Sunday, October 23, 2005

Clints House and Seattle

Clints house

The last few days I have spent at Clints house, this is my assistant for Absolutely Beautiful! he has worked for me for almost 9 years, Him and I have been not only working partners but good friends, He considers me his second mom, the one that has taught him much! he has a cute house on a huge lot in the middle of the city, which in a few years is going to be worth a ton of money, little does he know...

He and Went to Seattle this past Saturday, we took a day trip to buy product for a couple of my accounts for the holiday season. It was beautiful riding up until we hit fog, I hate fog being that I lived in th San Joaquin Valley for years where there pea soup fog all the winter long and big pile up crashes. It didn't last long, we hit sunshine and then all the trees and color of the trees were trasparent to us as we drove.

I didn't do so well at the market buying for the business, but I realized that may be the day was meant for Clint and I to just have a nice time, PURA VIDA ya know? so I didn't get upset or worried about how I was going to produce things for these clients, I just seazed the day and had a nice time. We went to Uigimaya a Oriental store in China town, and had a hay day there. We bought Mochi and had sushi and really enjoyed ourselves throughly.

Later we went down to Pikes market and filed in with all the thousands of tourists that were milling around the area.
Wow, I still have my ROCK STAR POWER!! I called it and got Rock star parking right in front of the main area of the pikes market... Clint was amazed on how I always manage to get Rock star.

We wandered about looking at all the veggies and Fruit and all the vendors selling all there wears, we came across this guy who sold nothing but Chili pepper creations, I fell in love with this idea and decided I would make these for the Holidays there In COSTA RICA!!! since I have seen lots of chilis there for sale.. I will make um and sell um at the Fridays Market. Maybe I will have the pepa man drive around on his bike and sell them for me???

We continued to eat our way through Seattle untill I said lets go back, so we left in the evening before the sun went down. I remembber seeing the capitol and the mountains in the sunset as I drove south on I 5.

A pretty picture that if I wasn't driving would loved to have for sure, VERDAD!!

I have been working at this wearhouse the last week producing beautiful things for a show I am doing on Novemeber 3rd, at Creative Interiors here in Vancouver Washington. I will show the stuff in a week or so when I return from Milos In New Mexico. I am leaving for New Mexico in the morning. Spending a few days there and returning to the show and then installing all the holiday decor.

I lowered the price of the house and manage to get the title to the car to the new owner. The house was lowered to 265 thousand, this lot is huge the realtor told that one lot alone is worth 100 thousand and it could be divide into three... so I hope someone buys it soon, I do not want to pay mortgages on it since I do not live there any more.... its a cute house and the lot is giant it could be a great re development for someone if they have the money.

SO TELL YOUR FRIENDS!! YOUR NEIGHBORS YOUR SISTERS YOUR BROTHERS??? hmmm I think that is a song isn't it?? anyway later on the the days events at the pumpkin patch... keep watching!

1 comment:

Gary said...


Great job of describing your experience in Costa Rica. Pictures and text together are very informative. Please keep it up. I've thought about visiting Costa Rica and reading your blog is the next best thing to being there. Wonderful account of getting stranded and having to take a taxi back to your apartment, etc. Also description of forays out on bicycle, potholes, etc. I encourage you to continue and please describe everything you feel and experience including problems and successes. You are very good at it.
