Sunday, April 30, 2006

Labor Day weekend here

I swear, Every week is a holiday here. Right now is the labor day weekend. Once again the Pueblo is buseling. Not as much as the past holiday but it is obvious that something is happening.

I have been hanging out with Ken and Marcia, Today We are having a party at Kens. But the past two days I been doing things with Ken and Marica. On Friday night I was sitting at Cafe Del mar, after a day of meeting with the new client on the mountain top, then discussing with the manager of La Flor the changes that need to be done with the Condo, and having basic fun driving around Jaco in my new car.
I was talking with several people there at Rosies, when Ken and Marcia Drove up and yelled at me from the street. They had been out and had a little of a buz, I could see Ken was smiling from ear to ear. Ken is an odd sort, but funny as heck. Marcia and him make a very unusal couple but as Milo said amuzeing. They insisted I go to the beatles bar and I insisted No!! I will not set foot in that place. So they asked If Would go with them to a couple of places to dance.

Of course I cannot dance yet so I said I will go but only to watch and you can dance. We had one drink at Pancho Vias, the Muisc was very good in there. Latin music for some reason makes me feel so happy.

But there were no people in Panchos, The bar tendered had no idea how to make a Martini, so I instructed her with the minimal supply of booze she had. It was a blue Martini, horrible. But Marcia and I drank it anyway. I was not into drinking, I just went to be with them. Besides it was like 12 oclock at night.
After Panchos. We went to Monkeys. Filled to the rafters as normal, We walked in to a now inclosed bar, that was smoked filled. Personally I hate that, since I use to suffer from asthma, and when I am in those situations, It always flair up. I sat and Ken and Marcia Danced. I was not impressed with the music. Its the same music I have heard there for Months. I think they have it taped and play it over and over. LOL.... only half an hour of this and I was ready to come home.
The following day Ken and Marcia and I were suppose to go shopping for the dinner party on sunday.
Anna Corina came by in the morning and talked to me about her night before at the Del mar where she was a bit tipsy, and couldn't remember who she had talk to the night before.
She used the computer for her email. I talked to Milo on line and then Got ready to leave to meet Ken. But Anna Cornia Wanted a ride into town to eat Chicken at this bbq place so both of us went and ate, sitting outside watching the people drive and walk by. Soon in a few minutes I saw Ken and swifly went in the x mas permanos to buy the groceries. The store has an ATM so I used it to get some money to pick up my laundry that had been sitting at the lavadoria for a week. I left it there and totally forgot that I left it! BEEN BUSY....

I walked to the laundry with was about two blocks, but getting two blocks in Jaco sometimes take some time. Because you end up seeing someone you know you stop and talk and them move on of course this happens like several times during the walk.

Later I went to the opposite end of town and found this indian guy who was selling orginal Indian art from Costa rica. I could not resist loooking at it. It was colorfull, masks of birds and animals, bow and arrows. Drums and Rain sticks all hand painted with typical Costa Rican style.

I thought about it and it was not much money for each one, in Amercian Dollars something like 14 dollars for each. I picked out three things I loved.
One is a jaguar, one was two parrots on a Mask, and one was a drum with with toucans and parrots painted on with a snake skin top.
Great Art to hang on the wall.

I came back to to Edias to sit and visit and say Hello, since I have not seen here in Two weeks.
She had a client but while I was waiting, another friend dropped by Christina. She is Joes girlfriend Christina and Joe are also and interesting Couple. She also dominicana, he Italiano.
Christina wanted to spend some time with me and Invited me to her house for abeer and dinner. I accepted.
I walked down the alley where I use to stay when I first came here. Christina and Joe purchased two houses side by side that was owned By Paula a Friend of Glenn Wright my editor in the states In Portland Oregon. Paula and I lunched together right before I left for here. SOME SMALL WORLD. I wish Paula had sold these houses to me first. Christina and Joe stole them actually. VERY CHEAP FOR THIS LOCATION. But then I would not be friends of theirs, If I had... Something that I could be clear around the world practically, and meet someone and be freinds with them, then to have a connection with the past of my other world and friends. COMPRENDE?

We decide to walk 50 feet to this new soda that opened on this dirt road by the two houses that they own. It has no sign no real identity but it sure was good, and once again I was amazed. The food was great and beautiful! I also met a lady there that has some land Tica, in Hermosa, and she is wanting to show it to me. We ate and laughed, it was dark and hardly any light but one light bulb in the roof of this tico style soda out doors.

Later we took the car and went to Rosies, Christina wanted Coffee, I didn't I just sat and talked to five American guys who saw us and sat down with Rosie Christina and I. Of course they were the typical Americans here... Explaination later....

From there Helen and Catia showed up and we all pilled into my car and went to the house for me to change and they wanted to go to the central for salsa dancing. I just sat in the chair and watched. It was fun. I enjoyed myself totally even with out dancing. Although I did chair dance with three different people, funny never have done that before! It was hillarious to me that these men didn't care, I showed them my leg and refused to dance and each one didn't care danced with me there on the chair.

I came home and went Straight to bed after dropping everyone off.
Now Today I have to bake a apple pie, and make a Pineapple upside down cake. then make chicken parmesian and eggplant for the party today.

Life is nice right now, I am doing well with my health, my friends and my work. Now If only the kids would come and visit, and Milo would come and stay! Things would be grand!

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