Sunday, July 23, 2006

Shopping shopping shopping

Shopping In San Jose is difficult, if you have little knowledge of the city, Thank God for Tony he knows all the streets all the locations of things, and if he doesn't he asks everyone where to go.
We spent the day in San Jose looking for Rattan and membre is what they called it, its like wicker to us. We went to two places we were recommended to go, but the prices were so high and some of the work was bad that I decided to look further. We drove all over the city ended up at one of my favorite places to shop, and bought more things for two houses. Tony Dropped me off and went to get prices on office furniture, and a quote for a counter that I have designed. He left me there a long time so I walked the mall bought a sweater and some tcby, relaxed and sat waiting patiently for him.
Upon his return, I insisted we go to another place but the rain began and we knew we were going to have to carry some of the furniture on the top of the car, Tony was going to go by his house pick up the plastic and the rope when we had got stuck in traffic in the pouring down rain.

We moved a little, when I noticed on the right in the middle of a neighborhood a tortilla Factory. Commented on it and he explained how long it had been there. Then moving forward just a bit more I saw an old old house, wood slats, with mud inbetween. A big old porch, and as I glanced I saw some man making wicker furniture! Wow they had all kinds of nice stuff, right by Tony's house. So Tony dropped me off to make a deal on something I had in mind, and he went to get the plastic and rope.
The little house was totally a a work shop, but as I walked around and peeked in the window, and by the way there was no glass I saw an old woman sitting in the dark un lit house at an old rugged table.

She saw me and just peered at me. I sat in a rocking chair that was all cane, and rocked back and forth as I talked to the guy with my lame spanish, as I talked one man who was constructing said he recognized me? I didn't know how I never have been to this place ever. I have been a few places but San Jose is filled with people and little cubby hole places and its pretty big so the chances of someone recognizing me is sorta slim.
He did know who I was, He worked For Orlando clear across town, and here he was working for this man. When he saw me he told the man I was working in this business, and that It was not for my personal house.
THen soon Tony returned and the negociations began. We settled but it was higher than I expected. I deposited them so I hope that the product comes out good.

They did make some very nice peices at this one. I felt good about the people too. So I know it may be a good connection for the future.

Then we went to exchange a mirror that got broke or was broke and we didn't see it, only when we took it out of the box. Well Thats a joke.. Here in Costa rica no one takes anything regardless of what or how THey take nothing back nothing. We went to two of the locations and no there not going to return anything. So now I have to replace the mirror in this huge mirror for one house. It was a problem, and I was tired, Tony was trying his best to be positive but it just didn't happen.
Later we drove back to Jaco, unloaded all the stuff at 11:00 at night. Came back to work the following day at the office on another bid, then We drove to Tamarindo, and to Playa Conchel, and Flamingo.. the ride over was beautiful!
It was so pretty, a tunnel of trees most of the way. The mountain sides so green and full of bird and butterflies.
Lots of wild life.
The Roads were good to Punteranas and about 1 hour past. But then the roads turned to mud, and no gravel, only dirt. The rain created red roads.
The Roads were actually red, because of the mud. This mud is used to create all the Costa Rican Statues and pottery that is sold on the road sides. Beautiful Pottery... and I am sick I didn't get any for these jobs. I thought we were going to spend the night, but Tony opted for going to libera, seeing if there was a fiesta after our solicitating, come to find out there was but it was late, i fell asleep and he kept driving. So It was too late to pick up any artisans products.

Tamarindo is similar to Jaco, in that there is only one street in the town, and arterials, only most of the arterials are mud.
The town it self was much better than Jaco , because the buildings and the stores shops and Condos are really well done. The Prices in the Restuarants were very high and the streets were filled with Americans.

Play Conchal, was simply gorgeous, clean, really natural, the little shops,and authentic restuarants were not as high and the food at one we were we stopped and had some mechiladas, and I had ceveche, he has Arroz con mariscos was fabulous.
This place sat directly on the beach, a little above the actual ocean. The view of the beach and surrounding areas were really amazing, unforgettable. To look to the right and see Flamingo with Small Islands, and enormous houses on top of them and nestled in the mountians, that sit directly above the clean white beach, was truley pictureseque. To look the left you saw a complete beach that was private only for the conchal condo complex, and is miles of private beach. WHITE SAND with spectacular surroundings.
This was an evening I will not forget, Tony and I had wonderful conversations about life, things in general, and we laughed an awefull lot. It was really a nice Sunset to behold and to remember.. We may continue to try to develope work in this area, although its hours from Jaco and a long way from San Jose. We would have to come up with a plan and spend weeks there
working. WOW WHAT A SHAME... to have to work in that inviroment! NOT! its beautiful, and I would love the opportunity to at least spend some time there.

I may go back before Aug 20th and see it once again and try to set up meetings.

This next week is crunch time for two houses to be completed.. One has gone already over the budget. Its hard when the space is double than another that was quoted so I may have to call and discuss with the client some options.

Helen will be helping this week, She needs to work too.. As well as all of us... I had to lend Helen some money, I hope it helped her? She seemed so depressed. Makes me sad too.. I love Helen.

She has three people living in one little room on one little bed... I feel so bad when I see this I can hardly stand to go over there... but I try to be a good freind to her regardless of her doing things that are not exactly right when it comes to our work.

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