Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Weeken soccer championship

This weekend was Cristhians Soccer tournament. They won and now they are the champions. It was amazing how he played in fact he made most of the goals. I was impressed with the energy and the force of his game. After knowing that he partied all night the night before and on Friday, pretty amazing. I guess adrenaline kicks in and takes over in the game.

We left on Sat late around 2:30 because some one slept till two that afternoon. We got a late start and for me a little scary because its rainy season here and roads to this area is basically mud and rock. they have lots of curves, bends and uphill grades. Slightly dangerous to those who don't know how to baja! on red mud.. It is really slippery. We manage to make to the cousins restaurant/ bar before dark. Only after stopping many times along the way talking to all the people of the guadamal and mazatal area. Mountain jungle, few houses but lots ot people. walking and riding motos. We talked to many and stopped to drink a beer.
After visiting with Friends as the cousins place we regressed to Marcos siempre verde Cabinas, and his parents house.
We ate tamales, very different than the ones I am use to in the USA, not like Mexican tamales at all. They are thick, white masa, with a small piece of pork, one carrot and onion and some rice.
Pretty bland to my tastes. But nice of them to offer us there food.
They are very self sufficient, they have there own pigs, and make methane from the waste of the pigs and use this to cook with. They have a garden with coffee, and carrots, cilantro, mustard and greens. Sometimes potato's and more. The coffee is the best to me.. they serve it with lots of sugar.
There was one volunteer there a girl from California, always there are young girls wanting to experience the conversation efforts. I never have heard of any guys there only girls and I have seen some of them.. Kinda hippie like. But Hey I like it and think its a good experience.
The house is primitive, in two parts. The bedrooms are in a separate house with wood walls that have light coming through them the floor was wood and concrete. The showers are cold no hot water with a very crude shower walls made of broken tiles and a skinny pipe of plastic with a nob of plastic that goes only one way. WOW ITS hard to take a cold shower for me but I have done it many times since I lived here.
Everyone there has only cold water no hot showers. The kitchen is crude too, has only a two burners and its all open. The window doesn't exsit the outside of the kitchen is an area to wash the dishes and its all in the red mud with a table out there for drinking coffee or eating if you wish.
They sew there own clothes and produce there own water with a small well.
The cabinas are cool there built by Marcos and is a good eco experience.

Sat was a huge dance in a giant building perfect for dancing on the mountain top. I was surprised at the modern up to date American Music, and the light system. The place was packed, not many cars everyone walks. It rained very hard and when we had changed our clothes and drove to the building for the dance the whole front of the place was thick with red mud. I got out of the car I stepped with my thongs right in a big pile of it, now my toes were covered with red mud so was the bottom of my pants! On to the fiesta! many people dancing and I did too. But there was a small bad moment with Cristhian, he is just a mule sometimes.. and I knew he was drunk said some bad things to me and I was hurt. I left and tried to drive to Marcos which was not far.. not a good idea! the car slid and got stuck. I left it there and ran back which was about three American Blocks. It was raining hard, so I was soaked.Marcos was looking for me so he comforted me and told me not to worry he would take the car out in the morning we tried to walk to his house but I slipped and fell in the mud, covering me now in total red mud! wow ok

So a truck full of people came , we got into the truck they took us to the house.Cristhian was occupied with women so he had no idea really what happened.
I rested in the house of Marcos and Cristhian in the Cabinas, We got the car out early not a problem then. I was shook up because when I exited the car there was a huge hole it was a creek, with a metal tube very deep. I fell into it and had to climb out in the pitch dark not being able to see a thing. But thankfully nothing was wrong except my toenail.

The next day we went to the game. Marcos me and Cristhian. He was all pumped up how I have no idea but Pretty sure it was the idea of being the champion and that they were. A very good game live, many people and fun to see them excited .
After the game a whole huge bus full of people screaming and happy and tooting horns and drinking and yelling.
We all went to the cousins place and had a pig that they cooked with the best rice ever!! it was so fun we all danced and laughed and ate it was a great time... It lasted till about three in the morning.
Then Cristhian and I came back, to Jaco on Monday morning.

Today we worked on the project, it was rough I think he is worn out from the weekend and he showed me allot of disrespect. Right now I am not happy with the situation, we will see what happens in the next few days.. I need to concentrate and get the job done and done well. MONEY IS IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT since things have been so rough...

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