Saturday, July 15, 2006

THe weekend, FIreworks, work dancing the lambada, more

IT's the weekend, and its beautiful in Costa Rica!

The weather here tonight is nice, cool (70) a bit and the skys were clear and full of stars. I looked out several times tonight after leaving San Jose once again.

I saw Fire works in San Jose and then when I returned here to place all the beautiful things I bought for a new client in a garage, I looked into the Jaco sky and saw fire works blaring.


Another fiesta is going on.

The weekend began only after meeting with my drapery guy camacho, medium height dark hair dark skinned tico. We were working on three houses at once. We had a beer together with Helen, and Tony. Tony ran to meet a contractor at an office we are doing, I told him we needed another performa, a bid. They call it a performa.. so he went to meet the man at 7:00, while Helen , Camacho, and I said and decided on fabrics, and talk bout biz.

Later Tony, came and picked Helen and I up and we all went to the Columbian restuarant in town. I ate light only a piece of pork loin, some avocado and half of an areapa. Tony ate big always does.. like four or so of everything. He says hes growing boy. We then came back here to the apartment, sat around for a while and listen to latino music videos. Then decided to go to Motaplatino. Eric Joined in and we rode for this first time for both the guys.
Eric and Helen in the back, Arya decided to stay home.. with her family. Tony driving and Marianna being the loca she is, singing and dancing all the way.
We rode it felt like miles this time in the jungle, I know Mr Silva was thinking I didn't know where the hell I was going but I did, I was laughing and singing the whole way! I had a dress on, Helen shorts and black top. Tony black, and Eric for a refreshing change was not in black!!! yeahhhhhhhhh

We finally got there and the place was closed, but I could see two dark figures in the bar sitting out in the open. We all walked in and asked why they were closed, Tony asked if we could kereoke, or hear music so the Dj who was one of the figures, the oher I have no clue but boy I found out later he could dance really well.

Well with no one there but us the Dj said he would turn on music for us girls. Next thing you know Helen and are Dancing, soon the Dj joins in then Tony, and the other guy, Eric was last to jump in. It was a heck of alot fun, I danced merange, cumbia, and lambada, I did that with the other figure, and then once with Tony, Eric comments on all our dancing and complemented me too said I did very well, it was a blast the dj even begain singing with the mic and it was great.. We were all singing it was a beautiful celebration of a new team.

Sorry about the photo, We were a bit spent from the night before, and in a store with about a billion people in line with purchases, Anual sale,wow good stuff. The managers of this stores know me and now send four or so people to help me.
At the counter they open for me and sen four to help... some people in the store were of course talking in spanish about who is she? and she gets four and they cant open one more?
I got all kinds of different needs from people who wanted to move ahead of my three shoppping cart train, with furniture on the side.
Wild... one and half hours in line, and three in the store shoppping.

We got done , Tony headed home, we dropped him off in this usual pick me up or drop me off place at the gas station.

He patted me on the head and said be carefull, have a nice time tomorrow, and kissed my hand

Driving back in the dark is no fun with a car full of items. We made jaco about ten, dropped off the stuff at the La flor, then to Helen and now home and resting.
Dinner was at soda in aluejalua

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