Saturday, April 08, 2006

Back to Cima the saga of the broken ankle is continued

As soon as I returned from USA I called my doctor here In San jose, he suggested I come in right away to take a look and see what is going on for sure. I knew in my own mind that it was an allergy to the metal as he had suggested earlier on. When I was a child I would get rashes if my mother bought me pot metal of cheap jewerly. Earings would make me get all blistery, well this in the leg is doing the same only a very large scale. The blisters are under the flesh and wont come to the surface the pain is very hot and tender and the whole foot is almost double if not three times not exaggerating its size. I cannot walk on it very much for the pain.
I had Liz take me to Ciman once again, she drove her husbands Milos car. Of course she insists on taking the long way as usual. Although its scenic, my paitents for this is wearing thing now. I was praying she would take the faster route but I suppose with her age, she gets riled driving through the hectic part of the airport freeway into San jose. She is in her middle if not late 60s and they drive fast here, she is not a fast driver to say it simply.

When I arrived at Cima, The wait was short and the concenses was exactly that. METAL IS MAKING ME ILL.
THey took blood work like with in minutes of me seeing the doc, the exray was immediate. Then I bought us lunch. I was happy that they suggested another Surgery, to remove it all on Tuesday of this next week.
This next week is holy week here, so most things will be closed. I was told I go in one day and leave the next or the same day I am not sure. But I decided to call him on Sunday to find out exactly was is going to happen.

At this point I have no ride, its two hours, I must be there at 10:30, then I have no ride back. I called liz many times in the past three days no answer. I have a few friends here but no one has offered, although I have asked.
I feel a bit left out at this moment, I need a car of my own. Then I would not have to ask anyone at all.
I hope something comes through Riding the bus with this foot is not an option, the last two times to see Milo was horrible, with hitting it the cat and well it was a kalamatee.

I been staying at home trying to enjoy the TV that I now have and the internet. Although all day today it was out. So I caught a ride with my land lord who was here to collect his rent, into town. I stopped at liz's but she did not answer, the car was there but no one was home.

The Land lord proposed to me to help him with the interiors and the gardens of some NEW TIME SHARES he is planning to build here right next to our apartments. You see its right on the beach, he has all this property almost the same size as I had in the states and when he developes it he will be set. He wants to presell them and If I get involved I will not only have a commision on the sales but the work of the interiors and the grounds. I Have had so many offers here like this and now I do not even get any where near excited about it, generally they forget and leave me out. Plus with the leg its pretty hard at this point to do anything. I hope this one goes through I could use the work and the the money to put toward the new venture of my own.

THe people I made the offer too for the little Italian restuarant half a block off the beach here in Jaco Accepted it. So after the Surgery, I will be signing papers and being the owner of restuarant. I know these are risks, but There are so many tourist's here that my place will be known and I may do very well for a number of years. I will tell more later. I wont be cooking all the time, they have a chef but I do need another one for the day. Its going to take work upgrading it and tweaking the menu. People say Restuarant work is hard, But My life prior to this was the most difficult work ever, floral work is very difficult, production is fast and parties and events are the most difficult. Especially weddings, dealing with all those brides that half the time were out of there minds.. the stress hey no offense this it the truth, Half the time I was a wreck with them. Trying to please the unpleaseable is a tough job. Not all ok NOT ALL BUT I CAN SAY A VAST MAJORITY. So serving some food, talking to people, waiting on tables, cashering, ordering and meeting with vendors and dealing with Nica woman for my cooks and clean up... will be a great change. I think I may do it for a few years and sell it, I know that the upgrades I have planned will be the talk for a while. I hope the food is too!!! MOST IMPORTANT.

TIME WILL TELL as I say, Right now, Im vasilating, one day I am happy the next like today I am not... thinking is this really what I want to do? The pain in the leg is making me change my mind like crazy. I was happy as a clam yesterday, researching looking at restuarants in Sicily on line, drawing, writting out food We loved as a family. My sis my mom my sons, My loves...

This morning was really nice, the birds again singing so pretty I just love waking up like this, I made the coffe and hobbled to the kitchen which is not far, I took out a small Mango from the frig, and got some yogurt and cereal. I sat and interneted hoping someone I know would come on line to chat but no one did. Then the net went down, so I went out on the porch and to my surprise was a huge Red Parrot in the tree above me. Wow I never saw one that close in the wild. BEAUTIFUL!! large wings. and totally red and green. He was loud or she was loud... eating away as I looked up there were large hummingbirds fluttering about the pink silk tree blossoms, They call these trees Guanacaste, it has large yellow climbing flowers dripping down from this enormous tree. Then about the same area in the limbs I saw this very different large bird. Across the way on a bare limbed tree was a giant Iguana resting in the sun. AS if all of them were enjoying the social time together.

I so enjoy my mornings, I do not want to loose those. Should I take on the new venture.

So After most of the day staying in house resting I had Carlos drop me at liz's I limped my way to Rosies, I talked to two gentlemen one a tall black or half black man with the most incredible blue eyes wow he was interesting, He began the conversation with me. He was not feeling well and had a terrible sore throat and wanted some suggestions, So I told him the old Tea and honey with lemon and some meds I heard about here. The other was an older man frompy and grumpy, yelled at me at first ,I was trying to help him. Then after he ate he was nice as pie.
For my experience with this and men this is common to many who need to eat. Most Arguements with my sons were generally before they ate something, soon there after a total change of additude. I am sure I am the say way.

So several hours of sitting and watching the parade there, thinking about my place and how it is not on the main street where tons of people are...... will I have the clients? Hope more... should this happen.

I hopped a cab home he over charged me I was not happy cause the pain was throbbing and he took his holy time going the round about way. Then charged me double.
I didn't argue I gave it to him and limpped up the stairs to the house all dark and lonely.
The air was on so it was cool inside compared to the heat out side.
I came in a quickly laid down and tried to net but no net. So I flipped throught what channels we have and found an HBo movie.

Nothing to eat here so I will just snak on some grapes, and maybe try to just rest with out frustration.

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