Thursday, May 25, 2006

Wow has time flown

The yucca flowers

Some of the New Furniture makers product

crock on a quad

Typical Costa Rica colors and furniture, but it was to my design,

Milo came last week on Weds, I drove to San Jose to see him, we ended up going to Santa Anna, He said he knew some great place there. So when we drove up I recognized the area, we got out to go to one place, there is like four restuarants and bars together in one mall type building. I didn't like the first one, nor the second one, but the last one was incredible. I said YES lets go here, walking about looking at the place I saw a cool modern style bar in another room. So I walked in to take a peak, and to my surprise was Helen, My assistant, walking down the stairs with a whole group of people! She yelled MARIANNA I YELLED HELEN... In spanish we talked... it was so weird, here I was all the way across the country practically and we met in the same place? WOW... then she told me she was with her old friends, they were having a celebration. It was for a new Magazine called Sports and Travel, it is suppose to have a circulation all over Latin america and I believe the USA too. I met the editor, and publisher and more... The restuarant was incredible the name is Mangiamo, VERY CLASSY the gate way to Italy in Costa Rica.

It was a blast we joined in the party and had a very nice time how small the world is ya know? Then of course Helen proceeds to tell the editor about me, Actually she had Two of my latest copies that Glenn Wright, sent me From the Columbian News paper in Vancouver Washington. I couldn't believe she had it in her bag! ok this was weirder, Then she showed him and on the spot he asked me to do a section in the magazine. SHOCKED AND HAPPY but worried, as to what I would write about.
since the Mag is basically swimsuit models, sports, leasure, travel. But in thinking, I may do restuarant Reviews, or talk about all the cool places I have seen and are going to see here in Costa Rica. Right now I really don't know what I am writing about, but I am sure something will come.
What I know best is what is Home and Garden. This is my subject matter for the Columbian, but a Mag really generated for Travel and men ... GOD I DON'T know but I am sure its going to Fun.
Luis the editor is a very positive down to earth happy man. He spent the whole evening with us.

The next day, Milo went to work and I took the time to go and find a new Furniture maker. I found one with Tony's help the driver of Rocky. Tony knows everything, he is a good connection and a great tour guide and driver.
I had him drive me around so we did allot of stuff, I had a meeting with the new maker, and asked about some custom peices I wanted done for a new client. It was interesting seeing his work and his homes. He took me to his house and showed me his parrots and toucans and said he would get me one! I couldn't believe I could see them that close and hold them.

The parrots were babies, so it was easy to hold them, they will get very large.
An unexpected surprise!

The next day Milo worked I did too, doing drawings then I went shopping in San Pedro, it rained alot, then got dark and I got stuck in traffic for two hours getting lost and scared and mad...
Dark wet roads in Costa rica is difficult to find your way, THERE ARE NO STREET SIGNS.. so imagine driving seeing something you think you recognize then finding another area you think you recognize, only to find you had no clue where you were. All that frustrating sent me to a tizzle, Then finally I found my way to the Marriot San Jose, NOT EASY... Milo wanted to go back the Mall where I had bought him a beautiful shirt but it was too small. So I stupid as I was said sure lets go, thinking he would do better than I in Traffic and rain and dark unknown roads.

Well Not so... He was lost then frustrated and then upset cause I was whinning my leg hurt im hungry and so on and so on, This lasted for another two hours. He was really amazed that here we were again lost and didn't know where the heck we were? We never did get to the mall in San Pedro NEVER!! we stopped at some little corner bakery in the dark its all open and had a snack and drank some water and just chilled for a moment so he could figure out where we were.
The rain changes the look of the areas the streets are wet and shiny and you cannot see a thing, nor the people on the road side or bikes or some cars. VERY dangerous.
Finally back to the hotel, no food just stress.
The following day was Saturday:
We got up and got ready to drive to Jaco, spent a leasurely time driving and seeing things we never saw, We also stopped at this soda on the top of the hill and ate and looked at the incredible view from the tops of the mountains, Mind you there is nothing up there only coffee plants on the mountain side and cows, two sodas right near each other and thats it. SO BEAUTIFUL!

Really majestic and awe inspiring, When My friend Barbara came to visit, We stopped there and had a very nice peacefull moment in the clouds on the top of the mountain.

Then We stopped an asked about this yucca flower we see everywhere being sold on sticks, I wonder what they do with it? Milo asked and they told us you cook it with oil and garlic and onions and eat the flowers. So he had to buy two stalks, these things are huge.

We came to Jaco and ran around a bit and then made dinner a nice dinner with this delicious avocado and salad. The following day he constructed some headboards I wanted made out of huge timber bamboo, then we ate and he watched birds here so many of them and butterflies all over.
The hummingbirds are now coming to the windows and looking at us!
I wanted to go to the beach, we got all ready and went to Esterillos (where I want a house)

We laid on the beach it was hot but over cast, and Milo brought the binoculars, because I told hin the week before when I went there, I saw tons of Parrots huge red and blue ones. He wanted to see and to both of our surprize, they came . Lots of them flying all over and swooping down on us , Other birds joined in. Milo was so excited to see all this action. It made him love Esterillos, We watched the boats in the horizon, a huge sail boat and several Large fishing boats.
The clouds began to come in, so we packed up and drove back to Jaco which is like ten mniutes away, I made Gnochi and salad, we took it to a new friends house for dinner, Elena and Terry. Elena is from here but raised in USA, Terry is from Usa and met Elena here.. They are a very interesting couple. He was a teacher she was a bill collector for Pac bell.

Dinner was nice we ate the yucca flower gnochis, bread and salad, and we had a very enjoyable conversation. Terry and Milo had everything in Common, Elena and are are just girls.. we laugh and joke and get along nicely. They are wanting to build a new house so Milo got in the middle and is now going to do some blue prints for them.

Something how things happen??? AYE?

The next day Was Monday, he had to return to Work, and Went along. My work is not much right now only people wanting to use me but no real jobs as of yet. One is tenative.

So Went and did some more research for the business, and rested. Had a very nice time untill he left yesterday. I return to Jaco, went to la Flor and talked with a new tenative client and got the names of five more.. so things may be going well for me here! THANK GOD!!!

Today I meet a builder, but I know him David the pool guy, I went to his house some time back, we recalled each other now so he is pleased for me to be involved with his five houses, as speck homes. Hopefully I will get to do all five!

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