Thursday, October 25, 2007

Controversial Story

This is slightly controversial.

It is a well known fact here in Costa Rica that prostitution is legal. I am not against it but I do not like the fact that women have to do this in order to live but it is a reality of the world and I am not completely negative about it.

This is something I have felt for many years and this story is going to either have people hate me or enjoy my opinion and well enjoy or be appalled at the adventure I experienced last night...

AND NO I DID NOT PROSTITUTE MYSELF If that is what you are thinking at this moment. Its just that I know its the oldest profession, and I know there is a need for it I understand men, have had enough experience with them to know its always about sex! That the majority of men are not satisfied with one lover and some how seek outside experiences weather it be affairs or solicit sex. Or this would not exist.
OK NOW THIS IS MY theory and my opinion not the worlds so please no haters or hate mail!

I have been aware of the prostitution in Jaco since I moved here.. its accepted and some of the women are very nice. Some are super young and that is so sad to me to see them stuck in this life cycle. It can be hard, and I have heard some really cool success stories from some of these women. NO kidding like making so much money they have condos, houses, business aside from there sex business. And eventually quit and move on to a life that is more the norm.But in most cases they stay in it till no one will pay any more.

Really its kinda colorful when you get to know some of these women. Some are trashy, some are just real low class then there are the majority that are normal women that look like Everyone else.. nothing really different if you saw them on the street. Most I must say are beautiful here. Well I think they are doing a service to most of the American men that come here in Fact I see so many American men with these women, Few Ticos mostly American is what I have seen from Sitting at Rosie's and using that Vantage point. As they walk past her place day and night.

I know several Women in town who I am friends with that were ex prostitutes and are now business ladies in tax paying businesses.. so it does happen. Ok on to the story, as I said feel sad in one way and not so sad because I know HOW MEN ARE... Ok it started like this...

I was sitting at home reading mail and relaxing watching the plasma TV that we moved from the office and is now in my home.

( this is one of my pleasures right now is watching this TV sounds dumb but I have been keeping up with the news in the states and fires in California... another story on that later)

When I got a call from Rosie saying that Lucas was down there and he wanted me to come to have coffee. I really didn't want to go I was all relaxed but she called and said he wanted to talk to me.
I asked him to give me an hour to shower and get pretty... so he waited for me.
Raquel wanted to go with me... but she had other intentions. Not with him but to go to the bar and hang out.. NOT ME ! I was going to see what Lucas wanted which was my company.

Mind you Lucas is 70 years old, has a crucifix on his arm tattooed, wears a diamond in one ear. Shaved head Nike titanium glasses... super hip! unbelievable he is his age. He is always smiling and has the perfect white teeth even though he smokes?? must have them whitened?? and he is generally in a great mood... he goes to church just about every morning for mass.

He is Sicilian decent, tall and is in great shape. I got all pretty and went to Rosie's where he was waiting. Hardly anyone was there and it was raining a little. Raquel looked nice ,I did her hair and helped with the clothes.. she doesn't have much I can see.

We both sat down, and talked with Lucas, he wanted to go to Wahoos and do Karaoke, but Raquel wanted to go to Beetles, I was along for the walk... I said yes I would go with them its three of us. This is the second time I have been in the Beetles and as of last night the last TIME I GO IN THERE!!! walking down the road with it barely sprinkling, we crossed the street about a half a block from Cafe Del Mar which is Rosie's place. The Red Taxis line up in the street waiting for fairs from gringos, taking the girls to there hotels or condos or homes.
The place is very nice in side, the decor the color of the lights are super cool I like it very much coming from a designers view point. Its not trashy its very well done.
IT has a HUGE CENTER BAR... with two side bars and a couple of poles in the back and some stairs for girls to sit in levels or dance which ever the mood of the night is.
It was packed with Americans and other foreigners, lots of girls.

We walked directly to the back She was looking for someone, I don't know who but Lucas and I sat down. He ordered a drink and I had plain cranberry. She sat with us finally.
Then one of the bouncers came over, told us to be calm. Raquel's face was red. She didn't have her Cedula, which is Costa Rican ID, he has said we needed ID.....
Well I had changed purses and my passport was in the blue purse at my house. Lucas had copies but they were not updated with his recent stamps.Raquel didn't have any identification.The bouncer came back and said sir your going to have to go on the other side of the room, and all the women on this side of the room. Imigration is doing a rade.
My face was not shocked because when I turned around earlier I saw police in the bar, not normal... I saw they were checking Ids, and then I saw cameras. I saw legal officials and thought well I have nothing to worry about I am fine and I am not a working girl only in here with my friends who ONE might be a working girl???

So right away Lucas gets upset, Raquel panics, and I am calm.. I don't know lately I have had no fear of things? stupid maybe but good on the other hand the blood pressure stays low!
Well they moved everyone, I said lets just go I have no business in here anyway and I am not drinking so lets leave Raquel, she panic and wanted to leave too. So we headed for the door when we saw all the doors were barred. Immigration police all over the place people were scattering like marbles on a slick floor every direction! I stayed calm and walked slow as I could towards the door. I spoke english to the police gal at the door and she did not understand me. She said Cedula I showed her my license from the states she said no, nessicito passaporte! I didn't have it oh boy but still I am calm.. she says in Spanish go to the other side where the attorneys are and tell them you need someone to identify you and you need to take a photo for Immigration! I thought oh ok, yeah... no so I got real skinny as I say like my old cat pussin she use to get real skinny and slink by my dog Mackinzee and she would always some how scoot and he couldn't catch her. So my mind set was that get skinny and slink by so I did I slipped slowly into the corner. In the mean time Raquel got off they let her out she had no identification but convinced them she was Tica, But Lucas got detained because of his date on the copies.
I told her go and get his passport, then he can drive to my house after they let him loose and get mine. Well he got irate and I could see he was loseing his temper. I teld him Tranquilla just calm down maybe there going to leave soon as they get enough in the bus.
Sure enough Raquel went got the passport it was fine the attorney's looked at it and said fine and they forgot about the Cat( ME) in the corner... So as soon as things calmed down we all got up and left.
They were going to detain me put me in the bus and I would have to send for someone to get my passport to prove I am legal.
This is first time I have ever experienced something like this and it was wild all about us, but inside I was totally calm. Un like myself in the past. I use to absolutley freak out... but things went good.

We walked back across the street to Rosie's no rain at this point an lots of people there all talking about the raid. ROSIE WAS IN A STATE OF TOTAL WORRY ABOUT ME AND THE REST OF US but especially me... she called and was so worried. But earlier she said oh Marianna your going to the beatles bar immigration is coming as a joke... but it was no joke. We both said to her she was a witch and how could she know... but she didnt!
We talked to several people there and everyone was laughing and talking about this situation. Wow I never dreamed of anything such as this but i will tell you I will never go back into that place ever again.
We later went to Wahoos they sing and dance there.. We watched and they drank Raquel and Lucas I had ginger ale. I took Lucas home and Raquel went to the house around one talked and tried to relax after that excitment! ok living in Costa Rica is different for sure... never would have done anything like this in the states EVER!

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