Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Back in Costa Rica

The flight back was not that great, I had the worst pain ever on the first leg of the flight, the seats were so uncomfortable, the temperature of the plane was so cold, I was exhausted and frustrated with the pain of my ankle. I sat next to this very large lady that could hardly fit in the seat. So I was worried that I would poke her or wake her up during the flight, the other lady was thin but snorred very loud. I was just miserable...

They did give me wheel chair assistance so that part was good, I didn't have to worry about how I was going to hobble to the next flight. In Houston the air terminal was very cold they picked me up and stuck me on a cart that rides around. I didn't want to go straight to gate since I had three hours of a wait at 6:40 am to 9:20 departure.

The secomd leg was not as uncomfortable, I bought some tylenol and took it before the flight, but I was put between four small children two were todlers who cried allot and two were 7 and 6 and one was very loud. One time I said shhh and the father who was two seats down got angry and yelled at me, right in my face. I know that parents get defensive but he was over board, I had lost my patients with all the kids and Iknow it was because I had so much pain. I didn't mean harm I just didn't want this boy to yell right in my ear which is what he did. The man was rude but I didn't answer after he watched the attendant help me to the restroom and then he just stared, maybe feeling bad that he yelled, I dunno but I know the people around me felt bad they told me.
Oh well such is life.
The foot got more swollen as the trip ended, the attendants put ice on it and gave me a whole section to lay down on. But it didn't help.
When I got to Costa Rica they were very attentive, the attendants there took me and rushed me through customs, they never even opened anything at all. They actually got me a number of Tourismo bus drivers lined up in front of me. They were all bidding on my ride, fifty dollars forty five, I bargined and got them to take me for thirty to the house all alone I had a limo ride from the airport to the house, the driver actually picked me up and carried up the stairs and carried all my things up for me, and I didn't have enough money to tip him, I felt so bad he was so nice and got me here FAST.

Unpacking was slow as my leg was very inflamed and blistery and I could not tollerate the pain. I laid in bed and just stared, the liz came by threatening to take me to Cima now, I said hey I need to rest I got no rest on the plane of twelve hours so I slept and then this morning the sounds of the birds began and make me happy. But the foot was bad bad bad, MALO Is what they say here...
I rested and then coffee nothing to eat here but a pineapple and some coffee, I washed the porch off and watered the plants, and then waited for the installer of the internet to come.
After manyhours of waiting they finnally came YEAH! I am finally normal now well kind of.
I have internet and tv wow can you believe it.

Living for months with out it was a challange but I conquered the challange and now being paitent I have them both. Its nice, thinking that Americans really do not understand how much they have in the palm of there hands and have no appreciation for things period.

I am learning to be appreciative for many things, and I hope it makes me a better.

Things may be different but it is good, if you can appreciate the simpleness of it.

I have made an offer on a small Restaurant here in Jaco, I think they may have accepted my offer, It will be Italian, and Spanish. It has been operating for eight years as an Italian place its small only seats 30, but has possibilities.

Its a new venture, They have a chef that I may keep for a while untill the renovation, then I may help out. But not full time. I would rather meet people and seat them collect the money.

Its all tenative, not for sure, but I do need some help here with this.

Well I have to go and talk to them tonight and then in the morning I go back to Cima to see about the leg, its all infected again so they may want to do surgery to take out all the metal.

Seems like I am alergic to the metal, ONLY ME I SWEAR... complications after complications..

By the way I want to thank Glenn Wright, my editor from the Columbian News Paper. For sending me the copy I did for the Christmas special article in the paper.. WOW GORGEOUS PHOTOS OF MY WORK!! you made me look so good... Thanks Glenn.

Keep reading, Any for those of you who want to come and visit mail me, let me know. Plus I have some ins on property.

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