Thursday, May 04, 2006

Trying like mad to finish the house, but

Salmon stuffed with avocado, cucumbers dill. In San Jose
< Guanabana, Delicious

Costa Rica is very difficult to find things. It is so not like America when it comes to finding the most simple things such as sheets, rugs, the things I took for granted that was everywhere in the USA.

Here it is twice as hard to do a normal job. Also I new to driving in the country, so not knowing areas has much to do with time factors, and availablities on products for design. Just like when I did the Wedding at Villa Colletas which is this beautiful hotel resort on the mountain 15 minutes from Jaco.. Look it up on the net so pretty. It was so hard to find cut orchids and they grow them here... Finding Floral markets was inpossible. Finnally I found out in a City named Cartago, they have this. Ok how do I get there?? Never did, had to find simple things near where I lived. And A special trip to San Jose at that time like to Kill me.

Now I am in the same boat with this design job, although it is going well, its slow. If I was in the USA I would be done by now. As I said finding simple things such as a blender at a good price. I paid yesterday for and oysterizer, blender... $60.00. This would have cost around $30 or so in the states. But finding them is the tough part.
I manage to get a expresso machine, a coffee maker, a Washer and Dryer which is unheard of here, No one uses a Dryer... and A Fridge for around $1500.00. Mind you I bargined like crazy for all this and had it delivered in one day. OK IN COSTA RICA THAT IS A PURA MIRACLE!

I was happy, but I am sure my client has no clue how hard this is... All the things we think are automatic in the states, are days of waiting, days of hoping, Manana Manana Manana... I am learing how to deal with it for the best part of this job.

I have spent three days so far just shopping this week and filling the house and I have not made a dent yet. The large furniture I designed wont be here till Sat.
Making this a rush job. I just hope the client loves it!

Today I will go once again to Santa Anna, to Carri ari, to Escazu, and San Jose. To see What else I can find to complete the Job. Two hours on the road, then hours of shopping and looking and driving in a place I hardly know. And its big!

Its a great day to be doing it, the weather is nice not so hot this morning. The birds are singing loudly. Butterflies everywhere.. I have a new helper too, Helen has come aboard for this time. I don't know if she I will work. She seems to tell people different things than what I want, when were out shopping. Then I have to go back and explain in my lame Spanish. Thats the good part. Now I have an interpreter. She makes phone calls, talks to the people in the stores while I shop.

I dunno its ok I suppose, but already she broke two Items, one can not be replaced. I said yesterday to her, well I will just start Calling you Clint... she didn't get it. Clint did break allot of things. Sometimes drove me nuts... But I am sure I drove him nuts too.. I miss Clint, He would be having a great time here with me working.

The last trip we had a a wonderfull but expensive lunch in San Jose at this beautiful Italian Resturant, I was shocked at the bill 40 bucks for lunch, but I paid and told myself I rarely treat me to expensive things... BELIEVE THAT WAS SHOCKING, I do not have this kind of money.
I will be sure not to do that again today!

I have not heard from Milo in several days I hope he is ok, He doesn't call much in fact he doesn't call at all... I just wish he would. Right now I miss him terribly.

I know he has been tormented about me being here and he in New Mexico, but hey I suppose it will work out? TIME AGAIN TELLS

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