Sunday, July 30, 2006

Ending the Week, possibly Esterillos to the beach today

Ending the Week : the Conclusion of this week was very good, what a full week it was but light on the other hand compared to the following week of San Jose every other day.
We just surveyed the houses, watched the progress and saw all the drapes put in at La flor number 18, Irwins casa, Tony is really becoming a great asset, I sure hope it lasts?? He is so very on top of everything, and also cooks and cleans for me drives for me everything.. I have never had anyone, let alone a man do so much for me.. It is so Wonderful. Its like I have personal, NO OFFENSE Man servant. I cannot quite figure this out at all. I believe he believes we are a perfect team in Work. Yet he does things for me here in the house, although were not involved. We do social things together too, but its only as friends. This is a great Feeling honestly.. I truly have a trusted Friend.

Tony shared with me a little of Tony's life experience, by being raised by both his Grandfather and Grand mother.. His mother was around but he has not told me why he was with the grand parents yet. He was raised in the deep Jungle on a finca, a farm.. He worked from the time he was old enough to make sense of things around 7 or so. Tony as such strong work ethtics and such a loyal attitude, that it is evident that his family has taught him a lot about life and people. He is one extremely perceptive person too, a good judge of character when it comes to everyone.
More on this later:
We Were looking at Irwins drapery install when a man who is buying another house at La flor came up with Edwardo, Remember Eddy is my good friend now too.. Eddy relies on me for something and completely trusts me with all the clients he has set me up with. He highly praises me to the clients which is so nice! I do appreciate Edwardo. With his British accent/ Tico accent.. Such a pleasure to talk to and be with. And Now that the big guys, the owners of La Flor like me and well he said that the Main Man fell in love with me the moment he met me is now happy that I am going to be involved with the clients in the office for the next ten days... Anywho.. This man is introduced to me by Eddy. We chat and then for some reason I become the tour guide in the bright hot sun of Jaco, in La Flor. I show this man the different aspects of the homes, and options on which you could choose to make the house different or with more space. We walked all the houses that I knew and Eddy opened the doors. I saw Herrardo, not the main Herrado but the one that I deal with all the time there at La Flor he is like the contractor smiled and winked at me as if to say good job!
I ended up offering to take him to San Jose on Saturday to the Diasa Showroom to help him select his floors tiles, bathroom, paint and more.. With the thought that I needed to drop Tony off at his house for the weekend, so we made a nice trip idea out of it.

That evening, we took David and Jadeda out for dinner, it was Davids birthday.. I wanted to do something nice for David, he is one of my furniture manufacturers. He is a great guy and so is his darling wife! I took them to this place at the end of Jaco on the very end of the road where it stops and the river begins. Its honestly a unknown spot to most Tourists, In fact hardly any tourists go there . It was so nice, a lovely setting with ranchos covering all the areas, this is palm covered roofs, with post made of raw wood. The tables were all slabs of wood with rustic chairs. The atmostphere is great, good music soft lighting outside, and plants and flowers all over. David was so surprised that I would think of this. Tony he and I and Jadeda, had a great time over food and beers, and virgin pina coladas.
Then we went to the store to buy things for the house with David and Jadeda along, and returned to my place for Ice cream and birthday celebration! It was so nice, we laughed and talked and had such a good time!

Then yesterday I picked up The man at the La flor the new possible client with Tony, we drove to Herra dura to a place that was suppose to closing out product but it was a come on to get people to come and buy.. I didn't buy anything the prices were high and she was a designer just like me only had better and more beautiful things! I was jealous!!! I want a place too... it will come I know. But it was certainly a nice place I will admit.
Then we drove on ward to Orotina where I begged Tony to stop and get me Memonies. Going onward then a hour or so to the bank. I had to stop to get money to pay the big truck on Monday, and pay all the furniture makers for delivery. Tony is in charge I hope it goes well?
The reason is its saints celebration and all the banks will be closed for three days not including the weekend. The bank was so full of people wow an hour to get money.

Tony and the man waited out side the bank then they went and looked at cars and things while I was in the bank. As soon as I was done, we went to Diasa to select the products for his house. We spent hours in there, and now Diasa treats me with much respect and totally waits on me like crazy.
It sure is nice to have this relationship with this wonderfully supplier. The show room is nice, but nothing like the ones in the USA.
We went from there to this little furniture maker and I got prices about chairs, then to a Iron maker for out door furniture and got more prices, by this time it was time to eat at the Rodeo, this place is outstanding in Santa Anna, or near Alleujuela... It has total delicious steaks and here that is hard to find. We drank our cocktails and had hors de orves, then the most wonderful jalapeno steak ever!

This man was so impressed with Tony and I, and now I think he will be using us to complete his home.
Dinner was wonderfully even he said that was awesome! he paid!
We went on to Santa anna, to this pottery maker and I bought lamps and masks, and pottery and metal stands and plates, chimicuri holders, ash trays and fruits and more for less than 200 dollars. ITS ALOT OF STUFF! I was so happy , but before there was tons of people in the pouring down rain in the streets with bands and more stands like a fair I asked Tony what was this all about? He explained in Spanish of course, Tony refuses to speak English.. that it was about the holiday and there is where is begins, the people walk all the way to Cartago to get blessed, prayed for and healed.. So Cool! I wanna go...

Interesting week so interesting! I am so lucky and blessed to be alive to be able to enjoy some of lives simple pleasures, and see the beauty of the country the nature of th people, experience the things with Tony now, and find that the business here is going to do very well... IM happy!

Today maybe swim again get some sun, because next week is Totally LA FLOR... Can't wait to see what happens.
Irwin just called, and asked about his Drapes. I told them there beautiful! and I was hoping he would return soon.. he said LOVE YOU BABY GIRL! see you soon..

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