Tuesday, July 25, 2006


Today was ao interesting, it began early when I got up around six, I made the coffee and laid in the bed and thought about the goings about lately. I have someone from the internet who called me early on Sunday to talk to me about visiting COSTA RICA. Jon, he called several times to meet up with me, Finally he got a hold of me and we made a apoint to meet this week. He came to purchase property.

At 7:00 I emailed people, made the coffee and got ready for the day. I had to meet up with Day star around 11 to discuss finding article's for a hotel that is being built here in Jaco, but before that Helen called and came by so we could discuss the issue that happened last week, I pointed out to Helen that what transpired in the la tenda was incorrecto! And that I didn't want it happening again, Helen and I didn't see eye to eye this morning, but we left friendly and talking to one another. In the midst of the talk, Tony came back with Arya and Erics car and borough Arya back to Jaco. Tony plowed into the Apartment, totally sweaty from the heat and the humidity, brought in lots of fruit from Orotina. yeah I was happy!! Fruit!!

Onward with the day, glad is wasn't as bad as yesterday I had a flat! Went to the bank first there was a problem with an wire transfer, and I had to send my id, copies of signatures nd more so I took care of that first, then on the Day Star to talk about the job. After a good meeting with Day Star and he agreeing to have us find things for them, Tony and I were hungry so we went to a Soda on the beach and ate a great lunch pretty cheap too! To the bank once a gain and get money to drop off at Davids, store for some of the beds and cabinets the I making for me.

As soon as that was done we headed up to Hermosa, above Renes house and TEXAS TERRIES
Yesterday when I had the flat I limped to the bomba,( gas station) I was the only one there when all of a sudden six other cars also pulled in. One was limehouse realty, I had seen this car all over Jaco the guy got out, and I noticed he had a flat too?? I said hello and began to talk to him, he is older about 63, tall white pale skinned reddened from the hot Costa Rican sun. He talked to me for awhile about my car and said he really liked it, we exchanged cards, then he told me that he had these ocean view properties on a mountain. I really perk up and listened, I said I have someone coming from the internet and I would love to have you show them that property! he said if I sell it to this guy I will give you 150 thousand for the lead. He also said hey why don't you come up and see my house and decorate for me! he said I am building many spec houses and could use your expertise and your advice on landscape and more... so I was thrilled that I talked To Richard limehouse.
So as the day progress we plugged up the hill to the very top and landed at this beautiful Three story building that looked as if it belonged in Italy. Wow so incredible... Towering on the hill all a beige and tan, remember that Costa Rican hills near the beach are huge, and the sites are unbelievable, breath taking. The breeze the warm ocean air, the humidity from all the trees and jungle.

We Walked into the private gate house with a guard, who asked who we were and announce our arrival. What a beautiful place, I wish my Camera was working its still not right!! This place was a mansion, a real Mansion. NEW ONE with a infinity pool and an infinity hot tub, a single story master bedroom, yes one story is the bedroom, the second level is the kitchen and living area, the third is apartments that are rented out to friends or family or clients. Its a villa.. All pastel creams and biege, the cement was cut into blocks on the grounds, then pressure treated with acid maybe but it was all cobbled, So pretty. The up stairs to the house the concrete look much like real old stones... Everything in this place was totally first class. The huge fountain n the court yard, the garden impeccable, then the pools we saw the pools an additional up stairs courtyard.

the wrap around porch or corridor, the out door shower up stairs on the balcony.

Hey your on the top of the hill you can take a shower up there out in the open and I really don't think any one would care?? Do you? I was loving that so different , can you imagine, showering in the open with a three sixth view of beaches and mountains?

The floors were so perfectly done in this beautiful wood that was dark color, against white walls...

Anyhow he was the one I met at the flat tire, he told me about his place and invited me up to decorate it just like that! I went and he showed me this spectacular lots on the top of the ridge of the mountain over looking all of freaking Costa Rica... I was dying!! I could hardly contain my self.. So exciting way up and to see all that and to think I am getting a personal tour! Wow... Then we went back to his house and Tony was measuring windows for treatments, I jotted down color when the phone rang.

It was Edwardo, asking me to come to La Flor now, that the big bosses where there and wanted to meet me now. I said give me a little time I am in this mansion and honestly I don't want to leave!! He laughed and I said I will get there in an hour. I then ran over to the La flor and had the meeting with these four guys, Edwardo, Miguel, Herradro, and Herradro. It was very interesting the main guy was heavy and very talks tive, they all kissed me when I entered the room. Shook my hand and I smiled and responded correctly.
The asked me all sorts of questions in Spanish, God I am really getting better at Spanish, I still suck but it is better! I manage to answer all the questions with out making a total fool out of my self, one of the bosses the big one was smiling at me the whole time... When I left the room after a half hour meeting.. They responded to Eddy that I was a beautiful woman, guess there happy with having me work for then days.

As soon as this interesting but strange meeting was over, I asked Tony to drive us to this man he told me about that makes the best rustico raw style furniture. Its made from slabs of wood, the grain is really defined and so artistic. We got on the road to Punteranas about an hour away from Jaco, it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. Wild day that meeting with the Hefes, was very interesting if not entertaining, One little woman with Four men, of authority. Wow and they liked me and was happy I was going to be running the office for ten days.

This was in my head, all the way to Punteranas I thought was where we were going, I was thinking about the whole day while Tony honked and yelled get out the way in Spanish, Movelett movelett... waving his arms. Trying to get this place before it closed. I needed to buy or order alot of furniture for this one house.

We kept driving past the sea past Punteranas, now another hour into the tree tunnel and the lush green pastured of Guanacaste, the three trunks are dark black and the ferns are growing out of the limbs and trunks with, tillancisa, and bromeliads... then the trees leaves tiny and airy making a lacey pattern in the sky.

More and more we drove now im getting upset asking TONY WHERE THE HECK ARE YOU TAKING ME!!!??? soon we turned off on this side road , he made a phone call and we were now in a jungle area but a different sort of junge not thick or un enhabited, houses farms but Jungle wrapped around the houses, Bamboo, trees of every sort, bananas, palms more... I said WHAT THE HECK? then he picked up this guy Tico, very farm style, not like the people in Jaco.. HE was his relative in the jungle, he took us to this secluded Bar in the middle of the jungle. It had all the furniture I was looking for, it was a huge place all open, sitting down in a whole next to a river, the entrace was higher than the bar, restuarant. THen we went down this steep stair case... I saw the factory where they make the furniture.. Wow little but productive! Next to this huge river with green water flowing fast, over boulders and lush surroundings right next to the water. Soon I heard strange Noises, TONY SAID LISTEN!!! ITs CONGOS!! CONGO MONKEYS! Black howler Monkeys.
I looked up and there was a baby in the tree above me..


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