Sunday, May 28, 2006

I have spent the past two days just really taking care of me. I found out I have some vascular Damage to my leg. It swells constant and the pain from that is really anoying. I had a doctor here in Jaco take a look and see if this was the case. She a small framed blonde haired red lipped 30 some odd year old woman, agrees that it is some sort of Trauma. My friend Anna Carina, who is a massage therapist, suggested b12 5 and 6 shots, to increase the circulation. I talk to another therapist here in Jaco and on Monday he will begin a schedule of therapy to help heal this leg.
I had my first shot on Friday afternoon, it seem to make me very tired? why I have no clue but it did so I went home and slept. Kept the leg up and did nothing. I was a little disapointed since I wanted to go and visit down town and hang out. I got all dressed laid on the bed, and that was all she wrote. I fell asleep and found myself fully clothed and in bed till late at night. I woke up and checked mail, nothing from Milo. He is moving his daughter this weekend From Ohio to Texas. The son inlaw is graduating from Med school. So he is wrapped up with this family..

Sat I woke up around 7:00 made some new coffee that I got on the mountain top, I do not like it as well as volio or one other I prefer. I watched the window where I have hung a new hummingbird feeder but no customers. I have lots of birds coming to the feeders, down stairs and now up. They also just visit the balcony and sit on the railings or Tap at my windows. Its strange but I think they love my place!

I ate some fresh mango, watermelon and eggs with toast. Then I decided it would be good to go for a walk on the beach. Its been sorta of cloudy allot here, not really rain but overcast, and still very warm out so walking will be fine.

I put on a camoflodge skirt and halter top with my bathing suit bottom under so I can sit in the water and releave the pressure of my weight off my foot.
I walked for a long time, the wind was slightly cooler today from the sea, generally it is warm not refreshing, but today the sea seemed so different than I had experienced in the past.
I walked and watched people play in the the water not many where out today it was quiet. The sun on the water made all the waves very light blue, as if you could see throught them. Each one curling and rolling and creating a very lovely scene to watch. The tide was out quite a ways so I knew it would be safe for me to sit in the surf and relax my leg. I have never done this, it was a suggestion of the doctor here in Jaco. Honestly I have not had much fear of the ocean on the beach, its out to sea that I have fear, I would never just get in it. TOO MANY CREATURES IN THERE, besides I was told here there is lots of Sting rays close in on the beach. Anna Carina is a witness to this. She was stung on the side of her leg by one and it took 10 months to heal. So no way was I going out there alone.

I sat and let the waves move me around, the water only being 6 to 8 inches high at the most, It moved me back and forth and felt so nice on the injury. The weightlessness of the leg took all the pressure's off.
The water today actually had a cool sensation, first time I have felt that here. It was cool when it spilled over you, and warm when it rushed back out to sea.
Sitting alone in the water watching the horizon and the horses ride by, the people strolling along the beach was very peacefull. I felt like my life lately has been at its best.

I feel very happy and content, it would be perfect if it was with out pain. Even so with the pain, I still feel so very content at this moment with my life.

The peace I feel here in Costa Rica I am sure can be obtained anywhere, but the surroundings has much to do with my emotions and feelings. I cannot say I remember ever feeling this in Vancouver Washington, Maybe once in a while when I was working in my huge Garden on 50th ave. Most time's in the garden is was toiling, and praying and worring about how things were going to get paid. Many years of that.. Many years of worring about how to raise my sons, and make everything work. Now my focus is simply on me, sounds selfish honestly... but its been good and healthy mentally for me being here in Costa Rica.

Yesterday as I walked back from the beach, I stopped and looked at the grass field next to beach and how a developer tore out this really cool old house. Now the nature that lives in this field, and bamboo grove will all be displaced in a moments notice. I thought about change and how it effects everyone.

My move here may have had an effect on some people, in the begining, but now I don't know if they have just adjusted to the fact that I am gone, or forgotten what is was like when I was there, just like the grass field and the nature that lives there now will be gone, will I forget what it was like and how I adored it?

Change it is good I believe in change, its the only thing that is constant, or the thing you can depend on. But making a good change is sometimes difficult and is what I needed to do.

Jerry, Rockies cousin, said to me. Marianna you really had to have balls to move here alone. Honestly I feel the same way. I did have the balls excuse my saying, to do this. I do not regret for one minute that I did. The only thing I do miss, and it has nothing to do with the USA. Is

My Grandchildren and my children. I want badly for them to at least come and see, before things are all gone. Just like the grass field. When I stood there and stared, I have to tell you it took me back to when I was a child. I was the last child of six, I played alone alot. I walked alot in the country. We lived in the country. So for me wandering was natural. I use to love to just watch nature when I was little. BUGS, BIRDS, animals. Stopping there yesterday made me remember how beautiful life was when I was young. NOT THAT I AM AN OLD LADY, but Im not 28 years old anymore... I stopped and actually smelled flowers growing in the weeds, and watched the most interesting butterflies I have ever seen, so unusal. And I thought how fortunate I am, how I am so gratefull that I can enjoy and appreciate life in a way that most people could care less about, or are so busy they have forgotten what it is like to just enjoy something so simple.

Yes There are other things in life, Not just my rose colored view of the world around me, there is distruction and corruption, and abuse and more. The issues of life have become so over whelming to most of us. But in a moment, where I stood in a field and watched the blades of grass blow in the wind. The hate that was in me instilled from all the influence of our world disapeared, just for that moment. I loved and enjoyed and could only think about my Family and how I wish I could releave some of there stress of life by showing them the simple things I have leaned lately.

I returned from my walk, not to complain but in pain the leg was very painfull, Slowly I walked in the heat back to the apartment. I talked to my land lord who was here to interview someone I got for the apartment. Then I went up stairs made some avocado and tuna with oregano, and elevated the leg. Took tylenol and some honey.

I read that honey has healing powers, so I am trying to do everything I can to make this leg heal.
I rested, then miguel a friend of mine showed up. He wanted me to go to the beach with him, but I explained I needed to rest the leg its part of the program this doc now has me on. Fifteen minutes three times a day. Elevated up high. So he talked and we joked for a while then I went to go swimming at Rockies. Jerry called me and gave me permission to use the pool.

But they didn't put chemichels in it so I just sat for a while watched the waves, and returned to Helens to visit.
She made me some Columbian food, that I may say I ATE WAY TOO MUCH OF. It was like this sausage really good stuff and these things called arepa's Corn tortilla type thing only thick.
I ate three sausages and two arepa's WOW the sausage where little but I over did it. I felt sick.

I came home rested again, then got dressed and went to Rosies to hang out and talk to people.

It was a nice night. I enjoyed some of the people that sat and talked to me.. One was from Ohio and was shocked to find out I was from the states, he thought I was Tica , or Columbian or some latin origin... I laughed... It was a nice night.

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