Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Panama Adventure

The Las Olas is a resort located in a bay, in the upper most part of Panama. We had no clue what this place was about or how much it costs.
When we drove up you could see the nice landscape and the lights of the Hotel, not very well lit but nicely done. We drove into the round entrance and sat in the car while Eric and Tony went in to check the price and get us a room. We were all tired at this point and hungry. I saw how beautiful the reception area was and told Arya in the car I didn't care I was staying here.... When the guy's returned it was 130 a night, I said oh god.... I questioned Eric and he Went and politely asked if they could give us a better price. YES they gave it to us, for 70 per night. So we took Two rooms.

Tony and I and Arya and Eric. The rooms were very nice with big balconies over looking the sea, but it was so pitch black that we didn't know that until the morning.
We ate dinner in the beautifully decorated restaurant, with rich European style decor` and food that was four star. The Margaritas were delicious! And in pretty thick Mexican glasses. I had two! Went back to the room only to decide to go to the little bar down the road with Tony to see what beer they had for him. We bought a 6 pack of Panama and altas, it was only $4.00. Took it back then Tony and I Sat on the balcony and talked till 1:00 a.m. We laughed and talked and had a very nice time.
In the Morning I got up Tony was still asleep, I opened the black out curtains and to my surprise the beach was nearly 20 feet away! WOW.... What a beach. For as far as you could see was beach.. On both sides. It was HOT HOT HOT... No trees, only trees where the ones they planted in the landscape design. There were pathways, of old tiles broken set into cement, and beautiful lush surroundings.

A pool down the path with a dolphin spitting out water into the pool. It had three levels of pools.

When Tony woke up We chatted over coffee until Eric heard us next door and leaned over the balcony and said wow that pool is awesome, the swim and breakfast was great! I said THANKS ERIC GOD! IM going... So I got my suit on and ran down stairs, Tony Followed and walked on the beach Alone. I swam for more than a hour. The pool had some very beautiful women around it, with children. They were from the states. WE talked and they shared some secrets about Panama with me. I can't wait to return and see some other parts of it.

It is very evident that USA Provides much money for the country. The roads are exactly like the states, and the bridges are really build well.

Tony returned to capture me and take me out of the pool, so that we could get onto the adventure.

I forgot to mention that in the car the day before, we stopped to asked directions and while we were stopped the Air condition went out. So Today was a Day for Tony to Find someone to help fix it. Riding in a car with four people, in the heat is not pleasant.
We checked out and piled in, road through the hot county roads flying, and singing all the way in Spanish.

Soon thought a couple of small towns we ended up in David, the community the size of Porterville Calif. Not big but not little.

David has a couple of nice casinos, great shopping, nice grocery stores and clothing stores. Actually its a nice little town.

We found the electrical shop, and Tony talk to the guy about the air. Eric and he smoked while we waited. Arya and I were getting hot... Then Tony suggested that we get in a cab, while they waited on the car and shop.

This was after we ate at this Chinese place where the plates of food where so huge it was enough for five people... And each of us ordered! GOD....So full... So at that I was not excited about going. Too full to hot an was worried about the car. But Eric pushed area and I left and went shopping.
They told the taxi to take us to an area where there were a lot of stores.
He did and boy was I surprised.

We got out to a streeted filled with people buseling about. Loads of locals. The common dollar store on every block on every other store. I saw this one that looked nice so I went in and arya followed. WOW ok shoes for 3 dollars, 5 dollars and I mean they were beautiful shoes. Tops for dollar five dollars, jeans for seven.

Of course I got some! I was very happy and the place was filled with people. The soccer game was on , the world cup. The people were gathered around watching the game inside and out.
Then the game came to a critical point. I was ready to check out and no one would wait on me. NO ONE!!! I stood and stood and stood, I tapped on the counter, I cleared my throat, I said excuse me.. Nope no one they all watched the game. So finally I tapped on the register.. Then I got results.

We had an hour, which was not enough I found out for Arya, she is a shopper from hell! Takes her forever.. So I moved on and went to six stores. When I returned she was still in the same store.

The taxi came I was out front she still in the same store.. I yelled ARYAAAAAAAAAA about five times. Finally she came. The driver took us back to Tony and Eric and the car. To find out it cost 15 dollars to rewired the fuse box. NOT BAD!!! So on we went only after finding these sodas that were made of malt, and had to have one.
Off we were going now and Tony Manage to get us a police escort!!! yeah to another town.
They lead us almost the whole way.... Now were were off to a mountain area of Baru, the volcano Baru, in the mountains of Bouquete.... A slow gradual climb. But you could see the elevation from the distant.
Long road with flat terrain, then gradual plateaus. Then the Mountains....

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