Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Weekend, blahs…

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Weekend, blahs…

The rain this weekend was really bad. All the streets were flooded and the potholes now are bigger than ever. The gravel and rocks they use to repair the potholes are just placed in the holes and patted down over and over. They repair like this and it never heals the problem. One thing that is badly needed here In Jaco and other Costa Rican towns is a good transportation director to oversee the roads and make some strong changes according to the weather patterns. I talked to a local a Tico who was born and raised here, and told me all about the system of repairs. He said that it is fruitless really; they just do if half way, then when the rains come, it destroys the repaired potholes. My opinion is getting a huge caterpillar, rip all the roads out in Jaco and Repave the areas instead of just filling the hole with some mud. Funny thing is that he said they charge for the roads to be maintained to the people, but they only do it as minimal as they can and suppose ably use the money elsewhere.

I know or I found that there are powers to be here that are also in the USA , and they probably could handle this with a snap of the fingers.. it’s just weird that the roads here are so bad. Yet the big Highway just around the corner is just like ours in the states?

This small town has lots of traffic lots of visitors from all over the world. People come From San Jose` and the surrounding area on weekends come to visit this town, so the traffic on the weekends is crazy, not as bad as the USA in any comparisons, but the bikes and taxis, and the people the cars the trucks the motorcycles, the suvs, and the atv’s are all blazing through clunking, and dipping, and splashing, and trashing all the cars and bikes.

The reason I am talking about the roads was because I decided to take the bike yesterday in the rain with the computer all covered with a bag. I got all pretty and held the umbrella in one hand, trying to juggle the bike with the heavy computer, the umbrella and miss the potholes is like playing a video game. The test of skills more or less, but the trip over was not so bad, it was difficult but I made it barely. But the trip back was terrible now the rain was pouring for three hours straight, the small rivers on the way were flooded almost over the street. The big one that I cross over a bridge was rushing like crazy,water was all chocolate colored filled with mud. The holes were filled with water all chocolate colored, when the car’s would fly by they would splash me and I was trying to juggle the bike. Ok this was a mistake! But hey it was an adventure and I made it fine.. just a little scary that’s all. I didn’t want to dump the bike and get hurt and most of all BREAK THE COMPUTER!!

As this tico told me some people are atheists, do not believe in god, but they sure do believe in the Computer, as there god… he was very upset over this and I have to agree. YES ITS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE AND USE A COMPUTER, but honestly after being here, If you saw this place and didn’t believe in God you will after you leave or know you have seen something that a higher power HAD to create.

Upon returning, I took off all the drenched clothes, and I mean drenched, put a sarong on and made some arroz con pollo. It is a amazing to me that I cooking and cooking good stuff, I can’t wait to have visitors to cook for and fun with soon! I light candles again and put on a cd and had a great dinner! Worried about the computer getting wet, but after dinner and trying to be a peace, I figure out what went wrong with it earlier in the day.

I listened to Bocelli, and had a very nice quiet evening.

Today I woke so sunshine, and birds, no lie it was Sun shining and birds singing loudly, darling little blue ones, blue gray tanger, yellow with black striped on its head
Great kissadee, and just now four red parrots flew over very low, I yelled out to them and they talked back like scawed at me. COOL!! Wow they are really large as I said before in flight, but today they were closer. I want to try to make it a point this week before I l go the la playa, and get some sunsets For sure, verdade!!


The gym this morning was really good, I do not know what got into Natalie this weekend, but whatever it was it must have been good! Cause she was all fired up and had us professionally dancing in less than an hour!! WOW WHAT A WORK OUT… I asked Thomas in class why now when I am leaving is she doing all this good stuff??? He said pura vida! So to say the least it was good and allot of fun! Riding home in the sprinkles and all soaked with sweat was a little bit chilly. I was happy to be home and change, hang out and type.

After the Gym I was talking to the transvestite, she told me that earlier in the morning this morning that the road was filled with around 50 to 60 taxi’s protesting the road conditions. Also later in the day several people told me about the protests! So I guess when I wrote this about the roads I was feeling the agony of many people, not just myself but many the people here who are afraid to complain or say anything about adverse situations. I write this in hopes that perhaps, someone from Costa Rica is reading gets inspired by my thoughts and takes some sort of postion about other touchy subjects here.

I got a letter from one Costa Rican asking me about a project In Santa Ana that is soon to open. I think they want my help with it, A Nursery/ flower Shop/ Landscape business? I receive lots of nice letters from many people, when I open my mail it’s always someone different. Interesting to me, to see what people have to say and the subjects they think is a good one to present to me.

Today was not a eventful day, I just rode into town with the umbrella, and parked it and walked in the rain to a couple of places, one is Matisse Cute little clothing store with some souvenirs, I bought two wind chimes, and some bracelets from Costa Rica, made with Italian glass beads.

I think these would be good to put on the site to sell, the site that is going to be made for me by the time I return in December, this site is for food products, natural products, some furniture, and souvenirs, is what is going to be called. I think I have five investors who are expecting me to export this stuff out of here for the internet, and for trade to USA<> and where ever else it lead! This store was very nice, actually there is a store with the same name in Portland that I like to frequent, and is kinda the same way? Strange how you could be so far and and yet the world becomes smaller and smaller by the likenesses of things, or by meeting someone from your area, or who knows someone you know?

Then I walked to the farmacia, to buy an alarm clock so I do not miss the bus on Sat, to catch my flight back to the USA. Then to X mas permanos. I did some shopping, then called a cab to take the bike the groceries and me home. The rain was too much for me to handle the bike and the groceries especially now that the Potholes are huge.

I made some dinner, of left over Arroz, and some sausages, turned on the music and listened to the rain.

I very nice evening… Woke this morning to Howling and barking dogs, they were going on and on for hours. Till finally I got up and heard the birds, made coffee and had a small piece of the cake I made, with Delicious coffee, I am going to miss this coffee here, its so dang good.

So Today no gym, I think I am going to get dressed and catch the bus to Manuel Antonio, and if it doesn’t rain too hard I may go the park and see all the animals and hike the trail.

The bus stops right in front of my apartment so it should be easy.

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