Monday, July 17, 2006

ITs cool today

It is very cool today in comparison's to most days here. It is cloudy out and I read this morning about another sunami in makes me wonder if that has had an effect on our weather too?

I was suppose to go to San jose to pick up Tony and the rest of the things I purchased the other day but I got up and decided to clean up the apartment, eat, write, and get the printer set up so I can print contracts for all the other clients I have now, and send faxes to the ones that are waiting to deposit. The Printer wont set up with out the CD so I was going to go the site and see If I can do it my self.

Then I will go to the gym, and then drop off my laundry. I do not have a washer, and hand washing lately hasn't happened. First I am really busy, second is the weather, rain and cool doesn't dry fast on the line.

I have a new companion maybe??? A parrot that Elena wants to give me.Helen and I went and visited her and Terry yesterday in Herradura. She sold her house and another property so now there going to construct there new one. We talked about the garden and the inside. So I may be helping her a bit for that.
We had a nice visit, but she wants me to take this parrot called Cha cha. I might, since I love birds, but I am gone more now and I would feel bad to leave Cha cha all the time. Or maybe I could train Cha cha to go with me places? I dunno but I am thinking about it.

She is a little green amazon, not a macaw like the ones here. THere are amazons here and peach faced and white and green and white most of those are not allowed as pets. But this kind is.

THen after we came back to Jaco, I was going to fix dinner for Eric and Helen since it is there birthdays! We saw a parade in town with over two hundred horses, its an anual thing. They play loud music from a truck in front and the horses actually dance to the music. Ya know like the lippisans? only these are mostly Carillos, A costa rican type horse. Some were beautiful heads held high and so proud.. dancing and prancing like royal horses, some were all sway backed and ugly too with little children on them with the traditional leather Costa Rica cow boy hats.
Its funny too, cause I decided to wear my panama hat yesterday, when I arrived at Helens she asked where my horse was, no sooner than she said that I said, here down the road, not knowing they really were down the road. When we saw them she cracked up at me! said I knew... but really I didn't!

I had a nice leasurely day.. then I made dinner for Helen and Eric, with the help of Arya's sister in law and Arya.

We watched the sunset here it was beautiful the sun is starting to come our way now, while We drank a glass of wine.
Then Helen and I talked for a bit on the balcony under the trees and plants that are growing huge now.
I decided were to put Cha cha if I get her today.

This morning I woke up early and thought about my life and what I needed to do this week with work, Thought about my kids, and the new things developing in my life. I made a decision to be more involved with exercise like I use to be. I want to start up Jazzercise here!! I know I can do it....

Then today will hopefully accomplish all the things I have on my list.

Helen and I talked about San Andres,maybe after Aug I will go there for a few days.. I been dying to for months now.

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