsettias All in tree form, HUGE!! naked from leaves only branches and profuse red blooms, striking from a distance. Also now all the star jasmine is blooming, the queen of the night, it is a large tree like plant with trumpets drooping in yellow, peach or white. We have about ten or more in the garden. When I come home at night from the internet, the purfume of these trees fill the whole neigborhood. Its very pleasant not overwhelming. Almost narcotic! I like the way it smells its dreamy.

I enjoy all the plants where ever I am and notice that I can recognise many varieties- But the bad thing is the olives are in Bloom, they have no smell that I can notice, but I found out this morning I had allergies, and I remember when I was living in Fresno California, we had olives at our house along with grapes.. which is the same here Olives, grapes, louqats, lemons, oranges, all these blooms I was allegic too.. and I had a bad allergy attack today. So when walking I took close notice to the olives... YES THEY ARE IN BLOOM!!

Hopefully no issues with them, I have not had allergies in alot of years sinceI moved from the USA...

Anyway on to life in the medditerrean! where the water is clear and the sand is white, the sun is hot, and people are half naked!!! WHO CARES ABOUT ALLERGIES!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Nothing much new!

It Is Sunday, the weather still is very ugly. Cloudy rainy, I am not enjoying this one bit! I do not have the appropriate clothes so its not very comfortable. I have been writing some, and practicing dancing. Walking when I can. Still no jobs, but I know it will happen. I am active almost daily. Making some sort of contacts as much as I can.
On the men front, well Daniel, my French, Spanish, Italian friend has been busy. Although he messages me occassionally. I haven't seen much of him. I really like him hes so special, great personality, and not to mention good looking! He saw me on the street the other day walking back from the store, Here in Jesus, he stopped dead in the road and ask me to ride with him to Ibiza town. We did, but nothing much, we just went in he was suppose to meet a friend. The friend didn't show. So we drove back, tried to stop to get something to eat but the places we went where closed. So he dropped me off at the house.
Haven't seen him since.
Fabio the one I met in the street the one I said is the type? WELL I GUESS HES NOT THE TYPE!!! he invited me for Friday, but at my house? he called on Thursday, our conversation was not the kind I wanted to hear actually. It was super suggestive, and I was insulted honestly. I asked him not to pressure me about SEX! that was all he talked about. In the end I said I will see you tomorrow. He said yes. But When Tomorrow came he never called or Showed up.
He still has not called to say what happened or he was sorry, or he was tied up! and Its Sunday..
I just hate it when men say right off the bat they want sex from me.. that is a total turn off, reason is work up to it... Bluntly saying I want to sex you, open line? NOT! not for me anyway. I know what happened, He didn't think he was going to succeed , so why show up and why call her? RUDE!
So I was a little sad for a day, then yesterday I took a long walk, I walked into town. I found a new route on a dirt road. I saw some old structures that were so interesting, I found a clairs in the down town and bought a pair of thongs making my walking a little easier. I also found a nice home design shop that was super reasonable. I took notes to come back and share with Kathy, so we can return and I can help her pick out drapes and accessories for her new apartment.
Actually nothing going on. I spent the day walking, felt much better about things. Clearing the mind is so nice.
I woke up today with a really bad headache, I ate some paella yesterday, so maybe its a reaction from the shell fish? The plate was the size of a cake plate it wasn't much, but the head is really in pain. I had one mojito with Kathy last night. It was her first. I made with with the fresh mint growing in the garden, she had the Rum, and the lemon. We only drank one so I know it can not be from that???
Sunday, I feel a little down today, the weather, the head, other things..
Could use the company of a good friend!
Missing Rossy, for some reason my mother too... she has been gone alot of years. I have been thinking much about her. Cleaver woman, creative, smart.. and in her day super beauty. What would my mother say if she knew how close I was to her home town? When my mother came to America, she never returned to her home land. I want badly to go there in Aug, Why Aug? I don't know but I have a projected date. I would love to see the city of my family. Perhaps meet some distant relatives? Learn more about the Culture. SICILY!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My state of mind

I waited for hours yesterday for Kathy to be ready to go into town. While I waited I sat quietly outside on my patio listen to birds, being very peaceful. My state of mind is so relaxed, I know it may sound boring to some but it is a nice reprieve from the life I use to live some 5 or 6 years ago. Although being stagnant is not something I like. I love being busy staying alive and keeping up to date with things in the world and up to date in general. Waiting some five hours, we finally went into town around 7:30 in the evening. We went to a furniture store and she was given three paintings because they had purchased so many pieces. She gave me one for the Apartment, its a nice start.
We walked throught most of the south end of town looking not finding much. I didn't have any opportunity to purchase, but I enjoyed the time with them. They really are great people. We stopped at this french bakery, had a espresso with one of their family memebers and we all enjoyed one pastry. Each one was like a piece of art, I had a simple Palm leaf, layered pastry that is hard and crisp. The rest enjoyed the most delicate fancy treats in the shop.

Learning the town now, and experiencing some of the better places that the locals go to, is always good. We returned in a hour and half, a short trip but a nice one. I sat with them in the house and talked for one more hour. Retired to my little place. Its very small ,probably the smallest home/ apartment I have ever lived in. But I am living in Spain, its sometimes hard to believe when I wake up in the morning. But turning on the tele, is evidence and verification THAT I LIVE IN SPAIN.. not a word of English! But still CNN in any language is clear to understand. The world is in a state of errors, I do watch, but can only absorb small amounts, even in Spanish its depressing.
I don't feel we can solve the worlds problems, but to solve ones own is a start. As menial as it may sound, I have no agenda to repair the world, but only to repair my own health and mind, and that will hopefully be an inspiration to others.

Daily I am learning new words, understanding more, you would think that living in Costa Rica I could understand the language here, but there are so many different dialects, and words that are purely strange. Example: Papas, Costa Rica potatos, English Patatas. Catalan. Carro, Costa Rica Car, English Coache. Catalan. It goes on and on. But it is fun to try to learn and only communicate in Spanish. I know I have stated before that also there are many French, Germans, and British here so you have alot to chose from when wanting to learn new languages.
So I will try to see what I can learn here and use.
I know I have learned to be patient, something North Americans need to learn. I see the British suffer from the same HURRY UP SYNDROME.

The Latin culture is a wait and be patient culture. Being in Central American taught me much, not all good but much. Now being in the south of Spain in the Baleriacs, it still has a small part of the old latin traditions. Such as the siesta, the luxury of taking half a day to enjoy.

Frustrating to me still, because of my American Influence and living. Thinking that the day is lost but to them its gained. There is always tomorrow is the additude.
You may wait for an hour in some places to get served. So what do you do? Think, watch, talk, try to get a drink your self first, many people smoke.. and smoke alot. I noticed that the calmer you are the faster you are served.
I may learn to like this, it seems to be a nice way to enjoy people more, have interviews, meetiings that last four hours over wine, beer, bread, olives, aoli, Spanish ham or tapas. or like I do sometimes a cup of tea.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fixating on living in Spain

I am still fixated on the idea that I live in Spain now, yesterday was a real live epithany of my life.
Began a little late, I wanted to get up early but for some reason I sleep so late here, I got ready after eating of course, and walk into the center of town. I timed it for the first time yesterday it took me one hour and 20 minutes to get to the center. Its far, no exaggeration, I had on wedges, WRONG!! I really don't have very much now, I am not complaining only stating so its understandable. I gave almost all my clothes away, very little shoes, ones I knew would go with many things. I have four pairs only. So I wore some that rarely hurt but all that walking wow did me in by the end of the day. I had blisters EVERY WHERE!!! But the day was great!

I was walking into the center when I noticed a man, he was the type I have described on a paper of someone I want in my life. I saw him but he had no idea I noticed him. I was wearing sun glasses. I wasn't looking for anything I was thinking about the day. Finally it was nice hot and sunny and was so happy to be out. I noticed him talking to someone else. I walked past, and just said to my self this is the kind of man I was thinking of.

Ten minutes later I was in a little discount store just looking at lamps that were in the window... mearly looking for one minute or so. When I came out, there he was some three or so blocks away from where I saw him orginally. HMMMMM he thought the same as me, I was the kind of woman he wanted to meet.
He said Hola and asked if I would have coffee sometime with him, I said no not now but maybe some other time. I had some things I wanted to accomplish before everything closes up. He agreed to call me later and have coffee or something?
I did my things walked back into town, and he called.. ended up meeting at his office in the center, and having a glass of wine. I showed him my web page on the net, he said there are people in his office that have need of my work the would gladly talk with them and also below was a custom design store and he and the owners were good friends, he offered to talk to him as well. They work for the elite crowd that comes to stay in the Island for Holidays.

We had a very nice conversation, although my Castillian is not that great! he understood me..
He asked me out for Friday so I think were going to eat some where? He did call last night but I was busy and couldn't really talk so maybe today he will call again.
I explained to my friend TINA, that I am not getting excited about anything. If it happens it happens if its only a connection that perfect!
I did have a response from another company today that is setting up a meeting with me for work. Everyday I try to connect with someone.

Today Kathy and I are going later when the stores open back up at Five to shop for some things for her new place. I need a few things myself, shoes, clothes underwear!!! more...

Other than that I am in San Francisco right now the little corner cafe/ bar with great Spanish/ clasico/ flaminco music in the background. Its so romantic, I am really loving the music here, much different than Costa Ricas, latin merenge, Salsa, Mixes..The reagaton I do not miss! but all the other music yes.

Although most of the music here is HOUSE MUSIC, mixture of European. Some is ok, I like some not most.
Too much, but the chill out music is very nice. Very artisitic, and Inspiring to someone who has artistic tendency's.

Today is nice little over cast but nice, I am enjoying the day so far did laundry, cleaned up the apartment, nothing more. Waiting on calls!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Monday May 12th

Yesterday I left the San Francisco pretty late around 10:30 I was so sore for what I have no idea? It was so loud and smoky in this place last night I was choking!! Today its a little nicer, still cloudy the people say its strange for this time of year. Normally its hot and windy, now its cold and rainy. I hate it!!! I want the warm sun, I feel horrible!

I got up to see how the weather was and felt like going right back to bed when I saw the clouds, but I didn't I made the espresso, egg with fruit and yogurt. Watched the news and then got dressed to try internet on the roof top. But no luck! Had to come here again.. I contacted two companies this morning for work hopefully someone will answer soon?!!!!

My friend messaged me this morning with kisses, and now he just called to see what the heck I was doing? Didn't say much just how are you and what are you doing? He said he had many things to do today I asked if he needed help? but he is super independent. Even thought hes handicapped he does everything and doesn't really like help. I guess that is ok, but I am the kind that likes to help others. Not just because he is handicapped! I just like doing things..
He said he would call me later so maybe he has a plan? He was illusive,so I left it at that.

I want to tell a little story here about this Island, I found out in reading the other day some information that I found super interesting. Not really knowing the true history of the Baleriacs I was searching for information. What I found out is that Ibiza and Fromentara years ago were lost in the Seas forgotten by the mainland.
Because all the attention and focus of Columbus was of the new world. It was in the 16th Century that the Islands in the Mediterranean were controlled by pirates. They had raided the Islands so many times that the people became stone slingers fought them with Large stones. The walls that are built about the Island are residue of this type of life. The stones were thier weapons, and they became accurate at slinging stones. The priates raided the the islands, devestating whole villages, robbed people and sold them on slave markets.

There was a time when Fromentera was completely depopulated, but the Island ihabitants were not intimidated.
The king decided to make the Islands impregnable, this is what I had thought was a Castle in the main part of town but what it was, was a fortress. With watch towers all over the Island. These I have seen and thought they wer torrets. But they actually are watch towers built to warn the villages of invasions of ships, priate ships.
They constructed the walls very thick, like a fortification wall. sloping with five corner bastons. This allowed them to shoot from every angle.
It is still standing to this day and survived many vicious attacks. I heard tha
t the stone slingers were so good that they could sink whole ships with there stones.

Ibiza had a good warning system with these towers, making smoke signals by day and fires by night.

I noticed that all the churches are strong stuctures, come to find out that in those times many people would find refuge in the churches because they too were fortified with thick walls basicially industructable. You can see on some of the churches towers with cannons on top, this was the form of protection from the pirates when the churches housed many people.
It is said the the whole of Ibiza defended it self from priates, and some have ancestory of famous buccaneers.
In the 19th century Ibiza buccaneers gave notice that the Mediterranean was unsafe and this was legal. The king wrote a letter of marque, in those days they did not have a navy.
This is how the priates kept the territorial waters free of enenies, they had real heroes and made gains for themselves.
The Ibicencans Schebeks were flexable small ships that brought home good booty, and prisoners. This is how pitues came to the new prosperty and the resettlement of Formentera was possible.

May 30th 1856 Superpowers decided to end the wild ADO... Spain was adverse to this, because it encroached there national defense too much.

Finally in 1908 they signed the letter, Cosars here achieved real fame on Ibiza, there is a huge obelisk in town that I noticed one day and didn't understand why they constructed this the reason was in honor of the Corsarios, it is in the Maritime station and its really a unique momument, built in the honor of the priates!
This is the reason most of the symbols here are with priate heads skull and cross bones. VIVA IBIZA!!!!

I am hoping that this week I can get this camera repaired in order to put some great snapshots of areas I have discussed and given some detail about so that people can get a feel for the Island.

The Ibencans are loving people, the real ones not inplants they are very kind and most are filled with life. Although the Island is small there is a plentiude of things to do and see, I also heard they have Organic farms. So this is on my schedule to find someome soon to take me to see this and purchase great fruits and veggetables organic.


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers day

Happy mothers day! I don't feel it here but I know it is in the USA so Happy to all of you mothers.
Seeing the Famous Elephant last night was fun. We didn't stay long. There were only a few people there no dancing at all. It was really cold so I guess people stayed home rather going on on Sat night. It was cool inside, All white leather sofas and chair's modern white plastic chairs and glass tables. Everything is practically white. In the Corners near the fireplace where large branches that were strange, they were about six inches in diameter, cinnamon color with a soft bark. Very vertical, some had curves. I was interested in that, it added some dimension to the place.
It had a pool outside and lots of outdoor seating but it was raining and cold so no one was outdoors. We may have stayed an hour maybe less. Left to find another place looked like Arabian nights with a huge Iron Camel out front.. I didn't like that place it was cold and the decor was off.. all white too not in the scheme of Arabic. IT just look cheap.. The music was horrible , I was with a photographer, and a Famous German DJ, He called him self a diva at one point and was very upset and mad at the whole night. He hated everything! I had some realizations while he was ranting... thinking about my past and how I would be so outrage at Decor for events or Weddings, or Christmas or Design in General... same as he was last night. And how now I think so much differently, living in a poor country for some time. Seeing cultural changes, and having such difficulties to deal with change my out look on things. Finding importancy in other things... I mentioned to him it could be worse, and to be tranquillo.. that this was nothing to be upset about. He listen, invited me to come in June when he returns as a guest DJ at some club here.. so If I am still in contact I may go.. he had a humorous side to him.. he said at one point! these young girls where looking at him as though he was their hamburger for the night! It was too funny... I told him to make a shirt saying I AM YOUR HAMBURGER FOR THE NIGHT!
We laughed some, but I wanted to go home I was so bored, and tired. Late start at midnight to go out. Just was not into the scene at all.

Then today it rained so hard and was really chilly too chilly to go out. I stayed in wrote, and made home made Chicken soup with Fresh Celery root, carrots, fresh onions from the garden, and a turnip with a couple of bay leaves. It was nice.. nothing to scream about either! I have been eating so much bread.. I need to calm down here, get back on track.
Other than this, I heard from both the boys wishing me Happy Mothers day, but the funny thing is nice that they wished but it feels nothing like Mothers day to me at all... But sweet that they did!

The San Francisco is packed right now its about 9:00 at night its still daylight, people are smoking like chimneys.. drinking beers, drinking coffees, it feels like there talking so loud tonight. I may go home and practice dancing. I am so bored.

I havent seen my friend or heard from him, Makala is in Holland now.. Simon called to see if his laundry was done? that was all he asked? nothing more.. I told him it was raining DONT YOU KNOW?? cant dry the clothes.. they don't use dryers here. Line dry, IT SMELLS SO GOOD...

Kathy is setting up the new place and getting ready to rent the top apartment out. She said she rented to four male models?? that should be interesting? Maybe there gay? I told her this she was mad that I said that! but HEY IT COULD BE TRUE!!!! LOL she said she is going to need a neck brace from looking upstairs all day waiting to see one or two..

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Not been online Much this week

Today is Saturday, we have had three days of rain. It feels like Vancouver been dark dreary, rainy and cold. I have not been able to go out since I do not have clothes that are cold weather and where I live in Jesus, there is no clothing stores. So I been in the house and at a friends
watching TV in French. So confusing, French, Spanish, German... ENGLISH!! OH MY.

Yes I had mentioned about a person I met in a wheel chair, On Monday I had walked all over town, to find work. I must have walked ten or more miles I honestly have no idea how far but it was super far! After the town closed I began walking toward and area I thought I knew. I just headed in the direction finding all sorts of new stores, shopes.. bakeries pasterias, tapas, just everything. I found myself really physically learning the areas.
I walked right to the Plaza I was looking for. I was so hungryI hadn't eaten in hours. I thought ok I will pick one place I knew in the plaza, have something to drink and order. As I walked past this one outdoor place I saw my friend in the wheel chair. He stopped me called me over, he was with four German guys all drinking beers, in the afternoon. It is the life here, when everything shuts down people stop rest, drink eat and take their time for up to four hours.

So I sat with him, although in my head was thinking hell I am hungry I told him no thanks on the drink he insisted. I ordered a chandee, its beer like a mechelada in Costa Rica, only its made with sweet lemon drink that has gas. Actually its super refreshing. We talked laughed, then he said he had a great idea, asked me if I had time??? I said of course I am not working I have all the time in the world. He then invited me to go to San Eularia, to eat on the water front. I have never been so I said WHY NOT??? He is very pleasant, he had a bad accident some ten years ago, and now is confined to the chair. He is Italian, and Spanish,but lived in France most of his life with his parents. I call him frantalish... hes very good in almost four languages, He wants me to help with with English of course!
So we drove some ten minutes away, to a beautiful beach area that had a board walk above the beach. A Ice cream parlor on the corner and many restuarants, and shops.
Its a very scenic area, the water is pure, the moutains are close filled with pine trees, the pretty white sand and all the nice places right there on the beach.
We had a first class dinner, very elegant, and two types of wine.. I was in heaven again.. WOW how nice ya know. I was so thankful, I tried to express to him how nice it was for us to meet again. We have seen each other in many places.. he said destiny. MAYBE??
We seem to get along so well, we watched the sunset, then rode back to Jesus. He lives there too.
Since then we have seen each other three times. I went to his house and watched movies ate popcorn and tried like hell to understand the french movies and commercials that are so absurd!
There is a comedy show that is from france,( of course he only watches French shows) its hillarious even with out understanding the words. THEY ARE CRAZY!! but he also speaks perfect Spanish, and now he is trying with me to speak English. HE DOES WELL!

I enjoy his company but were just friends.. he said he is super independent( like I am not??) and he probably has other girls. He is handsome I will say that!

Other than this, I have been trying to write to companies for work, the one that offered the job called yesterday to say its going to be about four weeks before they have the job ready for me. So untill then I need to find some small work. The possiblity of dancing is out this week, because of the weather. Too bad because I have been practicing... I am ready.
Simon dropped off all his clothes this week for me to wash so today we had a little sun I washed them for him. He is a funny English man.. But he is a very nice friend.

Yesterday Lets call Him Daniel, called thep Frantalish.. to see what I was up to? I asked if he could take me to Ibiza town. He said sure, so at five he picked me up we went into town to see the mediaeval festival. It is something that has been going on for more than a hundred years. It is reall cool, its held in the fortress area, of the town. The castle is what I thought it was but in reading this past week I found out it is a fortress.
Ibiza, Mallorca, Fromtera were all invaded many times by Pirates, the stone walls I see every where and tourrets are made for warning towers with fires to warn the town of ivasion by pirates. ITS REALLY AND INTERSTING PLACE Tomorrow I will explain the whole story... but this is where this festival exsists..
Its all done back in those times. Wow I saw Sausages that were huge like footballs all deformed, I didn't know what I was looking at. Tomorrow I am going again with Kathy the owner of my apartment. The reason is Frantalish, can not go up the hills.. I volunteered to push him I know and can I have done it many times with my sis.
But he said no he didn't want to go its too steep and the roads are all rock they are cobble.

We enjoyed, he made me eat some of that sausage, I DIDN'T LIKE IT! so fatty, and its made with all blood.. we ate some other thing I have no idea what it was it was crusty bread with some red spread, I thought it was piemento, or roasted red pepper but when I bit into it it had a fatty taste, and YUK I didn't like that either! they offered you little cups of wine with it, I DID DRINK THAT TO WASH IT DOWN!!! too funny I am.. I had to laugh at me honestly. I must have made a horrible fast because he laughed very hard at me and called me BABEEEE french accent...

IT was to dang cold to enjoy anything I was shivering. We left and came back to Jesus.

Today I did laundry for Simon, then I went for a walk, talked to a couple of people I have seen in the neighborhood, then had a puree of calabasa with Kathy in the new apartment. We drank a glass of wine, and talked. I sure to like my land lord. She is super!And Evon is so adorable, he comes to my door all the time to see me. Sometimes entering the house.
Like a week or so ago I couldn't get the door open, when I saw a little hand inside opening the door it was Evon. I had left the back door open and he goes in all the time because before no one lived in this part of the house he was free to roam where he wanted.
I love Evon.. he such a sweet baby.
Now while I am writing, I received an invitation from two guys sitting on a computer that is amazing.. I commented on it I have never seen one so huge. and portable. Come to find out they are some famous producers of Parties. I was minding my own business when one Inivited me to this place where Paris Hilton goes when she comes here called ELEPHANT. Its fabulous look upthe site.
This will be my first time seeing something so incredible here. I have heard of it but its far away. They offered to pick me up and take me so I said YES!

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Sunday nice and quiet

Saturday I was so bored, Makala had visitors from Holland so she was occupied with them and we did not go to the Flea Market like promised. I really wanted to get out and do something. I worked on the book for two hours, then I got dressed walked to this book store here, but it was of course closed, everything closes Sat and Sun.
So I began walking to Of course TALAMANCA! I was quietly walking, two cars stopped offered me rides I said no! Not many people on the roads here, and not many cars yesterday in Jesus. then this Guy I met here in the San Francisco, he is handicapped in a wheel chair, Really has a nice personality, and is very handsome. Stopped when he saw me walking and yelled out the window of his van, MARIANNA GET IN.. so he took me to Talamanca, and dropped me off.
The new sand beach bar outside has opened with live DJ Simon my friend. Simon drinks alot he is an ok DJ hes about fifty, so hes not really engergetic because of this drinking and well the life style. I do like him he is a kind person, and has a very warm heart. What I am saying is his music is low key, sometimes good if hes not drinking so much... But I stayed to support him because he was nervious and it was the first day.
Later I danced in front of his speakers, I know many people now there so it was fun. Then after an hour I danced more, people applauded and asked me to get in the center of the tent. This is the place that said maybe I can Belly dance there.. So Simon put Belly dance music , then I did some. I had a really good repsonse. Possibly with Practice to the music and I become familiar with the songs I can really do a nice job. I had lots of questions from people, the response was very positive and nice. ITS POSSIBLE I have a little job there for tips. Its all outdoors mostly in the late afternoon and evening. I love dancing so hey its great exercise and if I can make tips well that is a plus. Two days a week, on the weekend would be perfect!!!

I was with friends, so it wasn't like just being an exhibitionist! My friends were encouraging me to do it. Stephano and Paulo were there, Mattie, Simon, Alegria, and three of the ladies I met on Thursday night. Plus many more people. After I got the engery going people joined in and danced. Simon was happy and kept giving me the thumbs up! I was happy for him too.. he dreamed about doing this and now it happened.

The interview never happened, the guy got busy never called but messaged me and said we would talk this week. I want this job! I think it will be a nice way to learn the Island and the perfect situation to be able to work from home or a cafe.

Today I woke up tired, I had phone calls in the early morning hours from some guy that is a freind of one of my friends. He was drunk and kept calling me, finally I blocked the number. I went to bed late, and woke up from the calls at 5, 6, and 7. He was talking in Spanish to me and I asked him how he got the number... said my friend Gave him the number!!! DAMN IT... So I got up I made a simple breakfast of strawberries, one egg, toast and coffee. I was about to clean the house when Leo called the German man I met at Blue Marlin. He invited me for lunch, at his house. I told him I had to clean, and wanted to do a pedicure since I have not had one since Costa Rica and the poor feet are tired and sore from walking. They looked horrible!
So I cleaned up took a shower, did my pedicure and he called again he was out front.. Germans are totally strange for me to understand. He speaks some English but he was not about to wait he got a bit tiffy.
I explained you have to wait, come in my house. But he said no I will wait in the car.
So I finished and got ready to go.
We drove to San Jordi, this is where he lives in a tiny little house. Its simple but nice. No yard or garden. Only bigUGLY CATUS!!! We made a nice lunch of some sort of curry chicken soup, rice and salad that I made.
We ate outside and talked he wasn't feeling well so he took me back to the house. I got the computer and came to the internet it was only three oclock its early. Nothing to do..
Now its just hope this weeks brings work, I want to say Hi to my friends in Vancouver, and my sons, and there partners. I haven't heard from my boys in a week or so maybe longer.
Hope all is well! have a good Sunday

Friday, May 02, 2008

Friday May 2nd

Yesterday I wanted to see what all the talk was about, here in Ibiza for the fiestas??? Well I found none not one. The Talamanca chill out bar was not ready so the delayed the celebration.

So I walked about, looked at things in the Marina, stopped had a nice early supper at this one little tapas bar that is right in front of the Marina. There are many shops and restuarants there all are not open yet. They are waiting till the middle or end of May to open. I thought about how nice it was to be sitting in a beautiful place, looking at the center of Ibiza, where there is a Castle in the middle of city. From the Marina you can see almost all the main core of the city.

I felt so amazed, I was happy to be there eating in the sun, although its not the same as Costa Rica at all. Its a completely different world here. Very costly, very stylish, very hip, really a different world. I do miss Costa Rica, although I am living super simple, I like it right now.

Last night I spent time with another new friend we drank a glass of wine and talked it feels like I am getting to know quite a few people, before that, I was about to walk all the way home when the owner of Talamanca was sitting out front with two cocktail tables to watch the sunset, with a group of women. When they saw me walking they called me over and invited me to join them for a glass of champagne and cassis. So I sat watched the sunset with these women laughing joking and carring on. It was so much fun, I met five new women, older but so great! it was a super nice suprise. One owns a beautiful shoe store in San Eularia she invited me to see it, but I was there a few weeks ago and past by it not knowing it was here and noticed it since I am a shoe finatic. So how nice that now I am inivted to check it out. She was a funny lady actually.

Then after I walked home it was almost dark it was so chilly I walked so fast when I arrive my new friend was waiting and invited me for a glass of wine. I had a very nice Thursday!

Today after breakfast, Makala showed up again so we got dressed I wanted to go to the news paper to put a notice in but as I know now everything CLOSES AT ONE! I was unsuccessful once again this is the third try.

We then decided to internet, before this I had a message on my phone from one of the places I had inquired about work. They wanted to talk to me. I called and they offered me a small job doing some writing. YES I KNOW sometimes on here I am not so good, I write so fast on the blog and I have worries about being super correct, and often times now I find myself missing words because I am thinking in Spanish and writing in English. Changing your language constantly is effecting my writing and my speaking.

But professionally I check and double check and try to make sure the grammer is correct, spelling for sure! so those of you that are anal and critical calm down. I do have some sort of flare and I love to write so this is a great opportunity. They want web descriptions, and beach reviews. This could be great! also they do events and they said they have several weddings coming and promised me jobs. So things little by little will come together for me.

I keep putting my name out there and giving my number to everyone who may know someone who knows someone. This is how work happens. With this it could be a door to many different jobs. I am happy to meet them and begin the writing.

It is an internet site, I am not sure if they have a publication other than Internet. Tomorrow I will find out.

So I was super happy today. We then went to Blue Marlin to have a cool drink but it was so full, toursit are begining to come now and things are filing up fast.

We left and drove into town to do a few things that Makala had to do. I went along for the ride and to get know areas. She took me To playa De bossa. It is really a tourist area, its very colorfull and fun looking. Lots of shops, places to go and huge discotech called Space.

It was fun to see something other than Jesus.

Later she had to get photos for Club passes, I guess you have to have passes when summer comes or you can not go in.

So I don't know if I will be visiting any dance places, I hear it is super difficult when all the tourist are here.

We returned to the Apartment and now I am across the street at The San Francisco with her, watching videos, I am waiting for Stephano I want to talk to him so I messaged him to come here so we can talk. He has three cars, two scooters and maybe he will allow me to use one and pay on time. I need to have transportation here its not like Jaco, the Island is big and you can not just walk where you want. The bus yes but its not running all the time its strange.

So now I sit drinking something called cortado, its a strong coffee in a small glass cup

Thursday, May 01, 2008

It has been so pretty here blue skies, clouds but cold yesterday.. I am really battling with the cold nights. The owner finally gave me more blankets but the incredible thing is during the day the sun is burning, and windy so my skin is very brown and tan. People do not know here I am from and how I got to be so dark. They call me Rubia morena. Meaning dark skin blonde.
I like it!
The apartment is such a peacefull place, I really like it now I just need a car so I can purchase things when I have the money to make it mine. I am such the decorater, constantly thinking of new things I want to do.
The garden is great, yesterday I ate a huge salad out on the terrace with fresh tuna, and lettuce from the garden, and fresh shallots. The bread is killing me but I eat it, and try to be very carefl becaues in the past bread and sweets were my down fall I would eat so much of it.
Other than that things are ok, No jobs yet, but still trying daily by talking handing out my number and Well my friend in Costa Rica has made me an offer too. I am working on that but this is a referral system I talked about in early blogs and can take months to develop from sales of properties in Costa Rica with people who visit here and want to have a tropical home. The referrals are then deposited into my account once the closing of the property is done. So that could take a while.
But its not hard and I think I am going to like it and hopefully be successfull with this!
I am at Talamaca today, today is a huge fiesta in the total Island for its Labor day here. Everything is closed and people are every where on the beaches and restuarants.

My New Friend Makala picked me up and dropped me off, she went to another friends house today. So I am here with change of clothes for the evening.
I had gone to Malibu I don´t remember if I said this on Monday on a lunch date we went past the salt mines, and the processing areas on the sea, called Salines. It was so`majestic there. Hills and flat lands then sea. This beach is one of the most acclaimed beaches in the Island. All the famous, rich and movie stars go to this place. I was told Paparattses go there and hide in the trees. I asked if they did events in the one place that we ate the most luxurious food ever, but they said maybe two a year.. so that was out!
Then on Tues I had a date again with the German guy and we watched the foot ball game he lit a fire for me I was freezing. Nothing much exciting with him.. he is nice but I don´t know... cold not a warm funny person.. but very kind and nice.

I am hoping this weekend I can dance, I have not yet since I have been here.. I want to see the places and hear the great music they play all over this Island.
In the Mornings there is a chanel that plays terrific mix of Jazz, club, house, and chill out. There are scenes of Mallorca, Fromtera, Ibiza all live and with out people. This is my meditation chanel and I eat my breakfast with it every day now. ITS SUPER COOL...
I want to say thank you for letters people, I appreciate your love and respect.