Sunday, October 30, 2005






As I looked out the airplane window of the southwest plane leaving Albuquerque, I thought about Milo boarding a plane across the tarmac. As the nose of the plane lifted off the ground I took a big breath and said good bye. We both were flying out only on separate planes. He was going to Dayton Ohio to see his new grandchild, and visit with his daughter for a week and I was going back to Portland to begin the holiday work for perhaps the very last time.

This whole past week was spent in Albuquerque New Mexico with Milo. He flew me there to visit him, as soon he would be leaving for Costa Rica, and I would be working in Portland until the beginning of December. We are going to try to meet up as soon as I get back.

The week started by me boarding a plane at 11:30 am in Portland and spending the whole day in airports until I reached Albuquerque a lay over of close to three hours in Phoenix was the longest wait I think I have experienced in flying The fact that soon I would be with Milo, made the wait seem even longer because of the anticipation of seeing him again.

It was great to see his smiling face at the airport when he picked me up. I was wearing a hot pink with silver sequined Indian style top that is very in style at the moment, a pair of jeans and a cute pair of hot pink high heels. He lit up when he saw me arrive. I was happy too!

We went straight to the house and settled in for the evening. He had a special dinner planned for me. It was bbq salmon, with a beautiful salad of spinach, pears, red pepper, avocad, pine nuts walnuts, and a delicious dressing. We drank champagne, and he made a fire put on a movie and we sat on the couch by the fire and talked and drank and watched the movie. The evening was perfect, I was so surprised that he had planned all this for me and that he actually knew how to cook like a five star chef! In my head I was thinking wow with the two of us, knowing how to cook well, both loving the good things in life, and how romantic he was.. … who knows where this will go???

He caressed me and held me tight, as we both missed each other so much and both of us knowing that soon it will be a long time a month or more before we will be able to be together again.

Milo house, is cute, he had done some remodeling, the interior was slightly modern, but homey not cold. He has a very nice kitchen the color I wanted to paint my kitchen in Costa Rica a very beautiful spring green, and to look in his cupboards was like I was at home… he had bight red and green plates, which I have the same not the same style or brand, mine are Mama Roes from Italy but they are bright green and Also I have red plates. Seeing this made me smile!

His cabinets were filled with good condiments, and lots of little goodies.

He was proud of his handy work in the wood cabinets, the doors, and all the faux finishes he had done on the walls. It was the same exact finish I did in my bedroom in Vancouver??? I was shocked. The exact same color and style.. looked very professional. Wow he can do real work!! Ok he might be a keeper…

Then there was Cheevo, his wirehaired jack Russell terrier talk about a smart doggie.

He was so friendly and actually came right too me, a good sign I think?

The following day, he took me to Jazzercise, it was a long way from his house, there was one in Intel where he works but he decided to take me to the one that was clear across town, and drop me off for a while. I went but it sure wasn’t like Sharon. She is a great teacher.. It was fun I enjoyed it and all the students there were energized by my enthusiasm.

He picked me up and we went back to the house to shower, and get ready for the day. He ditched work and we took a drive to Santa Fe New Mexico which is about one hour away from where he lives. The ride was nice we talked and chatted about my children. We also talked about his days when he would jump off the mountain tops surrounding the area in Albuquerque. He use to Hang glide, which explains why he is capable of handling all the things he does.

Milos appetite for adventure, makes me understand him better. He is not an overtly strong personality but a strong quiet one, that has as sense of definite security in his voice and in his choices in life. The fact that he would hang glide means to me that he is capable of taking risks, and is able to face what that risk might bring.

As I said to him in the airport right before I left to board the plane, Life is going fast, people tell me to take it slow with you, but life is passing me by and the older I get the more I realize how short life is.. take risks, do what your heart tells you and if you have to go fast … but look and listen and try to savor what it is that life is serving at that very moment. Milo response to this was yes life is moving on us isn’t it? That it is passing us by isn’t it? But lets try to have a hell of a good time with what the time is left, and make what we have happen and last. I love that answer… he is so kind and so wise.

Santa Fe was different, the terrain was very flat and the architecture if you know is much about adobe, and Pueblo style, with varying shades of brown. From dark brown to tan to beige to sand to slightly pink. There were a few houses or buildings I found interesting, but really not to my liking as I love green and color. I am sure it has its beauty as many people live in this area and they all sound like they love it.

Santa Fe was filled with quaint shops and restaurants, and a town square that was very nice. A large museum that I would have loved to see but I could tell Milo was in a distant frame of mind, So I didn’t ask for anything except a lemonade at a small stand in the square.
We took Cheevo with us, he loved to walk the streets and go into all the shops. Everyone loved Cheevo, especially the women. He told me Cheevo is a chick magnet.. I kinda got mad at that one and slugged him on the arm. The town is basically Indian as I could see, and all the Indian artisans were in the streets selling there art and there jewelry and crafts. We didn’t buy anything from them but I did manage to find a cool Cook book about Central American cooking that we both fought over! I cannot wait to use it and cook something really good for him.

We only stayed for a couple of hours, he got upset at this one sales girl who was in an incredible store that sold only Amber, which reminded me that I had a beautiful piece in my suitcase that my mother gave me as a child, I had kept it all these years not really knowing how much it was worth, to find out just by looking at some of the pieces it may be worth about 1000.00 dollars.
The reason he got upset was because this woman was lying to us, and he knew it, he questioned her and she evaded the subjects, I think it was just a matter of her not really responding to him and this makes him very upset. As I tested it myself and found this is something you do not do to Milo. You respond regardless of what you say you respond. Or he gets pushed. It really bothered him because he talked about it for a couple of days, I knew this was a sore spot in him, So I am going to try to always respond no matter how I feel.

The amber though was gorgeous and I was so tempted to buy me another piece to wear I just loved it. But Some other time I suppose?

We drove back and I wanted to get a few things like Shampoo, p.js, and a few other things. So we went to Target, then Wal-Mart, then a grocery store, then god I forget but a few places. By this time we were both tired and just wanted to go home and hang out.

I Made Killer Chicken Nachos with everything in the world on them and he was totally happy, we drank a beer with dinner and again watched TV.

I can say this, Milo is very attentive, and loving,… our moments together alone by the fire was some of the most prized moments of the whole time together.

The Following day he had to work, so I went to drop him off at Intel and I drove his car to the Jazzercise, I worked out then went to the nail salon next door and got my toes done, in a bright red.
I drove back and showered got on line and chatted with friends, and waited for Milo to call? I decided to go and get a hair cut. It was cheap and you know the old saying??? YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR??? Well the hair looks crapy right now but I really hope before the show on Thursday it looks better!!! I went shopping and found some cute clothes at Ross, and had a nice day alone doing girly things. When I picked him up he told me Michelle his good friend wanted to meet me and to have dinner with us. He loved the way my I looked he complimented me like four times. I had a pink skirt on with brown high heels and pink top and dangly earrings.

I wanted to go back to the house and he was kind enough to adhere to my request to return and allow me to try to do something with the freshly cut hair jagged, dog chewed hair. I did try and generally I am great with my hair but this time I failed I was getting very upset and I swear if he had walked in and asked what was wrong I would have thrown the brush at him the way I use to when I was a kid. Never never never bother me when I am doing my hair. My sons know this… I do throw brushes!! Thank god he didn’t he was saved actually cause the rath of Myrnana would have hit him!

I finally clipped it up and said screw it.. we went to Sadies some famouse southwest restaurant in the town well known for its huge Hamburgers, and its very hot Mexican food. Wow I couldn’t eat it, it was so hot.. I mean FLAMING HOT! I had this pork but could only choke it down with a load of sour cream thanks to Michelles suggestion.

We left to arrive at the house to Cheevo waiting for us. It was about 10 I think. We were both pretty tired, and retired early that night. The love and affection was what sent me to sleep very fast.

Thursday, was spent most of the day he was working, and I went and worked out he dropped me off this time only to have me drop him back off at work. It was sunny the whole time I stayed there, the sun was bright I could remember seeing him in the sun and thinking well there is one good thing about this place the sun does diffenately shine allot here. When I picked him up, I wanted to go to an Asian market to get a few things, these are hard to find in Alburquerque. We drove a long way and finally found one. I bought Mochi, some sweet hot chili for him and some oyster sauce. He wanted steaks for dinner so I had a plan that I would cook for him and show him a little of what I know.

We drove to his daughters Davinas, house, she is the youngest of the three daughters whom I might mention are the most beautiful Women I have seen, Wow Milos girls are gorgeous. We just popped in, I think we interrupted something, well anyway the signs were there… but I smiled and acted as if I knew nothing. It was fine his daughter was very polite and very sweet. Her boyfriend seemed nice too. The house was cute as could be.

We drove some more, we went to his mom and dads house. Where dad was cooking beans with veggies and some fresh home maid Tortillas. They welcomed us and invited us to eat but Milo insisted that I wanted to cook dinner and that we were going to the house. His mom was feeling well, she looked bad, and my heart was breaking as we sat and talked with them. His dad talked bout all the doctors they had been going to, to try to find out what is wrong with mom. She fell, and hurt her head loss the sight in one eye, and is rapidly loosing weight. I really was on the verge of crying but I held back. Meeting someone for the first time is not wise to cry in front of them. But I felt such compassion for her. It reminded me of my mother when she began to go down hill.

We left and drove to the store where I argued with Milo about the steaks, I hadn’t eaten all day and was starving and he only bought one! I asked him what are you eating cause I can eat that whole thing, he laughed but Iw as serious. I made Stuffed blue cheese ribeyes with crack pepper on the bbq, and a great salad with lemon and olive oil, rice pilaf. And toasted parmesian cheese bread. We lit candles and had flowers on the table, I asked him to play some good music so he played this CD that he bought in the airport in Costa Rica, when he left me the last time. It was beautiful guitar and synthesizer. As he ate my food he was cooing and aweing and commenting on how delicious everything was. It really was good, I made a back of lamb chops with sweet hot chili on them and they were tasty too!
We drank this delcious Chilean wine that I bought in Costa Rica, before I left.. it was the best Cabernet ever the flavor was mild and not to heavy and yet had cherry overtones and a little oak. We were laughing and eating and enjoying the mood, I lowered all the lights and made it so romantic, but I didn’t build a fire I guess I should have?? Chevoo stood there begging but Milo gave him some in the end.

IT was funny I asked him to turn on some good music because I felt like dancing, he agreed to watch me dance and so he put on this great Brazilian Music, as it played I danced, and danced and then Cheevo joined me he danced and jumped and twirled and barked he was having a good time too, then Milo got up and show me his stuff. I LAUGHED SO HARD HE WAS SERIOUS but it was so funny I couldn’t help but laugh.. we danced for a hour or more until we were slightly drunk. And then we ended up going to bed. I passed out, but he got up and brushed his teeth and threw out all the trash for the following day.

I can tell you that peoples lives to run in parallels.. because the next morning I was talking to Sara on line, Brandon’s Sara, and she told me that her and Bran had a night to themselves, they did a country western dance thing in the living room! She said they laughed so hard they almost peeed… I cracked up as this is exactly what Milo and I did the night before, Dancing in the living room with all the lights down low, it wasn’t slow dancing it was fast and fun and very happy! Everyone should try this and learn more about those you love.

The Next day was Friday and we had planned to spend most of the day together since Saturday he and I would be flying out. So we started the day with breakfast and coffee, only after lounging in bed in our jamas, mine with chili peppers that say corasone, on them and his with hamburgers all over them! THERE FUNNY!! Yes we lounged and lounged and hugged and kissed and just held each other. Then got up and ate and went on a bike ride. It didn’t start out so good. The first hill I fell back and down and cut my legs all up, I didn’t cry but I was embarrassed and mad. He thought I wanted to go back but I said no I’m FINE LETS GO… After that I kinda took it easy on the bike until I got warmed up. Cheevo went with us, Milo has this milk box attached to the back and he rides in there, but most of the time he runs along side of him and every now and then jumps into the box while hes going…

We went on a very long ride and I think Milo was worried about me wiether or not I could make it.. but I am in good shape and doing jazz, and all the bike riding I did in Costa Rica gave me good indurance. It was fine. We were gone for a few hours or more, and came back to check on airline tickets for the kids to Costa Rica, and to get my hair dyed before our date that night. He wanted to go into work to secure his office and to make notes to tell others he would be gone for the week. So he left and I did the hair and looked up flights, and thought about how wonderfull things have been since I been around him. And how well we get along and talk and well you know everything!!!

I showered and got ready to go out and he came home with hands full??? I thought what? Well he had to get things to take to his daughters and of course things for the new baby. But He had something for me too. And it was this coffee/ expresso maker we had looked at. It was at Sams Club and I do not believe there is one in Oregon, so he picked it up for me to take back to Costa Rica.. I was so shocked and happy that he was so thoughtfull towards me. GOD HOW NICE!! Now I can have the best expressos in All of Jaco when I return.. I kissed him and hugged him and thanked him for taking such good care of me.

Dinner was fun we went to Changs, I dressed all up and he did too, wow he looked so handsome or AS we SAY HAMSOME… we had a lovlely dinner, and talked about our future, and well a few other things that I shouldn’t mention but it was so hot I wish I could!!!
Oh yeah cheevo when with us but he had to stay in the car… He as warming up my seat for me and that was nice since it was kinda chilly out and I had a very low cut thin dress on and no coat to speak of.

Upon going home we talked about what the plan was for me, and how I would achieve what I needed to get done before going back and it was mostly about finances. I Need to sell things, computer jewelry, house, Van.. so much in such a short time.

We lit a fire and sat by it cuddling and caressing, he was not happy with me saying I was ignoring him, now why a man wants to start something when its your last moments together is beyond me??? He was getting pissy with me, saying I was ignorning him but I tried to set him straight, so he would stop. Instead he pouted for a while and finally snapped out of it. Thank god I was beginging to worry and get angry honestly. But it all ended very well and we kinda fell asleep by the fired to retired to the bed, and wake up late this morning to catch the plane, Michelle was coming to pick us up. So we spent the last few hours savoring our love, and appreciating one another, he made me a care package for the plane and shared with me that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, that he loved me… The car ride to the airport was a quiet one for me, As Michelle controlled the conversation with her talk about the remodel and construction of her house. Milo is obviously helping her when he returns. She talked allot so I just listened and occasssionally touched Milo from behind, as I was sitting in the back seat. At the airport Milo got emotional, he was sad, saying its always emotional for him something about his past?? But I knew in my heart it was bout leaving me and me leaving him and how he worries about my life and what and who I am with.
He assured me to come and live with him should things get bad and I can’t deal with it any longer that he would support me. He knows that living in Costa Rica is a struggle for me, but its better than the Struggle I went through living In the USA, and How it almost killed me trying to keep up with the rat race, the pace the people, the money, the whole thing. So his offering me to stay was his way of comforting me to assure me I have a place to go should things not pan out for me there…. Although in the next breath he said I do not like it here anymore either and I want to be In Costa Rica with you, I know your going to be making lots of money there I feel it… so I want to be a part of the dream…. Leaving was of course sad, We hugged and kissed at the port door, and as I walked down the ramp I realized that this whole week was a refreshing to my spirit, my soul and my body. That from this I would get strength, and I cried a little knowing I would be away from him for a month or more.

Boarding the plane, I sat alone I wanted to, I didn’t want to have any small talk as I wanted to write my thoughts and be quiet to think about what really happened there in Aburquerque. A man brushed my life in the streets of Jaco, a simple task of picking up my umbrella and handing it to me and a gesture of kindness and a word of completment.

Resulted in a new found relationship, with a man of great traits, and many commonalities to me. WOW WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT? That a little umbrella could change ones life?

So when I said As I was looking out the window of the southwest airlines plane looking back as the nose lifted off the ground, I peered back seeing the plane the plane of the man who has changed a part of my life and said Good bye but only Temporary….

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