Wednesday, May 31, 2006

This is a special Entry for my Family

I have recieved in the past four days many comments and letters on my blog. Some where from people I didn't know at all, some were from people I knew and I was shocked that they read this, and some were from family.

I need to give my email should you want to write me, its or go to my site
and send me a note through that.

To my sister Franny, I am so happy that you and Linda are still friends and you have a great companion such as her. (Linda was my Sister- law years back. Unfortunately she was married to Brother, HAAA but now still remains a good friend to the famliy and I had many good times with her.)

I miss you Franny I wish that Kimberly would get a computer, after all its only 2006 ya know everyone has computers.. and it would be the perfect way for all of us to communicate and stay in touch.

I know you would love to come here an visit, and I want to invite you Linda the granbabies and all, Come and stay and I will put you up.
The beaches here are astounding, the sites and birds the flowers wonderfull! I don't know Franny how long I will live here, but I do know I am enjoying for the first time in my entire . Work work work is all I ever did, I know you will atest to it, your a real witness to what type of life I have had. I don't need to explain the world what I have done... But I know you would be happy for me.

I don't have much, in fact I have less than I ever had material wise. But I am happy.
Now I may have a good man in my life and that empty hole I had for almost the whole life may be filling in.

I Love you sister, and Linda I love you for being such a good friend to my sis, and reading this to her everyday. I hope you enjoy the adventures, some are really different, some are just normal everyday life. But If you were to come and visit, We would make a great adventure one you would never forget ever!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

HELLO THERE PEOPLE!!! OK WOW I Had a nice night

I had a great day, I began here doing my laundry by hand and its still outside on the line damn it.... I just remembered... I talked to my sis who I haven't talk to in ages she was a little defensive, but I am use to her she always does that. Then I talk to Sara, she was happy and had nice things to say. I got dressed and went to LA FLOR and wanted to go in the pool but they had so many chems in the pool that I could not swim. So I laid out for a couple of hours made popcorn in Rockys house ( the Italian Client I had shown photos earlier in the blog) and and went home to get ready for the evening.

I had a phone call earlier from Gary and Masami, They live in Portland Oregon. It was Bill Whites adopted Daughter from Japan. They were staying at the los suenos hotel Marriots just up the road and Bill had given them my Phone and told them I live in Jaco. Which is like ten minutes from there.

Los Suenos is AWESOME but not the real experience of Costa Rica... its like AMERICA IN COSTA RICA way to americanized...
But beautiful ok? Its nice if you have alot of money.

To me its way to over the top. They called and wanted to meet up with me have drinks and dinner and see Jaco. So I told them to meet me at this place on the Costa Nerra and We would drive to this little crapy place and have drinks and watch the sunset.
So they did, they met me but late and we drove like hell to race to see the sunset and have a drink.
We had more than one. we had like three and watched the sun go down.

We had such fun we went to Sunami sushi and met up with Eida and Joey. I yelled on the way to Sunami and told Eida I was going there with my friends from the states. She and Joey just showed up. It was fun we had a ball we ate so much sushi, its the best ever I never had sushi that was so good ever... and even Masami said it was great. We talked and laughed and carried on. They agreed on Friday to go with us to Esterillos and sing and dance on Friday night so I hope that Milo gets off early so we can!!
I heard from a friend in Portland today it was great to hear from people who I had no idea even read this.

I also heard from new Readers. I had several New readers write to me saying they love the blog. So I guess that is good Aye?

Tomorrow I go to San jose to See Milo, I may meet him at the casino where we usually meet right by the airport. So it should be fun. Can't wait to see what happens next


It Was very quite, not may tourists here for the holiday. Its not a holiday here.

Sunday was spent alone here in the apartment, I watched part of Indy 500, and thought alot about my sister, who watches every race with passion. She is really a fan of racing. I have watched a few times, but it doesn't excite me the way it excites my sis.

I flipped chanels most of the day, ate and clean up around the apartment, I went in the spare bedroom and looked a the Bamboo headboard Milo put together for me. It looks great and I was smiling thinking about him doing this with my ideas. Hes really good at stuff! Makes me happy to have someone in my life like that.

I took the day be alone, rest the leg and by god it was good for the leg. For the First time in weeks the following day it looked normal, actually skinny.

I watched the Humminbirds most of the day, and simply did nothing. Sounds terrible but it was needed. I was lying on my bed with all the windows in the apartment open. It has large sliding windows all over. The Front door is oversize sliding glass doors, the kitchen side window is a reg size slider but set about a foot above the floor, the bedroom has the same slider only on the floor. So there is lots of glass. Since I set above on the second floor its very nice,when I open them all up.

A huge breeze flows through the apartment, making it so refreshing when its cooler. The birds tend to come right to the windows and often come in the house. As I laid there with one leg up and in a semi sitting postion flipping chanels, this hummingbird came in buzzed me as it hovered over my head and stared at me,,, then he flew back out. I was in shock. I have never in my life had anything like that happen so close, I could actually see his or her eyes, and its little tiny beak and all the beautiful colors of it's wings.

This has to mean something doesn't it? A bird coming in my room flying over my head in one spot starring at me, and then as if to say hello and good bye quickly flys away. Wow, Yesterday as I sat at the kitchen table the window directly in front of it was entirely open. I have a huge apple humminbird feeder in that window at chest level. The same bird I think came to it, then flew to the left of it to take a look at me mind you I am sitting right next to the window less than 12 inches away from the feeder! Wow its awesome..

Silly I suppose to some people but how wonderous nature is? I watched Sunset, on Sunday. Missed my Children, knowing that the older one was with my sis and brother in- law in Coos Bay Oregon. The other child didn't call, I do not have either sons numbers. They changed them and have not given them to me. The change is another strange story, that I should not talk about, but it doesn't concern me. I was not the reason for the change.

I went to bed fairly early Sunday rather boring but very relaxing day and my leg sure did improve from the rest!!!

Monday, I had a quiet Morning, Eida drove by and yelled up seeing the Windows open , invited me to eat at the soda next door. But Its closed on Mondays... I told her before its closed on Mondays but she is so busy forgets things. She invited me to come down to the office later. I showered got all dressed and went to the new office that I will be doing in a few weeks. Its brand new in the new mall here that is not open yet. We will have a movie theater, kentucky fried chicken, and more.... I checked it out, stopped by to Helens but she wasn't there, only her darling young son Camelo.

I then went to drop off cards at a new development called Jaco one, A huge project with over Two hundred condos on the main Costa Nerra, I talked to the young man running the sales office and come to find out I knew one of the partners. So he suggested I contact them and make and attempt to be there designer for the whole project. WOW THAT WOULD BE SWEET... I may have enough work to actually buy something... But I am decided to be patient, not count my chickens before they hatch.. this is something I learned here since living here. Patients is very important. Waiting is what you do in Costa Rica. WAIT FOR EVERYTHING... but I suppose its a good virtue?

After our talk I drove up the Costa nerra a piece to the clinic and had my sweet tica doctor give me my shots. Borning as it may seem. I dove back home and rested for about three hours. I didn't eat. I am trying to cut down. I feel fat.. My body was so use to working out five , six days a week and now for 6 months nothing... I need to cut down and then slowly begin a work out routine once again. I feel discouraged about my body. I see all these beautiful bods here . Its very hard! To be positive about my old body when you see so many beauties!

Then in the evening I went down to Rosies, she called and ask me to visit. There was this Russian man sitting at he table.
I have seen this man times before and I always get bad vibes when I look at him. He looks seedy, sneaky, just down right scary.
He is always dressed to the hilt, sharp shoes, no socks, awesome shorts and designer shirts. or very nice light weight dress slacks and a cool shirt, wears a gold chain around his neck. His teeth are white although he smokes like a freaking bad car that has oil problems speuing smoke down the road... ya know? can you picture this?
I know he has veniers on his teeth, anyone that smokes that much can't have pure white teeth.

Needless to say I don't like this guy.. Just by appearances, I see through the exterior.

He never says hello, and won't repsond when I have said Hello to him. He speaks Spanish, english and Russian, that I know of. We got in a conversation when Helen Walked over from her place across the street. She bought some Cigarettes, anyone that knows me... knows I tell people how bad it is.. If I care about someone I tell them, So I began to lecture Helen. Please I said I saw a special on TV yesterday talking about all the poison that are in Smoking, battery acid, and more.. She agreed he disagreed. Told me that Sugar is poison salt is poison and now the debate was on.
He said meat was poison, I said so your a vegan in spanish... he didn't answer we got into a very interesting conversating he got aggrevated over the discusson, I told Rosie in front of him in English. Usually when people get very upset it is because they know how bad it is but can not accept within there selves to stop or believe it.

He continues to say he is a doctor, Rosie is shocked... ok NOW IM WORRIED. HE Looks seedy to me, and now my mind is wondering why he is here??? In Costa Rica? hes not a kind warm person, that loves nature or the surrounds. He is a hard, stubborn man with much to hide I think?

He talks about the USA saying too many cops, too much controll, oh ohh hes sending me signals! I mean it I was getting so many red flags. He continues in an elevated angry voice. About Stupid Americans and how the government in the Usa is trash( well I might have to agree about some of this But hell Im not gonna let him know that) so he goes on and on and I asked in the middle of this hatefull conversation, that I started LOL... What type of Doctor are you? he replies PLASTIC SURGEON... ok now im really scared...

Recently in the past three weeks, I have seriously been contemplating having a tummy tuck when I get more establish with my work here. I have several names of good surgeons here in Costa Rica and they do amazing work for very little. compared to the states. OK lets think about this?? would you want him to work on you? From his statements his additude and mear gestures, NO... But who does he work on? And why is he here? He told me he works in Alejuala, outside of San Jose in a clinic.

We had some words he said some very stupid remarks about my size, and how I was lazy that all I needed to do was work out... HELL THIS MAN KNOWS NOTHING ABOUT ME.. I was huge I lost more than 100 pounds doing jazzercise and changing my lifestyle. I had three surgeries on my stomach two c sections and a very serious tumor surgery where they had to reconstruct my insides. This stomach is going no where, as much exercise as I have done will not return the body I once had before children and surgeries.
I grabbed my tummy a whole huge lump of it and said you, your a surgeon and you think it's my mind that needs work? I said Kiss my butt!!! and slapped it,, you know nothing about people. He continued to say I needed to work out.

I said who would you suggest I go to he said "not me", I only practice at this clinic.. OF COURSE NOT HIM... but I wanted a name, then I could ask about him? I'm very curious about this man.. I think personally,now this is my own assumption, but! I think.... he is a bad physician from Russia, maybe he was kicked out? then he fled to the USA... he had bad situations there obviously, all the things he said referred to this. Or Maybe he is not a doctor at all but professes to be one and is practicing here. Maybe he never was one, and did this in many countries?

I don't know but I would not put anything past him.

He was angry and told me I was a stupid American Typical American he said.. I said how can you make this assumption? He doesn't know me at all, and say what he said about my body, thinking I am lazy. FAR FROM THAT!!! Wow what a night..

Soon there after I left, several people came, and I was tired it was not 11:00 and I wanted to get home.

This was not all!!
I walked back over to Helens to say good bye, her and Betty were arguing. Betty lives with Helen, Curious ok?? I have thought a few times, maybe they are lovers. but then put it out of my mind, Remeber Helen is my assistant now?

Ok Helen was trying to cut Bettys hair at 11 at night? they were drinking.. and arguing.. I was trying to be nice and talk to Betty about the hair cut, you have to know Betty, she wears no makeup, she is still a virgin and is 33 years old, and has not cut her hair in ten years. Helen was my manicurist pedicurist, and she does hair... How do they fit????

Betty I was told needed a place to stay Helen has a small room behind the salon that they stay in. So I don't know??? WOW ok

Well in the conversation I asked point blank to Betty Do you like men or women? She repsonded with a smile Women.. I left at that point. I am not prejudice about gays at all, After all I have had many gay men and only one gay women in my career work for me. I know the life style, and I have many many gay friends. BUT TO FIND OUT THIS WAS SHOCKING... I was mad that I didn't see this? how was I so blind to this situation? I didn't think for one minute that they were gay?

Although someone mentioned to me they were? I still didn't get it? I asked Helen one day when we were working on Rockys house if she was, she replied no! So I don't know but Helen was laughing and ran out the door with me and said are you mad? I said no I am just going home.
Well it didn't end there.....

AS I drove home I noticed at the end of the main road was a man standing with a flash light.
He flagged me to stop, I saw he had a vest on a police vest. Oh boy here we go... they stopped me, and checked me out. He asked me if I speak or understand Spanish. I said yes, we talked.. I told them I Just lived down the road by the Soda La almistad, he asked before or after I said before.. He kept questioning me, making me very nervous. I stumbled about in my purse trying to find my washington drivers license, and my passport, he kept looking in my purse with his flash light I was getting mad I didn't like this.

He asked how much have you had to drink ,I said nothing he said again HOW MUCH HAVE YOU HAD TO DRINK??? I said nothing I drank nothing I drank a sandia, and some manzanilla, Camomile tea after I drank a watermellon smoothie.

He said what is this I smell, he kept sniffing, I was getting very nervious, but I talked about my leg and how I was low on gas, I showed him how hard it was to hold the clutch and showed him my scares, that I was hit by a car on my bike and he was stressing me. He questioned me again HOW MUCH YOU DRINK? I said nothing he said yes, I said no we argued. Then I said Look I had shots today, and I want my leg to heal no Alchohol! For some reason he stopped, gave me back my ids, then he said....... your a beautiful woman, are you single here in Costa Rica? I said yes, he said you have no boyfriends here? I said I have one but he lives in the USA, he said you need one here... I said I don't know NO Se! he said yes you need one your a beautiful lady. I said thank you then he proceeded to talk... told me his daugthers name is MARIANNA>>>> that he will never forget me. OH GOD JUST WHAT I NEED. COP WHO WONT FORGET ME and then everytime he see's my car or me stops me?
CRAP! What a hell of a night aye?

Now what? So I go to the house Call Rosie tell her how shocked I was about HElen and Betty and how I got stopped by the cops she was laughing her head off, asked if I was ok. then we hung up. I went to sleep thinking wow, what the heck happened tonight was a full moon?

Then today I woke the sun was gone its gray, misty the clouds are low and the sky looks foggy. Its mystical looking today, I get a phone call its Masami, a clients daughter from the USA, were going to meet tonight and have drinks and sushi, so I may not go that way again tonight!!! LIVING IN COSTA RICA!!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Fans have written, a new postion with Sports and Leasure, and a new column for the Columbian News Paper

The sunsets here even with the mountain side instead of the surf is beautiful!
This is a gecko in my sink, it was a baby one.


Sunday, May 28, 2006

I have spent the past two days just really taking care of me. I found out I have some vascular Damage to my leg. It swells constant and the pain from that is really anoying. I had a doctor here in Jaco take a look and see if this was the case. She a small framed blonde haired red lipped 30 some odd year old woman, agrees that it is some sort of Trauma. My friend Anna Carina, who is a massage therapist, suggested b12 5 and 6 shots, to increase the circulation. I talk to another therapist here in Jaco and on Monday he will begin a schedule of therapy to help heal this leg.
I had my first shot on Friday afternoon, it seem to make me very tired? why I have no clue but it did so I went home and slept. Kept the leg up and did nothing. I was a little disapointed since I wanted to go and visit down town and hang out. I got all dressed laid on the bed, and that was all she wrote. I fell asleep and found myself fully clothed and in bed till late at night. I woke up and checked mail, nothing from Milo. He is moving his daughter this weekend From Ohio to Texas. The son inlaw is graduating from Med school. So he is wrapped up with this family..

Sat I woke up around 7:00 made some new coffee that I got on the mountain top, I do not like it as well as volio or one other I prefer. I watched the window where I have hung a new hummingbird feeder but no customers. I have lots of birds coming to the feeders, down stairs and now up. They also just visit the balcony and sit on the railings or Tap at my windows. Its strange but I think they love my place!

I ate some fresh mango, watermelon and eggs with toast. Then I decided it would be good to go for a walk on the beach. Its been sorta of cloudy allot here, not really rain but overcast, and still very warm out so walking will be fine.

I put on a camoflodge skirt and halter top with my bathing suit bottom under so I can sit in the water and releave the pressure of my weight off my foot.
I walked for a long time, the wind was slightly cooler today from the sea, generally it is warm not refreshing, but today the sea seemed so different than I had experienced in the past.
I walked and watched people play in the the water not many where out today it was quiet. The sun on the water made all the waves very light blue, as if you could see throught them. Each one curling and rolling and creating a very lovely scene to watch. The tide was out quite a ways so I knew it would be safe for me to sit in the surf and relax my leg. I have never done this, it was a suggestion of the doctor here in Jaco. Honestly I have not had much fear of the ocean on the beach, its out to sea that I have fear, I would never just get in it. TOO MANY CREATURES IN THERE, besides I was told here there is lots of Sting rays close in on the beach. Anna Carina is a witness to this. She was stung on the side of her leg by one and it took 10 months to heal. So no way was I going out there alone.

I sat and let the waves move me around, the water only being 6 to 8 inches high at the most, It moved me back and forth and felt so nice on the injury. The weightlessness of the leg took all the pressure's off.
The water today actually had a cool sensation, first time I have felt that here. It was cool when it spilled over you, and warm when it rushed back out to sea.
Sitting alone in the water watching the horizon and the horses ride by, the people strolling along the beach was very peacefull. I felt like my life lately has been at its best.

I feel very happy and content, it would be perfect if it was with out pain. Even so with the pain, I still feel so very content at this moment with my life.

The peace I feel here in Costa Rica I am sure can be obtained anywhere, but the surroundings has much to do with my emotions and feelings. I cannot say I remember ever feeling this in Vancouver Washington, Maybe once in a while when I was working in my huge Garden on 50th ave. Most time's in the garden is was toiling, and praying and worring about how things were going to get paid. Many years of that.. Many years of worring about how to raise my sons, and make everything work. Now my focus is simply on me, sounds selfish honestly... but its been good and healthy mentally for me being here in Costa Rica.

Yesterday as I walked back from the beach, I stopped and looked at the grass field next to beach and how a developer tore out this really cool old house. Now the nature that lives in this field, and bamboo grove will all be displaced in a moments notice. I thought about change and how it effects everyone.

My move here may have had an effect on some people, in the begining, but now I don't know if they have just adjusted to the fact that I am gone, or forgotten what is was like when I was there, just like the grass field and the nature that lives there now will be gone, will I forget what it was like and how I adored it?

Change it is good I believe in change, its the only thing that is constant, or the thing you can depend on. But making a good change is sometimes difficult and is what I needed to do.

Jerry, Rockies cousin, said to me. Marianna you really had to have balls to move here alone. Honestly I feel the same way. I did have the balls excuse my saying, to do this. I do not regret for one minute that I did. The only thing I do miss, and it has nothing to do with the USA. Is

My Grandchildren and my children. I want badly for them to at least come and see, before things are all gone. Just like the grass field. When I stood there and stared, I have to tell you it took me back to when I was a child. I was the last child of six, I played alone alot. I walked alot in the country. We lived in the country. So for me wandering was natural. I use to love to just watch nature when I was little. BUGS, BIRDS, animals. Stopping there yesterday made me remember how beautiful life was when I was young. NOT THAT I AM AN OLD LADY, but Im not 28 years old anymore... I stopped and actually smelled flowers growing in the weeds, and watched the most interesting butterflies I have ever seen, so unusal. And I thought how fortunate I am, how I am so gratefull that I can enjoy and appreciate life in a way that most people could care less about, or are so busy they have forgotten what it is like to just enjoy something so simple.

Yes There are other things in life, Not just my rose colored view of the world around me, there is distruction and corruption, and abuse and more. The issues of life have become so over whelming to most of us. But in a moment, where I stood in a field and watched the blades of grass blow in the wind. The hate that was in me instilled from all the influence of our world disapeared, just for that moment. I loved and enjoyed and could only think about my Family and how I wish I could releave some of there stress of life by showing them the simple things I have leaned lately.

I returned from my walk, not to complain but in pain the leg was very painfull, Slowly I walked in the heat back to the apartment. I talked to my land lord who was here to interview someone I got for the apartment. Then I went up stairs made some avocado and tuna with oregano, and elevated the leg. Took tylenol and some honey.

I read that honey has healing powers, so I am trying to do everything I can to make this leg heal.
I rested, then miguel a friend of mine showed up. He wanted me to go to the beach with him, but I explained I needed to rest the leg its part of the program this doc now has me on. Fifteen minutes three times a day. Elevated up high. So he talked and we joked for a while then I went to go swimming at Rockies. Jerry called me and gave me permission to use the pool.

But they didn't put chemichels in it so I just sat for a while watched the waves, and returned to Helens to visit.
She made me some Columbian food, that I may say I ATE WAY TOO MUCH OF. It was like this sausage really good stuff and these things called arepa's Corn tortilla type thing only thick.
I ate three sausages and two arepa's WOW the sausage where little but I over did it. I felt sick.

I came home rested again, then got dressed and went to Rosies to hang out and talk to people.

It was a nice night. I enjoyed some of the people that sat and talked to me.. One was from Ohio and was shocked to find out I was from the states, he thought I was Tica , or Columbian or some latin origin... I laughed... It was a nice night.

Thursday, May 25, 2006


Baby Blue


Wow has time flown

The yucca flowers

Some of the New Furniture makers product

crock on a quad

Typical Costa Rica colors and furniture, but it was to my design,

Milo came last week on Weds, I drove to San Jose to see him, we ended up going to Santa Anna, He said he knew some great place there. So when we drove up I recognized the area, we got out to go to one place, there is like four restuarants and bars together in one mall type building. I didn't like the first one, nor the second one, but the last one was incredible. I said YES lets go here, walking about looking at the place I saw a cool modern style bar in another room. So I walked in to take a peak, and to my surprise was Helen, My assistant, walking down the stairs with a whole group of people! She yelled MARIANNA I YELLED HELEN... In spanish we talked... it was so weird, here I was all the way across the country practically and we met in the same place? WOW... then she told me she was with her old friends, they were having a celebration. It was for a new Magazine called Sports and Travel, it is suppose to have a circulation all over Latin america and I believe the USA too. I met the editor, and publisher and more... The restuarant was incredible the name is Mangiamo, VERY CLASSY the gate way to Italy in Costa Rica.

It was a blast we joined in the party and had a very nice time how small the world is ya know? Then of course Helen proceeds to tell the editor about me, Actually she had Two of my latest copies that Glenn Wright, sent me From the Columbian News paper in Vancouver Washington. I couldn't believe she had it in her bag! ok this was weirder, Then she showed him and on the spot he asked me to do a section in the magazine. SHOCKED AND HAPPY but worried, as to what I would write about.
since the Mag is basically swimsuit models, sports, leasure, travel. But in thinking, I may do restuarant Reviews, or talk about all the cool places I have seen and are going to see here in Costa Rica. Right now I really don't know what I am writing about, but I am sure something will come.
What I know best is what is Home and Garden. This is my subject matter for the Columbian, but a Mag really generated for Travel and men ... GOD I DON'T know but I am sure its going to Fun.
Luis the editor is a very positive down to earth happy man. He spent the whole evening with us.

The next day, Milo went to work and I took the time to go and find a new Furniture maker. I found one with Tony's help the driver of Rocky. Tony knows everything, he is a good connection and a great tour guide and driver.
I had him drive me around so we did allot of stuff, I had a meeting with the new maker, and asked about some custom peices I wanted done for a new client. It was interesting seeing his work and his homes. He took me to his house and showed me his parrots and toucans and said he would get me one! I couldn't believe I could see them that close and hold them.

The parrots were babies, so it was easy to hold them, they will get very large.
An unexpected surprise!

The next day Milo worked I did too, doing drawings then I went shopping in San Pedro, it rained alot, then got dark and I got stuck in traffic for two hours getting lost and scared and mad...
Dark wet roads in Costa rica is difficult to find your way, THERE ARE NO STREET SIGNS.. so imagine driving seeing something you think you recognize then finding another area you think you recognize, only to find you had no clue where you were. All that frustrating sent me to a tizzle, Then finally I found my way to the Marriot San Jose, NOT EASY... Milo wanted to go back the Mall where I had bought him a beautiful shirt but it was too small. So I stupid as I was said sure lets go, thinking he would do better than I in Traffic and rain and dark unknown roads.

Well Not so... He was lost then frustrated and then upset cause I was whinning my leg hurt im hungry and so on and so on, This lasted for another two hours. He was really amazed that here we were again lost and didn't know where the heck we were? We never did get to the mall in San Pedro NEVER!! we stopped at some little corner bakery in the dark its all open and had a snack and drank some water and just chilled for a moment so he could figure out where we were.
The rain changes the look of the areas the streets are wet and shiny and you cannot see a thing, nor the people on the road side or bikes or some cars. VERY dangerous.
Finally back to the hotel, no food just stress.
The following day was Saturday:
We got up and got ready to drive to Jaco, spent a leasurely time driving and seeing things we never saw, We also stopped at this soda on the top of the hill and ate and looked at the incredible view from the tops of the mountains, Mind you there is nothing up there only coffee plants on the mountain side and cows, two sodas right near each other and thats it. SO BEAUTIFUL!

Really majestic and awe inspiring, When My friend Barbara came to visit, We stopped there and had a very nice peacefull moment in the clouds on the top of the mountain.

Then We stopped an asked about this yucca flower we see everywhere being sold on sticks, I wonder what they do with it? Milo asked and they told us you cook it with oil and garlic and onions and eat the flowers. So he had to buy two stalks, these things are huge.

We came to Jaco and ran around a bit and then made dinner a nice dinner with this delicious avocado and salad. The following day he constructed some headboards I wanted made out of huge timber bamboo, then we ate and he watched birds here so many of them and butterflies all over.
The hummingbirds are now coming to the windows and looking at us!
I wanted to go to the beach, we got all ready and went to Esterillos (where I want a house)

We laid on the beach it was hot but over cast, and Milo brought the binoculars, because I told hin the week before when I went there, I saw tons of Parrots huge red and blue ones. He wanted to see and to both of our surprize, they came . Lots of them flying all over and swooping down on us , Other birds joined in. Milo was so excited to see all this action. It made him love Esterillos, We watched the boats in the horizon, a huge sail boat and several Large fishing boats.
The clouds began to come in, so we packed up and drove back to Jaco which is like ten mniutes away, I made Gnochi and salad, we took it to a new friends house for dinner, Elena and Terry. Elena is from here but raised in USA, Terry is from Usa and met Elena here.. They are a very interesting couple. He was a teacher she was a bill collector for Pac bell.

Dinner was nice we ate the yucca flower gnochis, bread and salad, and we had a very enjoyable conversation. Terry and Milo had everything in Common, Elena and are are just girls.. we laugh and joke and get along nicely. They are wanting to build a new house so Milo got in the middle and is now going to do some blue prints for them.

Something how things happen??? AYE?

The next day Was Monday, he had to return to Work, and Went along. My work is not much right now only people wanting to use me but no real jobs as of yet. One is tenative.

So Went and did some more research for the business, and rested. Had a very nice time untill he left yesterday. I return to Jaco, went to la Flor and talked with a new tenative client and got the names of five more.. so things may be going well for me here! THANK GOD!!!

Today I meet a builder, but I know him David the pool guy, I went to his house some time back, we recalled each other now so he is pleased for me to be involved with his five houses, as speck homes. Hopefully I will get to do all five!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Boys, the Dogs....


Yesterday the car was lined up to get the window's tinted. Its really important here to do that to your car. The heat just cooks inside the car so a preventitive measure is needed. I woke up fed the humminbirds and the other birds, then made some coffee and cleaned up to run. I was suppose to be there at nine, but I got a phone call from Terry, and talked for a half hour. When I got to the window tinter there was no water on, so he sent me away for the second time. It was suppose to be done the day before but they had too much work. So they told me to bring it in the next day. Mind you its outside done on a small patio, not meant for Car care but never the less it is done.

It took all day, this photo is with out the tint, I'll have to take one with. But anyway it was all day. I left it and began to walk on the costa nera to the printers to see about my business cards, well when I got there about a half mile down the road they had no prof, they had nothing done.

So I walked back found this cheesy little soda on the roadway and stopped to have a bit to eat, but the lady I think told me they didn't have anything. I asked for chicken but she said no, then I asked for Frescos naturale, she said no agua, so no water to make it?

In a few minutes people came two guys in a truck who walked right in the back like they owned the place. Then two more and she served them food? I was thinking wow they didn't order. There was no menu no signs, hmm? I though so I asked what she had to drink. Coke and lemonade. So chose the lemonade. I must have sat there at least an hour untill this younger gal came and a man with a guitar. The gal worked there it was her mothers place, I got the courage to ask in spanish for food. FIsh I said? she said yes with beans and rice. Gallo pinto and pescado entriro. The whole fish...

I ate and while I was eating this man was playing the gutiar and singing, the owner sang right along with him, I guess they knew each other . He ordered his afternoon coffee with milk and seranaded four of us. In the front of this Soda is the main road and allot of garbage on the roadside very disgusting but the food was good????

I ate and listened, to the man I knew who he was I had seen him the night before, when Rocky had called and invited me along with Jerry, Tony, and Edwardo. We ate at Wishbone, I had a salad with avocado, they had big dinners... We all drank wine. The man seranaded us and when he talked to me at the soda he remembered me from the night before, then asked my name so you know now that whenever he sees me he will be talking to me.

Yes Rocky and Jerry are gone now, I spent the last night they were here with them having dinner and talking. These two are characters, ones you might see in a movie, or a cartoon. But it has been very interesting meeting all these different people from around the world. What an adventure being with these two. I learned allot. Lets just put it that way.

Waiting for the car was hard, it was hot I didn't have another ride, and there is harldy anything in the area where the car was getting taken care of. So I decided to walk down this dirt road past the window tinter. To my suprize it lead to a jungle area, that was really cool, tall huge bamboo, giagantic trees bigger than I can describe. Huge philodendrons climbing up the trunks and onto the limb's of the trees. Giant Bananas, and lots of birds butterflies.

I heard some pigs they sounded terrible, mean wild. but as I walked I saw a pen up on a hill side so I wonder if the pigs were captured and kept in the pens? They got louder as I got closer, maybe they could smell me? They were grunting and snarling terrible noise, scared me but I kept walking. I saw some pretty unusual birds and heard lots of Toucans in the trees on the moutain tops.
I saw a valley in the distant and I kept walking down the dirt road, it crossed a small stream so I croseed it and walked somemore toward the valley, then I saw a very nice house and horses. the horses saw me and greeted me with a big whinney. It was so peacefull and allot cooler there. I wanted to sit but there was nothing to sit on no rocks or logs the logs were in the fenced areas that were really jungle. I thought hard about that, since I know there are lots of snakes ya nevah know!!! So I kept walking. the road is clear easy to walk on just like when i was a kid in the country the same exact feeling

I was thinking how wonderfull it is to have the time to see and hear and smell the surroundings. I was so gratefull that I could walk, but the leg was starting to hurt and i could see it swelling, I kept walking nothing else to do. I walked down this little side road and found the most lush surroundings I have ever seen in Jaco, wow it was someones garden a huge one like maybe two acres of beautiful plants bananas, palms, flowers bamboo and trees. I sat on a log there and just stared at the banana trees, when all of sudden out of now where came a cute little doggie he acted like he knew me so friendly and cute. We talked... then another one came cute too but different.. Costa rican dogs are strange.
Finnally after walking back to the printer past the window tinter about half mile and back once again I found they were almost done with the car. Five hours later... I sat on the bench and waited 20 more minutes. But it looked great, and it sure does help with it being darker.

Then I went home to rest, got cleaned up showered and went to the store, super frutastica, got a few things then off to Rosies, Rosies is the place to hang out I suppose. q I saw lots of people who stopped and said hi to me, Rosie sits in shock as to how many people do know me already? And I met three new people Don carlos another Italian guy, and two beautiful tica women. I saw Ali red, my freind from New york another Italian. ITs fun sitting at Rosies.

Earlier in the day Carlos my land lord came by he lives three hours away why he was here I have no idea, but he talked to me and while he talked 8 parrots flew over. I was told that parrots only have one mate in there lives. When they gain a mate they stay forever... interesting how animals stick togeher and humans don't? When one dies they never regain another mate. They only go on to be alone untill their own death. Amazing creatures, the colors are so bright and vivid, and to think they would vie to live alone the rest of there lives.... with out another partner.

Monday, May 15, 2006

More of Rocky's house

spare room, there is three bedrooms.

HEshowed up!

I found him, Milo that is, he was online. this morning. I told him he better have a good excuse making worry and feel so sad... something how you feel when you really care about someone? Thank god he was well and nothing was wrong, that he was totally good! But believe me hes doing some explaining this week when I see him!

I spent the day checking on things for work I ran around doing errands and just simply hanging out. I went to this little place called Claritas, on the beach. I small bar/ restauant on the water near La Flor. Had a coffee drink and some cevechie I am getting addited to it. Thats marinated fish in lemon and tomatos, onions and sometimes Celery. It was nice just taking a break in the mid day and enjoying the surroundings the sea the coffee the fish.. How nice to be able to do this! I got refreshed and went to see the cards I asked to me made. Well they didn't look so good so try again tomorrow.

I came home and Rocky and Jerry called asking for my presents tonight at dinner. They leave tomorrow so it may be to go over changes, and additions or whatever it is they need.
Those two are somthing, the storys I could tell WOW... I do have photos of the two . Sometime this week I will post them. They are very Jersey, I want to introduce them to Red. So tonight I think Iw ill fly by Reds first to see if I can take him along.

I should have some juicy details after tonight!

May 15th Monday

I went to bed early around 7:45, I did hear the phone ring once and when I rose to answer it, it stopped of course! doesn't that always happen? then they or whome ever it was who called never called back. I laid in bed wondering who it could have been? I was missing Milo.

I heard from Milo on Friday Morning Early saying he had meetings all day and that he could not chat, if he had an opportunity he would. I have not heard from him since.

At this point I am very worried. Its not like him to not message me or let me know what he was doing or at least send a cute note. Its been four days now. He does not answer the phone at his house. This is the first time I have ever called him in almost a year. That is how worried I am. I tried Intel, left a message at his desk. But No word. Please if anyone knows Stephen Milo Chavez in Alburqurque New Mexico, or his daughters Bri, Monica, have them contact me and tell me what has happened? I did not hear from my children yesterday either. I thought I was going to hear from Brandon, but right at the time they said they were to call someone called me and was asking questions about a job. So they never called back.

It was nice yesterday, it was hot but not as bad.. I got up made breakfast, watered the plants outside, rinsed the car off, mopped and then got ready to go the beach.

I had told a couple of people I wanted to go to Esterillos to the beach, so one of my new friends called and decided to go along with me.
Esterillos is where Milo and I wanted to build a house. I went the drive was very nice, beautiful in fact. When I got to the beach, which by the way the majority of the drive is on the beach, the tide was kinda high. I still parked got out and set my towel down for the first time since my accident and all my hospital situations. It felt good to lay in the sun, although in my mind all I could do was think about Milo, my childen and where was everyone?

When I looked out to the sea, I remember a situation that happened to Milo right there in that very spot. It was the day after I told him I was seeing Doug. You see when I had my accident, I knew Doug, I called him to help me out of this terrible hospital In Punteranas, he paid my bill and rapidly drove me two hours away to Cima, addmitted me and it went from there.

Although Doug never visited me in the hospital, I knew that I was now going to be obligated to him. After I came home, he continued in seeing me and making sure I had food I was terribly broken. Not only in my body but my spirit. I loved Milo, but I was now involved with Doug. Doug living here, Milo Living In the USA, I had to tell both that this was happening. I did.
Ok Now I had to explain to Milo just what was going on.

It was now the first of March, I still had a Cast and a serious Infection in the leg. I saw Milo for the first time since Novemeber. We met down town, I had him drive me back to the Apartment, We sat on the balcony in the dark with candles. I opened with his help a bottle of wine. We drank wine and I began to tell him what was going on.
We both cried, he stayed the night nothing happened we just held each other in the bed.
The next morning Milo cleaned my apartment, and talked about his past. The things he did as a young man, and how he wished I would be the one he would he could live the rest of his life with.
We laid on my bed talked and both Cried allot I mean it was heart wrenching. But I had to ask him to leave. I knew that Douglas was going to show up at any time.

That Day Milo went to Parrita, then to Esterillos. He went with two of his friends from intel. I went to Manuel Antonio with Doug and his son Shawn. The whole way I was sick in side. I did not let Doug know at all how I was feeling. I was thinking and pondering about Milo and us.

In this day something happened, Milo went in the Sea, he was body surfing and a current picked him up and took him so far out that he could not get back. He felt him self loosing control, the sea was taking over. He could not get back to shore he was extremely frightened, worried and now panicing. He prayed asked god to help, told the lord that if is is meant for me to be dead in this way with out Marianna, then so be it. At that moment or shortly there after, a woman on a surf board appeared. She had seen him drifting and told him to get on the board. His body weak from the struggle, he could hardly do it. She insisted for him to get on. He tried and couldn't.
Then he tugged and pulled and he finally got him onto the board. All the way back he said he almost cried thinking that his life was about to end, and how in a moment things change.

Later when driving down the Costa Nera back to Jaco, he saw a dead monkey on the side of the road. The mate in the tree, staring down at the lifeless body laying in the roadway. Milo stopped,
Got out of the car, looked up at the poor mourning creature. As the Monkey looked onto the death of this loveone, his mate. Milo began to cry. Seeing how it was to be with out the one you were meant to be with, How helpless this animal became and did not know what to do but to just hope and pray that it came up the tree and sat once again with he or she. He told me he removed the animal to the side of the road, talk to the monkey and told him he know's how he feels, and that he was so sorry for him or her.

When I heard this story, I cried, I realized how much Milo meant to me, That his tender heart was damaged by my actions with Doug. I knew right then that I had to stop with Doug and try some how to remain with Milo.
Later it all worked out, and Milo and I became mates again.

So While I was laying on the beach , worring about Milo, I saw in my minds eye the whole story. I stared out to sea, thinking about Milo, how he could have been taken from me right then and how God had spared his life for more time together. We have had wonderfull times. I pray right now that he is ok.
When I woke I was choked, tears welled up in my eyes. I called his house, mind you the first time ever I called him. No answer, I called Intel no answer... Now I have no other means to communicate with him but thought this. He is always on line, Hell he works for intel!! But no hes not.

I feel helpless like the monkey, I don't know what to do. I have no way to find him or to let him know Im here for him. I pray god spares him if he is in a desparate way, or a situation that is life treatening again. I can feel my spirit frightened by the thought of lossing him. I never dreamed, I would be saying something like this on line.

I am staring down at you, wake up, climb back on the limb, one can only think something horrible has happened when you don't hear from someone this lenght of time.

Later today I will continue to talk about Rocky and his story, but I pray before then I hear something on the where abouts Of Milo Chavez.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Weekend May Mothers day In the STATES NOT FOR ME

Well another Mothers day is coming, Last year was a bit of a disapointment for me, a real Eye opener as to where I was going soon. Which was here To Costa Rica, Not that my Children don't love me but I know that now that here grown and have there own lives, my part in there lives is not as important as it use to be. I needed my own life, one that may be filled with some adventure, while I still can enjoy, possibly make something for their future here In Costa Rica.

I really wanted to be a good Mom, no excuses at all here. I tried like hell to do the best I could with my boys, I believe that even thought I was not the best Mom, they turned out ok.

Jordan needs more guidance, his life with his Woman is not what I feel is the best. In fact I think its obserd that he is twenty two years old, with a child and has only had this one experience with this woman. LIFE how do you predict what is going to happen? you can't... but we do make Choices and our choices is what makes our life what it is.

Brandon, on the other hand has done well, I think he has made the best of what I tried to teach him alone for most of his life. I believe he will do well , and have a successfull life and happy family.

Being a Mom, is not an easy job, not even with a Husband. But to raise children alone is a challange. I am thankfull that my boys never got into any real trouble, yeah they did things that were crazy, sometimes making me want to kill them! but all in all they did not turn out to be unsocial, or criminals, or any sort of bad persons. Many times I spanked them, many times I punished them and still they turned out ok.

Sorry but I believe in Spanking, Call me old fashion, but I see what is happening with kids now days no disipline no nothing. They rule the households, and well I can see the how things have changed when it comes to respect from young adults to small children.

I probably won't hear from my boys, I have not heard from them in a long time now. I was missing Brandon last week, I emailed him but no return mail. Mother's day here is not celebrated till Aug, So no one recognizes it here This Sunday.

I use to do huge spreads for Hotels on Mothers day, beautiful displays of flowers and buffet set ups. Table arrangements that were stunning... I was thinking about all that last night and how simple my life is compared to what it use to be in the USA. But yet No Mothers day here...

Mothering, is and can be a rewarding job, like when they are small and bring you the cutest liittle bug and say its for you, or a card that they hand made with their tiny little hands.

Oh in the middle of night when they are scared and want to climb into your bed just to feel secure, that in itself when I look back was such a endearing thing to experience. Mothering can be a tiring job too, especially if your a working Mom, a single Mom, or an overly busy Mom.

I was all of those. Although I said earlier our lives are sometimes our choices, Also in life it is unpredictable and even though we would like it to be different, we have no choice but to make the best of what has been dealt to us. For me being a Single Mom was not by Choice. It was a situation that was dealt to me, and frankly raising them by myself was tough. BUT I WOULD RATHER RAISE THEM ALONE than have them in the enviroment that their biological person, would have put ALL of us in. ( Refused to call him father, since he never did it any way)

Many times I cried, wondering if I would ever see these boys grow older, I didn't think they would make it! But they did, and now they are raising there own.

Mothering is a relentless job too, never ending, not even at my age. you are always a Mom.

I think if you were to pay me for the job I did, I would probably be a millionare! No not that I am worth that much but the amount of things and hours you spend trying to do all the things that need to be done to nurture, and tend and mend and care for, is endless.

I loved my Mother, she was an incredible woman, INCREDIBLE, very knowledgeable, Christian lady. Italian decent, funny moody, pretty, and sassy. Talented in every way. I thank god I took after her in some respects. She was a much better mother than I, but then she didn't have to work outside the home to give life to the children, plus she had my dad who was a stable force to the family. I had a great Childhood, I feel guilt sometimes with my children. That I could not provide more, or do more or be more for them. But I am thankfull To God that they did turn out good. Provding for Your children single handedly, is no easy. task I had no help financially or physically for many many years. BUT I manage to do ok, we did with out many times but it never hurt us in the long run. I can see my short comings as a mom, so maybe with as a grandma I can make it up???

Happy Mothers day to all my friends and readers, I appreciate your reading, your letters and your thoughts. I have much to tell you about my adventures here in Costa Rica, and especially this week with Rocky and his co hort Jerry. WOW what a story... Yesterday was filled with them, again and another Diego. Richard Spinelli, Tomorrrow I will tell what happend, for Now Its about Moms.

If My Mom was alive, I would be talking to her right now, telling her how much I love her and appreciate all the wonderfull things she did for me as a child and adult, and how her love covered many things.


Friday, May 12, 2006


Guatamalen Furniture...

I designed this table, works perfect for the Kitchen, The next one will have better Iron on it.

The day yesterday began with waking up very late around 8:30 to find my leg was all normal, the size was almost completely normal! I was so happy, it remained that way all day, although I kept it wrapped with the ace bandage. I rushed to get dressed and ran over to Rockies to meet a window blind man, and to talk to Rocky about my bill. It ended up meeting the guy next door who is also building in La Flor, and he was interested in using me too. I met this guy the day before with another man, at my apartment complex which is a distants from Rocky's. Very coincidental??? SAME MEN Different place. My landlord Carlos had told them all about me, they were looking At Carlos's project to build Condos here behind the Aparment. JACO iS EXPLODING. There are high rises going up and huge developments, the prices are outrageous. These two are developers, EVERYONE IS HERE FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!! anyway they talk to me for some time, another father and son partner were also interested in having me do there two condos there also.

I dealt with the Blind man, then the guys, then watered Rockys garden while he talked to yet another realtor. Then I was their driver all day to Ice, the phone company/ electric company.
Then to the lawyers, nothing accomplished all day... its like that here, then the bank, found out the deposit he made in the states for me was lost. Then back to town then back to the condo, just ran them around like crazy, when it came time to discuss the bill, Rocky was distant of course!! I did this all day for them and more. Putting this house together in less than ten days is a feat in the states, try doing it here where you have nothing to resource from!! well needless to say, he tried to talk me down. We didn't get far...

Now today I am going early to find out what is going on, they wanted me to have a key to let the other installers in, and to water. So I guess I will find out. There funny men, I like them, I hope we continue doing work together!

Last night I got dressed and took Helen out to eat, Just to discuss a plan and life in general. I told her that I think were going to make a good duo.

I need to make some business cards,and get my name out there I guess. I never dreamed I would be doing this again. But its not that difficult for me to invision things, its just the resourceing that is hard. I bet in Time I will get to know many things and many places. I have given up the idea of the restuarant here in Jaco, WAY TO EXPENSIVE and way to much work for me at this stage. I may concider later doing something again.

I Got today very early thinking about everything, mopped the floors at 6:30 looked at the leg looking better and not swelling so much. Changed the humming bird water, and fed the birds. Yesterday there were 6 red macaws in the tree above my apartment, and lately I have noticed that I hear allot of Of tucans yelling. they make a particular call that I recognize very easily.

It was a beautiful day yesterday a little of bit of rain but warm and nice. The sun was out almost all day except for the late evening.

I have not seen sunsets lately, I been to busy. But I do plan on watching them when Milo comes. If he can come to Jaco? his schedule is hellish he says, so who knows? I know I will be going to San Jose to meet him I am sure.

Today is Pick up Laundry, pay Betty and Helen, try to collect from Rocky, wash the car and then go to the La Ferria. I may go and see about cards too.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

More to COME!!!

This trunk is from guatamala, prior to me staining it

Most of the furniture was made from my drawings, in a factory in Limon on the Other side of Costa rica

Meeting Rocky and Jerry the men who hired me to do this house was very interesting and not to mention Fun! they were such real characters.

Rocky a restuarant owner in Georgia, and Jerry a Restuarant owner in Jersey. Were just like being with real live Saprano characters. They were so funny together the way they talk to each other in there East coast accents, there Italian gestures, and the way they get mad or excited with one another was comical. I felt as if I was in some sort of story... The exclaimed how much they loved what I had done to the house, in such a short time less than two weeks. Although it was not nearly in my oppinon complete, it will do for now. I think they may be selling it, and just wanted it all dressed to sell, Now they want me to do the others they have here in Costa Rica.

So this was a very nice project for me. Although I did not charge anything near what I would in the states, I did do ok.

They were very animated, and fun to talk to. Rocky a tall medium build man with large glasses, and lots of hair a typical Italain nose, long legs and a nice smile. Jerry a robust shorter man, with a great complection, nice dark hair and thick Italian eyebrows, and a very funny personality. Both in Shorts, and your typical Florida style shirts.

After inviting me in, and talking to their private driver for a while. We all discussed life not business, and the way I did this house made them feel very comfortable. They even liked the cross I put up in the entry of the house. Jerry commented on it and asked why I would do that? I explained to him in spanish design the use of religious symbols were always a part of the complete design, and that it was a good thing. He said I love that you did that! so I was happy that he was not displeased with my little accent's of authenticity.
Although the house is owned by Rocky, I get the feeling that Jerry has allot of imput on what Rocky does. He is the idea man, Rocky does what is best.

The East coast accents were killing me, I was laughing the whole time on just how they say things, so different from my west coast influence, and it was so fun to hear them banter back and forth.
In a hour or so they suggested that we go eat, so I took them to this little tiny soda ( restuarant) with only four tables on the road Anita, dirt road down the way from the Copa Cabana,

Not very many people know about this place, Christina and I ate there last week it was awesome!

So I took them and of course the food was wonderfull, typical Tico food, but very good and really great presentation! They loved it, we drank our own bottle of wine I bought them, and then had another one right away. The Tica that owned the soda went and got us some more.. at the store I think?

We talked for more than a hour, really like the Italians do. Sitting around the table and talking about life and people and things.

It was great. I enjoyed my time with these two allot, I may be going with them on Thursday to playa concha, north of here. THe beach of shells.

Jerry and I hit it off, we laughed and joked and cracked up allot, while Rocky just smiled. He is a more quiet type. Tony the driver spoke totally in spanish to me so it was very interesting having to translate what I knew to them.

Later we went to Sunami's for another drink, wow I was tipsy, now today I am hung over. I did't get up till 9:30 very rare for me... I missed them this morning to talk about my payment, so I guess tonight I will meet up with them again and get it settled. Now I will begin on the other as soon as I finish the drapes and some other details within this first house.

Today is picking up laundry, paying the nursery for the plants, and paying the Furniture maker for the balance.

I have not heard much from Milo, his work is loading him down with projects, he has no time... I feel sad, I never get to talk to him. I wish he could see that taking time for the ones you love is very important, anything in any moment can happen, things can change. I miss him, I don't understand why time for me is not in the schedule?

He went away last weekend he said for a Fishing trip, He is in New Mexico, I am here... I have no idea who he went with, but I missed him very much over the weekend ,even though I worked the whole time. I did not hear from him when he returned, nor on Monday. but Yesterday a small note. and Today the same, a small note saying he will be back in Costa Rica on the 18th.

I know he is busy, I understand work, I need his attention.....

Its cloudy today, rained allot last night. Heavy the streets were full of water, then today nothing, beautiful the surroundings though Green and flowering.

Finally the humminbirds have discovered my feeder that Milo put up months ago! I cannot believe it they found it, I decided a day ago to change the water, and Well to my surprise two big humminbirds came to the window looked at me then went to the other window looked at me then went right to the feeder. YEAH I HAVE HUMMERS NOW!!! Yes there big here some tiny ones too, but most are big. This morning I heard the parrots again, wow there loud, I wsh I could take a photo of them to show you.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Completing the house

Before's and after's, There is more to come keep looking


Before and after

I have been very busy working on the completion of the house, no time for anything. My leg sure has suffered behind this, one would think by this time the healing would be done? but it still swells and looks Terrible! GOD!! hurts like crazy but I continue, as I know the job needs to get done before Rocky get's here.

He has no idea that I have any sort of injury at all, in fact the day he called to hire me on the phone.... I had just got home from my surgery in San Jose, all laid up 40 something stitches, and I just acted as if nothing was wrong said sure I would be happy to do this!

It is a two story house, it is very hard to find all the things I need to make it nice, I still need more... but I can't seem to connect and find all the right things. I did sew the majority of the drapes upstairs now I have the down stairs to do, he is already here. He showed up yesterday. Thank god I got most of the major stuff done with in minutes of his arrival the beds showed up, I made a big basket of fruit and wine, coffee, coconut cookies, honey cookies, jam and fresh bread.

I left it on the counter so when he returns he would have a nice surprise. He called me this morning to tell me to meet him tonight at 7:00 for dinner and discussion of the other house!! YEAH HE LIKES IT!! I get to do another one now!! But I am going to take a week or so break to get the foot healed better.

Helen has been my new assistant, funny the simularities she has to Clint, not in looks lol but in here additude and ways, when I am trying to convey something to her, she freezes and is like a deer in the head lights can't think can't move and stares like Clint, or gets stubborn and wont do anything just like Clint... WEIRD.. but I love her and him too. I miss him God if her was here we would kick such ass. I cannot wait to tell him how much I made on this job! Working like this is better than My work in the states, I find it almost amuzing sometimes the struggles you have to go through to accomplish a simple task such as finding finials for the drapery rods, or drapery rods period. THERE ARE NONE IN JACO! Ill Legar only has the old time wood rods, I painted them black to look like Iron.

But I think concidering its my first job here, not knowing all the sources yet and not having as much available it came out good. The budget was slim too so I hope hes not upset when I give him my time!

I was thinking about going to Orotina tomorrow to look for fabric for the living room and taking some photos of all the fruits and veggies in the stands, I need to shop for the house. Nothing at all here to eat. I have not gone to the store in weeks. I been eating little bits and peices of things, and at the soda near the house. It is a very good one, I don't know the name but I will find it and tell. It has good typical Costa Rican food but with a small flair.

Today was spent working on the spread sheet for the house, then I will have to go and physically pay my power bill, cable and internet. They don't send bills and you have to remember to pay on time or they shut it off the next day. TOMORROW IS THE DAY.

I plan on having a nice slow day today I really need as I been working 12 hours a day for three days on the house.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Trying like mad to finish the house, but

Salmon stuffed with avocado, cucumbers dill. In San Jose
< Guanabana, Delicious

Costa Rica is very difficult to find things. It is so not like America when it comes to finding the most simple things such as sheets, rugs, the things I took for granted that was everywhere in the USA.

Here it is twice as hard to do a normal job. Also I new to driving in the country, so not knowing areas has much to do with time factors, and availablities on products for design. Just like when I did the Wedding at Villa Colletas which is this beautiful hotel resort on the mountain 15 minutes from Jaco.. Look it up on the net so pretty. It was so hard to find cut orchids and they grow them here... Finding Floral markets was inpossible. Finnally I found out in a City named Cartago, they have this. Ok how do I get there?? Never did, had to find simple things near where I lived. And A special trip to San Jose at that time like to Kill me.

Now I am in the same boat with this design job, although it is going well, its slow. If I was in the USA I would be done by now. As I said finding simple things such as a blender at a good price. I paid yesterday for and oysterizer, blender... $60.00. This would have cost around $30 or so in the states. But finding them is the tough part.
I manage to get a expresso machine, a coffee maker, a Washer and Dryer which is unheard of here, No one uses a Dryer... and A Fridge for around $1500.00. Mind you I bargined like crazy for all this and had it delivered in one day. OK IN COSTA RICA THAT IS A PURA MIRACLE!

I was happy, but I am sure my client has no clue how hard this is... All the things we think are automatic in the states, are days of waiting, days of hoping, Manana Manana Manana... I am learing how to deal with it for the best part of this job.

I have spent three days so far just shopping this week and filling the house and I have not made a dent yet. The large furniture I designed wont be here till Sat.
Making this a rush job. I just hope the client loves it!

Today I will go once again to Santa Anna, to Carri ari, to Escazu, and San Jose. To see What else I can find to complete the Job. Two hours on the road, then hours of shopping and looking and driving in a place I hardly know. And its big!

Its a great day to be doing it, the weather is nice not so hot this morning. The birds are singing loudly. Butterflies everywhere.. I have a new helper too, Helen has come aboard for this time. I don't know if she I will work. She seems to tell people different things than what I want, when were out shopping. Then I have to go back and explain in my lame Spanish. Thats the good part. Now I have an interpreter. She makes phone calls, talks to the people in the stores while I shop.

I dunno its ok I suppose, but already she broke two Items, one can not be replaced. I said yesterday to her, well I will just start Calling you Clint... she didn't get it. Clint did break allot of things. Sometimes drove me nuts... But I am sure I drove him nuts too.. I miss Clint, He would be having a great time here with me working.

The last trip we had a a wonderfull but expensive lunch in San Jose at this beautiful Italian Resturant, I was shocked at the bill 40 bucks for lunch, but I paid and told myself I rarely treat me to expensive things... BELIEVE THAT WAS SHOCKING, I do not have this kind of money.
I will be sure not to do that again today!

I have not heard from Milo in several days I hope he is ok, He doesn't call much in fact he doesn't call at all... I just wish he would. Right now I miss him terribly.

I know he has been tormented about me being here and he in New Mexico, but hey I suppose it will work out? TIME AGAIN TELLS

Monday, May 01, 2006

The Menu

Yesterday was a very nice day, but I did allot of work on the dinner that served 11 people.

Ken had decided to have a small party with me doing all the cooking, Italian style, at his house . Marcia invited four of her dominican republic Girl friends, I invited Rosie and this American man, Helen and Betty.

I baked an Apple tart/ pie with puff pastry it was so pretty. Left my house around 1:00 to pick up Helen and Betty but they were not home. Being a bit disapointed that I drove over to get them and didn't find them, I got gas and headed for Kens.

I got out in Monterey, and it was Cloudy looked like rain. But still very hot humid weather. The drive to his house is a very beautiful one. So I didn't mind the clouds at all.

When arriving all of Marcias friends were already drinking and partying it up. It was 2:00 in the afternoon. I walked in and put the pie down, and imediately began cooking the dinner, I made Chicken parmesian, milingiani, ( eggplant) and tiny little potatoes with parsley and olive oil, and a huge salad with red onions, red peppers, avocados lots.... lettuce and parsley, Garlic bread.
It took a while since I had so much to prepare for.

But in a hour and half dinner was on.
Everyone was parting I had a glass of wine while I cooked , all the people were dancing to the good music ken had put together.. Then we ate, all the people toasted me said the food was awesome! I was happy to make everyone feel good. Then it got crazy, everyone was laughing and drinking wine and talking nuts... then dancing began... lets put it this way, a few people got wild and some even took there clothes off.

NOT ME I WAS DYING LAUGHING at first, then it was like E entertainment Televison!

The dancing the laughing the actions wow.... I mostly sat and watched and laughed. I tried to dance a little but the pain was too much, the best was watching!

I then took Helen and Betty home, they ended up showing up with Rosie and this American guy. So we drove back to Jaco and came to my house for a few so I could freshing up, I sweated so much from the heat of the oven the stove and the generally moving fast, plus the humidty with the rain was intense.

We talked here for an hour then I took them home. Helen and Betty danced for me at there house I just watched. The leg was in allot of pain, She massaged me and made it feel better and put some sort of stuff I don't what it was it was hot... but it felt better this morning when I got up.

Today I go to look at property in Hermosa, on a hill to see if I want to buy it. I hope its good and has the legal rights, so I can buy.
If not something else will happen. I had a man who reads these blogs, send me photos of a beautiful place past Puteranas with allot of acreage a farm flat with a house for 159 thousand. But Its too far for me, I told him I would help him sell it so if anyone is interested email me.