Wednesday, May 10, 2006

More to COME!!!

This trunk is from guatamala, prior to me staining it

Most of the furniture was made from my drawings, in a factory in Limon on the Other side of Costa rica

Meeting Rocky and Jerry the men who hired me to do this house was very interesting and not to mention Fun! they were such real characters.

Rocky a restuarant owner in Georgia, and Jerry a Restuarant owner in Jersey. Were just like being with real live Saprano characters. They were so funny together the way they talk to each other in there East coast accents, there Italian gestures, and the way they get mad or excited with one another was comical. I felt as if I was in some sort of story... The exclaimed how much they loved what I had done to the house, in such a short time less than two weeks. Although it was not nearly in my oppinon complete, it will do for now. I think they may be selling it, and just wanted it all dressed to sell, Now they want me to do the others they have here in Costa Rica.

So this was a very nice project for me. Although I did not charge anything near what I would in the states, I did do ok.

They were very animated, and fun to talk to. Rocky a tall medium build man with large glasses, and lots of hair a typical Italain nose, long legs and a nice smile. Jerry a robust shorter man, with a great complection, nice dark hair and thick Italian eyebrows, and a very funny personality. Both in Shorts, and your typical Florida style shirts.

After inviting me in, and talking to their private driver for a while. We all discussed life not business, and the way I did this house made them feel very comfortable. They even liked the cross I put up in the entry of the house. Jerry commented on it and asked why I would do that? I explained to him in spanish design the use of religious symbols were always a part of the complete design, and that it was a good thing. He said I love that you did that! so I was happy that he was not displeased with my little accent's of authenticity.
Although the house is owned by Rocky, I get the feeling that Jerry has allot of imput on what Rocky does. He is the idea man, Rocky does what is best.

The East coast accents were killing me, I was laughing the whole time on just how they say things, so different from my west coast influence, and it was so fun to hear them banter back and forth.
In a hour or so they suggested that we go eat, so I took them to this little tiny soda ( restuarant) with only four tables on the road Anita, dirt road down the way from the Copa Cabana,

Not very many people know about this place, Christina and I ate there last week it was awesome!

So I took them and of course the food was wonderfull, typical Tico food, but very good and really great presentation! They loved it, we drank our own bottle of wine I bought them, and then had another one right away. The Tica that owned the soda went and got us some more.. at the store I think?

We talked for more than a hour, really like the Italians do. Sitting around the table and talking about life and people and things.

It was great. I enjoyed my time with these two allot, I may be going with them on Thursday to playa concha, north of here. THe beach of shells.

Jerry and I hit it off, we laughed and joked and cracked up allot, while Rocky just smiled. He is a more quiet type. Tony the driver spoke totally in spanish to me so it was very interesting having to translate what I knew to them.

Later we went to Sunami's for another drink, wow I was tipsy, now today I am hung over. I did't get up till 9:30 very rare for me... I missed them this morning to talk about my payment, so I guess tonight I will meet up with them again and get it settled. Now I will begin on the other as soon as I finish the drapes and some other details within this first house.

Today is picking up laundry, paying the nursery for the plants, and paying the Furniture maker for the balance.

I have not heard much from Milo, his work is loading him down with projects, he has no time... I feel sad, I never get to talk to him. I wish he could see that taking time for the ones you love is very important, anything in any moment can happen, things can change. I miss him, I don't understand why time for me is not in the schedule?

He went away last weekend he said for a Fishing trip, He is in New Mexico, I am here... I have no idea who he went with, but I missed him very much over the weekend ,even though I worked the whole time. I did not hear from him when he returned, nor on Monday. but Yesterday a small note. and Today the same, a small note saying he will be back in Costa Rica on the 18th.

I know he is busy, I understand work, I need his attention.....

Its cloudy today, rained allot last night. Heavy the streets were full of water, then today nothing, beautiful the surroundings though Green and flowering.

Finally the humminbirds have discovered my feeder that Milo put up months ago! I cannot believe it they found it, I decided a day ago to change the water, and Well to my surprise two big humminbirds came to the window looked at me then went to the other window looked at me then went right to the feeder. YEAH I HAVE HUMMERS NOW!!! Yes there big here some tiny ones too, but most are big. This morning I heard the parrots again, wow there loud, I wsh I could take a photo of them to show you.

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