Wednesday, October 24, 2007

San Jose

I manage to sell the lap top one of them anyway. With that money I went to San Jose to purchase holiday decor and am going to make up some nice pieces to sell at Nelsen's store. Turning my money but I am sure not in an instant.
I have talked to Amapola but they have not given me the answer yet for the hotel.

On Monday I was sick I felt horrible I have a slight infection in the kidneys something I seem to get often. I took some medication that the pharmacy prescribed. Here you go the Pharmacy and tell them your symptoms and they prescribe for you exactly what you need. The few times I have felt ill I have gone and done exactly that and it is perfectly ok. They give me the medication and in a day or so I am fine.
To the normal American I am sure their freaked out about this system, but they actually have a pharmacist that is a real doctor and knows most all situations.

It was a beautiful day driving to San Jose the sun was shinning, everything is super green and lush. The road was not bad going but Coming back we took the Puriscal route and I will go into that later.
Going in to San Jose was smooth. We stopped in Aluejuela and went to one store to purchase some things for the holiday. I found a shirt that was cute and only 3 dollars So did Rachel. She went along with me, nice traveling partner. She is not a overly smiley person in fact sometimes her face looks very angry but she is not. Just one of those kinds of people who's faces look very serious and perplexed too?
We talked some, but mostly I did the talking. I am getting much better in my Spanish she is helping me.
Then we went to my favorite place and spent hours there looking and figuring things out. When I got a call from Century 21 they were rearranging the desks and the owner was trying to get it right. One of the girls called and begged for me to come and fix the mess that was being made. I tried to talk to Owner about it but he has his ideas. Give him time... he will allow me to use my gifts to make the place look nice.

We had a nice day the weather was perfect, the timing on things were perfect no traffic, and the day went smooth. We drove to Escazu and went to another store, that I use. The manager is super nice to me and gives me big discounts so I bought some more and then we drove to the mall, looked around ate and took off for Puriscal.
It was dark at this point, I know the roads I drove them a bunch when I had the broken leg and had to be driven to the hospital several times a week.
Plus many times with Cristhian, by the way I heard from him he was in San Jose looking for work but not much was said simply hello and how are you and that was it.
I do not wish ill on anyone, he was a good friend... but not a great help.

Hope he does better.. but I will miss some of the things we did together.

Now leading out of Escazu into the out lying areas, the road is very curvy and has many ups and downs. We got through the first part with not much damage to the road.But going through Puriscal was not easy.

I went the way Cristhian usually goes but the road was closed. So We turned around and went the way these three guys told us to go. I was going at a normal speed not many cars if none were on the road that winds through the mountain. We went around this one curve, and mind you they have had many sink holes, drop offs from the sides of the mountains, and last week alone a whole mountain side fell killing 15 people, burying them in the mud. So We are trying to drive slower than normal. It is dark you can not see a thing. There are no lights or reflectors on the roadway.

We go barreling along and pow!!! a huge mountain of Sand in front of us... I threw on the brakes, slid, and came very close to plowing into this block they made but with out warnings a head of time. Yes a huge mountain of gravel and sand in the middle of the road to prevent people from falling into a cliff that was god only knows how deep! It was a big drop off.
Raquel was breathing hard, and I was shaking.But I quickly turned the car around. On all sides were very deep Chanel's for water to run more than four feet so if the car went off the side of the road you would have tumbled or got the car stuck and no possible way to get it out but a tow truck and those are hard to find here.

We went back the way we came and then ran into some police on the side of the road. We asked them the way to Orotina from there since the roads were shut down. They gave me a good description and I found it in minutes.

We drove on this road is beautiful in the day time and well at night I see not a good idea. It was in bad repair, We had several incidents, where I had to slow down very carefully and pass over a small patch of road. There were mud slides, big branches down and lots of pot holes and drop offs from the sides of the roads washing away. Steep cliffs and lots of turns. But we did see an ant eater, a skunk, a small pig and I saw something white but I have no idea what it was...
No rain that was the best part that could have been disastrous...
Pulled into Jaco only after three hours of driving, I was exhausted the stress and the time and my car is hard you have to shift allot no power and many grades. As we pulled into Jaco right in front of the road that I turn into my place, was a horse just walking slowly down the road.
I told Raquel this is the only city in Costa Rica where the horses run wild on the streets. The other day I was going to the office, when around the corner of my apartment was eight horses eating on the lot that is for sale and walking down the middle of the road doing nothing.Its common here... to funny!

Still not much work, I sure hope things change here soon.. I am out there hustling like hell! but maybe today I may sell some of the furnishings from the office that will help for a while.

I have this friend Lucas, he wants to go to Panama border on Friday.. He pays the way.. Its 6 hours from here and not a great road. I am sure the rivers are full and you have to forge one or two I think. So I may check with the buses and find out what the condition of the roads are before Crazy Lucas and I go. He wants to take Frans and Raquel with us Raquel's parents live there and she said were welcome to stay at the house.

Its really nice today, I am sitting in my tropical patio, its all lined with heliconias, the small variety, and inside I have a huge fish tale palm, and trabacone, its like a giant birds nest fern the leaves are about five feet long and really dark green there suppose to be good luck, then I have all sorts of tropical plants planted in the boxes that enclose my patio plus orchids, and Chinese palms and arrow heads, springeri ferns, calathias, and more... prayer plants its very pretty. quiet, you can hear the pump from the pool and bird singing. I heard three macaws a few moments ago.
Thinking yesterday, I love this country the beauty of it, but there are so many things that are so different than USA, I hope now that Cafta is sign that it takes forever to change it to a little USA. I am not for this... changing the way of the country to be a little American although there are benefits, it will dissolve the slow pace and the beauty of the land.

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