Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Anna Cornia a New friend

I have not heard from liz in a while, She was upset about something last time we talked, So I hope she is doing ok? I have called her several times and left messages, one day I even took a taxi over to her house to see if she is alright. I know right now she is preparing for her womens retreat so that may be the cause of her being alone for now.

In the world people come and go,why I have no idea... but I do have a nice circle of friends here, one being a new is Anna Cornia, she is a massage therapist who actually works on the stars, in Vail Colorado and all over. She told me last night while she laid on my bed and internetted that they fly her all over! wow what a life... She is beautiful swedish decent, but raised in Canada. Tall use to be a model and said she modeled last year. Now Look at me... I am a short dark haired Sexy little Italiana woman.... she is a tall blonde sleak woman that wears no makeup or fixes her hair... just the stinking opposite. She came by yesterday later and asked me to go the beach with her. She surfs allot and has been over the past three years much. I said I should forego the beach walking to it was too hard.
So I got pretty and waited for her so that we could catch a cab and do down town. We were going to have dinner together.

During the day the client I was waiting for called to tell me to go ahead with the house and get it all decorated, completely dishes sheets towels everything you need. So I wrote Milo and told him Will have to use the car to go and find things get prices to submitt to the attorneys here so I can get paid.

Then Anna came, We went down to Wish bone a restuarant that serves a real varied menu from Mexican to Japanese? strange but good.. It was closed so I stumbled over to El Largar the hard ware store to look for Clavos its like a concrete hook... of course nothing here is easy to find they didn't know what I was talking about, so I was bit frustrated.
Then we went walking towards Wishbone when I ran into Shawn , Hannahs husband who I did the wedding for. He was the one that reffered me to this Client. He talked to me and is taking me today to the house so I can get keys to begin.

Then to Sunami, Anna wanted some Wine so we had a drink there and then walked across the way to eat. Dinner was great I had yellow fin tuna over veggies with a wasabi dressing. WOW it was good.. She had the same and we both had a glass of wine.. then after we went to the X MAs Permanos, The grocery store that I just found out is owned by walmart.. its not that great, infact things in there are way higher than in the states.MAKES ME MAD....

I got some aloe vera for my wounds, and then we took a cab home. Anna got changed and came up and hung out for a while drank more wine, Not me one was way too much with how I feel.

Then there was a knock on my window it was like 9 oclock? who is that? it was this dude that use to hang out next door drunker than a skunk or loaded who knows.... but he asked how I ws and my leg was so I let him in. I knew him from months of being around the neighbor. We talked for about twenty minutes then he got up to say he was leaving and fell flat out on my floor knocked my sofa over and then pissed his pants... I was shocked I thought perhaps he over dosed or something? I didn't know what happened? and I didn't feel like calling the pera medics either so Anna and I got him up got him awake and made him walk down stairs out the gate and down the road.. I think he was just very drunk.. he continued to walk down the road, I watched to make sure he got around the corner that is where he lives. I mopped the floor was totally disgusted and went to bed feeling upset and hurting and sad... no word from Milo and he got in at 8:20. It was like 11:00.

Then he called said he was going to get something to eat and he would call me back, but when he did I was way to tired and sleepy to talk so I said call me tomorrow..
Got up to a Gray day, not feeling so hot but the leg is looking better the wound is only open a little now.

I got to chat with my friend Cydny on line from Vancouver and Sara, and Mickie, this friend in Seattle... hes a builder. We talk all the time. So funny that guy... Then I made coffee had a huge mango and now I have to shower and get ready for Shawn to take me to the Clients place. The Client lives in New York, they are Italaian so I hope they LOVE WHAT I DO...this house will be for rent should anyone to see it and visit contact me...

He has many more so I am going to do Well so I can do the rest of them!! Then I can buy a very nice CAR!! YEAH no more bikes for me Im too afraid after all this mess with the leg

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