Saturday, October 06, 2007

The whole week of trying to landscape

This week was spent on Charles house here in Jaco.

We are doing a landscape around a new pool area. It has a baby pool attached to a larger pool with a waterfall going into it.
The water fall was not created by me but by some Ticos who live here in the area. Its not pretty ok? but I know we will soften it with big plants and large jungle leaves called monstera.

The week was hot, and tough to get much done.
Finding the things I needed was hard, because Cristhian was not co-operating with the plan.His job is to find what we need, find guys to construct, guys to garden, hall dirt. Find trucks to haul the dirt. Help find the plants. Order sand or electrical.

Ended up mostly arguing with him, because he was for some reason this week very stubborn and rude?? I tried like hell to be so sweet, but I did loose patients with him a couple of times.
I was the one who got the trucks, the dirt the sand the guys for the garden the electrician and contracted all the materials.
I have no idea why he is being to put it frank A BUTT HOLE,But he was. Then to top it off the lady of the house is super picky, she wanted dirt moved didn't like the postions of it in the design?? we moved it..She actually made the guys building the water fall re do it more then ten times.We have changed the plan more than the days of the week.Everyday I would draw a new one and every day it would be fine. When we arrive in the early morning to begin the work the plan was bad.
So again I make a new one.. Learning paitients here??? YEAH I GUESS?? i don't mind changing things as long as they are willing to pay for the time, but so far not the case. I am going to have to have a meeting with hubby and explain, that I will change things till the sun doesn't shine but he has to know that she is asking for all the changes and changes are going to cost.
He asked us to lay these cement fake stones in a walk in front of the pool not just a walk but something like a full patio. That was not part of our plan but I said sure I will assit, assit not! it was actually putting it in. He didn't have the guys to do it so we lost a whole week on this because we had to change it more than eight or nine times till she was happy. My guys are saying now they don't want to work this next week because of the changes! SO OH boy fun! gonna have to talk to him.

Finally Cristhian on Friday was normal and actually Because the night before Gravin his friend who is now staying at my house, because the landlord at Cristhians wont allow anyone to stay. Came to the house to stay they wanted pizza, but niether one had money of course! I ordered it we drank some wine and well Cristhian softened up some how. He was actually nice.
Gravin is working for me for the next two weeks and he is a good friend of Cris, from Masatal.
He is a good worker, very respectful.

Having a Machismo man working for you is hard. Also the position I am in is hard. I need a front man who speaks spanish to manage things but after this week I saw I really don't need that. I think I can manage and if he keeps this up hes about cut!!!

Other than this, I helped Nelsen some more in his new clothing boutique, its about ready to open.
I went out last night and danced a little but was not at my best the week was really draining. Plus my hand is in allot of pain. Today I went to the beach for a while, then Nelsen called for help and I went immediately to his store to help. I need the money.

I may have the computer sold and that will help pay the rent this month.
Yes things are hard right now, the worst really.. but I keep trying and I know I will pull out of this some how. I even thought today I would sell the tortuga, My car.. and just move back to the states.
Being depressed in a sunny place is horrible! Why and how could I be its so beautiful here and so warm the men are gorgeous and the women are stunning??? how?? Then Rosie called I told her I was sad, lonely and depressed even though I laid on the beach for a few hours. Being alone is a hard thing more and more for me... I hate being alone. I need companionship. She said Come here precious... visit me. So Changed the clothes got pretty and came here where I am typing now. She had her cook make me the most Delicious Sea food plate. Fresh fish, octopus, squid, clams, shrimps in garlic and butter and white rice! WOW IT WAS WONDERFULL!!! We drank a glass of Costa Rican champagne, its sweet like a balatore, or a spumante.

After that I thought OH NO THERE IS NO WAY I AM MOVING BACK.. I can't get fresh food like that where I use to live. It came in just today and I swear its cheap too. The wine was 4 dollars for the bottle the dish was 7 bucks.
The night is fresh not so hot and cool, summery, the people walking on the streets friendly... and many men walk by and say Hello and and you are beautiful in spanish its Hola linda or Hola bonita... now this does not happen in Vancouver Washington. The affirmation was there... I need to stay here and get things in order.
Get on my feet and make a life for me here. I can say I am much happier here than there but when times are tough every one needs someone. Someone to talk to, someone to share with and someone to give you love.

My friends that I do have here, really are kind and do love me. Not that the ones in the states didn't its just different here. They show there feelings.

I know what I am doing tomorrow, for sure belly dance but before maybe help Nelson, finish the upolstery on a chair he wanted me to change. Then make some spaggetti sauce for The boys Cristhian and Gravin they asked for it, THen I have no clue?

But Laying on that beach today I did say a prayer and thanked god for this beautiful place and how gratefull I was although I am not doing financially well that I can enjoy the sun, the beauty of the beach and the freedom to enjoy the nature of this place if this makes sense. Yes I was depressed, Money always does this to me.. The lack of a partner too, But I do see the good in the place I am living and feel its one of the best things I have done in life.

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