Friday, October 19, 2007

What a great week this has been, in one way it was sad and difficult because of the move and close and moving and setting up, on the other it was closure of a chapter and the beginning of great new chapter.
I met new people, I had people give me money with out asking or even saying a word, I had people help me that I never dreamed would. Another person asked me to help him with his apartment little things and gave me a deposit, I had a very attractive lawyer call me saying he was interested in buying my leather living room set that was over $4000, he is putting his office across the street from me. and he knew who I was! this was so encouraging!I have new fresh office with more possibilities of getting set up with real clients who are buying condos or homes.

I worked for Nelsen and made a nice little amount of money, I came up with another business for the holidays that I should put into order should I sell the computer this weekend. I have the location for free and a person to handle it. I went today for a project in Orotina that should be a very nice landscape project that could bring me future work in the project for more than a year. I booked Nelsen's store and new restaurant in Punta leona, for the holidays, Rosie's restaurant for the holidays , I heard a rumor yesterday the the owners of the Amapola hotel were Italians and they needed someone to do the hotel for the holidays... I went right away with my portfolio talked to the three owners then the general manager they said yes! for the whole hotel.
Then I had four people interested in buying the computer so I hope one comes through.
I got and email from the Los Suenos hotel MARRIOTT'S saying they are interested in talking to me again about the hotel for the holidays! so I go tomorrow at 10.30 I know there going to say yes. And then I had a friend of Rosie's who is also my friend Rachel asked if she could rent my other room in my apartment and she is willing to help me with the holiday decor set up, she is paying for the room separate so this was great.

These are the great things in one week... ok this is amazing, It is all real things that happened and I am so amazed how in one week the whole world turned about. The only really ugly thing was cutting Cristhian, but in reality maybe that opened all the doors? who knows ??? quien save???

So I certainly feel different today than I did last Friday.

Ok today I got up a little late, I did go dancing last night. I left at 11:00 at night and came home at 2:45 no drinking only dancing. I danced allot it was fun, my feet are kiling today. I needed to go to Orotina, I asked this new man I met to go along with me Luca he is 70 years old doesnt look a day over 50 and always has a smile on his Face. We had breakfast at the Copa Cabana then he rode along with me and we had a great time talking and trying to find this secluded local for the landscape job. We found a road that went through a little village and the views we found of a valley and the Tarcoles river was spectacular
Then we stopped and pick out tile for his back wash porch area he allowed me to select and he paid.
We stopped and talked to Marla and Bill Tortorrici at the gallery and made a date for tomorrow for the four of us to get together and visit eat and drink after my meeting at Lost Suenos. Then we drove into town , I visited with him for an hour and then went to Miguelito's house to check it out for the little things he wanted me to do.Then I went to Rosie's to wait for Rachel.. then it started raining really hard so I had to wait there for a long time just sitting and talking.
Then I drove downtown in the pouring down rain and got the laundry, the damn cat that is not mine came in again to the house and peed on the bed that Rachel is staying in so I had to have all of it washed the pillows and all OH YUK! the laundry is cheap here its cheaper to have it done than spend the time to do it so I spent 4 dollars for all my clothes and her bedding.
Then she and I came home and straightened things out and made the bed and talked for like two hours. I sure hope this is a good thing, she seems very contrite, her life was so bad. Its nice to have someone to share things with.

Rosie is messaging me right now on the computer and its fun! I LOVE HER SO MUCH...

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