Monday, April 17, 2006

I Am sorry it this Grosses you out, Actually I feel the hurt, but when seeing this photo posted on here I broke down and cried. This has been tough but I just seem to get through things everyday. The infection from all the metal was what cause the delay in healing. This past three months has taught me a whole lot about life and people and the results of sickness. Yesterday Morning I was so Ill, and All I could do was Think about my sister Becca, who has been ill for a very long time, and how she just goes on, and deals with the pain, the depression, the hardships that all this eartly body of ours brings up when we are ill or sick or hurt.

I cried for her yesterday, thinking its only been three months for me, I keep going, but for her, its been years. Also a huge thought came in my mind when I took the photos of this yesterday, I thought about the crusifiction of Christ, the pain he had to endure and how my flesh wounds were pale in comparrisons to the records of what he withstood. It was like I instantly saw it in my head when I looked at my own wounds. More later, I don't mean to be morose but this is how it looks right now...

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