Thursday, September 27, 2007

Began the new job but guess what happened?

This is Cristhian in case those of you were wondering what he looks like


Ok Last night I went to Rosie's of course... I have not wanted to sit alone at home and I go and get on the net and write while people come eat and drink cappuccinos, or whatever libation they desire right? It rained so hard no one came. Rosie returned from Her salsa dance class on fire! she was angry at everyone working there. No business exactly like me, only she has more over head and more employees to deal with. Its not there fault but I tell you she went on on for at least a couple of hours in Spanish ranting and raving about issues. I stayed out of the way typed and drank water.

Then I made some popcorn, and everyone began to eat my popcorn.That was fine it kinda broke the ice I yelled hey this is my party not yours a and I laughed they laughed too!
After that the ranting stopped! thank god I was getting a little worried for the girls.. I said GRACIAS DIOS YO NO TRAVJO AQUI! they all laughed and said how bad I was being Rosie's friend and all...
Well everything was fine after that. The rain stopped a few people came and ate and well I went home.
It was round 12:00 she closes on normal night's at midnight.Weekends 1:00.
I drove home everything was fine, took the face of the radio out turned off the lights locked the doors and went in.
I slept ok not great, got up had a coffee put on all camouflage ready for the garden work out...I just direct, Cristhian talks and over sees.
Well went to start the car NO IT WON'T START!! shit I was so mad I can even express how I felt... first day after many days of no work, landed a nice job now I am late!!! CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Ok So Cristhian man that he is says its your fault... of course we argue for no reason!! and finally the neighbor helps pull the car and gets it started!!!
Of course I call the client and explain, then we go to pick up the workers who are waiting at a bus stop on the main road.. well were late and they left!
HE is mad at me now were both pist and hot... sweating like pigs. Let me tell you if those of you know how it is to hot and angry its miserable and well your whole mood body mind is upset.
So I yell the loud Italian I am... telling him go to quebrada seca, that is an area where some of the guys that worked for us before live. HE ARGUES again God ok I am exasperated now... I said goooooooo
He goes and sure enough there were the guys!
We both were happy but didn't look it nor said a thing to each other. they guys got in and we took off the job site.
Then I walk in and immediately the client lays a bomb on me.
Says he doesn't sign contracts and doesn't want to give us 50 percent up front.
Ok those of you that have hearing my sob stories here, this damn saga of trying to succeed in Costa Rica! well add this to the list of things that happen here. Contracts are not valid here anyway. It is a formality.. even if they sign it you can not hold them to it.
Sooooooo I say ok what are you going to give me and he tells me we agree. ( I AM ABOUT DONE and Desperate at this point) so I tell him look you are going to be so happy with what I do! Not to worry I for real!
I said I would give him a list of everything and my profits that I want to make. He agreed then.
So the guys are working, then Cristhian wanted to go and get a coke after a big truck came with the rock for the paths... the damn car would not start again. People here hardly have jumper cables I looked at the battery and the water was low, Sooooooo I hope this is the problem.
Now Villa Calettas called me, look up this first class hotel on the net! it is the most fabulous place ever. They called and want to come here and talk to me about my work for events! I hope they use me but the problem is I am in a short skirt with a halter top on that is all camo!! gezzz what else?
Cristhian took the car back to the site to sit with the guys. you have to stand over people here to get the job done right so that is his position he sits and watches drinks cokes and talks.
I can not change is my point I am here till they come..I hope they don't think I am slutty with this on lol!
Oh well if they do I explain.
So anyway god what a day already!
Right now I have about five chapters of the book done. But I keep remembering more junk, so I have to go back and edit it constant.Getting old is hell isn't it??
Can not remember things, then I start writing and all sort's of things come to me.
But I am working on now daily.
I have to contact Glenn Wright in Vancouver Washington, he was my editor at the Columbian newspaper, that I use to write Inspirations for the home and garden. I need him to send me more photos of previous events and all the photo shoots I did for them and have him possibly edit my babble!!!!! Glenn if your reading this contact me or get on my message board on Hot mail ok?
I am also thinking about doing an x rated or pg rated blog that is paid for.
If anyone is interested please send me a message because I need a source of income and I have plenty I can write about.
Also I want to thank a few people who send me comments on this blog.I really thank you for enduring with me, reading and encouraging me! I never dreamed that I would get so many nice comments.( yeah there is bad ones but I ignore those)
Now, I should have photos of this weekend.
I am going with Cristhian to matsatal he has a big soccer tournament its the final.
If they win there are killing a pig and roasting it.I am sure it will be delicious.sorry vegans ignore that part.
But were spending the weekend up there. Don't get the wrong Idea were freinds and co workers now,( although I wish it was diffrerent!) I will take lots of photos to show on the net .This part of Costa Rica very few Tourist see and it in the future will be somewhere you want to go as an eco tourist.
This is were those Cabinas I talked about some months ago are...( there is some x rated information about that place too) but I like to keep it clean on here.. that is why I am thinking I have many good stories so I felt if I open one connected to this where you want to read more.. then you pay a small amount and you get the real dirt!
Let me know.
Hope the rest of the day is better, Thank the lord anyhow I am working , feeling a little better too! THANK YOU JESUS!!

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