We set up today and had a few takers for Tomorrow, even one that wants the whole body done.
We have a few appointments so thats nice! I was a gorry I dont know what earlier, I had spiders on my face that I painted, and red exaggerated lips something like the joker, a bullet wonded in my chest with blood, and dark circles under my eyes and up the jaw bone.I didn't take a photo but tomorrow i will have Raquel take photos. I painted a mask tonight with sparkles and I have sheer scarfs on, with big earings.
We are having fun with this people love it they stop and stare and talk, and look at our sign. So tomorrow should be very interesting.
Look for photos tomorrow!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
painting faces
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, October 29, 2007
Sunday, NO BEACH
Well the sun was out only for two hours by the time I got done on the net and got dress it rained.
All day was cloudy, I worked on the sign for the painting of faces, Then I went to post it at Rosie's then went to maxi bodega with Lucas, and Raquel... I was stressed with them. Raquel has no money and so snuggles up to Lucas to get him to buy things for her.. I left wandered around the store alone and let them talk. I needed to hury because of my class at two but they were taking there time So felt stressed out about it.
I went to Belly dancing alone she wanted to come but I needed a break from her. She is very negative and depressed and rightly so. So I left here alone here in the house and I went and took time for myself and it was nice. We danced two hours I was so exhausted and my back hurt like crazy. Its difficult dance but I am doing well, in fact she said I had the best shimmy and the best figure 8, that is where you move the body only in the center in an eight, making it look like the body is with out bones. Its hard but I learned and did it perfect! I got to work on my hip shakes down and up that is really hard to do... but this week I plan on practicing with Rosie.
Later Rosie and I went to Jaco Taco and ate great Tacos, Real Mexican style which is not common here. THey do not make this type or the flavor Of Mexican food, the food here is pretty bland and simple.
We had one margarita, I shouldn't have I took my last pill but I feel ok today, it was great sure did help the pain!
Lucas rode by on his bike with Frans, and we yelled they came in drank water and chatted with us.
Lucas of course wanted me to come over so I went to Rosies for a minute, then walked to his house. visited with him till 12 in the night... HE IS CRAZY for an ol cogger hes nuts! but fun and very sweet.. HE ASKED ME AGAIN TO MARRY HIM said he has never asked a women this in 40 years. I said hold on take it easy lets go slow. He wants me to go to California with him in Decemeber, I am going to go I would love to meet his family and see where he lives and do some shopping in LOS ANGELES. He was very serious about the proposal wants me to get my divorce papers and have them nulified by the catholic church and he wants a big wedding with everyone??? He says he looked for someone like me for 40 years, and he knows I am the lady! ok but I don't know that right now. Its too dang soon for me.. I want to know him more who knows what might happen. He is a super guy but I see he drinks much never gets out of control but likes his cocktails... We talked about a million things, very interesting man, has traveled the world and has been in many different adventures.
But as I said before, I don't know how much I do believe or weather or not he is real. I generally know a person right off the bat but here in Costa Rica people are different, especially the ones that live here from the USA. Not sayting there bad Enough experiences now is telling me to be very carefull.
Today I am going to Los Suenos again they wrote yesterday with there budget. I Want this job or any job right now!!
Amapola wrote this morning saying they don't have money after they shook my hand and said its a deal? I am going there too. I wish people were honest ya know?
Then later I am getting the nails and toes done, Lucas gave me some money to make my self pretty. I didn't ask he looked at the nails and then saw the toes and said here go get these fixed! so I was HAPPY! I said thank you a number of times, very sweet thoughtfull man.
I hope today goes well, Its not sunny today it is going to rain, It rained horrible last night. I hope today the sun comes out! I want to go the beach.
All day was cloudy, I worked on the sign for the painting of faces, Then I went to post it at Rosie's then went to maxi bodega with Lucas, and Raquel... I was stressed with them. Raquel has no money and so snuggles up to Lucas to get him to buy things for her.. I left wandered around the store alone and let them talk. I needed to hury because of my class at two but they were taking there time So felt stressed out about it.
I went to Belly dancing alone she wanted to come but I needed a break from her. She is very negative and depressed and rightly so. So I left here alone here in the house and I went and took time for myself and it was nice. We danced two hours I was so exhausted and my back hurt like crazy. Its difficult dance but I am doing well, in fact she said I had the best shimmy and the best figure 8, that is where you move the body only in the center in an eight, making it look like the body is with out bones. Its hard but I learned and did it perfect! I got to work on my hip shakes down and up that is really hard to do... but this week I plan on practicing with Rosie.
Later Rosie and I went to Jaco Taco and ate great Tacos, Real Mexican style which is not common here. THey do not make this type or the flavor Of Mexican food, the food here is pretty bland and simple.
We had one margarita, I shouldn't have I took my last pill but I feel ok today, it was great sure did help the pain!
Lucas rode by on his bike with Frans, and we yelled they came in drank water and chatted with us.
Lucas of course wanted me to come over so I went to Rosies for a minute, then walked to his house. visited with him till 12 in the night... HE IS CRAZY for an ol cogger hes nuts! but fun and very sweet.. HE ASKED ME AGAIN TO MARRY HIM said he has never asked a women this in 40 years. I said hold on take it easy lets go slow. He wants me to go to California with him in Decemeber, I am going to go I would love to meet his family and see where he lives and do some shopping in LOS ANGELES. He was very serious about the proposal wants me to get my divorce papers and have them nulified by the catholic church and he wants a big wedding with everyone??? He says he looked for someone like me for 40 years, and he knows I am the lady! ok but I don't know that right now. Its too dang soon for me.. I want to know him more who knows what might happen. He is a super guy but I see he drinks much never gets out of control but likes his cocktails... We talked about a million things, very interesting man, has traveled the world and has been in many different adventures.
But as I said before, I don't know how much I do believe or weather or not he is real. I generally know a person right off the bat but here in Costa Rica people are different, especially the ones that live here from the USA. Not sayting there bad Enough experiences now is telling me to be very carefull.
Today I am going to Los Suenos again they wrote yesterday with there budget. I Want this job or any job right now!!
Amapola wrote this morning saying they don't have money after they shook my hand and said its a deal? I am going there too. I wish people were honest ya know?
Then later I am getting the nails and toes done, Lucas gave me some money to make my self pretty. I didn't ask he looked at the nails and then saw the toes and said here go get these fixed! so I was HAPPY! I said thank you a number of times, very sweet thoughtfull man.
I hope today goes well, Its not sunny today it is going to rain, It rained horrible last night. I hope today the sun comes out! I want to go the beach.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Over the weeekend
Nothing much at all going on. I have not heard or seen Cristhian at all he said he was in Guapoles and that is along way away near Limon, what he is doing I have no clue. There are allot of pineapple fields there and lots of agriculture so who knows what the heck he is doing... I do miss him.
He was a pain but sometimes we miss the pain.
Raquel is still here but having trouble with her thoughts she says, she has not done anything except help me a little and I am not working to be honest. I created some arrangements to sell for the holidays and really basically all she has done is write down the prices. She helped me carry bamboo for this attorney that I had arranged the bamboo in big containers. Cleaned the apartment but doesn't touch my room or bath.
She is not working, and I can not support this. I talked to her the other night she said she could help me... but I have no work. So this is another tough situation. She is a very nice woman, with of course problems as we all have.. but some are not so pretty, and Well I don't think I should really open up about what her life has been, I try to look past what someone has had to do and look at the person them self and learn why and is there more to them than that. Does this make sense? Let me just say that desparation causes people to do things they would not normally do.
For example: I decided to set up in front of Rosies, a little Holloween face painting.. now I did this when I was super young. But this is at a bigger level actually gory faces, and real art work on them. I went and bought some paint, I have brushes and more since I do some art work... and I bought cotton for wigs and a few other things that make special effects, with the thought that I have no real work coming. Everyone here parties on these next three days for Holloween, and there are children that may not be able to afford masks, but ther moms or dads can pay 1000 colones for paint of their choice. That equals about $2.00, or less, its a whim and well I have nothing to do this week, the whole week her will be shot because of Holloween.. So I migh as well do something fun and at least make a little cash. I can not believe I am resorting to this sort of thing really but on the other hand I think it will be Really fun, and make others happy too.
I am totally prepared and have all my things ready to create some really horrible faces and some really exotic ones too. Today we put up the sign. Raquel is happy, about doing this too. She practiced last night on her face, not bad for a first time.Actually she made an arrangement in the office I did not direct her, I have lost my interest in teaching people the floral industry, I just let her go and hoped she had a good time doing it. To my suprise it was actually very good and the compostion was perfect for a beginner.. Maybe she is natual at many things...
I hope we get a llot of faces!
I don't expect to make a ton, but it will be fun and some cash. If it works out good maybe the following year I can do more, with special effects products, and have people make appointments.
I am lucky, or should I say blessed? either or I think I have both. I am able to do anything when I set my mind too it.
If the sun stays out today I am going to the beach in a little bit, we have had so much rain and hardly any sun that I am getting white. I love to be tan and look healthy.
Latest update on this guy, the Last thing I did was have lunch with Lucas the Friday on the beach at the Boheio. He took Raquel and I both, he knows Raquel is not doing good, and she hangs now with me. So he offered to take us to lunch on the beach.
The Boheio, is an old place but redone but a local designer, and its not a pretty ok! she has no sense of design. But its ok, they have changed it and now they have more business. It sits right at a corner street that dead ends to the beach and the surfers are everywhere.
We had a nice lunch, I had BBQ chicken with pineapple, and Raquel had some huge plate with meat and potatoes, veggies and salad.
Our friend ate Ceviche only and drinks. He started early at 1:00.Then he wanted to take me down to the other end of the beach where I use to live and show me some property that he has looked at to buy right on the beach with me in mind... so he says! I am sorry I am at a point where I do not believe what anyone says any more here. HE wants to buy a property right on the beach renovate the house, and have me live there with him when he comes to visit. He has been telling everyone I am his future wife... OK??? then the other night after we met up again at Rosie's, it was still Friday he was really drunk he had been drinking since he was with me earlier.. now its nine.
He was a little obnoxious.. but not bad. I was embarrassed by what he said to me in front of my friends, he did propose again. Mind you I have only known him two weeks now.. Nothing is going on with us aside from friends, and he uses my car, my phone, my computers... and he treats me to food, or drinks but I have not drank for 8 days or more because of medication for my kidneys.
He insists he is crazy for me, but who knows... he loves all the young girls there too so there you go!
My mind set is this, I am not attracted to him, but he is nice and not bad looking for a man of his age in fact he looks super. But I like his attitude when he sober. I figure anyone 70 years old can do pretty much what ever they want... I don't think he does this all the time he just doesn't look the type of person to be a total alcoholic.
So that is the latest, he wants to buy me a truck too, I said LETS GO! I don't think I have had any man want to do things for me with out me asking! He said yes.. But who knows how much truth there is in this, that would be a total miracle if this happens, but he offered. Probably full of bull too!
I want pickup so darn bad.!!! Get rid of the Tortuga and have a very dependable car here that doesn't get all torn up because of the roads.
I didn't go out this weekend at all, with Raquel here it made it hard. She was depressed no money, I am paying for a little for the both of us but its not easy. I told her last night I don't care what she does but do something to make some money. I am going to ask Lucas if she can clean his house, maybe a couple of other people too. I guess its meant for me to help others, really I don't mind so much but Its hard when I am not doing well either.
I have belly dancing today and I am for sure going, no exercise all week makes me un happy.
He was a pain but sometimes we miss the pain.
Raquel is still here but having trouble with her thoughts she says, she has not done anything except help me a little and I am not working to be honest. I created some arrangements to sell for the holidays and really basically all she has done is write down the prices. She helped me carry bamboo for this attorney that I had arranged the bamboo in big containers. Cleaned the apartment but doesn't touch my room or bath.
She is not working, and I can not support this. I talked to her the other night she said she could help me... but I have no work. So this is another tough situation. She is a very nice woman, with of course problems as we all have.. but some are not so pretty, and Well I don't think I should really open up about what her life has been, I try to look past what someone has had to do and look at the person them self and learn why and is there more to them than that. Does this make sense? Let me just say that desparation causes people to do things they would not normally do.
For example: I decided to set up in front of Rosies, a little Holloween face painting.. now I did this when I was super young. But this is at a bigger level actually gory faces, and real art work on them. I went and bought some paint, I have brushes and more since I do some art work... and I bought cotton for wigs and a few other things that make special effects, with the thought that I have no real work coming. Everyone here parties on these next three days for Holloween, and there are children that may not be able to afford masks, but ther moms or dads can pay 1000 colones for paint of their choice. That equals about $2.00, or less, its a whim and well I have nothing to do this week, the whole week her will be shot because of Holloween.. So I migh as well do something fun and at least make a little cash. I can not believe I am resorting to this sort of thing really but on the other hand I think it will be Really fun, and make others happy too.
I am totally prepared and have all my things ready to create some really horrible faces and some really exotic ones too. Today we put up the sign. Raquel is happy, about doing this too. She practiced last night on her face, not bad for a first time.Actually she made an arrangement in the office I did not direct her, I have lost my interest in teaching people the floral industry, I just let her go and hoped she had a good time doing it. To my suprise it was actually very good and the compostion was perfect for a beginner.. Maybe she is natual at many things...
I hope we get a llot of faces!
I don't expect to make a ton, but it will be fun and some cash. If it works out good maybe the following year I can do more, with special effects products, and have people make appointments.
I am lucky, or should I say blessed? either or I think I have both. I am able to do anything when I set my mind too it.
If the sun stays out today I am going to the beach in a little bit, we have had so much rain and hardly any sun that I am getting white. I love to be tan and look healthy.
Latest update on this guy, the Last thing I did was have lunch with Lucas the Friday on the beach at the Boheio. He took Raquel and I both, he knows Raquel is not doing good, and she hangs now with me. So he offered to take us to lunch on the beach.
The Boheio, is an old place but redone but a local designer, and its not a pretty ok! she has no sense of design. But its ok, they have changed it and now they have more business. It sits right at a corner street that dead ends to the beach and the surfers are everywhere.
We had a nice lunch, I had BBQ chicken with pineapple, and Raquel had some huge plate with meat and potatoes, veggies and salad.
Our friend ate Ceviche only and drinks. He started early at 1:00.Then he wanted to take me down to the other end of the beach where I use to live and show me some property that he has looked at to buy right on the beach with me in mind... so he says! I am sorry I am at a point where I do not believe what anyone says any more here. HE wants to buy a property right on the beach renovate the house, and have me live there with him when he comes to visit. He has been telling everyone I am his future wife... OK??? then the other night after we met up again at Rosie's, it was still Friday he was really drunk he had been drinking since he was with me earlier.. now its nine.
He was a little obnoxious.. but not bad. I was embarrassed by what he said to me in front of my friends, he did propose again. Mind you I have only known him two weeks now.. Nothing is going on with us aside from friends, and he uses my car, my phone, my computers... and he treats me to food, or drinks but I have not drank for 8 days or more because of medication for my kidneys.
He insists he is crazy for me, but who knows... he loves all the young girls there too so there you go!
My mind set is this, I am not attracted to him, but he is nice and not bad looking for a man of his age in fact he looks super. But I like his attitude when he sober. I figure anyone 70 years old can do pretty much what ever they want... I don't think he does this all the time he just doesn't look the type of person to be a total alcoholic.
So that is the latest, he wants to buy me a truck too, I said LETS GO! I don't think I have had any man want to do things for me with out me asking! He said yes.. But who knows how much truth there is in this, that would be a total miracle if this happens, but he offered. Probably full of bull too!
I want pickup so darn bad.!!! Get rid of the Tortuga and have a very dependable car here that doesn't get all torn up because of the roads.
I didn't go out this weekend at all, with Raquel here it made it hard. She was depressed no money, I am paying for a little for the both of us but its not easy. I told her last night I don't care what she does but do something to make some money. I am going to ask Lucas if she can clean his house, maybe a couple of other people too. I guess its meant for me to help others, really I don't mind so much but Its hard when I am not doing well either.
I have belly dancing today and I am for sure going, no exercise all week makes me un happy.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Controversial Story
This is slightly controversial.
It is a well known fact here in Costa Rica that prostitution is legal. I am not against it but I do not like the fact that women have to do this in order to live but it is a reality of the world and I am not completely negative about it.
This is something I have felt for many years and this story is going to either have people hate me or enjoy my opinion and well enjoy or be appalled at the adventure I experienced last night...
AND NO I DID NOT PROSTITUTE MYSELF If that is what you are thinking at this moment. Its just that I know its the oldest profession, and I know there is a need for it I understand men, have had enough experience with them to know its always about sex! That the majority of men are not satisfied with one lover and some how seek outside experiences weather it be affairs or solicit sex. Or this would not exist.
OK NOW THIS IS MY theory and my opinion not the worlds so please no haters or hate mail!
I have been aware of the prostitution in Jaco since I moved here.. its accepted and some of the women are very nice. Some are super young and that is so sad to me to see them stuck in this life cycle. It can be hard, and I have heard some really cool success stories from some of these women. NO kidding like making so much money they have condos, houses, business aside from there sex business. And eventually quit and move on to a life that is more the norm.But in most cases they stay in it till no one will pay any more.
Really its kinda colorful when you get to know some of these women. Some are trashy, some are just real low class then there are the majority that are normal women that look like Everyone else.. nothing really different if you saw them on the street. Most I must say are beautiful here. Well I think they are doing a service to most of the American men that come here in Fact I see so many American men with these women, Few Ticos mostly American is what I have seen from Sitting at Rosie's and using that Vantage point. As they walk past her place day and night.
I know several Women in town who I am friends with that were ex prostitutes and are now business ladies in tax paying businesses.. so it does happen. Ok on to the story, as I said feel sad in one way and not so sad because I know HOW MEN ARE... Ok it started like this...
I was sitting at home reading mail and relaxing watching the plasma TV that we moved from the office and is now in my home.
( this is one of my pleasures right now is watching this TV sounds dumb but I have been keeping up with the news in the states and fires in California... another story on that later)
When I got a call from Rosie saying that Lucas was down there and he wanted me to come to have coffee. I really didn't want to go I was all relaxed but she called and said he wanted to talk to me.
I asked him to give me an hour to shower and get pretty... so he waited for me.
Raquel wanted to go with me... but she had other intentions. Not with him but to go to the bar and hang out.. NOT ME ! I was going to see what Lucas wanted which was my company.
Mind you Lucas is 70 years old, has a crucifix on his arm tattooed, wears a diamond in one ear. Shaved head Nike titanium glasses... super hip! unbelievable he is his age. He is always smiling and has the perfect white teeth even though he smokes?? must have them whitened?? and he is generally in a great mood... he goes to church just about every morning for mass.
He is Sicilian decent, tall and is in great shape. I got all pretty and went to Rosie's where he was waiting. Hardly anyone was there and it was raining a little. Raquel looked nice ,I did her hair and helped with the clothes.. she doesn't have much I can see.
We both sat down, and talked with Lucas, he wanted to go to Wahoos and do Karaoke, but Raquel wanted to go to Beetles, I was along for the walk... I said yes I would go with them its three of us. This is the second time I have been in the Beetles and as of last night the last TIME I GO IN THERE!!! walking down the road with it barely sprinkling, we crossed the street about a half a block from Cafe Del Mar which is Rosie's place. The Red Taxis line up in the street waiting for fairs from gringos, taking the girls to there hotels or condos or homes.
The place is very nice in side, the decor the color of the lights are super cool I like it very much coming from a designers view point. Its not trashy its very well done.
IT has a HUGE CENTER BAR... with two side bars and a couple of poles in the back and some stairs for girls to sit in levels or dance which ever the mood of the night is.
It was packed with Americans and other foreigners, lots of girls.
We walked directly to the back She was looking for someone, I don't know who but Lucas and I sat down. He ordered a drink and I had plain cranberry. She sat with us finally.
Then one of the bouncers came over, told us to be calm. Raquel's face was red. She didn't have her Cedula, which is Costa Rican ID, he has said we needed ID.....
Well I had changed purses and my passport was in the blue purse at my house. Lucas had copies but they were not updated with his recent stamps.Raquel didn't have any identification.The bouncer came back and said sir your going to have to go on the other side of the room, and all the women on this side of the room. Imigration is doing a rade.
My face was not shocked because when I turned around earlier I saw police in the bar, not normal... I saw they were checking Ids, and then I saw cameras. I saw legal officials and thought well I have nothing to worry about I am fine and I am not a working girl only in here with my friends who ONE might be a working girl???
So right away Lucas gets upset, Raquel panics, and I am calm.. I don't know lately I have had no fear of things? stupid maybe but good on the other hand the blood pressure stays low!
Well they moved everyone, I said lets just go I have no business in here anyway and I am not drinking so lets leave Raquel, she panic and wanted to leave too. So we headed for the door when we saw all the doors were barred. Immigration police all over the place people were scattering like marbles on a slick floor every direction! I stayed calm and walked slow as I could towards the door. I spoke english to the police gal at the door and she did not understand me. She said Cedula I showed her my license from the states she said no, nessicito passaporte! I didn't have it oh boy but still I am calm.. she says in Spanish go to the other side where the attorneys are and tell them you need someone to identify you and you need to take a photo for Immigration! I thought oh ok, yeah... no so I got real skinny as I say like my old cat pussin she use to get real skinny and slink by my dog Mackinzee and she would always some how scoot and he couldn't catch her. So my mind set was that get skinny and slink by so I did I slipped slowly into the corner. In the mean time Raquel got off they let her out she had no identification but convinced them she was Tica, But Lucas got detained because of his date on the copies.
I told her go and get his passport, then he can drive to my house after they let him loose and get mine. Well he got irate and I could see he was loseing his temper. I teld him Tranquilla just calm down maybe there going to leave soon as they get enough in the bus.
Sure enough Raquel went got the passport it was fine the attorney's looked at it and said fine and they forgot about the Cat( ME) in the corner... So as soon as things calmed down we all got up and left.
They were going to detain me put me in the bus and I would have to send for someone to get my passport to prove I am legal.
This is first time I have ever experienced something like this and it was wild all about us, but inside I was totally calm. Un like myself in the past. I use to absolutley freak out... but things went good.
We walked back across the street to Rosie's no rain at this point an lots of people there all talking about the raid. ROSIE WAS IN A STATE OF TOTAL WORRY ABOUT ME AND THE REST OF US but especially me... she called and was so worried. But earlier she said oh Marianna your going to the beatles bar immigration is coming as a joke... but it was no joke. We both said to her she was a witch and how could she know... but she didnt!
We talked to several people there and everyone was laughing and talking about this situation. Wow I never dreamed of anything such as this but i will tell you I will never go back into that place ever again.
We later went to Wahoos they sing and dance there.. We watched and they drank Raquel and Lucas I had ginger ale. I took Lucas home and Raquel went to the house around one talked and tried to relax after that excitment! ok living in Costa Rica is different for sure... never would have done anything like this in the states EVER!
It is a well known fact here in Costa Rica that prostitution is legal. I am not against it but I do not like the fact that women have to do this in order to live but it is a reality of the world and I am not completely negative about it.
This is something I have felt for many years and this story is going to either have people hate me or enjoy my opinion and well enjoy or be appalled at the adventure I experienced last night...
AND NO I DID NOT PROSTITUTE MYSELF If that is what you are thinking at this moment. Its just that I know its the oldest profession, and I know there is a need for it I understand men, have had enough experience with them to know its always about sex! That the majority of men are not satisfied with one lover and some how seek outside experiences weather it be affairs or solicit sex. Or this would not exist.
OK NOW THIS IS MY theory and my opinion not the worlds so please no haters or hate mail!
I have been aware of the prostitution in Jaco since I moved here.. its accepted and some of the women are very nice. Some are super young and that is so sad to me to see them stuck in this life cycle. It can be hard, and I have heard some really cool success stories from some of these women. NO kidding like making so much money they have condos, houses, business aside from there sex business. And eventually quit and move on to a life that is more the norm.But in most cases they stay in it till no one will pay any more.
Really its kinda colorful when you get to know some of these women. Some are trashy, some are just real low class then there are the majority that are normal women that look like Everyone else.. nothing really different if you saw them on the street. Most I must say are beautiful here. Well I think they are doing a service to most of the American men that come here in Fact I see so many American men with these women, Few Ticos mostly American is what I have seen from Sitting at Rosie's and using that Vantage point. As they walk past her place day and night.
I know several Women in town who I am friends with that were ex prostitutes and are now business ladies in tax paying businesses.. so it does happen. Ok on to the story, as I said feel sad in one way and not so sad because I know HOW MEN ARE... Ok it started like this...
I was sitting at home reading mail and relaxing watching the plasma TV that we moved from the office and is now in my home.
( this is one of my pleasures right now is watching this TV sounds dumb but I have been keeping up with the news in the states and fires in California... another story on that later)
When I got a call from Rosie saying that Lucas was down there and he wanted me to come to have coffee. I really didn't want to go I was all relaxed but she called and said he wanted to talk to me.
I asked him to give me an hour to shower and get pretty... so he waited for me.
Raquel wanted to go with me... but she had other intentions. Not with him but to go to the bar and hang out.. NOT ME ! I was going to see what Lucas wanted which was my company.
Mind you Lucas is 70 years old, has a crucifix on his arm tattooed, wears a diamond in one ear. Shaved head Nike titanium glasses... super hip! unbelievable he is his age. He is always smiling and has the perfect white teeth even though he smokes?? must have them whitened?? and he is generally in a great mood... he goes to church just about every morning for mass.
He is Sicilian decent, tall and is in great shape. I got all pretty and went to Rosie's where he was waiting. Hardly anyone was there and it was raining a little. Raquel looked nice ,I did her hair and helped with the clothes.. she doesn't have much I can see.
We both sat down, and talked with Lucas, he wanted to go to Wahoos and do Karaoke, but Raquel wanted to go to Beetles, I was along for the walk... I said yes I would go with them its three of us. This is the second time I have been in the Beetles and as of last night the last TIME I GO IN THERE!!! walking down the road with it barely sprinkling, we crossed the street about a half a block from Cafe Del Mar which is Rosie's place. The Red Taxis line up in the street waiting for fairs from gringos, taking the girls to there hotels or condos or homes.
The place is very nice in side, the decor the color of the lights are super cool I like it very much coming from a designers view point. Its not trashy its very well done.
IT has a HUGE CENTER BAR... with two side bars and a couple of poles in the back and some stairs for girls to sit in levels or dance which ever the mood of the night is.
It was packed with Americans and other foreigners, lots of girls.
We walked directly to the back She was looking for someone, I don't know who but Lucas and I sat down. He ordered a drink and I had plain cranberry. She sat with us finally.
Then one of the bouncers came over, told us to be calm. Raquel's face was red. She didn't have her Cedula, which is Costa Rican ID, he has said we needed ID.....
Well I had changed purses and my passport was in the blue purse at my house. Lucas had copies but they were not updated with his recent stamps.Raquel didn't have any identification.The bouncer came back and said sir your going to have to go on the other side of the room, and all the women on this side of the room. Imigration is doing a rade.
My face was not shocked because when I turned around earlier I saw police in the bar, not normal... I saw they were checking Ids, and then I saw cameras. I saw legal officials and thought well I have nothing to worry about I am fine and I am not a working girl only in here with my friends who ONE might be a working girl???
So right away Lucas gets upset, Raquel panics, and I am calm.. I don't know lately I have had no fear of things? stupid maybe but good on the other hand the blood pressure stays low!
Well they moved everyone, I said lets just go I have no business in here anyway and I am not drinking so lets leave Raquel, she panic and wanted to leave too. So we headed for the door when we saw all the doors were barred. Immigration police all over the place people were scattering like marbles on a slick floor every direction! I stayed calm and walked slow as I could towards the door. I spoke english to the police gal at the door and she did not understand me. She said Cedula I showed her my license from the states she said no, nessicito passaporte! I didn't have it oh boy but still I am calm.. she says in Spanish go to the other side where the attorneys are and tell them you need someone to identify you and you need to take a photo for Immigration! I thought oh ok, yeah... no so I got real skinny as I say like my old cat pussin she use to get real skinny and slink by my dog Mackinzee and she would always some how scoot and he couldn't catch her. So my mind set was that get skinny and slink by so I did I slipped slowly into the corner. In the mean time Raquel got off they let her out she had no identification but convinced them she was Tica, But Lucas got detained because of his date on the copies.
I told her go and get his passport, then he can drive to my house after they let him loose and get mine. Well he got irate and I could see he was loseing his temper. I teld him Tranquilla just calm down maybe there going to leave soon as they get enough in the bus.
Sure enough Raquel went got the passport it was fine the attorney's looked at it and said fine and they forgot about the Cat( ME) in the corner... So as soon as things calmed down we all got up and left.
They were going to detain me put me in the bus and I would have to send for someone to get my passport to prove I am legal.
This is first time I have ever experienced something like this and it was wild all about us, but inside I was totally calm. Un like myself in the past. I use to absolutley freak out... but things went good.
We walked back across the street to Rosie's no rain at this point an lots of people there all talking about the raid. ROSIE WAS IN A STATE OF TOTAL WORRY ABOUT ME AND THE REST OF US but especially me... she called and was so worried. But earlier she said oh Marianna your going to the beatles bar immigration is coming as a joke... but it was no joke. We both said to her she was a witch and how could she know... but she didnt!
We talked to several people there and everyone was laughing and talking about this situation. Wow I never dreamed of anything such as this but i will tell you I will never go back into that place ever again.
We later went to Wahoos they sing and dance there.. We watched and they drank Raquel and Lucas I had ginger ale. I took Lucas home and Raquel went to the house around one talked and tried to relax after that excitment! ok living in Costa Rica is different for sure... never would have done anything like this in the states EVER!
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
San Jose
I manage to sell the lap top one of them anyway. With that money I went to San Jose to purchase holiday decor and am going to make up some nice pieces to sell at Nelsen's store. Turning my money but I am sure not in an instant.
I have talked to Amapola but they have not given me the answer yet for the hotel.
On Monday I was sick I felt horrible I have a slight infection in the kidneys something I seem to get often. I took some medication that the pharmacy prescribed. Here you go the Pharmacy and tell them your symptoms and they prescribe for you exactly what you need. The few times I have felt ill I have gone and done exactly that and it is perfectly ok. They give me the medication and in a day or so I am fine.
To the normal American I am sure their freaked out about this system, but they actually have a pharmacist that is a real doctor and knows most all situations.
It was a beautiful day driving to San Jose the sun was shinning, everything is super green and lush. The road was not bad going but Coming back we took the Puriscal route and I will go into that later.
Going in to San Jose was smooth. We stopped in Aluejuela and went to one store to purchase some things for the holiday. I found a shirt that was cute and only 3 dollars So did Rachel. She went along with me, nice traveling partner. She is not a overly smiley person in fact sometimes her face looks very angry but she is not. Just one of those kinds of people who's faces look very serious and perplexed too?
We talked some, but mostly I did the talking. I am getting much better in my Spanish she is helping me.
Then we went to my favorite place and spent hours there looking and figuring things out. When I got a call from Century 21 they were rearranging the desks and the owner was trying to get it right. One of the girls called and begged for me to come and fix the mess that was being made. I tried to talk to Owner about it but he has his ideas. Give him time... he will allow me to use my gifts to make the place look nice.
We had a nice day the weather was perfect, the timing on things were perfect no traffic, and the day went smooth. We drove to Escazu and went to another store, that I use. The manager is super nice to me and gives me big discounts so I bought some more and then we drove to the mall, looked around ate and took off for Puriscal.
It was dark at this point, I know the roads I drove them a bunch when I had the broken leg and had to be driven to the hospital several times a week.
Plus many times with Cristhian, by the way I heard from him he was in San Jose looking for work but not much was said simply hello and how are you and that was it.
I do not wish ill on anyone, he was a good friend... but not a great help.
Hope he does better.. but I will miss some of the things we did together.
Now leading out of Escazu into the out lying areas, the road is very curvy and has many ups and downs. We got through the first part with not much damage to the road.But going through Puriscal was not easy.
I went the way Cristhian usually goes but the road was closed. So We turned around and went the way these three guys told us to go. I was going at a normal speed not many cars if none were on the road that winds through the mountain. We went around this one curve, and mind you they have had many sink holes, drop offs from the sides of the mountains, and last week alone a whole mountain side fell killing 15 people, burying them in the mud. So We are trying to drive slower than normal. It is dark you can not see a thing. There are no lights or reflectors on the roadway.
We go barreling along and pow!!! a huge mountain of Sand in front of us... I threw on the brakes, slid, and came very close to plowing into this block they made but with out warnings a head of time. Yes a huge mountain of gravel and sand in the middle of the road to prevent people from falling into a cliff that was god only knows how deep! It was a big drop off.
Raquel was breathing hard, and I was shaking.But I quickly turned the car around. On all sides were very deep Chanel's for water to run more than four feet so if the car went off the side of the road you would have tumbled or got the car stuck and no possible way to get it out but a tow truck and those are hard to find here.
We went back the way we came and then ran into some police on the side of the road. We asked them the way to Orotina from there since the roads were shut down. They gave me a good description and I found it in minutes.
We drove on this road is beautiful in the day time and well at night I see not a good idea. It was in bad repair, We had several incidents, where I had to slow down very carefully and pass over a small patch of road. There were mud slides, big branches down and lots of pot holes and drop offs from the sides of the roads washing away. Steep cliffs and lots of turns. But we did see an ant eater, a skunk, a small pig and I saw something white but I have no idea what it was...
No rain that was the best part that could have been disastrous...
Pulled into Jaco only after three hours of driving, I was exhausted the stress and the time and my car is hard you have to shift allot no power and many grades. As we pulled into Jaco right in front of the road that I turn into my place, was a horse just walking slowly down the road.
I told Raquel this is the only city in Costa Rica where the horses run wild on the streets. The other day I was going to the office, when around the corner of my apartment was eight horses eating on the lot that is for sale and walking down the middle of the road doing nothing.Its common here... to funny!
Still not much work, I sure hope things change here soon.. I am out there hustling like hell! but maybe today I may sell some of the furnishings from the office that will help for a while.
I have this friend Lucas, he wants to go to Panama border on Friday.. He pays the way.. Its 6 hours from here and not a great road. I am sure the rivers are full and you have to forge one or two I think. So I may check with the buses and find out what the condition of the roads are before Crazy Lucas and I go. He wants to take Frans and Raquel with us Raquel's parents live there and she said were welcome to stay at the house.
Its really nice today, I am sitting in my tropical patio, its all lined with heliconias, the small variety, and inside I have a huge fish tale palm, and trabacone, its like a giant birds nest fern the leaves are about five feet long and really dark green there suppose to be good luck, then I have all sorts of tropical plants planted in the boxes that enclose my patio plus orchids, and Chinese palms and arrow heads, springeri ferns, calathias, and more... prayer plants its very pretty. quiet, you can hear the pump from the pool and bird singing. I heard three macaws a few moments ago.
Thinking yesterday, I love this country the beauty of it, but there are so many things that are so different than USA, I hope now that Cafta is sign that it takes forever to change it to a little USA. I am not for this... changing the way of the country to be a little American although there are benefits, it will dissolve the slow pace and the beauty of the land.
I have talked to Amapola but they have not given me the answer yet for the hotel.
On Monday I was sick I felt horrible I have a slight infection in the kidneys something I seem to get often. I took some medication that the pharmacy prescribed. Here you go the Pharmacy and tell them your symptoms and they prescribe for you exactly what you need. The few times I have felt ill I have gone and done exactly that and it is perfectly ok. They give me the medication and in a day or so I am fine.
To the normal American I am sure their freaked out about this system, but they actually have a pharmacist that is a real doctor and knows most all situations.
It was a beautiful day driving to San Jose the sun was shinning, everything is super green and lush. The road was not bad going but Coming back we took the Puriscal route and I will go into that later.
Going in to San Jose was smooth. We stopped in Aluejuela and went to one store to purchase some things for the holiday. I found a shirt that was cute and only 3 dollars So did Rachel. She went along with me, nice traveling partner. She is not a overly smiley person in fact sometimes her face looks very angry but she is not. Just one of those kinds of people who's faces look very serious and perplexed too?
We talked some, but mostly I did the talking. I am getting much better in my Spanish she is helping me.
Then we went to my favorite place and spent hours there looking and figuring things out. When I got a call from Century 21 they were rearranging the desks and the owner was trying to get it right. One of the girls called and begged for me to come and fix the mess that was being made. I tried to talk to Owner about it but he has his ideas. Give him time... he will allow me to use my gifts to make the place look nice.
We had a nice day the weather was perfect, the timing on things were perfect no traffic, and the day went smooth. We drove to Escazu and went to another store, that I use. The manager is super nice to me and gives me big discounts so I bought some more and then we drove to the mall, looked around ate and took off for Puriscal.
It was dark at this point, I know the roads I drove them a bunch when I had the broken leg and had to be driven to the hospital several times a week.
Plus many times with Cristhian, by the way I heard from him he was in San Jose looking for work but not much was said simply hello and how are you and that was it.
I do not wish ill on anyone, he was a good friend... but not a great help.
Hope he does better.. but I will miss some of the things we did together.
Now leading out of Escazu into the out lying areas, the road is very curvy and has many ups and downs. We got through the first part with not much damage to the road.But going through Puriscal was not easy.
I went the way Cristhian usually goes but the road was closed. So We turned around and went the way these three guys told us to go. I was going at a normal speed not many cars if none were on the road that winds through the mountain. We went around this one curve, and mind you they have had many sink holes, drop offs from the sides of the mountains, and last week alone a whole mountain side fell killing 15 people, burying them in the mud. So We are trying to drive slower than normal. It is dark you can not see a thing. There are no lights or reflectors on the roadway.
We go barreling along and pow!!! a huge mountain of Sand in front of us... I threw on the brakes, slid, and came very close to plowing into this block they made but with out warnings a head of time. Yes a huge mountain of gravel and sand in the middle of the road to prevent people from falling into a cliff that was god only knows how deep! It was a big drop off.
Raquel was breathing hard, and I was shaking.But I quickly turned the car around. On all sides were very deep Chanel's for water to run more than four feet so if the car went off the side of the road you would have tumbled or got the car stuck and no possible way to get it out but a tow truck and those are hard to find here.
We went back the way we came and then ran into some police on the side of the road. We asked them the way to Orotina from there since the roads were shut down. They gave me a good description and I found it in minutes.
We drove on this road is beautiful in the day time and well at night I see not a good idea. It was in bad repair, We had several incidents, where I had to slow down very carefully and pass over a small patch of road. There were mud slides, big branches down and lots of pot holes and drop offs from the sides of the roads washing away. Steep cliffs and lots of turns. But we did see an ant eater, a skunk, a small pig and I saw something white but I have no idea what it was...
No rain that was the best part that could have been disastrous...
Pulled into Jaco only after three hours of driving, I was exhausted the stress and the time and my car is hard you have to shift allot no power and many grades. As we pulled into Jaco right in front of the road that I turn into my place, was a horse just walking slowly down the road.
I told Raquel this is the only city in Costa Rica where the horses run wild on the streets. The other day I was going to the office, when around the corner of my apartment was eight horses eating on the lot that is for sale and walking down the middle of the road doing nothing.Its common here... to funny!
Still not much work, I sure hope things change here soon.. I am out there hustling like hell! but maybe today I may sell some of the furnishings from the office that will help for a while.
I have this friend Lucas, he wants to go to Panama border on Friday.. He pays the way.. Its 6 hours from here and not a great road. I am sure the rivers are full and you have to forge one or two I think. So I may check with the buses and find out what the condition of the roads are before Crazy Lucas and I go. He wants to take Frans and Raquel with us Raquel's parents live there and she said were welcome to stay at the house.
Its really nice today, I am sitting in my tropical patio, its all lined with heliconias, the small variety, and inside I have a huge fish tale palm, and trabacone, its like a giant birds nest fern the leaves are about five feet long and really dark green there suppose to be good luck, then I have all sorts of tropical plants planted in the boxes that enclose my patio plus orchids, and Chinese palms and arrow heads, springeri ferns, calathias, and more... prayer plants its very pretty. quiet, you can hear the pump from the pool and bird singing. I heard three macaws a few moments ago.
Thinking yesterday, I love this country the beauty of it, but there are so many things that are so different than USA, I hope now that Cafta is sign that it takes forever to change it to a little USA. I am not for this... changing the way of the country to be a little American although there are benefits, it will dissolve the slow pace and the beauty of the land.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Los Suenos, Amapola and Raquel
Raquel has got moved in my apartment now. She is Tica, speaks some English, just for back from Spain is dying to go back. Her family lives in Golfito or near there which is the Fronteria, near the border of Panama. So Far so good, she has helped with putting flyer's together yesterday in my new office. And she went and passed them out to businesses.Tomorrow she is going to the rest of the town.
Its kinda of sad story and I am not sure I want to expose it as of yet. Maybe later on in the stay I can explain this woman's life. She is about 30 years old,short with high lighted hair.She has her nose pierced, which is a little hard sometimes for me to look at. It makes my nose hurt to see it. But she looks cute with it.
She talks soft and had a nice way about her.
She has been friends with Rosie for ever, So I hope it works out for the both of us. So far we seem to get along perfect.
Over the weekend I worked some yesterday, right now I have a couple of small jobs and I am preparing for holiday work. I had a company in the states email me about doing their building again so that was good news! Tomorrow I will know if I am doing the Amapola and Los Suenos. I had a very nice meeting Sat with the general manager of the resort and she seemed to be very impressed with the photos and my work. Its not a lot of money to do the whole hotel but so many people from all over the world stay there and its great exposure.
Ampola, is in Jaco and has a nice casino, Italian restaurant, very good food, BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATIONS... and ok atmosphere, I think it needs more plants, so its little private and romantic. Now its like a big patio with wooden chairs so its plain. They are pleased too and will call me tomorrow for the plan.
I finished up running around Sat about 6:00 went to Rosie's for a while and talked these two guys from LA Larry and Addison, they are fire fighters or chiefs or something like this in LA California. They are building several houses in Esterillos.
They are funny guys.. Later Raquel and John and I went back to the house. John played on the Internet I made lemon drops with the huge beautiful lemons I got earlier on Friday when Lucas and I went to Orotina to the project. The care taker of the grounds Gave me a huge bag of lemons RICOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Raquel showered and got all dressed up to go out.
We drank a couple each then went into town for the night, I went to the Beatles bar, its a bar where lots of prostitutes, tons of Americans hang out and just everyday people. But it is known in Costa Rica as a place American men go to for that reason. It's actually a nice place inside. I would not hang out there but I was with three men, so I felt comfortable. But These women are not like you imagine, some are just every day girls some are Glamorous, and some are not. Some are stunning. I met Addison, Larry and John went with me and Raquel. We saw a few people we knew talked had a margarita and I left with John and walked to the Jungle to dance for the night.
WE got up late walked to the Soda for breakfast, then went to pharmacy, then to Maxi Bodega to buy some things for the house and food .
We Came home and watched a movie. Then Rosie called about 6:30 Saying Lucas was waiting for me and wanted me to come there.
Raquel and I went to Rosies, and Lucas treated me to dinner, when I arrived he got on his knees and walked to me and asked for forgivemess from the day before. He did something that I felt was rude and he knew it. So that was funny when I saw him Walking to me on his knees.
Everyone laughed hard.
He is something 70 years old and wears a diamond in his ear, he is tall Italian no hair shaved head and pretty white and straight teeth. I wonder if there all his? Hes funny and super hospitable.
After dinner we went to house for an hour or so and and we all talked and visited. Very nice evening. Came home to rest and be ready to work tomorrow.
Not a word was heard from Cristhian, although some of his friends this weekend, they all asked wher he was. Maybe he didn't tell everyone where he was going. So i just said I hadn't seen in him a few days.
Its kinda of sad story and I am not sure I want to expose it as of yet. Maybe later on in the stay I can explain this woman's life. She is about 30 years old,short with high lighted hair.She has her nose pierced, which is a little hard sometimes for me to look at. It makes my nose hurt to see it. But she looks cute with it.
She talks soft and had a nice way about her.
She has been friends with Rosie for ever, So I hope it works out for the both of us. So far we seem to get along perfect.
Over the weekend I worked some yesterday, right now I have a couple of small jobs and I am preparing for holiday work. I had a company in the states email me about doing their building again so that was good news! Tomorrow I will know if I am doing the Amapola and Los Suenos. I had a very nice meeting Sat with the general manager of the resort and she seemed to be very impressed with the photos and my work. Its not a lot of money to do the whole hotel but so many people from all over the world stay there and its great exposure.
Ampola, is in Jaco and has a nice casino, Italian restaurant, very good food, BEAUTIFUL PRESENTATIONS... and ok atmosphere, I think it needs more plants, so its little private and romantic. Now its like a big patio with wooden chairs so its plain. They are pleased too and will call me tomorrow for the plan.
I finished up running around Sat about 6:00 went to Rosie's for a while and talked these two guys from LA Larry and Addison, they are fire fighters or chiefs or something like this in LA California. They are building several houses in Esterillos.
They are funny guys.. Later Raquel and John and I went back to the house. John played on the Internet I made lemon drops with the huge beautiful lemons I got earlier on Friday when Lucas and I went to Orotina to the project. The care taker of the grounds Gave me a huge bag of lemons RICOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Raquel showered and got all dressed up to go out.
We drank a couple each then went into town for the night, I went to the Beatles bar, its a bar where lots of prostitutes, tons of Americans hang out and just everyday people. But it is known in Costa Rica as a place American men go to for that reason. It's actually a nice place inside. I would not hang out there but I was with three men, so I felt comfortable. But These women are not like you imagine, some are just every day girls some are Glamorous, and some are not. Some are stunning. I met Addison, Larry and John went with me and Raquel. We saw a few people we knew talked had a margarita and I left with John and walked to the Jungle to dance for the night.
WE got up late walked to the Soda for breakfast, then went to pharmacy, then to Maxi Bodega to buy some things for the house and food .
We Came home and watched a movie. Then Rosie called about 6:30 Saying Lucas was waiting for me and wanted me to come there.
Raquel and I went to Rosies, and Lucas treated me to dinner, when I arrived he got on his knees and walked to me and asked for forgivemess from the day before. He did something that I felt was rude and he knew it. So that was funny when I saw him Walking to me on his knees.
Everyone laughed hard.
He is something 70 years old and wears a diamond in his ear, he is tall Italian no hair shaved head and pretty white and straight teeth. I wonder if there all his? Hes funny and super hospitable.
After dinner we went to house for an hour or so and and we all talked and visited. Very nice evening. Came home to rest and be ready to work tomorrow.
Not a word was heard from Cristhian, although some of his friends this weekend, they all asked wher he was. Maybe he didn't tell everyone where he was going. So i just said I hadn't seen in him a few days.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, October 19, 2007
What a great week this has been, in one way it was sad and difficult because of the move and close and moving and setting up, on the other it was closure of a chapter and the beginning of great new chapter.
I met new people, I had people give me money with out asking or even saying a word, I had people help me that I never dreamed would. Another person asked me to help him with his apartment little things and gave me a deposit, I had a very attractive lawyer call me saying he was interested in buying my leather living room set that was over $4000, he is putting his office across the street from me. and he knew who I was! this was so encouraging!I have new fresh office with more possibilities of getting set up with real clients who are buying condos or homes.
I worked for Nelsen and made a nice little amount of money, I came up with another business for the holidays that I should put into order should I sell the computer this weekend. I have the location for free and a person to handle it. I went today for a project in Orotina that should be a very nice landscape project that could bring me future work in the project for more than a year. I booked Nelsen's store and new restaurant in Punta leona, for the holidays, Rosie's restaurant for the holidays , I heard a rumor yesterday the the owners of the Amapola hotel were Italians and they needed someone to do the hotel for the holidays... I went right away with my portfolio talked to the three owners then the general manager they said yes! for the whole hotel.
Then I had four people interested in buying the computer so I hope one comes through.
I got and email from the Los Suenos hotel MARRIOTT'S saying they are interested in talking to me again about the hotel for the holidays! so I go tomorrow at 10.30 I know there going to say yes. And then I had a friend of Rosie's who is also my friend Rachel asked if she could rent my other room in my apartment and she is willing to help me with the holiday decor set up, she is paying for the room separate so this was great.
These are the great things in one week... ok this is amazing, It is all real things that happened and I am so amazed how in one week the whole world turned about. The only really ugly thing was cutting Cristhian, but in reality maybe that opened all the doors? who knows ??? quien save???
So I certainly feel different today than I did last Friday.
Ok today I got up a little late, I did go dancing last night. I left at 11:00 at night and came home at 2:45 no drinking only dancing. I danced allot it was fun, my feet are kiling today. I needed to go to Orotina, I asked this new man I met to go along with me Luca he is 70 years old doesnt look a day over 50 and always has a smile on his Face. We had breakfast at the Copa Cabana then he rode along with me and we had a great time talking and trying to find this secluded local for the landscape job. We found a road that went through a little village and the views we found of a valley and the Tarcoles river was spectacular
Then we stopped and pick out tile for his back wash porch area he allowed me to select and he paid.
We stopped and talked to Marla and Bill Tortorrici at the gallery and made a date for tomorrow for the four of us to get together and visit eat and drink after my meeting at Lost Suenos. Then we drove into town , I visited with him for an hour and then went to Miguelito's house to check it out for the little things he wanted me to do.Then I went to Rosie's to wait for Rachel.. then it started raining really hard so I had to wait there for a long time just sitting and talking.
Then I drove downtown in the pouring down rain and got the laundry, the damn cat that is not mine came in again to the house and peed on the bed that Rachel is staying in so I had to have all of it washed the pillows and all OH YUK! the laundry is cheap here its cheaper to have it done than spend the time to do it so I spent 4 dollars for all my clothes and her bedding.
Then she and I came home and straightened things out and made the bed and talked for like two hours. I sure hope this is a good thing, she seems very contrite, her life was so bad. Its nice to have someone to share things with.
Rosie is messaging me right now on the computer and its fun! I LOVE HER SO MUCH...
I met new people, I had people give me money with out asking or even saying a word, I had people help me that I never dreamed would. Another person asked me to help him with his apartment little things and gave me a deposit, I had a very attractive lawyer call me saying he was interested in buying my leather living room set that was over $4000, he is putting his office across the street from me. and he knew who I was! this was so encouraging!I have new fresh office with more possibilities of getting set up with real clients who are buying condos or homes.
I worked for Nelsen and made a nice little amount of money, I came up with another business for the holidays that I should put into order should I sell the computer this weekend. I have the location for free and a person to handle it. I went today for a project in Orotina that should be a very nice landscape project that could bring me future work in the project for more than a year. I booked Nelsen's store and new restaurant in Punta leona, for the holidays, Rosie's restaurant for the holidays , I heard a rumor yesterday the the owners of the Amapola hotel were Italians and they needed someone to do the hotel for the holidays... I went right away with my portfolio talked to the three owners then the general manager they said yes! for the whole hotel.
Then I had four people interested in buying the computer so I hope one comes through.
I got and email from the Los Suenos hotel MARRIOTT'S saying they are interested in talking to me again about the hotel for the holidays! so I go tomorrow at 10.30 I know there going to say yes. And then I had a friend of Rosie's who is also my friend Rachel asked if she could rent my other room in my apartment and she is willing to help me with the holiday decor set up, she is paying for the room separate so this was great.
These are the great things in one week... ok this is amazing, It is all real things that happened and I am so amazed how in one week the whole world turned about. The only really ugly thing was cutting Cristhian, but in reality maybe that opened all the doors? who knows ??? quien save???
So I certainly feel different today than I did last Friday.
Ok today I got up a little late, I did go dancing last night. I left at 11:00 at night and came home at 2:45 no drinking only dancing. I danced allot it was fun, my feet are kiling today. I needed to go to Orotina, I asked this new man I met to go along with me Luca he is 70 years old doesnt look a day over 50 and always has a smile on his Face. We had breakfast at the Copa Cabana then he rode along with me and we had a great time talking and trying to find this secluded local for the landscape job. We found a road that went through a little village and the views we found of a valley and the Tarcoles river was spectacular
Then we stopped and pick out tile for his back wash porch area he allowed me to select and he paid.
We stopped and talked to Marla and Bill Tortorrici at the gallery and made a date for tomorrow for the four of us to get together and visit eat and drink after my meeting at Lost Suenos. Then we drove into town , I visited with him for an hour and then went to Miguelito's house to check it out for the little things he wanted me to do.Then I went to Rosie's to wait for Rachel.. then it started raining really hard so I had to wait there for a long time just sitting and talking.
Then I drove downtown in the pouring down rain and got the laundry, the damn cat that is not mine came in again to the house and peed on the bed that Rachel is staying in so I had to have all of it washed the pillows and all OH YUK! the laundry is cheap here its cheaper to have it done than spend the time to do it so I spent 4 dollars for all my clothes and her bedding.
Then she and I came home and straightened things out and made the bed and talked for like two hours. I sure hope this is a good thing, she seems very contrite, her life was so bad. Its nice to have someone to share things with.
Rosie is messaging me right now on the computer and its fun! I LOVE HER SO MUCH...
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Never got to fly
Well John came over and helped me finish the office yesterday it was raining so we didn't get to go up in the plane, and today too! But I wrote a nice article after he put all my paintings up and we set up the computer the sound system and the phones.
I am now in the Century 21 in Central Jaco its nice but hidden in the back.. I need signs and banners so people know I am here some how?
I have not heard at all from Cristhian, it is obvious all the things I did for him and the friendship he said we had was not real... he had not asked at that time we met the other night if everything was moved or if I was l alright so its is super clear he has no concern about the person I am or our friendship aside from work,
Its funny because people report to me when they see him.. but Carry on Carry on...
The office is nice and very pretty. All the people here come in and hang out and love the office they say they want to work in here.. I said bring your computers I love company. I hope this is a happy marriage?
Century 21 and Absolutely Beautiful!
Its still raining so no work is possible if I had it, right now I have nothing.I was a little short on the rent, and really not eating much. No money.
But I do have Nelsen wanting me to help, I helped last night for hours doing fresh flowers. And redoing the store, he wants me every Tuesday and Wednesday.
I have not gone out dancing in two weeks have no desire to face people or be social. I know that Thursday night Rosie likes me to go, I hope I feel better this evening. I could use the exercise but I feel low ya know?
On the other side I Feel good though that I have people who do care about me. I was feeling as though the world had dropped me into a black hole and left me falling. Until my friends came through and lifted me up.
I shut off the power today at the old place, I had a deposit to be returned so that is good, I ordered a new phone and I hope today the Internet it transferred to the house its been a week they keep promising but It Is COSTA RICA they take there time on everything here..
I am now in the Century 21 in Central Jaco its nice but hidden in the back.. I need signs and banners so people know I am here some how?
I have not heard at all from Cristhian, it is obvious all the things I did for him and the friendship he said we had was not real... he had not asked at that time we met the other night if everything was moved or if I was l alright so its is super clear he has no concern about the person I am or our friendship aside from work,
Its funny because people report to me when they see him.. but Carry on Carry on...
The office is nice and very pretty. All the people here come in and hang out and love the office they say they want to work in here.. I said bring your computers I love company. I hope this is a happy marriage?
Century 21 and Absolutely Beautiful!
Its still raining so no work is possible if I had it, right now I have nothing.I was a little short on the rent, and really not eating much. No money.
But I do have Nelsen wanting me to help, I helped last night for hours doing fresh flowers. And redoing the store, he wants me every Tuesday and Wednesday.
I have not gone out dancing in two weeks have no desire to face people or be social. I know that Thursday night Rosie likes me to go, I hope I feel better this evening. I could use the exercise but I feel low ya know?
On the other side I Feel good though that I have people who do care about me. I was feeling as though the world had dropped me into a black hole and left me falling. Until my friends came through and lifted me up.
I shut off the power today at the old place, I had a deposit to be returned so that is good, I ordered a new phone and I hope today the Internet it transferred to the house its been a week they keep promising but It Is COSTA RICA they take there time on everything here..
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
What a difference a day makes! I will testify to this its very true.Yesterday Rosie asked me to meet her around 11:00 but I got there early at 10:30 got on the net and checked mail, then Marla Called... she said she would pay for three truck loads of things to the century 21.
I was so happy and shocked and relieved... Rosie came and we went to the my office in Herradura. I had to find two guys to help, but when I went to the car there were two guys standing there asking for me? Marianna? do you need help for working today? I said yes who said? it was another guy who I asked yesterday and he told them it was Marianna.THERE THERE WERE IN FRONT OF MY CAR!!! I told them to go to LLARGAR and catch the truck that was going to my office.
So in less then ten minutes Rosie I, the truck and the guys were on there way.
I never saw Marla but she paid for the truck three times.
We manage to get alot yesterday and then another friend of mine, saw I was in dispare and dropped money in my purse..later after a good cry I looked in the purse and it was a hundred dollars! Now I am only short one hundred dollars for my rent right now..I was amazed at that action.
Rosie and worked on the office the guys put everything in the trucks we ate lunch she treated me now I am really humble ok I felt so loved and so cared for... I do have people who care it was just I had to get to the edge of the cliff before help came.
When the day was over I helped Rodrigo and Nelsen in there store for a while then went to Rosies and rearranged her place and gave her one of my desks and a office chair she is so dang happy I can not tell ya!! we worked on the store for two hours untill this old man came to have coffee. He was Sicilian.. we talked shared stories he fell in love.
He is 70 years and doesnt look a day over 50.. funny and full of life! he was with a friend of mine Frans... and lee a girl friend of mine too.
He invited me over its now 10:30 we all went had a cocktail and I checked out his renovation that is what he wanted we walked it was across the street.
We all laughed and talked for two hours he danced and I danced... it was fun and today I brought him some of the plants from the garden that was in my store.. he was thrilled.
Nothing more than that!
What a nice day.. what a difference a day makes.
Today started at 6:30 I picked up the guys and went to the store.. the truck came and I went back to Jaco.
I had to check on my internet set up in the house I ran into John the guy who is kinda stuck in the 70s he was so sweet said he was thinking hard about me yesterday and wanted to know If I needed help? this is no lie My mouth dropped open and of course I said yes... he came with me back to HErradura and helped all day.
HE WAS A BLESSING I MEAN IT THANK GOD FOR HIM TOO!! we got it all done and then Rosie sent Eugena over to help me clean the new place and get it all together and we did in a couple of hours.
Tomorrow I fly with John in his plane the toursit plane here in Jaco... THen were coming back and I have to write a story for the Jaco guide.
THen later Nelsen called needed me to change all the displays... he was trying to feed me tonight while I worked but Rosie had already fed me! THEN CRISTHIAN CALLED... yep he was a little indignant.
I told him meet across the street from Nelsens at Pancho Villas.. its dance bar who knows what it is??? so he called I walked across and explained to him how he got paid and didnt work all week and took off after he got the money and didnt bother to ask if I need help moving.. he didnt care I told there is no work and maybe in three weeks if I have work I would call him... its a lenghty story and later tomorrow I will tell the rest but he is no more.
I finished Nelsens and he asked me to come every Tuesday and change the store and do fresh flowers, and do the place for Christmas on the 15th of November, Rosie too and a new restuarant. So wow who ever prayed sure knows how to get God To answer..
I WANT TO THANK WHO EVER THAT WAS! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS BECAUSE I WAS AT A POINT OF TOTAL LOSS OF MY FAITH, I could not pray or even think of how to pray.. I was so bent and so torn and so abused used and more..
But God heard someone who prayed for me and I THANK HIM FIRST AND THEN ALL MY FRIENDS AND THOSE WHO CARE AND MAY LOVE ME. I pray that the opportunity to repay these people... and get back on my feet again to do the things I intended to do when I first came here...
I was so happy and shocked and relieved... Rosie came and we went to the my office in Herradura. I had to find two guys to help, but when I went to the car there were two guys standing there asking for me? Marianna? do you need help for working today? I said yes who said? it was another guy who I asked yesterday and he told them it was Marianna.THERE THERE WERE IN FRONT OF MY CAR!!! I told them to go to LLARGAR and catch the truck that was going to my office.
So in less then ten minutes Rosie I, the truck and the guys were on there way.
I never saw Marla but she paid for the truck three times.
We manage to get alot yesterday and then another friend of mine, saw I was in dispare and dropped money in my purse..later after a good cry I looked in the purse and it was a hundred dollars! Now I am only short one hundred dollars for my rent right now..I was amazed at that action.
Rosie and worked on the office the guys put everything in the trucks we ate lunch she treated me now I am really humble ok I felt so loved and so cared for... I do have people who care it was just I had to get to the edge of the cliff before help came.
When the day was over I helped Rodrigo and Nelsen in there store for a while then went to Rosies and rearranged her place and gave her one of my desks and a office chair she is so dang happy I can not tell ya!! we worked on the store for two hours untill this old man came to have coffee. He was Sicilian.. we talked shared stories he fell in love.
He is 70 years and doesnt look a day over 50.. funny and full of life! he was with a friend of mine Frans... and lee a girl friend of mine too.
He invited me over its now 10:30 we all went had a cocktail and I checked out his renovation that is what he wanted we walked it was across the street.
We all laughed and talked for two hours he danced and I danced... it was fun and today I brought him some of the plants from the garden that was in my store.. he was thrilled.
Nothing more than that!
What a nice day.. what a difference a day makes.
Today started at 6:30 I picked up the guys and went to the store.. the truck came and I went back to Jaco.
I had to check on my internet set up in the house I ran into John the guy who is kinda stuck in the 70s he was so sweet said he was thinking hard about me yesterday and wanted to know If I needed help? this is no lie My mouth dropped open and of course I said yes... he came with me back to HErradura and helped all day.
HE WAS A BLESSING I MEAN IT THANK GOD FOR HIM TOO!! we got it all done and then Rosie sent Eugena over to help me clean the new place and get it all together and we did in a couple of hours.
Tomorrow I fly with John in his plane the toursit plane here in Jaco... THen were coming back and I have to write a story for the Jaco guide.
THen later Nelsen called needed me to change all the displays... he was trying to feed me tonight while I worked but Rosie had already fed me! THEN CRISTHIAN CALLED... yep he was a little indignant.
I told him meet across the street from Nelsens at Pancho Villas.. its dance bar who knows what it is??? so he called I walked across and explained to him how he got paid and didnt work all week and took off after he got the money and didnt bother to ask if I need help moving.. he didnt care I told there is no work and maybe in three weeks if I have work I would call him... its a lenghty story and later tomorrow I will tell the rest but he is no more.
I finished Nelsens and he asked me to come every Tuesday and change the store and do fresh flowers, and do the place for Christmas on the 15th of November, Rosie too and a new restuarant. So wow who ever prayed sure knows how to get God To answer..
I WANT TO THANK WHO EVER THAT WAS! THANK YOU FOR YOUR PRAYERS BECAUSE I WAS AT A POINT OF TOTAL LOSS OF MY FAITH, I could not pray or even think of how to pray.. I was so bent and so torn and so abused used and more..
But God heard someone who prayed for me and I THANK HIM FIRST AND THEN ALL MY FRIENDS AND THOSE WHO CARE AND MAY LOVE ME. I pray that the opportunity to repay these people... and get back on my feet again to do the things I intended to do when I first came here...
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Tried all weekend to get help
I tried all weekend to get help but no one came thru... it was so horrible the weather. I stayed in the apartment during the night in the day drove around barely seeing aimlessly hopeing for someone to say yes.
I never heard from Cristhian all weekend NOT GOOD! for him any way and well best for me now!!
I had Rosie call me yesterday morning and say Marianna you are a good person...ok I listened usually when somone says this you know something else is meant to be said but no it was a good thing. She said I believe in you, I have seen your office, your work your food is the most delicious I ever ate, your flowers are beautiful... your design for houses I love so I thought this morning and I know I should help you... I will pay for the move when you get better on your feet you can pay me back! I wanted to cry but I didn't I felt a little embarrassed but happy that I knew now that Rosie is my true friend and I will be there for her Always.
Thank god for Rosie, Bless her lord and send good opportunities for me so I can repay the blessing she is giving to me by helping me save my properties and move them to a new location so I can get back on my feet.
are some of NELSENS PLACE its funky but I like it! he added the fake brick hate that but I was not there to supervise all the time but the end results look cool in comparison to the before photos.
I never heard from Cristhian all weekend NOT GOOD! for him any way and well best for me now!!
I had Rosie call me yesterday morning and say Marianna you are a good person...ok I listened usually when somone says this you know something else is meant to be said but no it was a good thing. She said I believe in you, I have seen your office, your work your food is the most delicious I ever ate, your flowers are beautiful... your design for houses I love so I thought this morning and I know I should help you... I will pay for the move when you get better on your feet you can pay me back! I wanted to cry but I didn't I felt a little embarrassed but happy that I knew now that Rosie is my true friend and I will be there for her Always.
Thank god for Rosie, Bless her lord and send good opportunities for me so I can repay the blessing she is giving to me by helping me save my properties and move them to a new location so I can get back on my feet.
are some of NELSENS PLACE its funky but I like it! he added the fake brick hate that but I was not there to supervise all the time but the end results look cool in comparison to the before photos.

Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Weekend here Raining solid
All the roads are flooded. It is almost impossible to pass some areas.
We have tried Cristhian and I only to get someone to help, mostly me has tried to find someone to help move furniture out of my office and into our temporary local.
It is now inside Century 21, its a small glass office in the back but visible from the whole office. Eventually he said we will be located on the main street in the front of the building. The owner is Remodeling the whole building and it should be very nice. But at the rate of things getting done here it could be months.
Untill then we are in a little space with a few pieces of furniture I hope.
Right now I can not find a soul to help me, Different if I had cash to pay people to help but I have none to pay. I don't expect people to run to my rescue but, I know in my past that I have helped many people, and my mind is saying doesn't that count for anything when it comes to me needing help.
Cristhian once again is sleeping I suppose he partied all night again not answering the phone. I wanted him to come with me early this morning, Helen an friend called her friend to help take down fixtures and move furniture he has a truck service and I agreed to try to make payments on the move.
But He did not answer the phone, nor was Helen up, and the guy she called yesterday phone was disconnected.
So I went ate an egg two slices of tomato, and a toast thought for a while called Marla, she said she would help with what she could in her van.
Then I came to Century, The owner offered to get someone to help move the bar, its beautiful I hate to sell it its huge curved with black marble on top... but he is offering to buy it for the new entrance of the building. Meaning I still see it and its still my design that everyone will see.
But A price has not been agreed upon, and right now I need the money. I don't think as it appears he is ready to give the money for it. I can tell by the way he talks to me.
This is really a hard thing for me, Yes a bad judgement call. Business is very bad right now. I hate the fact that I am having to leave my beautiful office that I spent tons of money on building. ITS A TOTAL LOSS. I am so sick about it. I had offers for help, one of the people I knew was going to invest a small amount for me to turn it into a bar and that would have been perfect, but after showing me the check... Asked for favors, I just couldn't do it. I guess I should have and I would not be in this position now. But honestly I felt horrible when he told me that I had do this before I could get the money. He really didn't get into details about it but I knew that was the case. Then later when I asked on the email, he dogged me and said not possible.So the hope that I had, and the fact that he lead me on for six months was all a total waste of my time and a huge disappointment.
Now I am closing a beautiful chapter. It was incredible place.
I hope this new idea with Century 21 being a part of there team, but we pay all our own costs, and only give commissions for the referrals of jobs. Being inside there office should be a good help and hopefully many new opportunities.
But honestly today I feel very discouraged, worried and concerned on how do I make it for the next month. I paid Cristhian this week, he has a salary its not much but we had no work this week and nothing coming in, I paid him anyway I feel obligated, although it left me with only 200 dollars for the next week or until god knows when?
He did absolutely nothing this week, not much last week either. Talked on his phone allot and did nothing.. So when he does call today I am going to sit him down.
I thought for sure he would be here to try to help me today but still it is 11:00 and not a call yet and nothing has happened.
I am going to try today to get most of that stuff out of the old office and into Century today. Don't know how? don't have help... but maybe?someone will come through.
We have tried Cristhian and I only to get someone to help, mostly me has tried to find someone to help move furniture out of my office and into our temporary local.
It is now inside Century 21, its a small glass office in the back but visible from the whole office. Eventually he said we will be located on the main street in the front of the building. The owner is Remodeling the whole building and it should be very nice. But at the rate of things getting done here it could be months.
Untill then we are in a little space with a few pieces of furniture I hope.
Right now I can not find a soul to help me, Different if I had cash to pay people to help but I have none to pay. I don't expect people to run to my rescue but, I know in my past that I have helped many people, and my mind is saying doesn't that count for anything when it comes to me needing help.
Cristhian once again is sleeping I suppose he partied all night again not answering the phone. I wanted him to come with me early this morning, Helen an friend called her friend to help take down fixtures and move furniture he has a truck service and I agreed to try to make payments on the move.
But He did not answer the phone, nor was Helen up, and the guy she called yesterday phone was disconnected.
So I went ate an egg two slices of tomato, and a toast thought for a while called Marla, she said she would help with what she could in her van.
Then I came to Century, The owner offered to get someone to help move the bar, its beautiful I hate to sell it its huge curved with black marble on top... but he is offering to buy it for the new entrance of the building. Meaning I still see it and its still my design that everyone will see.
But A price has not been agreed upon, and right now I need the money. I don't think as it appears he is ready to give the money for it. I can tell by the way he talks to me.
This is really a hard thing for me, Yes a bad judgement call. Business is very bad right now. I hate the fact that I am having to leave my beautiful office that I spent tons of money on building. ITS A TOTAL LOSS. I am so sick about it. I had offers for help, one of the people I knew was going to invest a small amount for me to turn it into a bar and that would have been perfect, but after showing me the check... Asked for favors, I just couldn't do it. I guess I should have and I would not be in this position now. But honestly I felt horrible when he told me that I had do this before I could get the money. He really didn't get into details about it but I knew that was the case. Then later when I asked on the email, he dogged me and said not possible.So the hope that I had, and the fact that he lead me on for six months was all a total waste of my time and a huge disappointment.
Now I am closing a beautiful chapter. It was incredible place.
I hope this new idea with Century 21 being a part of there team, but we pay all our own costs, and only give commissions for the referrals of jobs. Being inside there office should be a good help and hopefully many new opportunities.
But honestly today I feel very discouraged, worried and concerned on how do I make it for the next month. I paid Cristhian this week, he has a salary its not much but we had no work this week and nothing coming in, I paid him anyway I feel obligated, although it left me with only 200 dollars for the next week or until god knows when?
He did absolutely nothing this week, not much last week either. Talked on his phone allot and did nothing.. So when he does call today I am going to sit him down.
I thought for sure he would be here to try to help me today but still it is 11:00 and not a call yet and nothing has happened.
I am going to try today to get most of that stuff out of the old office and into Century today. Don't know how? don't have help... but maybe?someone will come through.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, October 11, 2007
The Weekend is coming
Well it seems allot like Portland or Vancouver Washington here.. It has been raining now for three days, although its not cold actually the temperature is very nice. But the roads are just like rivers and the pot holes are growing as I type. Every time it rains allot the pot holes get huge. So when it rains and you drive you can not see them because they are full of water. You hit them and your whole car jumps like a bronco. Its so hard on the car, the brakes and your body.
I hate this part of Costa Rica. They just do not repair the roads well ,if repair them at all.
We are not landscaping its raining very hard.
Today we moved some of the things from Herradura to a new location in Jaco. I will be on the main street now in central Jaco. It won't be together for some time but we are in a temporary place for a while.
I hope that things get better... I told Rosie that if things do not get better, I may be this man who walks around town cleaning the gutters for less than 200 peso'! you have to know who this guy is. Everyone sees him he is always busy pretty much cleaning gutters sweeping and cleaning the fronts of businesses or gardens for the owners of the businesses. I meant by this that may have to resort to this in a week or so, She laughed so hard, she said you can clean mine but I can only pay you with coffee.. That is fine I said at least I will be jazzed and cleaning faster!
The rain here as I said has been coming down for three days super hard with out stopping. Its very depressing to everyone. The business in the whole town is dead. It is also extremely hard to see at night because there are few lights on the roads and no lines with the rain going in many directions its difficult to drive. So I go very slow and try not to hit the bicycles that are riding on all the streets. Imagine this if you can, really hard to see them too. The roads are narrow with potholes lots of rain in every direction, and people riding bikes! its like a video game when you drive.
Right now Rosie went to her dance classes again its always on Thursday. I am at her place at the moment using the Internet. In a week I will have the Internet in my house because I am transferring the line I have in the office. Its already provided for in my new place. They do not have any more Internet lines in Jaco you must wait for a long time to get it hook up so instead of applying for a new one I can just transfer mine and have in the house now. Which will be great, i can chat and email my family and friends at night and do many things on the net that I have not done for months on end.
Now lets go back a couple of days. Monday was work, Tuesday as well, but in the Evening I have a grand opening to prepare for Nelsen. He is The Colombian guy that I helped with the clothes store. He is gay he has two friends that live with him also gay. They are super business men, I just love them. They are so nice and kind and very hospitable. I helped design the whole store, its really edgy Orange and Chocolate brown. Lots of mirrors and mirror drapes that we made. Bamboo behind glass, and wall of glass with wood and glass for all the beautiful shoes. I did the display in the window which is huge and all lit up, and I built lots of fresh flower arrangements for the grand opening which was Tuesday night.
When I first arrived the whole place was like a bomb exploded it was around 4:00.
I asked what time is the celebration? he said 6:00, mind you I had all this to put together in a couple of hours.
I saw people sorting and going through boxes, opening shoes, jewelry, purses, more... Nelsen asked me, Mariana where does all this go? so I began directing and bam in a hour or more the place was in order, I was detailing things, constructing arrangements and doing the window. The other two guys Rodrigo, and Gerson were helping me and cooking on top of that!
We had live music and great food and drinks till almost 2:30 am. Lots of people came it was super cool and really a nice open house! It looked beautiful I have photos. I will put them on tomorrow so please take look
I think I have photos of the boys too!
The people here in Costa Rica LOVE COLOR! not afraid of it and are willing to try new things. So it was kinda fun changing this location. I do have before photos and after.
The nice thing was people saying how cool, and how pretty.
Of course Cristhian went, and he was helping by passing out cards and actually bragging about me?? ok sometimes he is nice I will admit.
Sometimes I believe he hates me, but this night he was proud that I was his boss.
The following day yesterday I had a meeting with the owner of the landscape job. We had some things to work out, at first it was difficult, but I can say this he is a super guy, I really like him allot. He is a stern person, but sometimes stern is good it does help others to learn. I hope that our relationship continues he did offer me more work. I try to do the best I can although your best sometimes for others in not exactly there best. My passion is my work, I love what I do, hoping that others love it too.
I have always been a creative person and my work is best when the people allow me to be that creative person that God made me to be. Like Nelsen for example at first he was negative about my ideas... after he saw some of the news paper articles about me, and talk to couple of people who I have done work for. He just let me loose and its funny, because I find when people trust I will do a good job I always do... but when they don't and it is a struggle the work comes out horrible.
Being and Artist is not always easy, because as Rosie says poco loco.. pero en la final es mui bueno, excellente. a little crazy, but excellent in the end results.
I hate this part of Costa Rica. They just do not repair the roads well ,if repair them at all.
We are not landscaping its raining very hard.
Today we moved some of the things from Herradura to a new location in Jaco. I will be on the main street now in central Jaco. It won't be together for some time but we are in a temporary place for a while.
I hope that things get better... I told Rosie that if things do not get better, I may be this man who walks around town cleaning the gutters for less than 200 peso'! you have to know who this guy is. Everyone sees him he is always busy pretty much cleaning gutters sweeping and cleaning the fronts of businesses or gardens for the owners of the businesses. I meant by this that may have to resort to this in a week or so, She laughed so hard, she said you can clean mine but I can only pay you with coffee.. That is fine I said at least I will be jazzed and cleaning faster!
The rain here as I said has been coming down for three days super hard with out stopping. Its very depressing to everyone. The business in the whole town is dead. It is also extremely hard to see at night because there are few lights on the roads and no lines with the rain going in many directions its difficult to drive. So I go very slow and try not to hit the bicycles that are riding on all the streets. Imagine this if you can, really hard to see them too. The roads are narrow with potholes lots of rain in every direction, and people riding bikes! its like a video game when you drive.
Right now Rosie went to her dance classes again its always on Thursday. I am at her place at the moment using the Internet. In a week I will have the Internet in my house because I am transferring the line I have in the office. Its already provided for in my new place. They do not have any more Internet lines in Jaco you must wait for a long time to get it hook up so instead of applying for a new one I can just transfer mine and have in the house now. Which will be great, i can chat and email my family and friends at night and do many things on the net that I have not done for months on end.
Now lets go back a couple of days. Monday was work, Tuesday as well, but in the Evening I have a grand opening to prepare for Nelsen. He is The Colombian guy that I helped with the clothes store. He is gay he has two friends that live with him also gay. They are super business men, I just love them. They are so nice and kind and very hospitable. I helped design the whole store, its really edgy Orange and Chocolate brown. Lots of mirrors and mirror drapes that we made. Bamboo behind glass, and wall of glass with wood and glass for all the beautiful shoes. I did the display in the window which is huge and all lit up, and I built lots of fresh flower arrangements for the grand opening which was Tuesday night.
When I first arrived the whole place was like a bomb exploded it was around 4:00.
I asked what time is the celebration? he said 6:00, mind you I had all this to put together in a couple of hours.
I saw people sorting and going through boxes, opening shoes, jewelry, purses, more... Nelsen asked me, Mariana where does all this go? so I began directing and bam in a hour or more the place was in order, I was detailing things, constructing arrangements and doing the window. The other two guys Rodrigo, and Gerson were helping me and cooking on top of that!
We had live music and great food and drinks till almost 2:30 am. Lots of people came it was super cool and really a nice open house! It looked beautiful I have photos. I will put them on tomorrow so please take look
I think I have photos of the boys too!
The people here in Costa Rica LOVE COLOR! not afraid of it and are willing to try new things. So it was kinda fun changing this location. I do have before photos and after.
The nice thing was people saying how cool, and how pretty.
Of course Cristhian went, and he was helping by passing out cards and actually bragging about me?? ok sometimes he is nice I will admit.
Sometimes I believe he hates me, but this night he was proud that I was his boss.
The following day yesterday I had a meeting with the owner of the landscape job. We had some things to work out, at first it was difficult, but I can say this he is a super guy, I really like him allot. He is a stern person, but sometimes stern is good it does help others to learn. I hope that our relationship continues he did offer me more work. I try to do the best I can although your best sometimes for others in not exactly there best. My passion is my work, I love what I do, hoping that others love it too.
I have always been a creative person and my work is best when the people allow me to be that creative person that God made me to be. Like Nelsen for example at first he was negative about my ideas... after he saw some of the news paper articles about me, and talk to couple of people who I have done work for. He just let me loose and its funny, because I find when people trust I will do a good job I always do... but when they don't and it is a struggle the work comes out horrible.
Being and Artist is not always easy, because as Rosie says poco loco.. pero en la final es mui bueno, excellente. a little crazy, but excellent in the end results.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, October 06, 2007
The whole week of trying to landscape
This week was spent on Charles house here in Jaco.
We are doing a landscape around a new pool area. It has a baby pool attached to a larger pool with a waterfall going into it.
The water fall was not created by me but by some Ticos who live here in the area. Its not pretty ok? but I know we will soften it with big plants and large jungle leaves called monstera.
The week was hot, and tough to get much done.
Finding the things I needed was hard, because Cristhian was not co-operating with the plan.His job is to find what we need, find guys to construct, guys to garden, hall dirt. Find trucks to haul the dirt. Help find the plants. Order sand or electrical.
Ended up mostly arguing with him, because he was for some reason this week very stubborn and rude?? I tried like hell to be so sweet, but I did loose patients with him a couple of times.
I was the one who got the trucks, the dirt the sand the guys for the garden the electrician and contracted all the materials.
I have no idea why he is being to put it frank A BUTT HOLE,But he was. Then to top it off the lady of the house is super picky, she wanted dirt moved didn't like the postions of it in the design?? we moved it..She actually made the guys building the water fall re do it more then ten times.We have changed the plan more than the days of the week.Everyday I would draw a new one and every day it would be fine. When we arrive in the early morning to begin the work the plan was bad.
So again I make a new one.. Learning paitients here??? YEAH I GUESS?? i don't mind changing things as long as they are willing to pay for the time, but so far not the case. I am going to have to have a meeting with hubby and explain, that I will change things till the sun doesn't shine but he has to know that she is asking for all the changes and changes are going to cost.
He asked us to lay these cement fake stones in a walk in front of the pool not just a walk but something like a full patio. That was not part of our plan but I said sure I will assit, assit not! it was actually putting it in. He didn't have the guys to do it so we lost a whole week on this because we had to change it more than eight or nine times till she was happy. My guys are saying now they don't want to work this next week because of the changes! SO OH boy fun! gonna have to talk to him.
Finally Cristhian on Friday was normal and actually Because the night before Gravin his friend who is now staying at my house, because the landlord at Cristhians wont allow anyone to stay. Came to the house to stay they wanted pizza, but niether one had money of course! I ordered it we drank some wine and well Cristhian softened up some how. He was actually nice.
Gravin is working for me for the next two weeks and he is a good friend of Cris, from Masatal.
He is a good worker, very respectful.
Having a Machismo man working for you is hard. Also the position I am in is hard. I need a front man who speaks spanish to manage things but after this week I saw I really don't need that. I think I can manage and if he keeps this up hes about cut!!!
Other than this, I helped Nelsen some more in his new clothing boutique, its about ready to open.
I went out last night and danced a little but was not at my best the week was really draining. Plus my hand is in allot of pain. Today I went to the beach for a while, then Nelsen called for help and I went immediately to his store to help. I need the money.
I may have the computer sold and that will help pay the rent this month.
Yes things are hard right now, the worst really.. but I keep trying and I know I will pull out of this some how. I even thought today I would sell the tortuga, My car.. and just move back to the states.
Being depressed in a sunny place is horrible! Why and how could I be its so beautiful here and so warm the men are gorgeous and the women are stunning??? how?? Then Rosie called I told her I was sad, lonely and depressed even though I laid on the beach for a few hours. Being alone is a hard thing more and more for me... I hate being alone. I need companionship. She said Come here precious... visit me. So Changed the clothes got pretty and came here where I am typing now. She had her cook make me the most Delicious Sea food plate. Fresh fish, octopus, squid, clams, shrimps in garlic and butter and white rice! WOW IT WAS WONDERFULL!!! We drank a glass of Costa Rican champagne, its sweet like a balatore, or a spumante.
After that I thought OH NO THERE IS NO WAY I AM MOVING BACK.. I can't get fresh food like that where I use to live. It came in just today and I swear its cheap too. The wine was 4 dollars for the bottle the dish was 7 bucks.
The night is fresh not so hot and cool, summery, the people walking on the streets friendly... and many men walk by and say Hello and and you are beautiful in spanish its Hola linda or Hola bonita... now this does not happen in Vancouver Washington. The affirmation was there... I need to stay here and get things in order.
Get on my feet and make a life for me here. I can say I am much happier here than there but when times are tough every one needs someone. Someone to talk to, someone to share with and someone to give you love.
My friends that I do have here, really are kind and do love me. Not that the ones in the states didn't its just different here. They show there feelings.
I know what I am doing tomorrow, for sure belly dance but before maybe help Nelson, finish the upolstery on a chair he wanted me to change. Then make some spaggetti sauce for The boys Cristhian and Gravin they asked for it, THen I have no clue?
But Laying on that beach today I did say a prayer and thanked god for this beautiful place and how gratefull I was although I am not doing financially well that I can enjoy the sun, the beauty of the beach and the freedom to enjoy the nature of this place if this makes sense. Yes I was depressed, Money always does this to me.. The lack of a partner too, But I do see the good in the place I am living and feel its one of the best things I have done in life.
We are doing a landscape around a new pool area. It has a baby pool attached to a larger pool with a waterfall going into it.
The water fall was not created by me but by some Ticos who live here in the area. Its not pretty ok? but I know we will soften it with big plants and large jungle leaves called monstera.
The week was hot, and tough to get much done.
Finding the things I needed was hard, because Cristhian was not co-operating with the plan.His job is to find what we need, find guys to construct, guys to garden, hall dirt. Find trucks to haul the dirt. Help find the plants. Order sand or electrical.
Ended up mostly arguing with him, because he was for some reason this week very stubborn and rude?? I tried like hell to be so sweet, but I did loose patients with him a couple of times.
I was the one who got the trucks, the dirt the sand the guys for the garden the electrician and contracted all the materials.
I have no idea why he is being to put it frank A BUTT HOLE,But he was. Then to top it off the lady of the house is super picky, she wanted dirt moved didn't like the postions of it in the design?? we moved it..She actually made the guys building the water fall re do it more then ten times.We have changed the plan more than the days of the week.Everyday I would draw a new one and every day it would be fine. When we arrive in the early morning to begin the work the plan was bad.
So again I make a new one.. Learning paitients here??? YEAH I GUESS?? i don't mind changing things as long as they are willing to pay for the time, but so far not the case. I am going to have to have a meeting with hubby and explain, that I will change things till the sun doesn't shine but he has to know that she is asking for all the changes and changes are going to cost.
He asked us to lay these cement fake stones in a walk in front of the pool not just a walk but something like a full patio. That was not part of our plan but I said sure I will assit, assit not! it was actually putting it in. He didn't have the guys to do it so we lost a whole week on this because we had to change it more than eight or nine times till she was happy. My guys are saying now they don't want to work this next week because of the changes! SO OH boy fun! gonna have to talk to him.
Finally Cristhian on Friday was normal and actually Because the night before Gravin his friend who is now staying at my house, because the landlord at Cristhians wont allow anyone to stay. Came to the house to stay they wanted pizza, but niether one had money of course! I ordered it we drank some wine and well Cristhian softened up some how. He was actually nice.
Gravin is working for me for the next two weeks and he is a good friend of Cris, from Masatal.
He is a good worker, very respectful.
Having a Machismo man working for you is hard. Also the position I am in is hard. I need a front man who speaks spanish to manage things but after this week I saw I really don't need that. I think I can manage and if he keeps this up hes about cut!!!
Other than this, I helped Nelsen some more in his new clothing boutique, its about ready to open.
I went out last night and danced a little but was not at my best the week was really draining. Plus my hand is in allot of pain. Today I went to the beach for a while, then Nelsen called for help and I went immediately to his store to help. I need the money.
I may have the computer sold and that will help pay the rent this month.
Yes things are hard right now, the worst really.. but I keep trying and I know I will pull out of this some how. I even thought today I would sell the tortuga, My car.. and just move back to the states.
Being depressed in a sunny place is horrible! Why and how could I be its so beautiful here and so warm the men are gorgeous and the women are stunning??? how?? Then Rosie called I told her I was sad, lonely and depressed even though I laid on the beach for a few hours. Being alone is a hard thing more and more for me... I hate being alone. I need companionship. She said Come here precious... visit me. So Changed the clothes got pretty and came here where I am typing now. She had her cook make me the most Delicious Sea food plate. Fresh fish, octopus, squid, clams, shrimps in garlic and butter and white rice! WOW IT WAS WONDERFULL!!! We drank a glass of Costa Rican champagne, its sweet like a balatore, or a spumante.
After that I thought OH NO THERE IS NO WAY I AM MOVING BACK.. I can't get fresh food like that where I use to live. It came in just today and I swear its cheap too. The wine was 4 dollars for the bottle the dish was 7 bucks.
The night is fresh not so hot and cool, summery, the people walking on the streets friendly... and many men walk by and say Hello and and you are beautiful in spanish its Hola linda or Hola bonita... now this does not happen in Vancouver Washington. The affirmation was there... I need to stay here and get things in order.
Get on my feet and make a life for me here. I can say I am much happier here than there but when times are tough every one needs someone. Someone to talk to, someone to share with and someone to give you love.
My friends that I do have here, really are kind and do love me. Not that the ones in the states didn't its just different here. They show there feelings.
I know what I am doing tomorrow, for sure belly dance but before maybe help Nelson, finish the upolstery on a chair he wanted me to change. Then make some spaggetti sauce for The boys Cristhian and Gravin they asked for it, THen I have no clue?
But Laying on that beach today I did say a prayer and thanked god for this beautiful place and how gratefull I was although I am not doing financially well that I can enjoy the sun, the beauty of the beach and the freedom to enjoy the nature of this place if this makes sense. Yes I was depressed, Money always does this to me.. The lack of a partner too, But I do see the good in the place I am living and feel its one of the best things I have done in life.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Weeken soccer championship
This weekend was Cristhians Soccer tournament. They won and now they are the champions. It was amazing how he played in fact he made most of the goals. I was impressed with the energy and the force of his game. After knowing that he partied all night the night before and on Friday, pretty amazing. I guess adrenaline kicks in and takes over in the game.
We left on Sat late around 2:30 because some one slept till two that afternoon. We got a late start and for me a little scary because its rainy season here and roads to this area is basically mud and rock. they have lots of curves, bends and uphill grades. Slightly dangerous to those who don't know how to baja! on red mud.. It is really slippery. We manage to make to the cousins restaurant/ bar before dark. Only after stopping many times along the way talking to all the people of the guadamal and mazatal area. Mountain jungle, few houses but lots ot people. walking and riding motos. We talked to many and stopped to drink a beer.
After visiting with Friends as the cousins place we regressed to Marcos siempre verde Cabinas, and his parents house.
We ate tamales, very different than the ones I am use to in the USA, not like Mexican tamales at all. They are thick, white masa, with a small piece of pork, one carrot and onion and some rice.
Pretty bland to my tastes. But nice of them to offer us there food.
They are very self sufficient, they have there own pigs, and make methane from the waste of the pigs and use this to cook with. They have a garden with coffee, and carrots, cilantro, mustard and greens. Sometimes potato's and more. The coffee is the best to me.. they serve it with lots of sugar.
There was one volunteer there a girl from California, always there are young girls wanting to experience the conversation efforts. I never have heard of any guys there only girls and I have seen some of them.. Kinda hippie like. But Hey I like it and think its a good experience.
The house is primitive, in two parts. The bedrooms are in a separate house with wood walls that have light coming through them the floor was wood and concrete. The showers are cold no hot water with a very crude shower walls made of broken tiles and a skinny pipe of plastic with a nob of plastic that goes only one way. WOW ITS hard to take a cold shower for me but I have done it many times since I lived here.
Everyone there has only cold water no hot showers. The kitchen is crude too, has only a two burners and its all open. The window doesn't exsit the outside of the kitchen is an area to wash the dishes and its all in the red mud with a table out there for drinking coffee or eating if you wish.
They sew there own clothes and produce there own water with a small well.
The cabinas are cool there built by Marcos and is a good eco experience.
Sat was a huge dance in a giant building perfect for dancing on the mountain top. I was surprised at the modern up to date American Music, and the light system. The place was packed, not many cars everyone walks. It rained very hard and when we had changed our clothes and drove to the building for the dance the whole front of the place was thick with red mud. I got out of the car I stepped with my thongs right in a big pile of it, now my toes were covered with red mud so was the bottom of my pants! On to the fiesta! many people dancing and I did too. But there was a small bad moment with Cristhian, he is just a mule sometimes.. and I knew he was drunk said some bad things to me and I was hurt. I left and tried to drive to Marcos which was not far.. not a good idea! the car slid and got stuck. I left it there and ran back which was about three American Blocks. It was raining hard, so I was soaked.Marcos was looking for me so he comforted me and told me not to worry he would take the car out in the morning we tried to walk to his house but I slipped and fell in the mud, covering me now in total red mud! wow ok
So a truck full of people came , we got into the truck they took us to the house.Cristhian was occupied with women so he had no idea really what happened.
I rested in the house of Marcos and Cristhian in the Cabinas, We got the car out early not a problem then. I was shook up because when I exited the car there was a huge hole it was a creek, with a metal tube very deep. I fell into it and had to climb out in the pitch dark not being able to see a thing. But thankfully nothing was wrong except my toenail.
The next day we went to the game. Marcos me and Cristhian. He was all pumped up how I have no idea but Pretty sure it was the idea of being the champion and that they were. A very good game live, many people and fun to see them excited .
After the game a whole huge bus full of people screaming and happy and tooting horns and drinking and yelling.
We all went to the cousins place and had a pig that they cooked with the best rice ever!! it was so fun we all danced and laughed and ate it was a great time... It lasted till about three in the morning.
Then Cristhian and I came back, to Jaco on Monday morning.
Today we worked on the project, it was rough I think he is worn out from the weekend and he showed me allot of disrespect. Right now I am not happy with the situation, we will see what happens in the next few days.. I need to concentrate and get the job done and done well. MONEY IS IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT since things have been so rough...
We left on Sat late around 2:30 because some one slept till two that afternoon. We got a late start and for me a little scary because its rainy season here and roads to this area is basically mud and rock. they have lots of curves, bends and uphill grades. Slightly dangerous to those who don't know how to baja! on red mud.. It is really slippery. We manage to make to the cousins restaurant/ bar before dark. Only after stopping many times along the way talking to all the people of the guadamal and mazatal area. Mountain jungle, few houses but lots ot people. walking and riding motos. We talked to many and stopped to drink a beer.
After visiting with Friends as the cousins place we regressed to Marcos siempre verde Cabinas, and his parents house.
We ate tamales, very different than the ones I am use to in the USA, not like Mexican tamales at all. They are thick, white masa, with a small piece of pork, one carrot and onion and some rice.
Pretty bland to my tastes. But nice of them to offer us there food.
They are very self sufficient, they have there own pigs, and make methane from the waste of the pigs and use this to cook with. They have a garden with coffee, and carrots, cilantro, mustard and greens. Sometimes potato's and more. The coffee is the best to me.. they serve it with lots of sugar.
There was one volunteer there a girl from California, always there are young girls wanting to experience the conversation efforts. I never have heard of any guys there only girls and I have seen some of them.. Kinda hippie like. But Hey I like it and think its a good experience.
The house is primitive, in two parts. The bedrooms are in a separate house with wood walls that have light coming through them the floor was wood and concrete. The showers are cold no hot water with a very crude shower walls made of broken tiles and a skinny pipe of plastic with a nob of plastic that goes only one way. WOW ITS hard to take a cold shower for me but I have done it many times since I lived here.
Everyone there has only cold water no hot showers. The kitchen is crude too, has only a two burners and its all open. The window doesn't exsit the outside of the kitchen is an area to wash the dishes and its all in the red mud with a table out there for drinking coffee or eating if you wish.
They sew there own clothes and produce there own water with a small well.
The cabinas are cool there built by Marcos and is a good eco experience.
Sat was a huge dance in a giant building perfect for dancing on the mountain top. I was surprised at the modern up to date American Music, and the light system. The place was packed, not many cars everyone walks. It rained very hard and when we had changed our clothes and drove to the building for the dance the whole front of the place was thick with red mud. I got out of the car I stepped with my thongs right in a big pile of it, now my toes were covered with red mud so was the bottom of my pants! On to the fiesta! many people dancing and I did too. But there was a small bad moment with Cristhian, he is just a mule sometimes.. and I knew he was drunk said some bad things to me and I was hurt. I left and tried to drive to Marcos which was not far.. not a good idea! the car slid and got stuck. I left it there and ran back which was about three American Blocks. It was raining hard, so I was soaked.Marcos was looking for me so he comforted me and told me not to worry he would take the car out in the morning we tried to walk to his house but I slipped and fell in the mud, covering me now in total red mud! wow ok
So a truck full of people came , we got into the truck they took us to the house.Cristhian was occupied with women so he had no idea really what happened.
I rested in the house of Marcos and Cristhian in the Cabinas, We got the car out early not a problem then. I was shook up because when I exited the car there was a huge hole it was a creek, with a metal tube very deep. I fell into it and had to climb out in the pitch dark not being able to see a thing. But thankfully nothing was wrong except my toenail.
The next day we went to the game. Marcos me and Cristhian. He was all pumped up how I have no idea but Pretty sure it was the idea of being the champion and that they were. A very good game live, many people and fun to see them excited .
After the game a whole huge bus full of people screaming and happy and tooting horns and drinking and yelling.
We all went to the cousins place and had a pig that they cooked with the best rice ever!! it was so fun we all danced and laughed and ate it was a great time... It lasted till about three in the morning.
Then Cristhian and I came back, to Jaco on Monday morning.
Today we worked on the project, it was rough I think he is worn out from the weekend and he showed me allot of disrespect. Right now I am not happy with the situation, we will see what happens in the next few days.. I need to concentrate and get the job done and done well. MONEY IS IMPORTANT VERY IMPORTANT since things have been so rough...
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
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