I swear, Every week is a holiday here. Right now is the labor day weekend. Once again the Pueblo is buseling. Not as much as the past holiday but it is obvious that something is happening.
I have been hanging out with Ken and Marcia, Today We are having a party at Kens. But the past two days I been doing things with Ken and Marica. On Friday night I was sitting at Cafe Del mar, after a day of meeting with the new client on the mountain top, then discussing with the manager of La Flor the changes that need to be done with the Condo, and having basic fun driving around Jaco in my new car.
I was talking with several people there at Rosies, when Ken and Marcia Drove up and yelled at me from the street. They had been out and had a little of a buz, I could see Ken was smiling from ear to ear. Ken is an odd sort, but funny as heck. Marcia and him make a very unusal couple but as Milo said amuzeing. They insisted I go to the beatles bar and I insisted No!! I will not set foot in that place. So they asked If Would go with them to a couple of places to dance.
Of course I cannot dance yet so I said I will go but only to watch and you can dance. We had one drink at Pancho Vias, the Muisc was very good in there. Latin music for some reason makes me feel so happy.
But there were no people in Panchos, The bar tendered had no idea how to make a Martini, so I instructed her with the minimal supply of booze she had. It was a blue Martini, horrible. But Marcia and I drank it anyway. I was not into drinking, I just went to be with them. Besides it was like 12 oclock at night.
After Panchos. We went to Monkeys. Filled to the rafters as normal, We walked in to a now inclosed bar, that was smoked filled. Personally I hate that, since I use to suffer from asthma, and when I am in those situations, It always flair up. I sat and Ken and Marcia Danced. I was not impressed with the music. Its the same music I have heard there for Months. I think they have it taped and play it over and over. LOL.... only half an hour of this and I was ready to come home.
The following day Ken and Marcia and I were suppose to go shopping for the dinner party on sunday.
Anna Corina came by in the morning and talked to me about her night before at the Del mar where she was a bit tipsy, and couldn't remember who she had talk to the night before.
She used the computer for her email. I talked to Milo on line and then Got ready to leave to meet Ken. But Anna Cornia Wanted a ride into town to eat Chicken at this bbq place so both of us went and ate, sitting outside watching the people drive and walk by. Soon in a few minutes I saw Ken and swifly went in the x mas permanos to buy the groceries. The store has an ATM so I used it to get some money to pick up my laundry that had been sitting at the lavadoria for a week. I left it there and totally forgot that I left it! BEEN BUSY....
I walked to the laundry with was about two blocks, but getting two blocks in Jaco sometimes take some time. Because you end up seeing someone you know you stop and talk and them move on of course this happens like several times during the walk.
Later I went to the opposite end of town and found this indian guy who was selling orginal Indian art from Costa rica. I could not resist loooking at it. It was colorfull, masks of birds and animals, bow and arrows. Drums and Rain sticks all hand painted with typical Costa Rican style.
I thought about it and it was not much money for each one, in Amercian Dollars something like 14 dollars for each. I picked out three things I loved.
One is a jaguar, one was two parrots on a Mask, and one was a drum with with toucans and parrots painted on with a snake skin top.
Great Art to hang on the wall.
I came back to to Edias to sit and visit and say Hello, since I have not seen here in Two weeks.
She had a client but while I was waiting, another friend dropped by Christina. She is Joes girlfriend Christina and Joe are also and interesting Couple. She also dominicana, he Italiano.
Christina wanted to spend some time with me and Invited me to her house for abeer and dinner. I accepted.
I walked down the alley where I use to stay when I first came here. Christina and Joe purchased two houses side by side that was owned By Paula a Friend of Glenn Wright my editor in the states In Portland Oregon. Paula and I lunched together right before I left for here. SOME SMALL WORLD. I wish Paula had sold these houses to me first. Christina and Joe stole them actually. VERY CHEAP FOR THIS LOCATION. But then I would not be friends of theirs, If I had... Something that I could be clear around the world practically, and meet someone and be freinds with them, then to have a connection with the past of my other world and friends. COMPRENDE?
We decide to walk 50 feet to this new soda that opened on this dirt road by the two houses that they own. It has no sign no real identity but it sure was good, and once again I was amazed. The food was great and beautiful! I also met a lady there that has some land Tica, in Hermosa, and she is wanting to show it to me. We ate and laughed, it was dark and hardly any light but one light bulb in the roof of this tico style soda out doors.
Later we took the car and went to Rosies, Christina wanted Coffee, I didn't I just sat and talked to five American guys who saw us and sat down with Rosie Christina and I. Of course they were the typical Americans here... Explaination later....
From there Helen and Catia showed up and we all pilled into my car and went to the house for me to change and they wanted to go to the central for salsa dancing. I just sat in the chair and watched. It was fun. I enjoyed myself totally even with out dancing. Although I did chair dance with three different people, funny never have done that before! It was hillarious to me that these men didn't care, I showed them my leg and refused to dance and each one didn't care danced with me there on the chair.
I came home and went Straight to bed after dropping everyone off.
Now Today I have to bake a apple pie, and make a Pineapple upside down cake. then make chicken parmesian and eggplant for the party today.
Life is nice right now, I am doing well with my health, my friends and my work. Now If only the kids would come and visit, and Milo would come and stay! Things would be grand!
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Labor Day weekend here
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, April 28, 2006
Mangos Mango Mangos

That big one is a kilo itself, its bigger than two of my hands, the little ones are sweet as candy, the big ones are incredible, when we were in Orotina I wanted to photo the mass of fruit there but I forgot the chip in the computer.... so Next time.
Soon in a few weeks I am going to Limon the carribean side, to see the factory where the furniture is being made, I hope to begin a process there. Fill you in later....
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Didn't feel like bloggin
ITs been a couple of days with out blogging, the leg has been bothering me much. I just wonder if this thing is ever going to stop giving me pain? I just carry on though as if there is none and most times I do not mention a word about it. But it seems it agrevates my mind, and I cannot think straight or concentrate the way I should.
I have this Condo, as I have mentioned that I am suppose to be doing from top to bottom its a very pretty one. It sits right on the beach with many others in a house like situation with a pool. large spainish styles with black Iron in sides and huge staircases. Very Nice called La Flor... It was one I talked about early on in the blogs about trying to get in with them and doing work for the company. Now finnally after many months I am in and it came to me.
The people I am working for have several of these beautiful places, I would love to have just one!! haa but hey Im so gratefull that at least I am capable of doing some work and getting my mind off the leg, and hopefully making some money here.
Its been hot but nice at night cooling down, the rain has been steady now almost every other day, only in the afternoon and then stops. Everything is so green and flowering really incredible, so pretty and so HERMOSA.
When driving on the costa nera, the sights of the mountains with all the trees in bloom and green is so tranquill.
I would like to write a story about the orchids here, I did ask Glenn if could and I believe he said yes, so I need to do some more research in order to be correct about them. There are so many that are completly derived from Costa Rica, In my apartment I have 7 so far.
The orchids are attached to trees so this is what made me think of this subject.
The past few days were spent on trying to work on the condo, ordering Furniture from a manufacturer, What I did was draw all the furniture that I wanted in this Condo. This factory in Limon is making it for me custom.
We kinda came up with an Idea that I will pass on later.... But I am sure there going to be some nice pieces.
Today I went with the Furniture maker to another clients house who has built this huge house on the hillside facing Hermosa over looking the beach , ok this is like the one I been dreaming about, the guy is Mexican American, no problems with money, and David the furniture guy wanted me to see his house help with Ideas, and look at Sofa they made for him. It was perfect for my condo Job! the house was really cool I love it of course... and I hope I get to help Rene, seems like he needs ideas, and help.
Then after I drove to the condo measured for the sofa to be made, then drove to Orotina to buy some sheets at this discount store that buys all American seconds and discontinued.
It was raining hard but warm, We walked around for awhile and headed back. I was suppose to be at Renes the new clients house at Four the the rain was bad and the time it took to get there interferred with the return time, So I suppose in the morning I will drive over the hill to Hermosa and see if he is home.
Davids wife and I went to Orotina, we stopped at one of the huge fruit stands there and bought the most enourmous Mangos ever I mean huge.. It was like 1000 colones for a kilo, and that is about 2 bucks. There was one that was one kilo itself. Then I bought some of those tiny yellow ones that sweet as honey. We also bought some guayabaya that you just eat out of the paper. like a gelly, its so good... I ate the plantains with lime and salt.
THe after dropping her off Daivd ask me to share a glass of wine with him, so we talked in the store and she made dinner, some fried fish and rice and salad.
We sat and watched the cars and ate and had two glasses of good Italian wine. Then talked for hours. Wow this is like what we did at home... Nice to be with good people...
I have this Condo, as I have mentioned that I am suppose to be doing from top to bottom its a very pretty one. It sits right on the beach with many others in a house like situation with a pool. large spainish styles with black Iron in sides and huge staircases. Very Nice called La Flor... It was one I talked about early on in the blogs about trying to get in with them and doing work for the company. Now finnally after many months I am in and it came to me.
The people I am working for have several of these beautiful places, I would love to have just one!! haa but hey Im so gratefull that at least I am capable of doing some work and getting my mind off the leg, and hopefully making some money here.
Its been hot but nice at night cooling down, the rain has been steady now almost every other day, only in the afternoon and then stops. Everything is so green and flowering really incredible, so pretty and so HERMOSA.
When driving on the costa nera, the sights of the mountains with all the trees in bloom and green is so tranquill.
I would like to write a story about the orchids here, I did ask Glenn if could and I believe he said yes, so I need to do some more research in order to be correct about them. There are so many that are completly derived from Costa Rica, In my apartment I have 7 so far.
The orchids are attached to trees so this is what made me think of this subject.
The past few days were spent on trying to work on the condo, ordering Furniture from a manufacturer, What I did was draw all the furniture that I wanted in this Condo. This factory in Limon is making it for me custom.
We kinda came up with an Idea that I will pass on later.... But I am sure there going to be some nice pieces.
Today I went with the Furniture maker to another clients house who has built this huge house on the hillside facing Hermosa over looking the beach , ok this is like the one I been dreaming about, the guy is Mexican American, no problems with money, and David the furniture guy wanted me to see his house help with Ideas, and look at Sofa they made for him. It was perfect for my condo Job! the house was really cool I love it of course... and I hope I get to help Rene, seems like he needs ideas, and help.
Then after I drove to the condo measured for the sofa to be made, then drove to Orotina to buy some sheets at this discount store that buys all American seconds and discontinued.
It was raining hard but warm, We walked around for awhile and headed back. I was suppose to be at Renes the new clients house at Four the the rain was bad and the time it took to get there interferred with the return time, So I suppose in the morning I will drive over the hill to Hermosa and see if he is home.
Davids wife and I went to Orotina, we stopped at one of the huge fruit stands there and bought the most enourmous Mangos ever I mean huge.. It was like 1000 colones for a kilo, and that is about 2 bucks. There was one that was one kilo itself. Then I bought some of those tiny yellow ones that sweet as honey. We also bought some guayabaya that you just eat out of the paper. like a gelly, its so good... I ate the plantains with lime and salt.
THe after dropping her off Daivd ask me to share a glass of wine with him, so we talked in the store and she made dinner, some fried fish and rice and salad.
We sat and watched the cars and ate and had two glasses of good Italian wine. Then talked for hours. Wow this is like what we did at home... Nice to be with good people...
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Well we decided to go to Jaco the next day as we had many places to go on Sat, trying to pick up these really cool tables of iron that are custom made with this equisite glass top. Then fighting our way back around town and trying to find a car auto store. That was nearly impossible but we finnally did. Then we returned to the store where I bought tons of things for the new project and loaded up the new car. One day and already working it.
We got it all loaded and then drove back to Jaco. It was a fun ride, we talk most of the way. Seems like Milo and I are getting along great. At least I thought so, but one never does know what other people are thinking, really. We rolled in around 6 ish and went straigth to the condo complex and unloaded only after waiting to get permission to enter the condo. We had to wait for the keys from the guard.
Then we rolled into town, got cleaned up and unloaded all my stuff , then went to Sunami and had delicious Sushi.It was about nine by then. later we rode by and showed Rosie my new car and stopped and had a drink. I had sandia, Milo was too full to drink anything. The night was warm, and Milo was pretty hot I could tell.
We both fell asleep quickly, and woke in the morning to Loud scuffing sounding as if it was right inside the house. Milo got up to see if it was a bird hitting the widows but there was nothing there, Again I heard it, he returned to bed with no answers to what that loud noise was. Later when Iwoke up I decided it may have been two large Iguanas fighting on the roof.
Milo walked to the little store on the corner and got juice and a few things that I needed while I cooked breakfast of bacon and eggs and fruit, juice and coffee. We both enjoyed in silence and watched nature outside the window.
We spent the rest of the morning fixing and puttering about the apartment. I put up the new cabinet in the bedoom, while he hung mirrors and art.
Music was playing and the house felt good.
I like the idea of a man who knows how to use tools in the house! Generally I am the man in the house with the tools. A woman with tools is a good thing!
Later in the day we went down the furniture barn and I discussed with David my designs for the new client and asked how long it would take to construct this stuff, he said eight days!
So I am thrilled to see how it turns out. We then took a ride I drove to Monterey to see if Ken and Marcia was home to introduce Milo to them, and the ride itself it just beautiful.
I think Milo enjoyed it much, we chatted with Ken, while Marica rolled her eyes about not understanding much that we were saying. We left in the evening to go back to Jaco, I was hungry and I think Milo was too so we stopped at this huge soda on the way that had loads of palm leaves on the rancho. It is a cool place and Much to our surprise, the food was so good not typical, and the presentation was five star. Obviously this chef has had some very good training and his art was clearly visable in the taste the textures and the looks! I AM DEFINATELY GOING BACK THERE.
WE enjoyed the moment and both of us felt the love of each other and the atmosphere of this really cool place, of course you have to remember they are all out doors. ITs like sitting in a huge patio, large natural wood poles that are not huned, like big tree trunks, tables all dressed with linens, and pretty folded napkins. the ceiling is vaulted and held up with bamboo, then its tressed with palm leaves. Ceiling fans are whirling about above your heads making a nice cool breeze in the humid climate of Costa Rica, near the beach. One would think that you would get a cool ocean breeze, but not so here. Its very humid and hot on the beaches.
When we arrived I could smell something baking but I didn't know what, when we ordered dessert Wow were we impressed, it was incredible, concidering it was A soda. OK IM REALLY GOING BACK NOW....
Tres leches with raspberry and mango sauce on the side made in the most elegant pattern on the plate and thinly sliced mango, that adorned the edge.
What a find in an out of they way place.
We returned to gather things and get back on the road to San Jose, since Milo was flying back on Monday morning. We spent the night at Melia Carriari, A really nice place in San Jose. Then in the morning, Milo left very early to the airport. We hugged and kissed, and well we cried.
I wont see him again for possibly another month. He was more sad that I at the time, then later I was very sad to be alone again. AS USUAL... I have done many things in my life alone. and here I was again in the same position now for the next month or so alone.
I spent two hours waiting to get a fax at the hotel that did not arrive, till I called and threatened the attorney to send them. I think rode for the first time alone to San Pedro, Its not easy getting around in San Jose its very confusing and way too much crazy traffic. BUT I MADE IT and did well. I even stopped at the dealership and got a number for the mechanics of this car.
Then I went directly to a car stereo store that Milo and I found a few days ago. I had them I thought replace one speaker, but in listening to them well with the car off I could hear that all four were blown. So I talked to the guy to go ahead and install all four new ones. I HAVE TO HAVE MUSIC WHEN I DRIVE.
IT took about two hours, but I walked around, the leg is feeling better. Got something to drink then sat patiently in the waiting area.
I drove off happy to hear such great clear sound! then I just wanted to try to find a place that sold auto supplies, good luck that was a task... nothing... after many stops. I think decided to hurry back to Carriari to pick up some chairs for the client. Well I made one wrong turn and it lead me directly into down town in the midst of heavy people and traffic. That was like drivng in a maze, but I managed in not much time to find my way out!
Then made my way to the opposite end of town and loaded up and got on the road around 4:00 Well for some damn reason the stereo quite, mind you this car is diesel and it is loud no music is not good for a windy two hour jungle ride, over Moutains and valleys hillsides, towns. TRAFFIC TOO.... but I did it,and got in around 5:40, I went straigth to the condo and had the guard help me unload and make a list of items. Then We talked for a few about where was my boyfriend?? and now what Are you doing? I said eating and going home.
I drove to my house and the funny thing was as soon as we unloaded everything and put the seats back up the stereo worked just fine. I WAS A VERY HAPPY GIRL.
I went to the Maxi bodega and found mats but they were crappy ones, so I held off and the general manager said he would order me some. Got some car care stuff and headed out. Got home to a blazing hot house and unloaded everything sat and got on line hopeing to see Milo on but no Milo, and I still have not heard from him. I hope he got there fine?
Then I poured some rum in a pepsi bottle and headed to Rosies to eat and talk and have a rum and coke. She doesn't have a liquor license. So thought that was make her laugh and I could have a drink to ease the pain in the leg, IT is getting much better but it was sore from the driving and all the walking I did today.
Rosie and I had a ball talking. I really like her... I miss liz I wonder what happened?
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, April 21, 2006
No Restuarant, New Car, New project
I came to San Jose on Thursday, only after a very rough morning In Jaco. I got at five and showered, made coffee and got all my stuff ready as well as myselg. I was suppose to catch the bus at 7:30 I knew that the bus gererally runs past my house about a quarter to, I struggled down the stairs with my heavy suitcase on one side of me since my leg was in pain and I knew the pressure of carring this case on the right side would kill. I was wearing a new bright blue, white , and deep blue skirt that tied on the side, and really pretty silky high colar three button sleevless deep royal top. Very cute Blue wedges with some sparkle on them that I bought here from brazil. As I got a few feet from the gate the bus passed, but passed slowly no one was on the bus and the attendant was standing in the door. I yelled ALTO ALTO STOPPPPPPP but they kept on going. I was so frustrated as I prepared hours before so I wouldn't miss it. It was by this time around 75 or80 degrees I was sweating like crazy now and all my prettiness was fading. I was so mad I knocked on Anna Cornia's door and told her I think I missed it she couldn't believe that they drove past hearing me yell? Even a guy on the road yelled and they went slow to the corner. I was too lame to run after them, hell I can't even walk normal yet.
So I called and emailed Milo and told him I missed the bus, the next one was at ten thirty so I thought from the recording but they talk to dang fast who could understand? I called like five times. Then I asked Milo to call to see if he understood? He Spanish speaking I would think he could understand?? BUT NO he couldn't either. I think it said 10:30 I called the little corner store and asked in spanish what time the next bus came? she said 10:30.
So I ate some Mango and yogurt and coffee and relaxed I even took a short nap and freshened up again. I walked down this time 15 minutes earlier, and well it didn't show up. I waited and sat on the suitcase and at one point, the suit case fell down and I fell right on top of it pretty skirt and all! OK REALLY SWEATING NOW, the hair was dripping the makeup was gone and I was getting so upset. Because I didn't know how I was getting to San Jose and I had already lost four hours of doing things I needed to do there, and spending time with Milo.
I walked back upstairs and called Milo, told him it didn't come he was sad, said I bet it will come in ten minutes hang out tem more minutes. So exactly that , ok the first bus was early and the second was 45 minutes late. GO FIGURE???
I caught the bus and it stopped every five minutes somewhere.... even in Orotina so I got off and got something to drink, some aqua de pepa and coco, and some plantanos with lime and chili. Returned to the bus and headed to San Jose. It was so hot on the bus this timie GOD I WAS A MESS.... But at least with the boo boo foot I got two seats in order to elevate to foot, no one sat next to me when they saw the bandages!!! yeah! Ok I get to the air port which is where Milo was suppose to pick me up, but he had a meeting at 2:00 and what time do you think it was awhen I got off the bus? 1:45 he left at 1:44, NO LIE!! Got so after all that trials I sat on the bus bench and wondered what the heck now? I knew he was staying at the Melia, Carrari so I haild a cab and had them take me to the hotel.
The only promblem was I had no room key nor did I know how to get ahold of Milo. So I sat in the lobby and internetted, and then freshened up in the bathroom. Then walked to he bar and had an ICE COLD MECHELADA!! AND some guaca mole and chips.. I was starting to feel human when I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Milo.
We ate up the chips and went back to the room , talked for a bit then headed out to dinner. We went to this really sterile looking brazilain restuarant. Many many tables and a buffet of salads and salsas, condiments that were so beautifully displayed. The servers where in Brazilian goucho outfits with white shirts and black puffy pants tucked into knee high boots. LIKE PUUS AND BOOTS, I could just see Brandon at this place he would have wanted the outfit to wear...
If you have never had Brazilian food its devine and allot of food. you go through the buffet of salads and condiments, salsas and more.
Then then have a hot buffet with soups beans ribs, and fish lots of things I cannot even begin to describe but it was very simple setting very simple decor and white linens on the tables and silver buffet servers. Then the parade of men come out with Meats of all sorts on swords, you have a coin and you set it on the table green meaning give me more, red meaning stop I cant eat any more!!! We tried allot of meats, Chicken and sausages, and hearts, sirlons, veal, pork, chicken wow it was good, I had to tell them pochito pochito on the slices since I only wanted a bit or so. But Milo when nuts.
We had good spanish tempranillo wine that was wonderfull, and in the end a great hot chocolate cake with some warm hot chocolate sauce in the middle served with Ice cream WOW This was the best ending of a horrible day.
We both were so tied that I crashed out earlier than he did and began the next day, Searching for a car, and items that I needed to suit a whole house for a client in Jaco.
We went everywhere, then a hyundai dealer told us about one of his Clients that was not happy with a car that her dad bought her just four months ago. A very beautiful car. It is a cross lander. These are the cars that Ken had suggested I buy. A Chinese made car new to the world. Only in Europe or in Latin America. SO he directed us to the dealership in town and gave us the name of the client that wanted to sell hers that her father bought. She was a college student, and didn;t like it because it was not a name brand car that the kids here drive... HMM SOUNDS LIKE SPOILED AMERICAN KIDS... I knew he had to have money if he bought his 19 year old daughter an SUV.
So Milo and drove a ways to the dealership and looked at them brand new WOW NICE CARS, lots of extras and fully loaded. Beautiful SUVS and very reasonably priced since they are made in China. Its a Izusu motor, and a mazda tranny. Four cylinder, not very powerfull for the size of the car but the body was really nice, all leather interior and chrome and all sorts of cool features, like a back up feature that when you back up and get to close to something it beeps from green to red and loud. VERY COOL, Air in front and dual in back. Drop down seats, and remote mirrors, removable cd, sunglass storage, front and rear abs brakes. Power windows, lots of goodies. So I liked it, then we called the people said I was interested and drove all over not knowing where we were going like a scavenger hunt calling from phone to phone to find the next street. It took hours but we found them and the car was very NICE, but the picky person I am saw how in four months this young girl had trashed a very nice car. the inside was dirty as heck, the driver seat had a small tear, the knobs all scratched. And he mats were absolutely trashed. the headliner had spots? and well it was dirty. I had my car for almost three years and it looked brand spanking new.... KIDS! SO I agreed to buy it, after Milo and ran around looking for furniture for the condo I am doing, and found by this time many were already closed.
The traffic was horrible so as we were driving, I saw a Jazz club and said wow a jazz club. So Milo went round the block and we went in. VERY COOL PLACE IN SAN PEDRO. It is on the main road going into San Pedro. In side was nicely done with iron chairs huge place. Busts on the walls of all the greats, Ella, Duke, bird man, Billy holiday, Dizzy, Charlie Parker... and more... It was very well done with huge Iron Candleabras hanging from the ceiling with Large candles glowing. The music was just Cds at that time but sometime when he returns were going to go and listen live it begins at 10.
After we went to this little mall and walked about and had some pastries and coffee from really good pastry shop and then later dinner at a great soda in San Pedro . It was awesome. I had salad of avocado and tomatoes, the best salad ever... the presentation was so pretty the tomatoes were swirled about and the avocados were all criss cross cut, we shared that and Chicken fajitas. Wow what a meal....
Then today we got up early got ready, no breakfast just tried to find a BCR open Banco Costa Rica, but none were open till ten or eleven. I was frustrated, cause of my past experience with banks here it takes forever to do one simple thing and I needed to do a couple.
So driving all over finanlly found one, went to one window and got the cash and then another to get the check, but because it was so much I had to back to the other window take information and have them ok it.
We went to the peoples condo, and began the process of buying the car. Two hours later with an attorney and 700 later I had the docs to a new 2006 crosslander, four months old. I was scared and happy but not really able to drive it across town since my foot was still ugky and the traffic here is insane at that time... So they took me to the hotel and I couldn't wait to tell someone I had a new CAR!! I Told Sara so now I am sure Brandon knows too!
I drove it to Ezcazu after I rested and got my nerve up and well I did pretty good, I went to pecano mundo and bought somet things for this condo and saw my cute nurse that I posted on line a few months back... she was happy to see me and we talked. now I am waiting for Milo to go to dinner tomorrow is the trip to Jaco.
Some more shopping,, and Maybe buying a new speaker for the front of the car,,, how does someone blow a speaker on a brand new car?
So I called and emailed Milo and told him I missed the bus, the next one was at ten thirty so I thought from the recording but they talk to dang fast who could understand? I called like five times. Then I asked Milo to call to see if he understood? He Spanish speaking I would think he could understand?? BUT NO he couldn't either. I think it said 10:30 I called the little corner store and asked in spanish what time the next bus came? she said 10:30.
So I ate some Mango and yogurt and coffee and relaxed I even took a short nap and freshened up again. I walked down this time 15 minutes earlier, and well it didn't show up. I waited and sat on the suitcase and at one point, the suit case fell down and I fell right on top of it pretty skirt and all! OK REALLY SWEATING NOW, the hair was dripping the makeup was gone and I was getting so upset. Because I didn't know how I was getting to San Jose and I had already lost four hours of doing things I needed to do there, and spending time with Milo.
I walked back upstairs and called Milo, told him it didn't come he was sad, said I bet it will come in ten minutes hang out tem more minutes. So exactly that , ok the first bus was early and the second was 45 minutes late. GO FIGURE???
I caught the bus and it stopped every five minutes somewhere.... even in Orotina so I got off and got something to drink, some aqua de pepa and coco, and some plantanos with lime and chili. Returned to the bus and headed to San Jose. It was so hot on the bus this timie GOD I WAS A MESS.... But at least with the boo boo foot I got two seats in order to elevate to foot, no one sat next to me when they saw the bandages!!! yeah! Ok I get to the air port which is where Milo was suppose to pick me up, but he had a meeting at 2:00 and what time do you think it was awhen I got off the bus? 1:45 he left at 1:44, NO LIE!! Got so after all that trials I sat on the bus bench and wondered what the heck now? I knew he was staying at the Melia, Carrari so I haild a cab and had them take me to the hotel.
The only promblem was I had no room key nor did I know how to get ahold of Milo. So I sat in the lobby and internetted, and then freshened up in the bathroom. Then walked to he bar and had an ICE COLD MECHELADA!! AND some guaca mole and chips.. I was starting to feel human when I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Milo.
We ate up the chips and went back to the room , talked for a bit then headed out to dinner. We went to this really sterile looking brazilain restuarant. Many many tables and a buffet of salads and salsas, condiments that were so beautifully displayed. The servers where in Brazilian goucho outfits with white shirts and black puffy pants tucked into knee high boots. LIKE PUUS AND BOOTS, I could just see Brandon at this place he would have wanted the outfit to wear...
If you have never had Brazilian food its devine and allot of food. you go through the buffet of salads and condiments, salsas and more.
Then then have a hot buffet with soups beans ribs, and fish lots of things I cannot even begin to describe but it was very simple setting very simple decor and white linens on the tables and silver buffet servers. Then the parade of men come out with Meats of all sorts on swords, you have a coin and you set it on the table green meaning give me more, red meaning stop I cant eat any more!!! We tried allot of meats, Chicken and sausages, and hearts, sirlons, veal, pork, chicken wow it was good, I had to tell them pochito pochito on the slices since I only wanted a bit or so. But Milo when nuts.
We had good spanish tempranillo wine that was wonderfull, and in the end a great hot chocolate cake with some warm hot chocolate sauce in the middle served with Ice cream WOW This was the best ending of a horrible day.
We both were so tied that I crashed out earlier than he did and began the next day, Searching for a car, and items that I needed to suit a whole house for a client in Jaco.
We went everywhere, then a hyundai dealer told us about one of his Clients that was not happy with a car that her dad bought her just four months ago. A very beautiful car. It is a cross lander. These are the cars that Ken had suggested I buy. A Chinese made car new to the world. Only in Europe or in Latin America. SO he directed us to the dealership in town and gave us the name of the client that wanted to sell hers that her father bought. She was a college student, and didn;t like it because it was not a name brand car that the kids here drive... HMM SOUNDS LIKE SPOILED AMERICAN KIDS... I knew he had to have money if he bought his 19 year old daughter an SUV.
So Milo and drove a ways to the dealership and looked at them brand new WOW NICE CARS, lots of extras and fully loaded. Beautiful SUVS and very reasonably priced since they are made in China. Its a Izusu motor, and a mazda tranny. Four cylinder, not very powerfull for the size of the car but the body was really nice, all leather interior and chrome and all sorts of cool features, like a back up feature that when you back up and get to close to something it beeps from green to red and loud. VERY COOL, Air in front and dual in back. Drop down seats, and remote mirrors, removable cd, sunglass storage, front and rear abs brakes. Power windows, lots of goodies. So I liked it, then we called the people said I was interested and drove all over not knowing where we were going like a scavenger hunt calling from phone to phone to find the next street. It took hours but we found them and the car was very NICE, but the picky person I am saw how in four months this young girl had trashed a very nice car. the inside was dirty as heck, the driver seat had a small tear, the knobs all scratched. And he mats were absolutely trashed. the headliner had spots? and well it was dirty. I had my car for almost three years and it looked brand spanking new.... KIDS! SO I agreed to buy it, after Milo and ran around looking for furniture for the condo I am doing, and found by this time many were already closed.
The traffic was horrible so as we were driving, I saw a Jazz club and said wow a jazz club. So Milo went round the block and we went in. VERY COOL PLACE IN SAN PEDRO. It is on the main road going into San Pedro. In side was nicely done with iron chairs huge place. Busts on the walls of all the greats, Ella, Duke, bird man, Billy holiday, Dizzy, Charlie Parker... and more... It was very well done with huge Iron Candleabras hanging from the ceiling with Large candles glowing. The music was just Cds at that time but sometime when he returns were going to go and listen live it begins at 10.
After we went to this little mall and walked about and had some pastries and coffee from really good pastry shop and then later dinner at a great soda in San Pedro . It was awesome. I had salad of avocado and tomatoes, the best salad ever... the presentation was so pretty the tomatoes were swirled about and the avocados were all criss cross cut, we shared that and Chicken fajitas. Wow what a meal....
Then today we got up early got ready, no breakfast just tried to find a BCR open Banco Costa Rica, but none were open till ten or eleven. I was frustrated, cause of my past experience with banks here it takes forever to do one simple thing and I needed to do a couple.
So driving all over finanlly found one, went to one window and got the cash and then another to get the check, but because it was so much I had to back to the other window take information and have them ok it.
We went to the peoples condo, and began the process of buying the car. Two hours later with an attorney and 700 later I had the docs to a new 2006 crosslander, four months old. I was scared and happy but not really able to drive it across town since my foot was still ugky and the traffic here is insane at that time... So they took me to the hotel and I couldn't wait to tell someone I had a new CAR!! I Told Sara so now I am sure Brandon knows too!
I drove it to Ezcazu after I rested and got my nerve up and well I did pretty good, I went to pecano mundo and bought somet things for this condo and saw my cute nurse that I posted on line a few months back... she was happy to see me and we talked. now I am waiting for Milo to go to dinner tomorrow is the trip to Jaco.
Some more shopping,, and Maybe buying a new speaker for the front of the car,,, how does someone blow a speaker on a brand new car?
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
Anna Cornia a New friend
I have not heard from liz in a while, She was upset about something last time we talked, So I hope she is doing ok? I have called her several times and left messages, one day I even took a taxi over to her house to see if she is alright. I know right now she is preparing for her womens retreat so that may be the cause of her being alone for now.
In the world people come and go,why I have no idea... but I do have a nice circle of friends here, one being a new is Anna Cornia, she is a massage therapist who actually works on the stars, in Vail Colorado and all over. She told me last night while she laid on my bed and internetted that they fly her all over! wow what a life... She is beautiful swedish decent, but raised in Canada. Tall use to be a model and said she modeled last year. Now Look at me... I am a short dark haired Sexy little Italiana woman.... she is a tall blonde sleak woman that wears no makeup or fixes her hair... just the stinking opposite. She came by yesterday later and asked me to go the beach with her. She surfs allot and has been over the past three years much. I said I should forego the beach walking to it was too hard.
So I got pretty and waited for her so that we could catch a cab and do down town. We were going to have dinner together.
During the day the client I was waiting for called to tell me to go ahead with the house and get it all decorated, completely dishes sheets towels everything you need. So I wrote Milo and told him Will have to use the car to go and find things get prices to submitt to the attorneys here so I can get paid.
Then Anna came, We went down to Wish bone a restuarant that serves a real varied menu from Mexican to Japanese? strange but good.. It was closed so I stumbled over to El Largar the hard ware store to look for Clavos its like a concrete hook... of course nothing here is easy to find they didn't know what I was talking about, so I was bit frustrated.
Then we went walking towards Wishbone when I ran into Shawn , Hannahs husband who I did the wedding for. He was the one that reffered me to this Client. He talked to me and is taking me today to the house so I can get keys to begin.
Then to Sunami, Anna wanted some Wine so we had a drink there and then walked across the way to eat. Dinner was great I had yellow fin tuna over veggies with a wasabi dressing. WOW it was good.. She had the same and we both had a glass of wine.. then after we went to the X MAs Permanos, The grocery store that I just found out is owned by walmart.. its not that great, infact things in there are way higher than in the states.MAKES ME MAD....
I got some aloe vera for my wounds, and then we took a cab home. Anna got changed and came up and hung out for a while drank more wine, Not me one was way too much with how I feel.
Then there was a knock on my window it was like 9 oclock? who is that? it was this dude that use to hang out next door drunker than a skunk or loaded who knows.... but he asked how I ws and my leg was so I let him in. I knew him from months of being around the neighbor. We talked for about twenty minutes then he got up to say he was leaving and fell flat out on my floor knocked my sofa over and then pissed his pants... I was shocked I thought perhaps he over dosed or something? I didn't know what happened? and I didn't feel like calling the pera medics either so Anna and I got him up got him awake and made him walk down stairs out the gate and down the road.. I think he was just very drunk.. he continued to walk down the road, I watched to make sure he got around the corner that is where he lives. I mopped the floor was totally disgusted and went to bed feeling upset and hurting and sad... no word from Milo and he got in at 8:20. It was like 11:00.
Then he called said he was going to get something to eat and he would call me back, but when he did I was way to tired and sleepy to talk so I said call me tomorrow..
Got up to a Gray day, not feeling so hot but the leg is looking better the wound is only open a little now.
I got to chat with my friend Cydny on line from Vancouver and Sara, and Mickie, this friend in Seattle... hes a builder. We talk all the time. So funny that guy... Then I made coffee had a huge mango and now I have to shower and get ready for Shawn to take me to the Clients place. The Client lives in New York, they are Italaian so I hope they LOVE WHAT I DO...this house will be for rent should anyone to see it and visit contact me...
He has many more so I am going to do Well so I can do the rest of them!! Then I can buy a very nice CAR!! YEAH no more bikes for me Im too afraid after all this mess with the leg
In the world people come and go,why I have no idea... but I do have a nice circle of friends here, one being a new is Anna Cornia, she is a massage therapist who actually works on the stars, in Vail Colorado and all over. She told me last night while she laid on my bed and internetted that they fly her all over! wow what a life... She is beautiful swedish decent, but raised in Canada. Tall use to be a model and said she modeled last year. Now Look at me... I am a short dark haired Sexy little Italiana woman.... she is a tall blonde sleak woman that wears no makeup or fixes her hair... just the stinking opposite. She came by yesterday later and asked me to go the beach with her. She surfs allot and has been over the past three years much. I said I should forego the beach walking to it was too hard.
So I got pretty and waited for her so that we could catch a cab and do down town. We were going to have dinner together.
During the day the client I was waiting for called to tell me to go ahead with the house and get it all decorated, completely dishes sheets towels everything you need. So I wrote Milo and told him Will have to use the car to go and find things get prices to submitt to the attorneys here so I can get paid.
Then Anna came, We went down to Wish bone a restuarant that serves a real varied menu from Mexican to Japanese? strange but good.. It was closed so I stumbled over to El Largar the hard ware store to look for Clavos its like a concrete hook... of course nothing here is easy to find they didn't know what I was talking about, so I was bit frustrated.
Then we went walking towards Wishbone when I ran into Shawn , Hannahs husband who I did the wedding for. He was the one that reffered me to this Client. He talked to me and is taking me today to the house so I can get keys to begin.
Then to Sunami, Anna wanted some Wine so we had a drink there and then walked across the way to eat. Dinner was great I had yellow fin tuna over veggies with a wasabi dressing. WOW it was good.. She had the same and we both had a glass of wine.. then after we went to the X MAs Permanos, The grocery store that I just found out is owned by walmart.. its not that great, infact things in there are way higher than in the states.MAKES ME MAD....
I got some aloe vera for my wounds, and then we took a cab home. Anna got changed and came up and hung out for a while drank more wine, Not me one was way too much with how I feel.
Then there was a knock on my window it was like 9 oclock? who is that? it was this dude that use to hang out next door drunker than a skunk or loaded who knows.... but he asked how I ws and my leg was so I let him in. I knew him from months of being around the neighbor. We talked for about twenty minutes then he got up to say he was leaving and fell flat out on my floor knocked my sofa over and then pissed his pants... I was shocked I thought perhaps he over dosed or something? I didn't know what happened? and I didn't feel like calling the pera medics either so Anna and I got him up got him awake and made him walk down stairs out the gate and down the road.. I think he was just very drunk.. he continued to walk down the road, I watched to make sure he got around the corner that is where he lives. I mopped the floor was totally disgusted and went to bed feeling upset and hurting and sad... no word from Milo and he got in at 8:20. It was like 11:00.
Then he called said he was going to get something to eat and he would call me back, but when he did I was way to tired and sleepy to talk so I said call me tomorrow..
Got up to a Gray day, not feeling so hot but the leg is looking better the wound is only open a little now.
I got to chat with my friend Cydny on line from Vancouver and Sara, and Mickie, this friend in Seattle... hes a builder. We talk all the time. So funny that guy... Then I made coffee had a huge mango and now I have to shower and get ready for Shawn to take me to the Clients place. The Client lives in New York, they are Italaian so I hope they LOVE WHAT I DO...this house will be for rent should anyone to see it and visit contact me...
He has many more so I am going to do Well so I can do the rest of them!! Then I can buy a very nice CAR!! YEAH no more bikes for me Im too afraid after all this mess with the leg
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, April 17, 2006

I cried for her yesterday, thinking its only been three months for me, I keep going, but for her, its been years. Also a huge thought came in my mind when I took the photos of this yesterday, I thought about the crusifiction of Christ, the pain he had to endure and how my flesh wounds were pale in comparrisons to the records of what he withstood. It was like I instantly saw it in my head when I looked at my own wounds. More later, I don't mean to be morose but this is how it looks right now...

Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
Easter Sunday
It began slow, I wasn't feeling well again. I had a rough morning. I drank coffee, got on line a little bit, showered and turned the sauce on to cook again. In a short while Marcia and Ken Showed up to pick me up to go to Monterey, This is just a little area right before Esterillos Este.
That area is really nice, but Ken does not like it, But then again Ken doesn't like anything, Typical NEW YORKER... Never happy.. sometimes I wonder about him! We drove to his house with the sauce for the lasagne in the back. Everytime he would swerve I would panic thinking the sauce was spilling all over the back of the car. I could every now and then get a waf of the Sauce, Que RICO... Ok now an explaination of Rico..
RICO: can be used in Que Rico Sentences such as how good the smell
How good the breeze feels, but you only use Que Rico,
How delicious the food, Que Rico
How sexy you smell, Que Rico
How sexy you are, Que Rico OR RICA only roll your rrrrrs RRRRRRRRRRRICA
it can be used for anything you want to say is awesome or really good. RRRRRRRRRICO! I really like this word.
On our way to Kens awesome house, which I love and want bad... its like two minutes from the private pristine palm lined huge beach, on a hill overlooking incredible moutain sides the ocean and the pastures down below filled with wild life. Birds creatures, cranes, turkey vultures, parrots, cows, horses, burrows, lots of peach face parrots, Iguanas, ducks, and I have no idea what else. I had no binoculars, but next time I am taking them. He has a deck overlooking all this, that is attached to the living room and a huge American Style kitchen with an Island in the middle all counters are granite, very nice. I cooked Lasgane, and garlic bread with parmesian cheese, and a nice salad with balsemic and olive oil. We sat out on the rancho,( the porch) and watched the birds the butterflies and all the cars fly by. Then we ate, drank a little good tempranillo that i picked out from spain. It was so pleasant, I prayed over the food asked god to bless the food, bless him and Marcia, Me and Of course my children.
I could just see all of us in that house having a good time.
It was nice, I was shocked at ken buying her a huge diamond ring and only knowing her for four months... ok these things never happen to me and she doesn't like the house either. She is use to little tiny poverty style cabinas, only enought to sleep in. So her thoughts on the house to me was the complete opposite of my thoughts. I love beautiful things, It was my life making things beautiful for many many people Mi toda vida... My whole life.
So listening to her, made me a little ill, not jealous but sad thinking I never had this it was something I always wanted, a beautiful home and nice man, a pretty ring... isn't that the American Way?
She being who she was could care less about any of it... STRANGE HOW THE WORLD IS AYE?
In short I listened and my mind was reeling with what I couldn't say in spanish but in English I could give her an ear full... She is some what inocent, but I can see through those Domincan Eyes.
She has had a rough life I am sure... she looks tired. Ready to latch on to a rich American, She actually said when I told her how much the ring cost, which she had no idea at all the cost... She said" WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD HE SPEND THAT MONEY FOR A RING? JUST GIVE ME TO ME THE MONEY" Ken speaks No spanish, doesn't understand it, She speaks no English and doesn't understand it.. I spent the day as much as I could interpreting. I understand everything, In spanish but to speak it is in SPANGLISH lol...
Well the day was fun even though. Later after eating we drove down to the beach. Normally they walk its not far but its a hill and can't walk much. TOO MUCH PAIN... so we drove. the beach was so pretty pristine.. and so clean no people hardly at all and as far as you can see Trees and beach.. lots of shells. I got a bunch. For a mirror I want to create.
After we went back rested and ate Watermellon I picked out. WOW it was awesome so red so sweet.. Sandia is my fav.. later we drove into town. We picked up the security guard there at his place and dropped him of in JACO. We then went to Rosies and had an iced cappucinno.. we talked and watched the people. I saw Helen she is back from Columbia, the bike I was on in the accident was Helens, So now I have to deal with that. Helen is happy to be back! ME too now Perdicures Galore...
Home to find Anna Corina came by again left her card... Now im resting elevating the leg pain is trobbing its swollen again. GOD WILL THIS EVER END?
That area is really nice, but Ken does not like it, But then again Ken doesn't like anything, Typical NEW YORKER... Never happy.. sometimes I wonder about him! We drove to his house with the sauce for the lasagne in the back. Everytime he would swerve I would panic thinking the sauce was spilling all over the back of the car. I could every now and then get a waf of the Sauce, Que RICO... Ok now an explaination of Rico..
RICO: can be used in Que Rico Sentences such as how good the smell
How good the breeze feels, but you only use Que Rico,
How delicious the food, Que Rico
How sexy you smell, Que Rico
How sexy you are, Que Rico OR RICA only roll your rrrrrs RRRRRRRRRRRICA
it can be used for anything you want to say is awesome or really good. RRRRRRRRRICO! I really like this word.
On our way to Kens awesome house, which I love and want bad... its like two minutes from the private pristine palm lined huge beach, on a hill overlooking incredible moutain sides the ocean and the pastures down below filled with wild life. Birds creatures, cranes, turkey vultures, parrots, cows, horses, burrows, lots of peach face parrots, Iguanas, ducks, and I have no idea what else. I had no binoculars, but next time I am taking them. He has a deck overlooking all this, that is attached to the living room and a huge American Style kitchen with an Island in the middle all counters are granite, very nice. I cooked Lasgane, and garlic bread with parmesian cheese, and a nice salad with balsemic and olive oil. We sat out on the rancho,( the porch) and watched the birds the butterflies and all the cars fly by. Then we ate, drank a little good tempranillo that i picked out from spain. It was so pleasant, I prayed over the food asked god to bless the food, bless him and Marcia, Me and Of course my children.
I could just see all of us in that house having a good time.
It was nice, I was shocked at ken buying her a huge diamond ring and only knowing her for four months... ok these things never happen to me and she doesn't like the house either. She is use to little tiny poverty style cabinas, only enought to sleep in. So her thoughts on the house to me was the complete opposite of my thoughts. I love beautiful things, It was my life making things beautiful for many many people Mi toda vida... My whole life.
So listening to her, made me a little ill, not jealous but sad thinking I never had this it was something I always wanted, a beautiful home and nice man, a pretty ring... isn't that the American Way?
She being who she was could care less about any of it... STRANGE HOW THE WORLD IS AYE?
In short I listened and my mind was reeling with what I couldn't say in spanish but in English I could give her an ear full... She is some what inocent, but I can see through those Domincan Eyes.
She has had a rough life I am sure... she looks tired. Ready to latch on to a rich American, She actually said when I told her how much the ring cost, which she had no idea at all the cost... She said" WHY IN THE WORLD WOULD HE SPEND THAT MONEY FOR A RING? JUST GIVE ME TO ME THE MONEY" Ken speaks No spanish, doesn't understand it, She speaks no English and doesn't understand it.. I spent the day as much as I could interpreting. I understand everything, In spanish but to speak it is in SPANGLISH lol...
Well the day was fun even though. Later after eating we drove down to the beach. Normally they walk its not far but its a hill and can't walk much. TOO MUCH PAIN... so we drove. the beach was so pretty pristine.. and so clean no people hardly at all and as far as you can see Trees and beach.. lots of shells. I got a bunch. For a mirror I want to create.
After we went back rested and ate Watermellon I picked out. WOW it was awesome so red so sweet.. Sandia is my fav.. later we drove into town. We picked up the security guard there at his place and dropped him of in JACO. We then went to Rosies and had an iced cappucinno.. we talked and watched the people. I saw Helen she is back from Columbia, the bike I was on in the accident was Helens, So now I have to deal with that. Helen is happy to be back! ME too now Perdicures Galore...
Home to find Anna Corina came by again left her card... Now im resting elevating the leg pain is trobbing its swollen again. GOD WILL THIS EVER END?
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Easter Weekend, Semana Santos

This Week is a special week here on Costa Rica, the Semana Santos
The Easter Week is really big deal here, I know they have parades but I have not been able to go out to see. As I said in a earlier Post, I watched a parade from Spain on the TV here, that had enormous Floats made out of wood and gold and Statues of Jesus the saints. The Floral displays of all white flowers with lights burried inside of the displays. So that the whole float glowed like it had a holy presents about it. Then I saw ones with red flowers signifying the Blood of Jesus and the mother Mary, The apostiles, and more.
The presentations of the these floats made me feel so alive, to be able to admire the details,the workmanship, the Flowers used in only a way a designers eye can see. Being a designer and watching this made me feel so happy to see that all over the world flowers are a symbol of celebration, a symbol of holidays. Some had so much gold on some of them it was actually shining so bright that the reflection of the lights on the gold made the whole street light up. I was amazed at the designs, and the amount of flowers and gold. The whole Parade consists of these floats. They would spread saw dust down on the ground first and then the parade would walk on this carpet of dust. Each Float had many people carring them with large posts and frames made of wood I suppose, and then covered in gold, I think it was real gold on some... some where not gold some where white and some where red. MUY INCREBLAY!!
I already said that the amount of people In Jaco is astounding, I cannot believe the people here this week. I have been laid up since I have so many stiches and can not walk much yet, but Today I had so many visitors, here at the house. More than normal. A few of my friends came by to tell me how terrible town was, and that they wanted to just hang out and not go into town.
First Dennis Peasby came by the Teacher Slash Artist, who is in love with the idea of being in love with a tica or Nica or Columbiana... he has come from New York to find him one. Let me describe Dennis to you, he is tall lanky and has gray curly uncut hair almost to his neck. It is generally covered with a baseball cap, since he is growing thin on the top. Dennis talks slow and very clear, and smiles very big. He wears some small wire rimmed glasses and I like his demeanor allot. He came by to use the computer and to visit in the morning before the sweltering heat would melt him down on his bike. Then right after he left, The land lords wife showed up at the glass door knocking, wondering how I liked the food I told her in spanglish that I love it that it was muy RICO!! RICO IS a cool word you can use it for many things later I will explain. Rico is means many different things.
She was happy and spoke to me for about a half hour, mind you Im still in my nightie, but had my coffee sat in the morning sun on the porch till 9:00, then people came.
She was happy I was getting better.
Right before I made a delicious smoothie for Dennis and I she came. I made it with fresh mangos and one banana, some liquid yogurt they have here Strawberry, and some ice. It was so Refreshing that Dennis was amazed, he wanted the receipe!
After she left a knock on the door again, of course right when your in the bathroom someone comes!! GOD NO BREAK TODAY... It was Ken my friend from New york that I met here too. He wanted to talk and see if Iwas ok? He hadn't seen me since the operation.
Funny man curious man, Always bitter, always New york additude, but for some reason his bitterness and negative additude cracks me up. I laugh at him all the time. I like him too... His gal is Dominican Repulic, another American in love with the idea of being in love with a foreigner.
WHAT ABOUT US CUTE AMERICANS IN ANOTHER COUNTRY? God hes so funny... He always rent's the best car you can get and he has a nice Condo which by the way is for sale in Monterey, that is just south of Esterillos este. His Condo is beautiful Sleeps four or five, Air conditioning, and a huge kitchen. I would love to have his place its perfect, looking out to the sea.
He, Marcia, and I went on a ride to Villa Colletas, on the mountain top. What a beautiful day. It has been raining a little and boy what a difference in the the landscape. That little bit of water has made the earth green, blooming and ever so beautiful. The palm trees swaying, the banana trees all look fresh and heavy with fruit. All the trees look so pretty and green or with lots of flowers. The Fields or pastures are dark green and filled with skinny white cows, brama looking cows. We rode up the mountain top and went to the restuarant there, It over looks the Sea and the whole north end of Costa Rica, you can actually see the peninsula, Punteranas, Guanacaste, and tamarindo, and more. It was very spectacular today because of a breeze you could see for miles.
It was very hot up there but I was completly enjoying the sun since I have not been in it much in the last three months. It felt so healing on my back and sking. I was wearing a camoflodge halter top, and pair of tan knee lenght shorts some big earings and cute bracelet that Sara and bought in the states when I was there last. Marcia had long pants on and I asked her in Spanish how she stood the heat with those on? She said it didn't bother her? OK IM SWEATING LIKE A PIG at that point. Ken and Marcia sat in the shade and Kens Face was bright red, I was loving it.
We had drinks Ken a spiked cappuccino, Marcia a mechilda, and ME WELL A BORNING Lemonade. It was nice and refreshing though.
After we decied to go the new Store that opened here and get some grub for dinner for tomorrow. Ken was craving some Italian food, So I said if you help I will cook. Marcia volunteered! So tomorrow he is picking me to go out there and spend the day by the pool and have a nice leasurely day in Esterillos.
I have another freind who came by before all this, it was Anna Corina, She is Canadian, she is now living down stairs and is the sister of Chad and David the two young boys who where living here for the past 4 months enjoying the surf before going back to school, begining college.
Anna is tall blonde, very cute and about 40, she is a surfer too. In the states she is a pt, a massage therapist. I Believe she said Vail Colorado.
She came by to say she had a pt coming today to the apt, and wanted to know if I wanted some therapy, GEZZ I did but ken was taking me out. So I past, then tonight after our excursion, I made the sauce for the lasagne, and rested, talk to Milo online, then Anna Came by with David, the PT. So we talked and he suggested that I do my therapy in the sea. He thinks the minerals in the sea will heal the wounds and make my tendons get back in shape the walking on the sand will build muscle so he is going to help me some in the next few days.
I hope this works.
Now I am resting its dark the sunset tonight was very pretty the sky was a multitude of orange pinks and blues. Costa Rican Sun.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Friday, April 14, 2006
Nothing new just sitting and trying to recoup
YEP yesterday was wild day at the Beach, not only did all the people from all over the world show up here including the dogs... But I had a terrible day physically. I manage to puke most of the day. SO that was allot of fun~!!! tons of people and all I could do was puke...I didn't eat much the last few days nothing here to eat. I had allot of pain and I suppose all the meds and the anesthesia from the operation was the main reason I was so ill.
Today after many hours of sleep and rest, I felt so much better. GOD I AM SO SICK OF THIS.... I just want this over. I have allot of stiches and I will in a day take photos. The leg is completly gone down now. This allergy to the metal I suppose could have been avoided, but who would have known? and how would the bones have healed with out the brace inside? I now have the holes in the bones... Making me holee on holy week....
Holy week is a huge celebration here all week starting on Weds, ending on Monday. They are celebrating like mad. I only wish I was well enough to see and participate.
I played on the computer almost all day, ate some good veggies that my landlords wife made for me this afternoon. She felt bad knowing I was ill and came up to see if I was ok.
Whe she saw the incision she almost cried and felt so bad for me. She speaks no English, I speak spanglish... Getting better, but the weirdest thing Is understand almost everything! Just putting in sentences is the hard part.
We talked about an hour then she cooked and brought up couscous and some nice veggies with butter. It tasted so dang good I was so happy that she did. I was bout starving...
Then Miguel came by to ask me if I needed anything he went to the store, But no offense men, asking a man who doesn't shop to go the store and ask for specific things is like talking a foreign language. He didn't know what the heck to get.... so once again I am stuck with not a whole lot here I need a woman to go the store for me... or my brother in-law hes the greatest grocery store shopper!
I then watched MTV and pcd in my bed.... I hope tomorrow brings more to do and that I feel better... I need to be doing something!
Monday Milo comes back, but he is too busy to see me, he flys in on Monday night, I was suppose to be at Cima on Tuesday but he is filled with Meetings, So maybe Weds I go to San Jose to see him and the doc.
Today after many hours of sleep and rest, I felt so much better. GOD I AM SO SICK OF THIS.... I just want this over. I have allot of stiches and I will in a day take photos. The leg is completly gone down now. This allergy to the metal I suppose could have been avoided, but who would have known? and how would the bones have healed with out the brace inside? I now have the holes in the bones... Making me holee on holy week....
Holy week is a huge celebration here all week starting on Weds, ending on Monday. They are celebrating like mad. I only wish I was well enough to see and participate.
I played on the computer almost all day, ate some good veggies that my landlords wife made for me this afternoon. She felt bad knowing I was ill and came up to see if I was ok.
Whe she saw the incision she almost cried and felt so bad for me. She speaks no English, I speak spanglish... Getting better, but the weirdest thing Is understand almost everything! Just putting in sentences is the hard part.
We talked about an hour then she cooked and brought up couscous and some nice veggies with butter. It tasted so dang good I was so happy that she did. I was bout starving...
Then Miguel came by to ask me if I needed anything he went to the store, But no offense men, asking a man who doesn't shop to go the store and ask for specific things is like talking a foreign language. He didn't know what the heck to get.... so once again I am stuck with not a whole lot here I need a woman to go the store for me... or my brother in-law hes the greatest grocery store shopper!
I then watched MTV and pcd in my bed.... I hope tomorrow brings more to do and that I feel better... I need to be doing something!
Monday Milo comes back, but he is too busy to see me, he flys in on Monday night, I was suppose to be at Cima on Tuesday but he is filled with Meetings, So maybe Weds I go to San Jose to see him and the doc.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
It wasTen thirty in the morning when Ken decided to drop by, I was still in my jams making a game plan of the ride to the Hospital, and the bank to get my visa and money for the landlord.
I poured him a cup of coffee before he walked in the door since I saw him drive up. When he came to the glass door that was sitting wide open "what will you have in your coffee?" I Just smiled at him, here I was in a little nighty, not expecting anyone and he flies up so I had to ask,, then I went in an got changed and talked to him for about ahour. When he left he said he would take me on the hunt to find a ride and help me do my errands.
He had to go and argue with ICE, and get a new lock for one of his stores. I got showerd and prettied up so he could take me around.
I had called lots of people to ask for Ride to the hospital but no one was available, or they were busy. I was not going to ride the city bus, too dangerous with how this foot feels.
One taxi wanted 180 dollars for over drop off and pick up later. I talked to Eida with ohope that possibly Joey or the tour bus she books could take me, or even her brother. He wanted 150, mind you I have taking the bus only costing 25 to 50 round. But not this week, its easter celebration week. The rental cars with three day minimums and Ins, was 104 170. I was stumpped not only is this costing more for the operation but also the ride. I was determind to find something.
Ken came back and picked me up, we drove over to his favori te Soda . We Ate a little then went to have me dropped off at BCR and I picked up my card and took out some money. Off to Rosies for a coffee, had checked on rental on the way no rental cars left.
Ken was eggin to go to the new Maxi bodega one stop shopping, owned by walmart. Much smaller in scale and the prices were those compared if not higher than the USA. He bought a few things used me Discount card i have for there. Off we went to Rosies, I got ahead of myself but before that, he needed to stop at one of his locales, and put the new table and chairs in and clean it up a bit. SoI walked over to The century 21 and talked to Tom, Alicia, luis Hannah and new guy Doug. NO not that Doug...
I told HannahI needed a ride so just then this guy calls and its Miguel, a driver they knew. Ok just like that I had a ride for exactly what I thought I should pay. His way with people is very good. He does Tours and gives rides to tourists, all over. He does this on his own. Miguel took me to Cima very safely and was extremely accomidating.
The Surgery was not scheduled, but the Doc knew it was today. He called and let them know when I was sitting in the wheel chair waiting to get preped. It was a long time though. I had to lay in the waiting area with all my greens on hair wrapped and one foot wrapped. For about four hours. I was freezing so I signaled to the nurse and she brought me two heated blankets. OH that felt so good, so I slept for awhile before the surgery.
I poured him a cup of coffee before he walked in the door since I saw him drive up. When he came to the glass door that was sitting wide open "what will you have in your coffee?" I Just smiled at him, here I was in a little nighty, not expecting anyone and he flies up so I had to ask,, then I went in an got changed and talked to him for about ahour. When he left he said he would take me on the hunt to find a ride and help me do my errands.
He had to go and argue with ICE, and get a new lock for one of his stores. I got showerd and prettied up so he could take me around.
I had called lots of people to ask for Ride to the hospital but no one was available, or they were busy. I was not going to ride the city bus, too dangerous with how this foot feels.
One taxi wanted 180 dollars for over drop off and pick up later. I talked to Eida with ohope that possibly Joey or the tour bus she books could take me, or even her brother. He wanted 150, mind you I have taking the bus only costing 25 to 50 round. But not this week, its easter celebration week. The rental cars with three day minimums and Ins, was 104 170. I was stumpped not only is this costing more for the operation but also the ride. I was determind to find something.
Ken came back and picked me up, we drove over to his favori te Soda . We Ate a little then went to have me dropped off at BCR and I picked up my card and took out some money. Off to Rosies for a coffee, had checked on rental on the way no rental cars left.
Ken was eggin to go to the new Maxi bodega one stop shopping, owned by walmart. Much smaller in scale and the prices were those compared if not higher than the USA. He bought a few things used me Discount card i have for there. Off we went to Rosies, I got ahead of myself but before that, he needed to stop at one of his locales, and put the new table and chairs in and clean it up a bit. SoI walked over to The century 21 and talked to Tom, Alicia, luis Hannah and new guy Doug. NO not that Doug...
I told HannahI needed a ride so just then this guy calls and its Miguel, a driver they knew. Ok just like that I had a ride for exactly what I thought I should pay. His way with people is very good. He does Tours and gives rides to tourists, all over. He does this on his own. Miguel took me to Cima very safely and was extremely accomidating.
The Surgery was not scheduled, but the Doc knew it was today. He called and let them know when I was sitting in the wheel chair waiting to get preped. It was a long time though. I had to lay in the waiting area with all my greens on hair wrapped and one foot wrapped. For about four hours. I was freezing so I signaled to the nurse and she brought me two heated blankets. OH that felt so good, so I slept for awhile before the surgery.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Back to Cima the saga of the broken ankle is continued
As soon as I returned from USA I called my doctor here In San jose, he suggested I come in right away to take a look and see what is going on for sure. I knew in my own mind that it was an allergy to the metal as he had suggested earlier on. When I was a child I would get rashes if my mother bought me pot metal of cheap jewerly. Earings would make me get all blistery, well this in the leg is doing the same only a very large scale. The blisters are under the flesh and wont come to the surface the pain is very hot and tender and the whole foot is almost double if not three times not exaggerating its size. I cannot walk on it very much for the pain.
I had Liz take me to Ciman once again, she drove her husbands Milos car. Of course she insists on taking the long way as usual. Although its scenic, my paitents for this is wearing thing now. I was praying she would take the faster route but I suppose with her age, she gets riled driving through the hectic part of the airport freeway into San jose. She is in her middle if not late 60s and they drive fast here, she is not a fast driver to say it simply.
When I arrived at Cima, The wait was short and the concenses was exactly that. METAL IS MAKING ME ILL.
THey took blood work like with in minutes of me seeing the doc, the exray was immediate. Then I bought us lunch. I was happy that they suggested another Surgery, to remove it all on Tuesday of this next week.
This next week is holy week here, so most things will be closed. I was told I go in one day and leave the next or the same day I am not sure. But I decided to call him on Sunday to find out exactly was is going to happen.
At this point I have no ride, its two hours, I must be there at 10:30, then I have no ride back. I called liz many times in the past three days no answer. I have a few friends here but no one has offered, although I have asked.
I feel a bit left out at this moment, I need a car of my own. Then I would not have to ask anyone at all.
I hope something comes through Riding the bus with this foot is not an option, the last two times to see Milo was horrible, with hitting it the cat and well it was a kalamatee.
I been staying at home trying to enjoy the TV that I now have and the internet. Although all day today it was out. So I caught a ride with my land lord who was here to collect his rent, into town. I stopped at liz's but she did not answer, the car was there but no one was home.
The Land lord proposed to me to help him with the interiors and the gardens of some NEW TIME SHARES he is planning to build here right next to our apartments. You see its right on the beach, he has all this property almost the same size as I had in the states and when he developes it he will be set. He wants to presell them and If I get involved I will not only have a commision on the sales but the work of the interiors and the grounds. I Have had so many offers here like this and now I do not even get any where near excited about it, generally they forget and leave me out. Plus with the leg its pretty hard at this point to do anything. I hope this one goes through I could use the work and the the money to put toward the new venture of my own.
THe people I made the offer too for the little Italian restuarant half a block off the beach here in Jaco Accepted it. So after the Surgery, I will be signing papers and being the owner of restuarant. I know these are risks, but There are so many tourist's here that my place will be known and I may do very well for a number of years. I will tell more later. I wont be cooking all the time, they have a chef but I do need another one for the day. Its going to take work upgrading it and tweaking the menu. People say Restuarant work is hard, But My life prior to this was the most difficult work ever, floral work is very difficult, production is fast and parties and events are the most difficult. Especially weddings, dealing with all those brides that half the time were out of there minds.. the stress hey no offense this it the truth, Half the time I was a wreck with them. Trying to please the unpleaseable is a tough job. Not all ok NOT ALL BUT I CAN SAY A VAST MAJORITY. So serving some food, talking to people, waiting on tables, cashering, ordering and meeting with vendors and dealing with Nica woman for my cooks and clean up... will be a great change. I think I may do it for a few years and sell it, I know that the upgrades I have planned will be the talk for a while. I hope the food is too!!! MOST IMPORTANT.
TIME WILL TELL as I say, Right now, Im vasilating, one day I am happy the next like today I am not... thinking is this really what I want to do? The pain in the leg is making me change my mind like crazy. I was happy as a clam yesterday, researching looking at restuarants in Sicily on line, drawing, writting out food We loved as a family. My sis my mom my sons, My loves...
This morning was really nice, the birds again singing so pretty I just love waking up like this, I made the coffe and hobbled to the kitchen which is not far, I took out a small Mango from the frig, and got some yogurt and cereal. I sat and interneted hoping someone I know would come on line to chat but no one did. Then the net went down, so I went out on the porch and to my surprise was a huge Red Parrot in the tree above me. Wow I never saw one that close in the wild. BEAUTIFUL!! large wings. and totally red and green. He was loud or she was loud... eating away as I looked up there were large hummingbirds fluttering about the pink silk tree blossoms, They call these trees Guanacaste, it has large yellow climbing flowers dripping down from this enormous tree. Then about the same area in the limbs I saw this very different large bird. Across the way on a bare limbed tree was a giant Iguana resting in the sun. AS if all of them were enjoying the social time together.
I so enjoy my mornings, I do not want to loose those. Should I take on the new venture.
So After most of the day staying in house resting I had Carlos drop me at liz's I limped my way to Rosies, I talked to two gentlemen one a tall black or half black man with the most incredible blue eyes wow he was interesting, He began the conversation with me. He was not feeling well and had a terrible sore throat and wanted some suggestions, So I told him the old Tea and honey with lemon and some meds I heard about here. The other was an older man frompy and grumpy, yelled at me at first ,I was trying to help him. Then after he ate he was nice as pie.
For my experience with this and men this is common to many who need to eat. Most Arguements with my sons were generally before they ate something, soon there after a total change of additude. I am sure I am the say way.
So several hours of sitting and watching the parade there, thinking about my place and how it is not on the main street where tons of people are...... will I have the clients? Hope more... should this happen.
I hopped a cab home he over charged me I was not happy cause the pain was throbbing and he took his holy time going the round about way. Then charged me double.
I didn't argue I gave it to him and limpped up the stairs to the house all dark and lonely.
The air was on so it was cool inside compared to the heat out side.
I came in a quickly laid down and tried to net but no net. So I flipped throught what channels we have and found an HBo movie.
Nothing to eat here so I will just snak on some grapes, and maybe try to just rest with out frustration.
I had Liz take me to Ciman once again, she drove her husbands Milos car. Of course she insists on taking the long way as usual. Although its scenic, my paitents for this is wearing thing now. I was praying she would take the faster route but I suppose with her age, she gets riled driving through the hectic part of the airport freeway into San jose. She is in her middle if not late 60s and they drive fast here, she is not a fast driver to say it simply.
When I arrived at Cima, The wait was short and the concenses was exactly that. METAL IS MAKING ME ILL.
THey took blood work like with in minutes of me seeing the doc, the exray was immediate. Then I bought us lunch. I was happy that they suggested another Surgery, to remove it all on Tuesday of this next week.
This next week is holy week here, so most things will be closed. I was told I go in one day and leave the next or the same day I am not sure. But I decided to call him on Sunday to find out exactly was is going to happen.
At this point I have no ride, its two hours, I must be there at 10:30, then I have no ride back. I called liz many times in the past three days no answer. I have a few friends here but no one has offered, although I have asked.
I feel a bit left out at this moment, I need a car of my own. Then I would not have to ask anyone at all.
I hope something comes through Riding the bus with this foot is not an option, the last two times to see Milo was horrible, with hitting it the cat and well it was a kalamatee.
I been staying at home trying to enjoy the TV that I now have and the internet. Although all day today it was out. So I caught a ride with my land lord who was here to collect his rent, into town. I stopped at liz's but she did not answer, the car was there but no one was home.
The Land lord proposed to me to help him with the interiors and the gardens of some NEW TIME SHARES he is planning to build here right next to our apartments. You see its right on the beach, he has all this property almost the same size as I had in the states and when he developes it he will be set. He wants to presell them and If I get involved I will not only have a commision on the sales but the work of the interiors and the grounds. I Have had so many offers here like this and now I do not even get any where near excited about it, generally they forget and leave me out. Plus with the leg its pretty hard at this point to do anything. I hope this one goes through I could use the work and the the money to put toward the new venture of my own.
THe people I made the offer too for the little Italian restuarant half a block off the beach here in Jaco Accepted it. So after the Surgery, I will be signing papers and being the owner of restuarant. I know these are risks, but There are so many tourist's here that my place will be known and I may do very well for a number of years. I will tell more later. I wont be cooking all the time, they have a chef but I do need another one for the day. Its going to take work upgrading it and tweaking the menu. People say Restuarant work is hard, But My life prior to this was the most difficult work ever, floral work is very difficult, production is fast and parties and events are the most difficult. Especially weddings, dealing with all those brides that half the time were out of there minds.. the stress hey no offense this it the truth, Half the time I was a wreck with them. Trying to please the unpleaseable is a tough job. Not all ok NOT ALL BUT I CAN SAY A VAST MAJORITY. So serving some food, talking to people, waiting on tables, cashering, ordering and meeting with vendors and dealing with Nica woman for my cooks and clean up... will be a great change. I think I may do it for a few years and sell it, I know that the upgrades I have planned will be the talk for a while. I hope the food is too!!! MOST IMPORTANT.
TIME WILL TELL as I say, Right now, Im vasilating, one day I am happy the next like today I am not... thinking is this really what I want to do? The pain in the leg is making me change my mind like crazy. I was happy as a clam yesterday, researching looking at restuarants in Sicily on line, drawing, writting out food We loved as a family. My sis my mom my sons, My loves...
This morning was really nice, the birds again singing so pretty I just love waking up like this, I made the coffe and hobbled to the kitchen which is not far, I took out a small Mango from the frig, and got some yogurt and cereal. I sat and interneted hoping someone I know would come on line to chat but no one did. Then the net went down, so I went out on the porch and to my surprise was a huge Red Parrot in the tree above me. Wow I never saw one that close in the wild. BEAUTIFUL!! large wings. and totally red and green. He was loud or she was loud... eating away as I looked up there were large hummingbirds fluttering about the pink silk tree blossoms, They call these trees Guanacaste, it has large yellow climbing flowers dripping down from this enormous tree. Then about the same area in the limbs I saw this very different large bird. Across the way on a bare limbed tree was a giant Iguana resting in the sun. AS if all of them were enjoying the social time together.
I so enjoy my mornings, I do not want to loose those. Should I take on the new venture.
So After most of the day staying in house resting I had Carlos drop me at liz's I limped my way to Rosies, I talked to two gentlemen one a tall black or half black man with the most incredible blue eyes wow he was interesting, He began the conversation with me. He was not feeling well and had a terrible sore throat and wanted some suggestions, So I told him the old Tea and honey with lemon and some meds I heard about here. The other was an older man frompy and grumpy, yelled at me at first ,I was trying to help him. Then after he ate he was nice as pie.
For my experience with this and men this is common to many who need to eat. Most Arguements with my sons were generally before they ate something, soon there after a total change of additude. I am sure I am the say way.
So several hours of sitting and watching the parade there, thinking about my place and how it is not on the main street where tons of people are...... will I have the clients? Hope more... should this happen.
I hopped a cab home he over charged me I was not happy cause the pain was throbbing and he took his holy time going the round about way. Then charged me double.
I didn't argue I gave it to him and limpped up the stairs to the house all dark and lonely.
The air was on so it was cool inside compared to the heat out side.
I came in a quickly laid down and tried to net but no net. So I flipped throught what channels we have and found an HBo movie.
Nothing to eat here so I will just snak on some grapes, and maybe try to just rest with out frustration.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Back in Costa Rica
The flight back was not that great, I had the worst pain ever on the first leg of the flight, the seats were so uncomfortable, the temperature of the plane was so cold, I was exhausted and frustrated with the pain of my ankle. I sat next to this very large lady that could hardly fit in the seat. So I was worried that I would poke her or wake her up during the flight, the other lady was thin but snorred very loud. I was just miserable...
They did give me wheel chair assistance so that part was good, I didn't have to worry about how I was going to hobble to the next flight. In Houston the air terminal was very cold they picked me up and stuck me on a cart that rides around. I didn't want to go straight to gate since I had three hours of a wait at 6:40 am to 9:20 departure.
The secomd leg was not as uncomfortable, I bought some tylenol and took it before the flight, but I was put between four small children two were todlers who cried allot and two were 7 and 6 and one was very loud. One time I said shhh and the father who was two seats down got angry and yelled at me, right in my face. I know that parents get defensive but he was over board, I had lost my patients with all the kids and Iknow it was because I had so much pain. I didn't mean harm I just didn't want this boy to yell right in my ear which is what he did. The man was rude but I didn't answer after he watched the attendant help me to the restroom and then he just stared, maybe feeling bad that he yelled, I dunno but I know the people around me felt bad they told me.
Oh well such is life.
The foot got more swollen as the trip ended, the attendants put ice on it and gave me a whole section to lay down on. But it didn't help.
When I got to Costa Rica they were very attentive, the attendants there took me and rushed me through customs, they never even opened anything at all. They actually got me a number of Tourismo bus drivers lined up in front of me. They were all bidding on my ride, fifty dollars forty five, I bargined and got them to take me for thirty to the house all alone I had a limo ride from the airport to the house, the driver actually picked me up and carried up the stairs and carried all my things up for me, and I didn't have enough money to tip him, I felt so bad he was so nice and got me here FAST.
Unpacking was slow as my leg was very inflamed and blistery and I could not tollerate the pain. I laid in bed and just stared, the liz came by threatening to take me to Cima now, I said hey I need to rest I got no rest on the plane of twelve hours so I slept and then this morning the sounds of the birds began and make me happy. But the foot was bad bad bad, MALO Is what they say here...
I rested and then coffee nothing to eat here but a pineapple and some coffee, I washed the porch off and watered the plants, and then waited for the installer of the internet to come.
After manyhours of waiting they finnally came YEAH! I am finally normal now well kind of.
I have internet and tv wow can you believe it.
Living for months with out it was a challange but I conquered the challange and now being paitent I have them both. Its nice, thinking that Americans really do not understand how much they have in the palm of there hands and have no appreciation for things period.
I am learning to be appreciative for many things, and I hope it makes me a better.
Things may be different but it is good, if you can appreciate the simpleness of it.
I have made an offer on a small Restaurant here in Jaco, I think they may have accepted my offer, It will be Italian, and Spanish. It has been operating for eight years as an Italian place its small only seats 30, but has possibilities.
Its a new venture, They have a chef that I may keep for a while untill the renovation, then I may help out. But not full time. I would rather meet people and seat them collect the money.
Its all tenative, not for sure, but I do need some help here with this.
Well I have to go and talk to them tonight and then in the morning I go back to Cima to see about the leg, its all infected again so they may want to do surgery to take out all the metal.
Seems like I am alergic to the metal, ONLY ME I SWEAR... complications after complications..
By the way I want to thank Glenn Wright, my editor from the Columbian News Paper. For sending me the copy I did for the Christmas special article in the paper.. WOW GORGEOUS PHOTOS OF MY WORK!! you made me look so good... Thanks Glenn.
Keep reading, Any for those of you who want to come and visit mail me, let me know. Plus I have some ins on property.
They did give me wheel chair assistance so that part was good, I didn't have to worry about how I was going to hobble to the next flight. In Houston the air terminal was very cold they picked me up and stuck me on a cart that rides around. I didn't want to go straight to gate since I had three hours of a wait at 6:40 am to 9:20 departure.
The secomd leg was not as uncomfortable, I bought some tylenol and took it before the flight, but I was put between four small children two were todlers who cried allot and two were 7 and 6 and one was very loud. One time I said shhh and the father who was two seats down got angry and yelled at me, right in my face. I know that parents get defensive but he was over board, I had lost my patients with all the kids and Iknow it was because I had so much pain. I didn't mean harm I just didn't want this boy to yell right in my ear which is what he did. The man was rude but I didn't answer after he watched the attendant help me to the restroom and then he just stared, maybe feeling bad that he yelled, I dunno but I know the people around me felt bad they told me.
Oh well such is life.
The foot got more swollen as the trip ended, the attendants put ice on it and gave me a whole section to lay down on. But it didn't help.
When I got to Costa Rica they were very attentive, the attendants there took me and rushed me through customs, they never even opened anything at all. They actually got me a number of Tourismo bus drivers lined up in front of me. They were all bidding on my ride, fifty dollars forty five, I bargined and got them to take me for thirty to the house all alone I had a limo ride from the airport to the house, the driver actually picked me up and carried up the stairs and carried all my things up for me, and I didn't have enough money to tip him, I felt so bad he was so nice and got me here FAST.
Unpacking was slow as my leg was very inflamed and blistery and I could not tollerate the pain. I laid in bed and just stared, the liz came by threatening to take me to Cima now, I said hey I need to rest I got no rest on the plane of twelve hours so I slept and then this morning the sounds of the birds began and make me happy. But the foot was bad bad bad, MALO Is what they say here...
I rested and then coffee nothing to eat here but a pineapple and some coffee, I washed the porch off and watered the plants, and then waited for the installer of the internet to come.
After manyhours of waiting they finnally came YEAH! I am finally normal now well kind of.
I have internet and tv wow can you believe it.
Living for months with out it was a challange but I conquered the challange and now being paitent I have them both. Its nice, thinking that Americans really do not understand how much they have in the palm of there hands and have no appreciation for things period.
I am learning to be appreciative for many things, and I hope it makes me a better.
Things may be different but it is good, if you can appreciate the simpleness of it.
I have made an offer on a small Restaurant here in Jaco, I think they may have accepted my offer, It will be Italian, and Spanish. It has been operating for eight years as an Italian place its small only seats 30, but has possibilities.
Its a new venture, They have a chef that I may keep for a while untill the renovation, then I may help out. But not full time. I would rather meet people and seat them collect the money.
Its all tenative, not for sure, but I do need some help here with this.
Well I have to go and talk to them tonight and then in the morning I go back to Cima to see about the leg, its all infected again so they may want to do surgery to take out all the metal.
Seems like I am alergic to the metal, ONLY ME I SWEAR... complications after complications..
By the way I want to thank Glenn Wright, my editor from the Columbian News Paper. For sending me the copy I did for the Christmas special article in the paper.. WOW GORGEOUS PHOTOS OF MY WORK!! you made me look so good... Thanks Glenn.
Keep reading, Any for those of you who want to come and visit mail me, let me know. Plus I have some ins on property.
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
Monday, April 03, 2006
USA and now back to Jaco
Traveling to the Usa with this foot the way it is was not that bad. From the moment I got in the airport at Costa Rica they noticed my staggering and walking very cautiously, and immediately got me a wheel chair and helped me to the counter first. I then bought a ticket back and resolved my lost numbers on the credit card Issue, seems those little numbers are the first to disapear and those are the ones you need?? STRANGE this is like four times I have had that happen on the card all the other numbers remain its just the most inportant ones that are erased... Typical!! so anyhow the pushed me through and it was not bad at all the flight to Houston was fine not so bad, then Customs and the lines and the wait at Houstin was a strain but they provided a special person to help and push me around so actually it was great concidering all of it. I did set off the metal dector with my leg so I showed the mini xray I had in my purse to prove why. That sure came in handy.
Then the flight to Portland was obvious, not to mean but the people going to Portland, are pale and look a bit mad in the face and a little desheveled... That was one of my reasons for leaving.. no one really cares about how they look. I tried to be open minded but it was obvious... besides that nonsense. It was the longest flight I ever felt seemed like. It was delayed almost and hour. So it seemed very long I couldn't wait to get off the plane.
They had someone there also at 1:00 am help me to get to luggage. unfortunately Clint my assistant showed up, and so Did Sara and Brandon, so It was hard for me to tell Clint that I was leaving with them. He looked kinda angry.
The following day I did most of my business that I needed to take care of here in, with my house , the credit card issue, money. But I forgot my key to the safe deposit box so I had no success in getting into to retreave papers I needd and some jewelry. Oh well wasn't meant to be.
The next day I took Kelsey on a shopping spree, we bought matching white long ruffled skirts and pink shrug tops and I bought lots of cute things to take back to Jaco to wear for the hot weather there. They had lots here that were not even touched as it is so cold here yet and no one has the need to use them .
Kelsey and I went to lunch at her favorite place treasures, and I bought here a huge red hat with purple feathers on it, Kelsey if I didn't mention is my sons girlfriends daughter who they have been together for three years now and she is like my grand daugther. She is five.
By the end of the day the leg was killing but I dealt with it, and then we went out to dinner at this Steak house and I had a delcious peppercorn steak and sweet potato, the kids were very sweet to me.
The next day, I went to Jazxercise, my best Freind Sharon picked me up in the morning for me to watch and visit the girls on Friday since they do snack day and socialize at the end. IT was fun seeing some of the people I knew, but her business is growing so well that she is getting huge in Jazzercise. I miss it and wish I could start one in Jaco but they have none in the whole country WHY? is what I say with all the people that are there and they are healthy eaters and believe in health? So that was a nice morning, after I rented a car next door and went out to my Jordans, my younger sons work and shared with him about my dream of Bella Esperaza, this restuarant that I dreamed about two years ago and how soon it may be a realilty. I wont give any details untill things really do happen but I shared it with him and he was thrilled... Time will tell as I always say. While I was at his Italian place he chefs at, he made me a beautiful Ceasar Chicken salad with parmesian all over the rim so pretty... I was proud of my son
Then I rode back into town and retrieved the credit card I ordered, and did a few things looked for a TV and bought one to bring back. Since I do not have anything in the apartment and there I could not afford to buy one. I bought a small flat scrreen tv so I hope it makes it back.
That night I took Jordan out for his birthday dinner that I missed and we enojoyed the time together.
The baby is so cute and doing so well, he is fat and happy! And Jordan is really a good dad, I was very surprised... he manages to do allot with the baby. GOOD DAD
I spent some time at Sharons and was suppose to spend the night again but the next day I was over done and the foot was bad I had to stay at Brans and just elevate it and try to get it calm down.
I love Sharon and I miss her very much. SHe looks thin too much Jazzercise.
I have packed my trunks to the top with stuff that I had here, I hope it doesn't cost me extra there pretty heavy, but I leave tonight at midnight to go back to Costa Rica.
Although while I was here I was torn, I like the fact of the convienience of all the nice stores the roads and the beautiful cars... I guess basically I am a very material woman, I think its more so for me since I am a designer, and I love beautiful things so I miss that part of my life. I had some real mind boggleing thoughts while I was shopping around, thinking that I love all the nice placea and the easy ways to drive on the roads. But then I realized that I cannot make it here any more in the USA, the prices of things are so high and my work did not provide me with any relief, the stress was so high and the level of work was no accepted here in this Area of Vancouver.
I know Jaco, Costa Rica is not the most up to date area, but I also know that I am needed in many areas there and that God does have a plan for me there. If its only a few years somehow I return? to USA I don't know... I don't know how in the world I would ever make it back here. TAXES< REAL ESTATE< CARS< so expensive.. not that it is really cheap there but its less on some things yes but for now this is my life.
A VERY DRASTIC CHANGE FROM THE PAST... Driving a CTS CADDY all custom to a beach bike... STRANGE
I feel torn about that when I am here, In the ustado's unidos.
But when I am there, I am happy as a clam aside from my dang foot....
When I return I have two interior design jobs, nice ones good money... and several people interested in Real estate, so I will be busy, and there is the dream that may formulate soon. So I will be very busy.
Tongiht at midnight I leave, Milo and I have only talk for a few minutes on the phone, and some line in the past five days... I miss him so and soon I will be missing my children and grand children SUCH IS LIFE! ALWAYS SOMETHING
Traveling to the Usa with this foot the way it is was not that bad. From the moment I got in the airport at Costa Rica they noticed my staggering and walking very cautiously, and immediately got me a wheel chair and helped me to the counter first. I then bought a ticket back and resolved my lost numbers on the credit card Issue, seems those little numbers are the first to disapear and those are the ones you need?? STRANGE this is like four times I have had that happen on the card all the other numbers remain its just the most inportant ones that are erased... Typical!! so anyhow the pushed me through and it was not bad at all the flight to Houston was fine not so bad, then Customs and the lines and the wait at Houstin was a strain but they provided a special person to help and push me around so actually it was great concidering all of it. I did set off the metal dector with my leg so I showed the mini xray I had in my purse to prove why. That sure came in handy.
Then the flight to Portland was obvious, not to mean but the people going to Portland, are pale and look a bit mad in the face and a little desheveled... That was one of my reasons for leaving.. no one really cares about how they look. I tried to be open minded but it was obvious... besides that nonsense. It was the longest flight I ever felt seemed like. It was delayed almost and hour. So it seemed very long I couldn't wait to get off the plane.
They had someone there also at 1:00 am help me to get to luggage. unfortunately Clint my assistant showed up, and so Did Sara and Brandon, so It was hard for me to tell Clint that I was leaving with them. He looked kinda angry.
The following day I did most of my business that I needed to take care of here in, with my house , the credit card issue, money. But I forgot my key to the safe deposit box so I had no success in getting into to retreave papers I needd and some jewelry. Oh well wasn't meant to be.
The next day I took Kelsey on a shopping spree, we bought matching white long ruffled skirts and pink shrug tops and I bought lots of cute things to take back to Jaco to wear for the hot weather there. They had lots here that were not even touched as it is so cold here yet and no one has the need to use them .
Kelsey and I went to lunch at her favorite place treasures, and I bought here a huge red hat with purple feathers on it, Kelsey if I didn't mention is my sons girlfriends daughter who they have been together for three years now and she is like my grand daugther. She is five.
By the end of the day the leg was killing but I dealt with it, and then we went out to dinner at this Steak house and I had a delcious peppercorn steak and sweet potato, the kids were very sweet to me.
The next day, I went to Jazxercise, my best Freind Sharon picked me up in the morning for me to watch and visit the girls on Friday since they do snack day and socialize at the end. IT was fun seeing some of the people I knew, but her business is growing so well that she is getting huge in Jazzercise. I miss it and wish I could start one in Jaco but they have none in the whole country WHY? is what I say with all the people that are there and they are healthy eaters and believe in health? So that was a nice morning, after I rented a car next door and went out to my Jordans, my younger sons work and shared with him about my dream of Bella Esperaza, this restuarant that I dreamed about two years ago and how soon it may be a realilty. I wont give any details untill things really do happen but I shared it with him and he was thrilled... Time will tell as I always say. While I was at his Italian place he chefs at, he made me a beautiful Ceasar Chicken salad with parmesian all over the rim so pretty... I was proud of my son
Then I rode back into town and retrieved the credit card I ordered, and did a few things looked for a TV and bought one to bring back. Since I do not have anything in the apartment and there I could not afford to buy one. I bought a small flat scrreen tv so I hope it makes it back.
That night I took Jordan out for his birthday dinner that I missed and we enojoyed the time together.
The baby is so cute and doing so well, he is fat and happy! And Jordan is really a good dad, I was very surprised... he manages to do allot with the baby. GOOD DAD
I spent some time at Sharons and was suppose to spend the night again but the next day I was over done and the foot was bad I had to stay at Brans and just elevate it and try to get it calm down.
I love Sharon and I miss her very much. SHe looks thin too much Jazzercise.
I have packed my trunks to the top with stuff that I had here, I hope it doesn't cost me extra there pretty heavy, but I leave tonight at midnight to go back to Costa Rica.
Although while I was here I was torn, I like the fact of the convienience of all the nice stores the roads and the beautiful cars... I guess basically I am a very material woman, I think its more so for me since I am a designer, and I love beautiful things so I miss that part of my life. I had some real mind boggleing thoughts while I was shopping around, thinking that I love all the nice placea and the easy ways to drive on the roads. But then I realized that I cannot make it here any more in the USA, the prices of things are so high and my work did not provide me with any relief, the stress was so high and the level of work was no accepted here in this Area of Vancouver.
I know Jaco, Costa Rica is not the most up to date area, but I also know that I am needed in many areas there and that God does have a plan for me there. If its only a few years somehow I return? to USA I don't know... I don't know how in the world I would ever make it back here. TAXES< REAL ESTATE< CARS< so expensive.. not that it is really cheap there but its less on some things yes but for now this is my life.
A VERY DRASTIC CHANGE FROM THE PAST... Driving a CTS CADDY all custom to a beach bike... STRANGE
I feel torn about that when I am here, In the ustado's unidos.
But when I am there, I am happy as a clam aside from my dang foot....
When I return I have two interior design jobs, nice ones good money... and several people interested in Real estate, so I will be busy, and there is the dream that may formulate soon. So I will be very busy.
Tongiht at midnight I leave, Milo and I have only talk for a few minutes on the phone, and some line in the past five days... I miss him so and soon I will be missing my children and grand children SUCH IS LIFE! ALWAYS SOMETHING
Gypsy on a shoe string is adventures as a single woman in third world and other countries. Learning how to survive and do as the locals do. Experiencing life's adventures in the best and most economical way, finding beauty and leaving beauty, in my surroundings, learning to love and live simple!
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