Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Boys, the Dogs....


Yesterday the car was lined up to get the window's tinted. Its really important here to do that to your car. The heat just cooks inside the car so a preventitive measure is needed. I woke up fed the humminbirds and the other birds, then made some coffee and cleaned up to run. I was suppose to be there at nine, but I got a phone call from Terry, and talked for a half hour. When I got to the window tinter there was no water on, so he sent me away for the second time. It was suppose to be done the day before but they had too much work. So they told me to bring it in the next day. Mind you its outside done on a small patio, not meant for Car care but never the less it is done.

It took all day, this photo is with out the tint, I'll have to take one with. But anyway it was all day. I left it and began to walk on the costa nera to the printers to see about my business cards, well when I got there about a half mile down the road they had no prof, they had nothing done.

So I walked back found this cheesy little soda on the roadway and stopped to have a bit to eat, but the lady I think told me they didn't have anything. I asked for chicken but she said no, then I asked for Frescos naturale, she said no agua, so no water to make it?

In a few minutes people came two guys in a truck who walked right in the back like they owned the place. Then two more and she served them food? I was thinking wow they didn't order. There was no menu no signs, hmm? I though so I asked what she had to drink. Coke and lemonade. So chose the lemonade. I must have sat there at least an hour untill this younger gal came and a man with a guitar. The gal worked there it was her mothers place, I got the courage to ask in spanish for food. FIsh I said? she said yes with beans and rice. Gallo pinto and pescado entriro. The whole fish...

I ate and while I was eating this man was playing the gutiar and singing, the owner sang right along with him, I guess they knew each other . He ordered his afternoon coffee with milk and seranaded four of us. In the front of this Soda is the main road and allot of garbage on the roadside very disgusting but the food was good????

I ate and listened, to the man I knew who he was I had seen him the night before, when Rocky had called and invited me along with Jerry, Tony, and Edwardo. We ate at Wishbone, I had a salad with avocado, they had big dinners... We all drank wine. The man seranaded us and when he talked to me at the soda he remembered me from the night before, then asked my name so you know now that whenever he sees me he will be talking to me.

Yes Rocky and Jerry are gone now, I spent the last night they were here with them having dinner and talking. These two are characters, ones you might see in a movie, or a cartoon. But it has been very interesting meeting all these different people from around the world. What an adventure being with these two. I learned allot. Lets just put it that way.

Waiting for the car was hard, it was hot I didn't have another ride, and there is harldy anything in the area where the car was getting taken care of. So I decided to walk down this dirt road past the window tinter. To my suprize it lead to a jungle area, that was really cool, tall huge bamboo, giagantic trees bigger than I can describe. Huge philodendrons climbing up the trunks and onto the limb's of the trees. Giant Bananas, and lots of birds butterflies.

I heard some pigs they sounded terrible, mean wild. but as I walked I saw a pen up on a hill side so I wonder if the pigs were captured and kept in the pens? They got louder as I got closer, maybe they could smell me? They were grunting and snarling terrible noise, scared me but I kept walking. I saw some pretty unusual birds and heard lots of Toucans in the trees on the moutain tops.
I saw a valley in the distant and I kept walking down the dirt road, it crossed a small stream so I croseed it and walked somemore toward the valley, then I saw a very nice house and horses. the horses saw me and greeted me with a big whinney. It was so peacefull and allot cooler there. I wanted to sit but there was nothing to sit on no rocks or logs the logs were in the fenced areas that were really jungle. I thought hard about that, since I know there are lots of snakes ya nevah know!!! So I kept walking. the road is clear easy to walk on just like when i was a kid in the country the same exact feeling

I was thinking how wonderfull it is to have the time to see and hear and smell the surroundings. I was so gratefull that I could walk, but the leg was starting to hurt and i could see it swelling, I kept walking nothing else to do. I walked down this little side road and found the most lush surroundings I have ever seen in Jaco, wow it was someones garden a huge one like maybe two acres of beautiful plants bananas, palms, flowers bamboo and trees. I sat on a log there and just stared at the banana trees, when all of sudden out of now where came a cute little doggie he acted like he knew me so friendly and cute. We talked... then another one came cute too but different.. Costa rican dogs are strange.
Finnally after walking back to the printer past the window tinter about half mile and back once again I found they were almost done with the car. Five hours later... I sat on the bench and waited 20 more minutes. But it looked great, and it sure does help with it being darker.

Then I went home to rest, got cleaned up showered and went to the store, super frutastica, got a few things then off to Rosies, Rosies is the place to hang out I suppose. q I saw lots of people who stopped and said hi to me, Rosie sits in shock as to how many people do know me already? And I met three new people Don carlos another Italian guy, and two beautiful tica women. I saw Ali red, my freind from New york another Italian. ITs fun sitting at Rosies.

Earlier in the day Carlos my land lord came by he lives three hours away why he was here I have no idea, but he talked to me and while he talked 8 parrots flew over. I was told that parrots only have one mate in there lives. When they gain a mate they stay forever... interesting how animals stick togeher and humans don't? When one dies they never regain another mate. They only go on to be alone untill their own death. Amazing creatures, the colors are so bright and vivid, and to think they would vie to live alone the rest of there lives.... with out another partner.

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