Thursday, April 27, 2006

Didn't feel like bloggin

ITs been a couple of days with out blogging, the leg has been bothering me much. I just wonder if this thing is ever going to stop giving me pain? I just carry on though as if there is none and most times I do not mention a word about it. But it seems it agrevates my mind, and I cannot think straight or concentrate the way I should.

I have this Condo, as I have mentioned that I am suppose to be doing from top to bottom its a very pretty one. It sits right on the beach with many others in a house like situation with a pool. large spainish styles with black Iron in sides and huge staircases. Very Nice called La Flor... It was one I talked about early on in the blogs about trying to get in with them and doing work for the company. Now finnally after many months I am in and it came to me.

The people I am working for have several of these beautiful places, I would love to have just one!! haa but hey Im so gratefull that at least I am capable of doing some work and getting my mind off the leg, and hopefully making some money here.

Its been hot but nice at night cooling down, the rain has been steady now almost every other day, only in the afternoon and then stops. Everything is so green and flowering really incredible, so pretty and so HERMOSA.

When driving on the costa nera, the sights of the mountains with all the trees in bloom and green is so tranquill.

I would like to write a story about the orchids here, I did ask Glenn if could and I believe he said yes, so I need to do some more research in order to be correct about them. There are so many that are completly derived from Costa Rica, In my apartment I have 7 so far.

The orchids are attached to trees so this is what made me think of this subject.

The past few days were spent on trying to work on the condo, ordering Furniture from a manufacturer, What I did was draw all the furniture that I wanted in this Condo. This factory in Limon is making it for me custom.

We kinda came up with an Idea that I will pass on later.... But I am sure there going to be some nice pieces.

Today I went with the Furniture maker to another clients house who has built this huge house on the hillside facing Hermosa over looking the beach , ok this is like the one I been dreaming about, the guy is Mexican American, no problems with money, and David the furniture guy wanted me to see his house help with Ideas, and look at Sofa they made for him. It was perfect for my condo Job! the house was really cool I love it of course... and I hope I get to help Rene, seems like he needs ideas, and help.

Then after I drove to the condo measured for the sofa to be made, then drove to Orotina to buy some sheets at this discount store that buys all American seconds and discontinued.
It was raining hard but warm, We walked around for awhile and headed back. I was suppose to be at Renes the new clients house at Four the the rain was bad and the time it took to get there interferred with the return time, So I suppose in the morning I will drive over the hill to Hermosa and see if he is home.

Davids wife and I went to Orotina, we stopped at one of the huge fruit stands there and bought the most enourmous Mangos ever I mean huge.. It was like 1000 colones for a kilo, and that is about 2 bucks. There was one that was one kilo itself. Then I bought some of those tiny yellow ones that sweet as honey. We also bought some guayabaya that you just eat out of the paper. like a gelly, its so good... I ate the plantains with lime and salt.

THe after dropping her off Daivd ask me to share a glass of wine with him, so we talked in the store and she made dinner, some fried fish and rice and salad.

We sat and watched the cars and ate and had two glasses of good Italian wine. Then talked for hours. Wow this is like what we did at home... Nice to be with good people...

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