Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Weekend is coming

Well it seems allot like Portland or Vancouver Washington here.. It has been raining now for three days, although its not cold actually the temperature is very nice. But the roads are just like rivers and the pot holes are growing as I type. Every time it rains allot the pot holes get huge. So when it rains and you drive you can not see them because they are full of water. You hit them and your whole car jumps like a bronco. Its so hard on the car, the brakes and your body.
I hate this part of Costa Rica. They just do not repair the roads well ,if repair them at all.
We are not landscaping its raining very hard.

Today we moved some of the things from Herradura to a new location in Jaco. I will be on the main street now in central Jaco. It won't be together for some time but we are in a temporary place for a while.
I hope that things get better... I told Rosie that if things do not get better, I may be this man who walks around town cleaning the gutters for less than 200 peso'! you have to know who this guy is. Everyone sees him he is always busy pretty much cleaning gutters sweeping and cleaning the fronts of businesses or gardens for the owners of the businesses. I meant by this that may have to resort to this in a week or so, She laughed so hard, she said you can clean mine but I can only pay you with coffee.. That is fine I said at least I will be jazzed and cleaning faster!

The rain here as I said has been coming down for three days super hard with out stopping. Its very depressing to everyone. The business in the whole town is dead. It is also extremely hard to see at night because there are few lights on the roads and no lines with the rain going in many directions its difficult to drive. So I go very slow and try not to hit the bicycles that are riding on all the streets. Imagine this if you can, really hard to see them too. The roads are narrow with potholes lots of rain in every direction, and people riding bikes! its like a video game when you drive.

Right now Rosie went to her dance classes again its always on Thursday. I am at her place at the moment using the Internet. In a week I will have the Internet in my house because I am transferring the line I have in the office. Its already provided for in my new place. They do not have any more Internet lines in Jaco you must wait for a long time to get it hook up so instead of applying for a new one I can just transfer mine and have in the house now. Which will be great, i can chat and email my family and friends at night and do many things on the net that I have not done for months on end.

Now lets go back a couple of days. Monday was work, Tuesday as well, but in the Evening I have a grand opening to prepare for Nelsen. He is The Colombian guy that I helped with the clothes store. He is gay he has two friends that live with him also gay. They are super business men, I just love them. They are so nice and kind and very hospitable. I helped design the whole store, its really edgy Orange and Chocolate brown. Lots of mirrors and mirror drapes that we made. Bamboo behind glass, and wall of glass with wood and glass for all the beautiful shoes. I did the display in the window which is huge and all lit up, and I built lots of fresh flower arrangements for the grand opening which was Tuesday night.

When I first arrived the whole place was like a bomb exploded it was around 4:00.
I asked what time is the celebration? he said 6:00, mind you I had all this to put together in a couple of hours.
I saw people sorting and going through boxes, opening shoes, jewelry, purses, more... Nelsen asked me, Mariana where does all this go? so I began directing and bam in a hour or more the place was in order, I was detailing things, constructing arrangements and doing the window. The other two guys Rodrigo, and Gerson were helping me and cooking on top of that!

We had live music and great food and drinks till almost 2:30 am. Lots of people came it was super cool and really a nice open house! It looked beautiful I have photos. I will put them on tomorrow so please take look
I think I have photos of the boys too!
The people here in Costa Rica LOVE COLOR! not afraid of it and are willing to try new things. So it was kinda fun changing this location. I do have before photos and after.
The nice thing was people saying how cool, and how pretty.
Of course Cristhian went, and he was helping by passing out cards and actually bragging about me?? ok sometimes he is nice I will admit.
Sometimes I believe he hates me, but this night he was proud that I was his boss.

The following day yesterday I had a meeting with the owner of the landscape job. We had some things to work out, at first it was difficult, but I can say this he is a super guy, I really like him allot. He is a stern person, but sometimes stern is good it does help others to learn. I hope that our relationship continues he did offer me more work. I try to do the best I can although your best sometimes for others in not exactly there best. My passion is my work, I love what I do, hoping that others love it too.
I have always been a creative person and my work is best when the people allow me to be that creative person that God made me to be. Like Nelsen for example at first he was negative about my ideas... after he saw some of the news paper articles about me, and talk to couple of people who I have done work for. He just let me loose and its funny, because I find when people trust I will do a good job I always do... but when they don't and it is a struggle the work comes out horrible.
Being and Artist is not always easy, because as Rosie says poco loco.. pero en la final es mui bueno, excellente. a little crazy, but excellent in the end results.

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