Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Completing the house

Before's and after's, There is more to come keep looking


Before and after

I have been very busy working on the completion of the house, no time for anything. My leg sure has suffered behind this, one would think by this time the healing would be done? but it still swells and looks Terrible! GOD!! hurts like crazy but I continue, as I know the job needs to get done before Rocky get's here.

He has no idea that I have any sort of injury at all, in fact the day he called to hire me on the phone.... I had just got home from my surgery in San Jose, all laid up 40 something stitches, and I just acted as if nothing was wrong said sure I would be happy to do this!

It is a two story house, it is very hard to find all the things I need to make it nice, I still need more... but I can't seem to connect and find all the right things. I did sew the majority of the drapes upstairs now I have the down stairs to do, he is already here. He showed up yesterday. Thank god I got most of the major stuff done with in minutes of his arrival the beds showed up, I made a big basket of fruit and wine, coffee, coconut cookies, honey cookies, jam and fresh bread.

I left it on the counter so when he returns he would have a nice surprise. He called me this morning to tell me to meet him tonight at 7:00 for dinner and discussion of the other house!! YEAH HE LIKES IT!! I get to do another one now!! But I am going to take a week or so break to get the foot healed better.

Helen has been my new assistant, funny the simularities she has to Clint, not in looks lol but in here additude and ways, when I am trying to convey something to her, she freezes and is like a deer in the head lights can't think can't move and stares like Clint, or gets stubborn and wont do anything just like Clint... WEIRD.. but I love her and him too. I miss him God if her was here we would kick such ass. I cannot wait to tell him how much I made on this job! Working like this is better than My work in the states, I find it almost amuzing sometimes the struggles you have to go through to accomplish a simple task such as finding finials for the drapery rods, or drapery rods period. THERE ARE NONE IN JACO! Ill Legar only has the old time wood rods, I painted them black to look like Iron.

But I think concidering its my first job here, not knowing all the sources yet and not having as much available it came out good. The budget was slim too so I hope hes not upset when I give him my time!

I was thinking about going to Orotina tomorrow to look for fabric for the living room and taking some photos of all the fruits and veggies in the stands, I need to shop for the house. Nothing at all here to eat. I have not gone to the store in weeks. I been eating little bits and peices of things, and at the soda near the house. It is a very good one, I don't know the name but I will find it and tell. It has good typical Costa Rican food but with a small flair.

Today was spent working on the spread sheet for the house, then I will have to go and physically pay my power bill, cable and internet. They don't send bills and you have to remember to pay on time or they shut it off the next day. TOMORROW IS THE DAY.

I plan on having a nice slow day today I really need as I been working 12 hours a day for three days on the house.

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