Thursday, July 20, 2006

Tues, Weds and Now Thursday

Tuesday I needed to go to San Jose to find furniture makers, new ones bamboo ones, Rattan ones,and Rustico ones. Helen went with me early around 8:00. The day was so pretty because the night before the rain that poured so hard washed the world clean. Amazing after a rain isn't it.... well Normal rain, not the Portland kind that you really never see the difference. It was as if things sparkled.
We drove as fast as I could behind trucks, cars, cattle trucks and old beaters. We got in to the Aluejuela and picked up Tony at the usual place. Now the shell station. Its easier than trying to go all through the neighborhoods to find him. We make a round about and head back on the pista. But this time I wanted to Talk to Orlando, he does Rustico Furniture, where they burn the finish on, it looks redish black. Kinda cool, very Spanish. We met with him while Tony took the car to get washed and looked at the fan belts. After the Panama ride through the river Poor tortuga is having some issues. Nothing Serious just making a sqeeking noise. I Noticed that lots of cars here to this? and I don't know why, Tony thinks Replace them but I think I should take it to the dealship.
Its a bit different here at the Dealership, they do not have anyone on the site you have to send it out. So he just took a peak and had a second oppion. By that time Orlando, Helen and I ate and were talking about details on the conferene table, and other beautiful Items I selected for him to hand craft.

One huge comference table with round pedistools, one table with Iron legs all underneat a pine, round top, and two small iron and wood tables.
HE is doing beds too, queen beds with fabric head boads and foot boards in an elegant carved wood header. Really different..
We all then went to see about my phone, I need a cell phone. Tony and Orlando know someone who can help you get one here. Ite not easy here to get one Ice makes you go through heck, since so many Amerians abuse the system here. Its very cheap to have a cell phone, but Americans call home and use it to the ultima and then leave the bills behind. So now its difficult for us to have one.
I got mine, now all I have to do is have Ice put the chip in it.
LAter we spent most of the day driving around looking for product, I had a rough day it was long and tiring trying to Attain all the things I could with Helen and Tony. Tony was fine it was Helen who was anoying me and slowing the process down. But I learned something about her, she does go behind my back and says things she thinks I didn't understand.So Now NO MORE HELEN with the clients or the vendors.
Only at the house is where Helen belongs, doing things in the finished process.

You see it is nessesary to have people negotiate for you, I speak some spanish but not enough to make a good impression. Although they know I understand because I do answer most times correctly.I am finding that Tony is the one to negotiate, Not Helen or I. So this is his postion now with the business.

He fits well and has such good manors when it comes to the vendors. They are very respectfull of him and thank us both and actually give us gifts.
Nearing the end of the day, I found a killer Furniture maker, they do hotels and restaurants. But its all tropical, and rattan, Bamboo, Big bamboo like I have never seen. This stuff it probably 6 or more around. HUGE.. I fell in love with a set that was two large chairs, a coffee table and a sofa for less than 500 bucks. It's massive, all black. So cool,So I picked out fabric for the cushions and all the throw pillows.
Then we went on a search for the rattan makers. Found a couple but the prices were ridiculous. So no go there. Tomorrow we are heading back early to find some more and to pick up pieces we found.
We ate at Tony's Favorite place in Aluejeula, and had yucca, checharones, and puree. I couldn't eat it all so Tony ate mine. Helen scarfed her's down in minutes and drank two beers. Wow...
Driving back late at night to end up at La Flor, to unload the catch of the day!

Yesterday We worked from 7 in the morning till 10 at night just having meetings, with builders, vendors, the workers at the la Flor, and selecting more furniture from a local maker here in Jaco.
It was a long day, we ended it by talking on the balcony and having a glass of wine while Tony had a beer and Eric joined in and visited after the girls were alseep. I was playing the music too loud. I forgot about the little one next door. THey are visiting for two weeks and leave on Sat.

Today I woke up early the Roosters are crowing and I a laying in bed with latin videos on, I am finding the music here is most incredible. I really am loving it. But then again I love most music, its just this is passionate and new to me and has such feeling.

I am hopefully going to the gym today, getting a cell, pickin up cha cha and working on spread sheets, going to the bank, and discussing bids.
Full day but I do plan on Sat to do something veryfun either leave the area and go to guancaste or somewhere else to experience something new

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