Tuesday, October 16, 2007


What a difference a day makes! I will testify to this its very true.Yesterday Rosie asked me to meet her around 11:00 but I got there early at 10:30 got on the net and checked mail, then Marla Called... she said she would pay for three truck loads of things to the century 21.

I was so happy and shocked and relieved... Rosie came and we went to the my office in Herradura. I had to find two guys to help, but when I went to the car there were two guys standing there asking for me? Marianna? do you need help for working today? I said yes who said? it was another guy who I asked yesterday and he told them it was Marianna.THERE THERE WERE IN FRONT OF MY CAR!!! I told them to go to LLARGAR and catch the truck that was going to my office.
So in less then ten minutes Rosie I, the truck and the guys were on there way.

I never saw Marla but she paid for the truck three times.
We manage to get alot yesterday and then another friend of mine, saw I was in dispare and dropped money in my purse..later after a good cry I looked in the purse and it was a hundred dollars! Now I am only short one hundred dollars for my rent right now..I was amazed at that action.
Rosie and worked on the office the guys put everything in the trucks we ate lunch she treated me now I am really humble ok I felt so loved and so cared for... I do have people who care it was just I had to get to the edge of the cliff before help came.

When the day was over I helped Rodrigo and Nelsen in there store for a while then went to Rosies and rearranged her place and gave her one of my desks and a office chair she is so dang happy I can not tell ya!! we worked on the store for two hours untill this old man came to have coffee. He was Sicilian.. we talked shared stories he fell in love.
He is 70 years and doesnt look a day over 50.. funny and full of life! he was with a friend of mine Frans... and lee a girl friend of mine too.
He invited me over its now 10:30 we all went had a cocktail and I checked out his renovation that is what he wanted we walked it was across the street.
We all laughed and talked for two hours he danced and I danced... it was fun and today I brought him some of the plants from the garden that was in my store.. he was thrilled.
Nothing more than that!

What a nice day.. what a difference a day makes.

Today started at 6:30 I picked up the guys and went to the store.. the truck came and I went back to Jaco.
I had to check on my internet set up in the house I ran into John the guy who is kinda stuck in the 70s he was so sweet said he was thinking hard about me yesterday and wanted to know If I needed help? this is no lie My mouth dropped open and of course I said yes... he came with me back to HErradura and helped all day.
HE WAS A BLESSING I MEAN IT THANK GOD FOR HIM TOO!! we got it all done and then Rosie sent Eugena over to help me clean the new place and get it all together and we did in a couple of hours.
Tomorrow I fly with John in his plane the toursit plane here in Jaco... THen were coming back and I have to write a story for the Jaco guide.

THen later Nelsen called needed me to change all the displays... he was trying to feed me tonight while I worked but Rosie had already fed me! THEN CRISTHIAN CALLED... yep he was a little indignant.
I told him meet across the street from Nelsens at Pancho Villas.. its dance bar who knows what it is??? so he called I walked across and explained to him how he got paid and didnt work all week and took off after he got the money and didnt bother to ask if I need help moving.. he didnt care I told there is no work and maybe in three weeks if I have work I would call him... its a lenghty story and later tomorrow I will tell the rest but he is no more.

I finished Nelsens and he asked me to come every Tuesday and change the store and do fresh flowers, and do the place for Christmas on the 15th of November, Rosie too and a new restuarant. So wow who ever prayed sure knows how to get God To answer..

I WANT TO THANK WHO EVER THAT WAS! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS BECAUSE I WAS AT A POINT OF TOTAL LOSS OF MY FAITH, I could not pray or even think of how to pray.. I was so bent and so torn and so abused used and more..
But God heard someone who prayed for me and I THANK HIM FIRST AND THEN ALL MY FRIENDS AND THOSE WHO CARE AND MAY LOVE ME. I pray that the opportunity to repay these people... and get back on my feet again to do the things I intended to do when I first came here...

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