Monday, July 10, 2006

Panama pg 5

We got the gas, and then Followed the bus, the tourist bus that was going to Panama city. At first the following was fine, the bus signaled when he moved lanes and we followed. Then we came to a Police stop, which took some time for all of us to show the passports again, this is common in Panama.

As we took off we could see the bus in the distant, it was beginning to get dark, so the lights were visible to us now.
Soon Tony pushed fast to catch the bus and before you knew it the bus was out of site, and no longer around. He tried to go as fast as he could but could not catch the bus. It became a joke, follow the bus, with every bus we passed, which was not the bus we were to follow. Soon Tony became provoked with that. Saying Follow the bus. Arya and I found it funny but not Tony.

We not only lost the bus soon after leaving Santiago, but Tony could not remember the name of the hotel that the bus driver was going to lead us to. A place that was not expensive but nice.

We drove for a few hours in the dark, I knew there would be street signs, since it was different than Costa Rica, the Highways were exactly like USA.. Once again the USA paid many dollars into this country and it is very evident. Soon I saw lights, like the suburb of Panama City, you could see more roads lit up and I knew were getting close. We stopped at a toll and paid and asked at that point and the gal in the booth said go a half hour more, the sign is on the right and exit right, then go through town make a left.

Tony was so excited that we were actually in Panama city. Some place neither of us has been! You could hear it in his voice and he was singing loud now! I saw the sign and Said Loud before he saw it to the darecha, DARECHA!! To the right... Well he said no it straight ahead I disagreed said no the girl said. He kept going forward and well you can guess now. He missed it.

In the night it was hard to find out way around, there were no other exits, till you got Miles from this one, no turn arounds nothing.
Tony kept going and going, I was getting upset, I don't know Bout Arya and Eric they said nothing. I said Tony you have to go back.
So at that we went a little further, and then found and exit, I had to explain to Tony how to use it as In Costa Rica, they do not have exits where you can go round the freeway and re enter the freeway. He was confused. I managed to gently guide him and he felt better.

Then heading back on the Dark Freeway once again he missed the exit to Down town. Now Tony was Rummy and didn't speak at all. He was angry with himself and me.

I excitedly said Turn on the next exit and try to find our way across.
So he did, we went round and round, then found a street and took it! Perfect it was the right way... We crossed over a huge bridge and found out it was the Panama Canal, I could see it and said hey this is it the PANAMA CANAL! You could see all the lights and the huge span's of water.
We crossed it and went down in into a really bad part of town, it looked very bario.. Soon in the middle of the city. We got onto this road and it turned us back to the other side of town, but little did we know it was not far from were we landed at then end of the trip.

We saw a McDonald's, and stopped. By this time everyone was hungry so we got out the place was closing and saw two police on bikes. Remembering that Tony got great directions from them in David, I quickly walked over and talk to the two slim bike cops.
They were a little shy to extend there hand but when Tony walked up tall and confident, they took our hands and said good evening.
Tony then asked and they said they would not mind showing us where to go.
Ate at the McDonald's first time for me in Ages, I hate McDonald's.. The guys had big macaw and Arya and I had chicken sandwiches. Not bad but very late.
So then we followed the cops on the road way Tony was so tired he did not believe that it was the same cops... I kept saying SI TONY ESTA DE POLICIA... No Marianna differenete, SI Tony Mismo...
That went on for five minutes or so, until I said Stop look at them... He said oh oh yeah and laughed.
We were directed to this beautiful part of Panama where the buidlings were 40 some stories tall.
Wow incredible right on the waters edge.
We stopped at this one Hotel, some 30 stories. The cost was $ 250 per night. We asked where can we go not expensive, the guy with his lisp when he talked said oh you must go to another part of town up town not here on the water.
So at that we stopped again in a uptown. Once again the price was high, The young man standing out front was staring at me so I called him over and asked him while the guys were in side.
He told me to go around the corner, so I got in the drivers seat and when Tony returned he just gave me a curious look I said relax its ok I will drive.
The young man got in his tourist bus and had me follow him to a nice place around the corner for 65 per night. It was called the Parador. a four story building built around the 70's or 80's kinda disco modern. But nice.
The rooms were average size and two nice big beds. But no Towels only two, no face no hand only two towels.
We had a nice balcony on ours overlooked the neighbors hotel pool. Eric and Aryas was lame looking at terrible battleing.
It was fine for the night. Everyone was tired.
The next day we got up and ate that dungeon type restaurant that the hotel had in the bottom level. No windows and very little lighting. I didn't like it at all.. Tony was mad cause we ordered and the gal had no personality, nor did she bring the order.
"Only mine. Then we shared, after I could see she misunderstood him and didn't bring anything. He was pist! I just said eat mine. And I apologized for the mistake. In the mean time Arya and Eric were not happy either. Arya was mad at Eric and this continued a couple of times during the day. We tried to make light of it,I understand her point.

WE went outside and there was a little ol mad asking if he could take us around for thirty bucks. Tony questioned me and I said oh well I guess lets go! We split the fare for the guy.
Then he drove us straight to the Canal, we went on the tour and saw the incredible feat of action that was done many years ago. The amount of work that was entailed by this great idea. The amount of men that lost there lives for the cause of future... and the incredible amount of money it took to build this back then.
The Display in the canal is very well done. It is definitely a must if you ever go to Panama.

I was amazed, and I think Tony was too. After he was emotional and hugged me said wow Marianna this has to be the best time of my life, he actually had tears in his eyes. It made me cry too... He was so thrilled to see this amazing wonder of the world. HE told me how much he appreciated me and how he will never ever forget the time he has spent here and with us.

Then we asked the ol man to take us to the souvenir shops. So I could buy some Panama Hats.

I bought one for Tony, one for me and two for my sons. Tony's was brown it looked good with his skin. Mine is white with a black band and the boys are the type that Teddy Roosevelt wore.

We had fun bargining with the vendors. Eric and Arya did too, the bought a few things as well.
After he drove us around and we saw a few sights. It was a very nice day. Rainy but nice.
Then we walked across the street to eat at this very good fish restaurant. The price was a bit steep, I paid for Tony and I he had no money at this point. But I didn't care... I really don't mind paying for people if I have the money... Its just part of being kind to others. He ate some soup as well as Eric is eating his way through the countries trying All the Marisco Soups in every restaurant! I had garlic filet of red snapper with Parsley and celantro. Arya had some patacones and something small. The bread was great there filled with cheese and spices. We dipped it in olive oil and vinegar. Just like at home in the states.

Then Tony asked if he could pick some mangos , he and Spotted a tree behind the place when waiting on Arya and Eric to arrive from the room.
He asked them to get us some but no one wanted to climb the tree. So Tony did and got a huge bag of them!

We all gave him a high five!

Tony is a great guy, should you ever come to Costa Rica you need to contact me and I will give you Tony's number.

After we went to this mall in another area of town, once again another little man drove us for 2 dollars clear across town.
I was not in a shopping mood, THe guys took off many times... I knew that they just wanted to get away.
Arya was shopping then Eric came. It sorta went sour after that. I didn't shop I sat, watched people. I don't know why I was down, I don't know why I didn't want to buy anything, and now thinking back that was dumb. Because the price of things are so cheap. I could have bought my sons great shoes and gifts for the states. But I didn't

I drank and iced coffee and watched people. Wow they dress nice there.. Fun to see the difference in the cultures.

It was dark now, and We took yet another cab who charged us another two dollars to get back to the place we were staying.
I don't recall eating again, only drank some beers, on the roof top, after we hung out in Eric and Aryas, room.
We all went to the Rooftop and sat and looked at the sights. It was beautiful from the top. Wow I was quiet for a long time thinking how lucky I was to be able to at least experience this. Now understand this.
In my whole life, My desire has been to see the world, I use to watch every show ever on travel, and discovery. I was never capable financially to go much. I have only seen Canada, lots of states, I drove one time through the country. I have seen New York, only for a moment since I caught the wrong plane going to key west.
I have seen the keys, Mexico a little, and Kauai. and a short trip that Milo paid for to New Mexico. That is the extent of my travel.
So for me to be sitting on a rooftop in Panama City was Thrilling.

I feel like this is only the beginning for me. So some reason in my little head I believe I will see more. I don't know how but I will. I want to see the Island of San Andres next. So I may be working on that after the Holiday season, in the states... or It may be Italy. I do have a Friend there..

That night was fun, we drank beers, while Tony and Eric drank Vodka, Tony peeled the mangos and Arya ate six, We had them green too with salt and lime with the beers. Very Good! then some Young boys came over visiting from Texas, hustle a couple of beers from Tony, soon I went to bed. I didn't want to hear these kids talk about there partying. Tony then preached to them and they began to sing songs, one had a guitar. Eric said it was really cool.

The next day we , packed up and got ready to head back to Costa Rica. We stopped at this gas station and I bought some meat that was at this little soda next door, it looked like jerky but it was so salty I gave it to Tony. Also these weird tamales wrapped in hala leaves... Only corn. I don't know... Didn't like it.
we traveled on I was driving and Tony kept saying Go faster on the hills.

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