Thursday, July 27, 2006

Congo Part two

Congos, are black hairy monkeys, that are small framed and have a very rounded face.
When I heard them at First it sounded like dogs or people howling, very deep and guttural, and in short spurts. I was actually a bit afraid at first. Tony alerted me that they were not harmful. I was standing on this small metal Staircase with wedge heels on in the middle of a jungle area, that was beautiful. Tall trees, the sun was about dusk, the lighting in the trees was subtle, and shaded, muted colors of green and black and gray. This staircase was narrow and steep and lead to the small factory below the restaurant and bar sitting directly on the river. The trees towered over it, chickens were cackling, and making there bed noises, as they were getting ready to roost for the night. I noticed some where in the trees too.

I stared at this monkey for a long time in awe, thinking this was the coolest end of a very interesting day.
Then I progressed down the treacherous stairs, fearing that I would slip and once again hurt my leg. I got to the bottom where Tony and Jose, where standing looking at this huge root system all glazed, putting a top of a table made of a huge slab of wood.
It takes me back to when I was about 25, I made this table out of burl, it was a tree trunk base, and I put resin over the top only after setting sea shells I collected in SanFrancisco, near where I lived.. in the cracks. I made this table and it was a beautiful piece. It was our coffee table for many many years, one day one of my sons decided it would be fun to take a hammer and knock the little shells out of the resin. to see what they looked like, ruining the look of the table.. I wanted to clobber him, but he was small and curious... I understand.
These pieces are almost just like this table I made some 28 years ago. I reflected on this while deciding what to do for this whole house that is going to be Rustico style.

We walked back up the stairs, after much talking and stared at the monkey above. They guy got a pole and poked at the monkey so he would move for me... Then told me how the father had thrown him out of the family so he would grow up and begin on his own. The males are always thrown out. I felt so sad he was little and alone... Poor thing.

Then into the bar/ restaurant, to look at all the other options of pieces I could order or buy directly from the place.
I chose this fred flintstone looking dresser, SWEAR TO GOD IT LOOKS LIKE FLINTSTONE STUFF! Its COOL!! Then I picked out this killer TV stand with a door and drawers, and a shelf for the DVD, these unusual stools and more... I then walked around the place and heard birds in the early evening cooing the trees, the chickens sitting and roosting as I looked down the rustic wood limb style rails. I was overlooking this beautiful river. You could hear all the monkeys howling and making there last call for the night. The bats were flying eating all the mosquito's, and other night bugs. The one bird sounded like it was saying COOO COOO loud.. It was a real treat to see and hear all this for the first time. The water was white and light green as it rushed over all the boulders and I could smell the freshness of it as I stood above.

Tony and Jose were negotiating, I was living and thanking god for my life and my experiences here in Costa Rica, The way it has been lately has been so surrealistic, I have work but I am treated very well, I lay back and allow Tony to do all the thought stuff. THIS IS HOW IT SHOULD BE! I actually enjoyed the negotiations, and entered my opinions now and then, But mostly sat drank a meechalada, and had some fresh hot chichrones with lime while they argued.

We came to an agreement, while little unusual Chewowa dogs were milling about the place playing and barking. They added to the pleasure, making everyone laugh and pay attention to them. Then the dogs barked hard, The man said look to me in Spanish... Mira... Look... As I looked to the right of me in the front of the place on a bush of tea plants bright red and purple there was the baby Monkey staring at me and us close as could be! He was curious... So I got up and went out to see him the scurried across the bridge and jumped onto a huge tree over the river. We both stared at each other both curious. Iwas dressed in bright colors and I am sure he could smell me. They say that the monkeys can smell women, and they like them..
I could hear him saying some sounds, that sounded peaceful and curious.
I made sounds back and he stared. Then he climbed up further so I walked back to Tony and Jose sat and waited to finish.

I got a box as a gift for my purchase, I use to collect little boxes, so this one is now the new beginning of a new collection. It is made of four different color woods all natural. VERY PRETTY.
We shook hands agreed on 1300 dollars worth of furniture, and Tony and I were on our way back in the dark. We dropped the man off at his jungle house, his cousin. Then off to Jaco in the dark. Around nine we landed back to Jaco, I was filled with the days experience, from the morning conversation, with Helen, to the bank issues, the day star meeting, the Mansion the Heffes at La flor and then finale was the Congo monkey meeting! WOW that is different don't you agree?

then yesterday I had to return to San Jose to once again buy more things for the two houses. After a very long day of shopping bargaining, negotiating. We met up with Jon, Well in one moment I qualified him and found that he did not have the money for me to bring him here to show him the property that Richard Lime house has.
I was a disappointed, We met him at his Hotel in the middle of San Jose around 8:30, The Hotel was filled with beautiful women every where and it had a casino. I knew from the minute I stepped in it was a prostitute, gathering hole. It wasn't sleazy, the women from what I saw all looked very nice. BUT I DIDN'T like the Idea of being in that environment. So we went down the street to another place and had a cranberry and seven up and talk business. Tony just sat patiently, while I tried to find out about this guy.

Then when I told him the price of the property that changed his tune fast. We end up saying good bye and leaving around 11:00.

By the Time we got back to Jaco it was 1:00, exhausted I flopped in the bed and never heard Tony any more.
Today is a light day, only looking at the progress of la Flor, so I can see where we stand, then The gym, meeting with Edwardo to go over the office details and then tonight work on the spread sheets for the clients.

Its cloudy today I was hoping that maybe I could get some sun! I need some light. Yesterday it rained all day so it was gloomy and cold.

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