Friday, April 21, 2006

No Restuarant, New Car, New project

I came to San Jose on Thursday, only after a very rough morning In Jaco. I got at five and showered, made coffee and got all my stuff ready as well as myselg. I was suppose to catch the bus at 7:30 I knew that the bus gererally runs past my house about a quarter to, I struggled down the stairs with my heavy suitcase on one side of me since my leg was in pain and I knew the pressure of carring this case on the right side would kill. I was wearing a new bright blue, white , and deep blue skirt that tied on the side, and really pretty silky high colar three button sleevless deep royal top. Very cute Blue wedges with some sparkle on them that I bought here from brazil. As I got a few feet from the gate the bus passed, but passed slowly no one was on the bus and the attendant was standing in the door. I yelled ALTO ALTO STOPPPPPPP but they kept on going. I was so frustrated as I prepared hours before so I wouldn't miss it. It was by this time around 75 or80 degrees I was sweating like crazy now and all my prettiness was fading. I was so mad I knocked on Anna Cornia's door and told her I think I missed it she couldn't believe that they drove past hearing me yell? Even a guy on the road yelled and they went slow to the corner. I was too lame to run after them, hell I can't even walk normal yet.

So I called and emailed Milo and told him I missed the bus, the next one was at ten thirty so I thought from the recording but they talk to dang fast who could understand? I called like five times. Then I asked Milo to call to see if he understood? He Spanish speaking I would think he could understand?? BUT NO he couldn't either. I think it said 10:30 I called the little corner store and asked in spanish what time the next bus came? she said 10:30.

So I ate some Mango and yogurt and coffee and relaxed I even took a short nap and freshened up again. I walked down this time 15 minutes earlier, and well it didn't show up. I waited and sat on the suitcase and at one point, the suit case fell down and I fell right on top of it pretty skirt and all! OK REALLY SWEATING NOW, the hair was dripping the makeup was gone and I was getting so upset. Because I didn't know how I was getting to San Jose and I had already lost four hours of doing things I needed to do there, and spending time with Milo.

I walked back upstairs and called Milo, told him it didn't come he was sad, said I bet it will come in ten minutes hang out tem more minutes. So exactly that , ok the first bus was early and the second was 45 minutes late. GO FIGURE???

I caught the bus and it stopped every five minutes somewhere.... even in Orotina so I got off and got something to drink, some aqua de pepa and coco, and some plantanos with lime and chili. Returned to the bus and headed to San Jose. It was so hot on the bus this timie GOD I WAS A MESS.... But at least with the boo boo foot I got two seats in order to elevate to foot, no one sat next to me when they saw the bandages!!! yeah! Ok I get to the air port which is where Milo was suppose to pick me up, but he had a meeting at 2:00 and what time do you think it was awhen I got off the bus? 1:45 he left at 1:44, NO LIE!! Got so after all that trials I sat on the bus bench and wondered what the heck now? I knew he was staying at the Melia, Carrari so I haild a cab and had them take me to the hotel.

The only promblem was I had no room key nor did I know how to get ahold of Milo. So I sat in the lobby and internetted, and then freshened up in the bathroom. Then walked to he bar and had an ICE COLD MECHELADA!! AND some guaca mole and chips.. I was starting to feel human when I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Milo.

We ate up the chips and went back to the room , talked for a bit then headed out to dinner. We went to this really sterile looking brazilain restuarant. Many many tables and a buffet of salads and salsas, condiments that were so beautifully displayed. The servers where in Brazilian goucho outfits with white shirts and black puffy pants tucked into knee high boots. LIKE PUUS AND BOOTS, I could just see Brandon at this place he would have wanted the outfit to wear...
If you have never had Brazilian food its devine and allot of food. you go through the buffet of salads and condiments, salsas and more.
Then then have a hot buffet with soups beans ribs, and fish lots of things I cannot even begin to describe but it was very simple setting very simple decor and white linens on the tables and silver buffet servers. Then the parade of men come out with Meats of all sorts on swords, you have a coin and you set it on the table green meaning give me more, red meaning stop I cant eat any more!!! We tried allot of meats, Chicken and sausages, and hearts, sirlons, veal, pork, chicken wow it was good, I had to tell them pochito pochito on the slices since I only wanted a bit or so. But Milo when nuts.
We had good spanish tempranillo wine that was wonderfull, and in the end a great hot chocolate cake with some warm hot chocolate sauce in the middle served with Ice cream WOW This was the best ending of a horrible day.
We both were so tied that I crashed out earlier than he did and began the next day, Searching for a car, and items that I needed to suit a whole house for a client in Jaco.

We went everywhere, then a hyundai dealer told us about one of his Clients that was not happy with a car that her dad bought her just four months ago. A very beautiful car. It is a cross lander. These are the cars that Ken had suggested I buy. A Chinese made car new to the world. Only in Europe or in Latin America. SO he directed us to the dealership in town and gave us the name of the client that wanted to sell hers that her father bought. She was a college student, and didn;t like it because it was not a name brand car that the kids here drive... HMM SOUNDS LIKE SPOILED AMERICAN KIDS... I knew he had to have money if he bought his 19 year old daughter an SUV.

So Milo and drove a ways to the dealership and looked at them brand new WOW NICE CARS, lots of extras and fully loaded. Beautiful SUVS and very reasonably priced since they are made in China. Its a Izusu motor, and a mazda tranny. Four cylinder, not very powerfull for the size of the car but the body was really nice, all leather interior and chrome and all sorts of cool features, like a back up feature that when you back up and get to close to something it beeps from green to red and loud. VERY COOL, Air in front and dual in back. Drop down seats, and remote mirrors, removable cd, sunglass storage, front and rear abs brakes. Power windows, lots of goodies. So I liked it, then we called the people said I was interested and drove all over not knowing where we were going like a scavenger hunt calling from phone to phone to find the next street. It took hours but we found them and the car was very NICE, but the picky person I am saw how in four months this young girl had trashed a very nice car. the inside was dirty as heck, the driver seat had a small tear, the knobs all scratched. And he mats were absolutely trashed. the headliner had spots? and well it was dirty. I had my car for almost three years and it looked brand spanking new.... KIDS! SO I agreed to buy it, after Milo and ran around looking for furniture for the condo I am doing, and found by this time many were already closed.

The traffic was horrible so as we were driving, I saw a Jazz club and said wow a jazz club. So Milo went round the block and we went in. VERY COOL PLACE IN SAN PEDRO. It is on the main road going into San Pedro. In side was nicely done with iron chairs huge place. Busts on the walls of all the greats, Ella, Duke, bird man, Billy holiday, Dizzy, Charlie Parker... and more... It was very well done with huge Iron Candleabras hanging from the ceiling with Large candles glowing. The music was just Cds at that time but sometime when he returns were going to go and listen live it begins at 10.

After we went to this little mall and walked about and had some pastries and coffee from really good pastry shop and then later dinner at a great soda in San Pedro . It was awesome. I had salad of avocado and tomatoes, the best salad ever... the presentation was so pretty the tomatoes were swirled about and the avocados were all criss cross cut, we shared that and Chicken fajitas. Wow what a meal....
Then today we got up early got ready, no breakfast just tried to find a BCR open Banco Costa Rica, but none were open till ten or eleven. I was frustrated, cause of my past experience with banks here it takes forever to do one simple thing and I needed to do a couple.

So driving all over finanlly found one, went to one window and got the cash and then another to get the check, but because it was so much I had to back to the other window take information and have them ok it.

We went to the peoples condo, and began the process of buying the car. Two hours later with an attorney and 700 later I had the docs to a new 2006 crosslander, four months old. I was scared and happy but not really able to drive it across town since my foot was still ugky and the traffic here is insane at that time... So they took me to the hotel and I couldn't wait to tell someone I had a new CAR!! I Told Sara so now I am sure Brandon knows too!

I drove it to Ezcazu after I rested and got my nerve up and well I did pretty good, I went to pecano mundo and bought somet things for this condo and saw my cute nurse that I posted on line a few months back... she was happy to see me and we talked. now I am waiting for Milo to go to dinner tomorrow is the trip to Jaco.
Some more shopping,, and Maybe buying a new speaker for the front of the car,,, how does someone blow a speaker on a brand new car?


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