Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Learning La Flor

La Flor is a condominium complex in Jaco Beach where I have been doing most of the work That has transpired in the past few months. We now have a several houses totally complete with everything you would need to move in and live, Even the sheets and dishes, sometimes Forks and food! its a nice job, difficult but fun and nice. I had said before that I was going to be handling the office here at La Flor For Edwardo who is off in Chicago doing a sells presentation on the new la flor Towers.

Mari is in the office answering phones showing condos, and discussing business with the clients, many of them from the USA. While Tony handles all the transactions from Absolutely Beautiful here in Costa Rica. He takes care of the orders, the trucks that show up at 6 am and of course takes me with him to see.. like I love that.. NOT! and makes all the exchanges and phone calls to the vendors.

He is also working on the construction of a new office that I designed for another one of good clients herer In Jaco, Tony is really doing a great job! THANK GOD FOR HIM!! and he loves the work. Its nice to have that commoradery.ç, with the vendors. Getting a good association with all the different people who work with in the realm of our business.

That has left me to learn how to deal with LA FLOR.. Many people coming and looking and walking the grounds in the hot hot sun and humidity. After a while all my makeup is dripping off and ends up somewhere around my hips by the end of the day! The calls are few, the emails few but the people just looking is quite alot. I have to know when things are done with certain houses, I have to pick paint colors and talk to vendors about appliances since I am working double here as the office sales person, and designer.

Acutally I can not believe I am going to say this but it is so fun to be doing this at this level, in addition to living in a beautiful enviroment.

Yesterday I was asked so many questions regarding the towers, and I had none to draw from. So Quickly at that moment I called Gerrardo at Diasa and Got the information so I could see the condos. I had a serious interest in the Penthouse of one tower that is priced at 950 thousand dollars. This penthouse is two stories and overlooks all of Jaco. The mountains the Sea WOW I can not wait to see it built!

It was a little rough day yesterday, walking the grounds showing the casa´s talking to the people while all the workers whistle and yell and say things in Spanish as I walk by. THen In the evening I did the inspection of the progress on the clients casa´s to see who will be closing soon.

I stood in the balcony of one casa, that has all iron around it, like a lady in distress... I heard some guys down below yelling it sounded just like a woman... So yelled back ES ES MOHAIR O MARICONE ? they all laughed loud and then one yelled GUAPA WHOOOOOOOOO LEANDA... meaning pretty cute.... I asked is it a woman or a gay man? They loved it, then today at 6:30 when we arrived here for a truck to be uloaded, I was out of the car the workers had begun around five I am presuming. Tony was driving the car, and I grabbed on the top and hung on the side and road through the project, all the guys cheered.. and laughed. Then later after I did two hours of Kick boxing this morning I came back dressed in a beautiful leopard skirt and brown tank and heels and walked through and they all waved... as if to say HEY MARI!

Really good that they feel comfortable with me being the only woman here and taking care of business. MUCH RESPECT!!

Then to my suprise all the hefes showed up to see how I was doing and the project. They were here for hours, in the offce just chatting with me and laughing. We have a good repore. we discussed many opportunities for my company. One is Working at Diasa a couple a days a week with good pay for there special clients, meaning WAY MORE WORK!!! and I will be on the way to the goal of possibly buying that mountain soon and builiding my own home!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!! then the mayor hefe, the big boss... who honestly loves me sings to me and everything why???? LOL asked me to come to his new house and take a look and help with the design. Then the other hefe said he needed me to come and do the garden. So I think something is going to transpire with these men. I WILL NOT LET THIS GO I AM GONNA GET A CONTRACT .

We have a meeting on Aug 9th in Alluejuela. So I will know more then.

But as today I am happy with the exception that some how coffee got into my expènsive cell phone and now I have no phone. We just had all the cards made. signs made, and now the car is getting signs put on it too.

Oh yeah and the fact that Tony was carring my New Purfume in the office last night for me, and dropped it and broke my new bottle of Happy, I love that purfume dang it!! It wasn´t cheap either, he was very apologetic, but I was disgusted anyhow with a certain situation, and the phone issue now the purfume so after that I tore all my acrylic nails off I was so depressed!
I have the phone in a repair shop, but if its anything like my camera, it will never get fixed here... THEY JUST DON¨T KNOW HOW!!

Today is no people because it is another holiday. So the Office is very quiet, maybe tomorrow more people.

We did go to a community action counsel meeting. I belong to the board here, and I have not gone for months because of my accident with my leg. Now im back working, Exercising and its time to get in and help. I offered to help the district attorney for the Muni to put an office for the victums of crimes .

They have nothing to offer people, they needed help with an area for kids so I said I would help and be involved. Helping the people is good, and I look forward to doing well for the community.

Tony´s first experience with this sort of meeting and he actually got involved with the Owehota, and the attorney. This is good he is making a presences here in Jaco, I want `people to know us. He was excited and impressed with the discussion of the meeting. Later that evening Tony and I had a very good talk about life again, and about what happened in the day. He had a totally different respect for me after he saw how the people treated me and him at this community meeting.

Although he was upset prior to some circumstance that happened to him, he seemed to pop right back and laughed and enjoyed the evening. Eric came by and we all sat on the balcony they smoked and I drank a beer, we ate some chips and dips and just hung out and enjoyed the evening. Arya was in bed I think?

Tonight for the first time in ages I am gonna cook something really good, And maybe die the hair. NEED A CHANGE something to brighten my face up!

in a few days I will photos of two different style houses that we are doing so be looking for that!

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