Tuesday, May 30, 2006


It Was very quite, not may tourists here for the holiday. Its not a holiday here.

Sunday was spent alone here in the apartment, I watched part of Indy 500, and thought alot about my sister, who watches every race with passion. She is really a fan of racing. I have watched a few times, but it doesn't excite me the way it excites my sis.

I flipped chanels most of the day, ate and clean up around the apartment, I went in the spare bedroom and looked a the Bamboo headboard Milo put together for me. It looks great and I was smiling thinking about him doing this with my ideas. Hes really good at stuff! Makes me happy to have someone in my life like that.

I took the day be alone, rest the leg and by god it was good for the leg. For the First time in weeks the following day it looked normal, actually skinny.

I watched the Humminbirds most of the day, and simply did nothing. Sounds terrible but it was needed. I was lying on my bed with all the windows in the apartment open. It has large sliding windows all over. The Front door is oversize sliding glass doors, the kitchen side window is a reg size slider but set about a foot above the floor, the bedroom has the same slider only on the floor. So there is lots of glass. Since I set above on the second floor its very nice,when I open them all up.

A huge breeze flows through the apartment, making it so refreshing when its cooler. The birds tend to come right to the windows and often come in the house. As I laid there with one leg up and in a semi sitting postion flipping chanels, this hummingbird came in buzzed me as it hovered over my head and stared at me,,, then he flew back out. I was in shock. I have never in my life had anything like that happen so close, I could actually see his or her eyes, and its little tiny beak and all the beautiful colors of it's wings.

This has to mean something doesn't it? A bird coming in my room flying over my head in one spot starring at me, and then as if to say hello and good bye quickly flys away. Wow, Yesterday as I sat at the kitchen table the window directly in front of it was entirely open. I have a huge apple humminbird feeder in that window at chest level. The same bird I think came to it, then flew to the left of it to take a look at me mind you I am sitting right next to the window less than 12 inches away from the feeder! Wow its awesome..

Silly I suppose to some people but how wonderous nature is? I watched Sunset, on Sunday. Missed my Children, knowing that the older one was with my sis and brother in- law in Coos Bay Oregon. The other child didn't call, I do not have either sons numbers. They changed them and have not given them to me. The change is another strange story, that I should not talk about, but it doesn't concern me. I was not the reason for the change.

I went to bed fairly early Sunday rather boring but very relaxing day and my leg sure did improve from the rest!!!

Monday, I had a quiet Morning, Eida drove by and yelled up seeing the Windows open , invited me to eat at the soda next door. But Its closed on Mondays... I told her before its closed on Mondays but she is so busy forgets things. She invited me to come down to the office later. I showered got all dressed and went to the new office that I will be doing in a few weeks. Its brand new in the new mall here that is not open yet. We will have a movie theater, kentucky fried chicken, and more.... I checked it out, stopped by to Helens but she wasn't there, only her darling young son Camelo.

I then went to drop off cards at a new development called Jaco one, A huge project with over Two hundred condos on the main Costa Nerra, I talked to the young man running the sales office and come to find out I knew one of the partners. So he suggested I contact them and make and attempt to be there designer for the whole project. WOW THAT WOULD BE SWEET... I may have enough work to actually buy something... But I am decided to be patient, not count my chickens before they hatch.. this is something I learned here since living here. Patients is very important. Waiting is what you do in Costa Rica. WAIT FOR EVERYTHING... but I suppose its a good virtue?

After our talk I drove up the Costa nerra a piece to the clinic and had my sweet tica doctor give me my shots. Borning as it may seem. I dove back home and rested for about three hours. I didn't eat. I am trying to cut down. I feel fat.. My body was so use to working out five , six days a week and now for 6 months nothing... I need to cut down and then slowly begin a work out routine once again. I feel discouraged about my body. I see all these beautiful bods here . Its very hard! To be positive about my old body when you see so many beauties!

Then in the evening I went down to Rosies, she called and ask me to visit. There was this Russian man sitting at he table.
I have seen this man times before and I always get bad vibes when I look at him. He looks seedy, sneaky, just down right scary.
He is always dressed to the hilt, sharp shoes, no socks, awesome shorts and designer shirts. or very nice light weight dress slacks and a cool shirt, wears a gold chain around his neck. His teeth are white although he smokes like a freaking bad car that has oil problems speuing smoke down the road... ya know? can you picture this?
I know he has veniers on his teeth, anyone that smokes that much can't have pure white teeth.

Needless to say I don't like this guy.. Just by appearances, I see through the exterior.

He never says hello, and won't repsond when I have said Hello to him. He speaks Spanish, english and Russian, that I know of. We got in a conversation when Helen Walked over from her place across the street. She bought some Cigarettes, anyone that knows me... knows I tell people how bad it is.. If I care about someone I tell them, So I began to lecture Helen. Please I said I saw a special on TV yesterday talking about all the poison that are in Smoking, battery acid, and more.. She agreed he disagreed. Told me that Sugar is poison salt is poison and now the debate was on.
He said meat was poison, I said so your a vegan in spanish... he didn't answer we got into a very interesting conversating he got aggrevated over the discusson, I told Rosie in front of him in English. Usually when people get very upset it is because they know how bad it is but can not accept within there selves to stop or believe it.

He continues to say he is a doctor, Rosie is shocked... ok NOW IM WORRIED. HE Looks seedy to me, and now my mind is wondering why he is here??? In Costa Rica? hes not a kind warm person, that loves nature or the surrounds. He is a hard, stubborn man with much to hide I think?

He talks about the USA saying too many cops, too much controll, oh ohh hes sending me signals! I mean it I was getting so many red flags. He continues in an elevated angry voice. About Stupid Americans and how the government in the Usa is trash( well I might have to agree about some of this But hell Im not gonna let him know that) so he goes on and on and I asked in the middle of this hatefull conversation, that I started LOL... What type of Doctor are you? he replies PLASTIC SURGEON... ok now im really scared...

Recently in the past three weeks, I have seriously been contemplating having a tummy tuck when I get more establish with my work here. I have several names of good surgeons here in Costa Rica and they do amazing work for very little. compared to the states. OK lets think about this?? would you want him to work on you? From his statements his additude and mear gestures, NO... But who does he work on? And why is he here? He told me he works in Alejuala, outside of San Jose in a clinic.

We had some words he said some very stupid remarks about my size, and how I was lazy that all I needed to do was work out... HELL THIS MAN KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ME.. I was huge I lost more than 100 pounds doing jazzercise and changing my lifestyle. I had three surgeries on my stomach two c sections and a very serious tumor surgery where they had to reconstruct my insides. This stomach is going no where, as much exercise as I have done will not return the body I once had before children and surgeries.
I grabbed my tummy a whole huge lump of it and said you, your a surgeon and you think it's my mind that needs work? I said Kiss my butt!!! and slapped it,, you know nothing about people. He continued to say I needed to work out.

I said who would you suggest I go to he said "not me", I only practice at this clinic.. OF COURSE NOT HIM... but I wanted a name, then I could ask about him? I'm very curious about this man.. I think personally,now this is my own assumption, but! I think.... he is a bad physician from Russia, maybe he was kicked out? then he fled to the USA... he had bad situations there obviously, all the things he said referred to this. Or Maybe he is not a doctor at all but professes to be one and is practicing here. Maybe he never was one, and did this in many countries?

I don't know but I would not put anything past him.

He was angry and told me I was a stupid American Typical American he said.. I said how can you make this assumption? He doesn't know me at all, and say what he said about my body, thinking I am lazy. FAR FROM THAT!!! Wow what a night..

Soon there after I left, several people came, and I was tired it was not 11:00 and I wanted to get home.

This was not all!!
I walked back over to Helens to say good bye, her and Betty were arguing. Betty lives with Helen, Curious ok?? I have thought a few times, maybe they are lovers. but then put it out of my mind, Remeber Helen is my assistant now?

Ok Helen was trying to cut Bettys hair at 11 at night? they were drinking.. and arguing.. I was trying to be nice and talk to Betty about the hair cut, you have to know Betty, she wears no makeup, she is still a virgin and is 33 years old, and has not cut her hair in ten years. Helen was my manicurist pedicurist, and she does hair... How do they fit????

Betty I was told needed a place to stay Helen has a small room behind the salon that they stay in. So I don't know??? WOW ok

Well in the conversation I asked point blank to Betty Do you like men or women? She repsonded with a smile Women.. I left at that point. I am not prejudice about gays at all, After all I have had many gay men and only one gay women in my career work for me. I know the life style, and I have many many gay friends. BUT TO FIND OUT THIS WAS SHOCKING... I was mad that I didn't see this? how was I so blind to this situation? I didn't think for one minute that they were gay?

Although someone mentioned to me they were? I still didn't get it? I asked Helen one day when we were working on Rockys house if she was, she replied no! So I don't know but Helen was laughing and ran out the door with me and said are you mad? I said no I am just going home.
Well it didn't end there.....

AS I drove home I noticed at the end of the main road was a man standing with a flash light.
He flagged me to stop, I saw he had a vest on a police vest. Oh boy here we go... they stopped me, and checked me out. He asked me if I speak or understand Spanish. I said yes, we talked.. I told them I Just lived down the road by the Soda La almistad, he asked before or after I said before.. He kept questioning me, making me very nervous. I stumbled about in my purse trying to find my washington drivers license, and my passport, he kept looking in my purse with his flash light I was getting mad I didn't like this.

He asked how much have you had to drink ,I said nothing he said again HOW MUCH HAVE YOU HAD TO DRINK??? I said nothing I drank nothing I drank a sandia, and some manzanilla, Camomile tea after I drank a watermellon smoothie.

He said what is this I smell, he kept sniffing, I was getting very nervious, but I talked about my leg and how I was low on gas, I showed him how hard it was to hold the clutch and showed him my scares, that I was hit by a car on my bike and he was stressing me. He questioned me again HOW MUCH YOU DRINK? I said nothing he said yes, I said no we argued. Then I said Look I had shots today, and I want my leg to heal no Alchohol! For some reason he stopped, gave me back my ids, then he said....... your a beautiful woman, are you single here in Costa Rica? I said yes, he said you have no boyfriends here? I said I have one but he lives in the USA, he said you need one here... I said I don't know NO Se! he said yes you need one your a beautiful lady. I said thank you then he proceeded to talk... told me his daugthers name is MARIANNA>>>> that he will never forget me. OH GOD JUST WHAT I NEED. COP WHO WONT FORGET ME and then everytime he see's my car or me stops me?
CRAP! What a hell of a night aye?

Now what? So I go to the house Call Rosie tell her how shocked I was about HElen and Betty and how I got stopped by the cops she was laughing her head off, asked if I was ok. then we hung up. I went to sleep thinking wow, what the heck happened tonight was a full moon?

Then today I woke the sun was gone its gray, misty the clouds are low and the sky looks foggy. Its mystical looking today, I get a phone call its Masami, a clients daughter from the USA, were going to meet tonight and have drinks and sushi, so I may not go that way again tonight!!! LIVING IN COSTA RICA!!

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