Sunday, October 28, 2007

Over the weeekend

Nothing much at all going on. I have not heard or seen Cristhian at all he said he was in Guapoles and that is along way away near Limon, what he is doing I have no clue. There are allot of pineapple fields there and lots of agriculture so who knows what the heck he is doing... I do miss him.
He was a pain but sometimes we miss the pain.

Raquel is still here but having trouble with her thoughts she says, she has not done anything except help me a little and I am not working to be honest. I created some arrangements to sell for the holidays and really basically all she has done is write down the prices. She helped me carry bamboo for this attorney that I had arranged the bamboo in big containers. Cleaned the apartment but doesn't touch my room or bath.
She is not working, and I can not support this. I talked to her the other night she said she could help me... but I have no work. So this is another tough situation. She is a very nice woman, with of course problems as we all have.. but some are not so pretty, and Well I don't think I should really open up about what her life has been, I try to look past what someone has had to do and look at the person them self and learn why and is there more to them than that. Does this make sense? Let me just say that desparation causes people to do things they would not normally do.

For example: I decided to set up in front of Rosies, a little Holloween face painting.. now I did this when I was super young. But this is at a bigger level actually gory faces, and real art work on them. I went and bought some paint, I have brushes and more since I do some art work... and I bought cotton for wigs and a few other things that make special effects, with the thought that I have no real work coming. Everyone here parties on these next three days for Holloween, and there are children that may not be able to afford masks, but ther moms or dads can pay 1000 colones for paint of their choice. That equals about $2.00, or less, its a whim and well I have nothing to do this week, the whole week her will be shot because of Holloween.. So I migh as well do something fun and at least make a little cash. I can not believe I am resorting to this sort of thing really but on the other hand I think it will be Really fun, and make others happy too.

I am totally prepared and have all my things ready to create some really horrible faces and some really exotic ones too. Today we put up the sign. Raquel is happy, about doing this too. She practiced last night on her face, not bad for a first time.Actually she made an arrangement in the office I did not direct her, I have lost my interest in teaching people the floral industry, I just let her go and hoped she had a good time doing it. To my suprise it was actually very good and the compostion was perfect for a beginner.. Maybe she is natual at many things...

I hope we get a llot of faces!
I don't expect to make a ton, but it will be fun and some cash. If it works out good maybe the following year I can do more, with special effects products, and have people make appointments.

I am lucky, or should I say blessed? either or I think I have both. I am able to do anything when I set my mind too it.

If the sun stays out today I am going to the beach in a little bit, we have had so much rain and hardly any sun that I am getting white. I love to be tan and look healthy.


Latest update on this guy, the Last thing I did was have lunch with Lucas the Friday on the beach at the Boheio. He took Raquel and I both, he knows Raquel is not doing good, and she hangs now with me. So he offered to take us to lunch on the beach.
The Boheio, is an old place but redone but a local designer, and its not a pretty ok! she has no sense of design. But its ok, they have changed it and now they have more business. It sits right at a corner street that dead ends to the beach and the surfers are everywhere.

We had a nice lunch, I had BBQ chicken with pineapple, and Raquel had some huge plate with meat and potatoes, veggies and salad.
Our friend ate Ceviche only and drinks. He started early at 1:00.Then he wanted to take me down to the other end of the beach where I use to live and show me some property that he has looked at to buy right on the beach with me in mind... so he says! I am sorry I am at a point where I do not believe what anyone says any more here. HE wants to buy a property right on the beach renovate the house, and have me live there with him when he comes to visit. He has been telling everyone I am his future wife... OK??? then the other night after we met up again at Rosie's, it was still Friday he was really drunk he had been drinking since he was with me earlier.. now its nine.
He was a little obnoxious.. but not bad. I was embarrassed by what he said to me in front of my friends, he did propose again. Mind you I have only known him two weeks now.. Nothing is going on with us aside from friends, and he uses my car, my phone, my computers... and he treats me to food, or drinks but I have not drank for 8 days or more because of medication for my kidneys.
He insists he is crazy for me, but who knows... he loves all the young girls there too so there you go!

My mind set is this, I am not attracted to him, but he is nice and not bad looking for a man of his age in fact he looks super. But I like his attitude when he sober. I figure anyone 70 years old can do pretty much what ever they want... I don't think he does this all the time he just doesn't look the type of person to be a total alcoholic.

So that is the latest, he wants to buy me a truck too, I said LETS GO! I don't think I have had any man want to do things for me with out me asking! He said yes.. But who knows how much truth there is in this, that would be a total miracle if this happens, but he offered. Probably full of bull too!
I want pickup so darn bad.!!! Get rid of the Tortuga and have a very dependable car here that doesn't get all torn up because of the roads.

I didn't go out this weekend at all, with Raquel here it made it hard. She was depressed no money, I am paying for a little for the both of us but its not easy. I told her last night I don't care what she does but do something to make some money. I am going to ask Lucas if she can clean his house, maybe a couple of other people too. I guess its meant for me to help others, really I don't mind so much but Its hard when I am not doing well either.

I have belly dancing today and I am for sure going, no exercise all week makes me un happy.

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