Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The Holiday Show On Thursday

Since I returned to the Vancouver area, I been trying to find my cords for the big computer, trying to get someone to buy the house that is now reduced to 260 Thousand, and sell the van, its a 2002 low miles and I do not want much to have someone take over payments with a small amount of a $1000 dollars for me. Its a huge loss but I can not make these payments any longer knowing I will be staying in Costa Rica for the rest of the year.

For Some reason the cords to the computer and the flat screen have somehow got lost when people were packing things up!! I am so frustrated because this would be a good sellable item and could bring me some quick cash.

I spent the day today first off by meeting with Sharp Electronics, and manage to book them for the holidays to do there corporate offices here in the area. They seem to really like me and my work. They said they have heard nothing but good things about my work. So that was a plus today aside from the negative feelings I get and have about this area.

Then I spent the rest of the day, the day after Holloween, decorating Christmas trees for a show I will be doing at a design center here in Vancouver. Its Called Creative interiors and its located in Vancouver Washington. They have advertised me on TV and In News paper. So they are hoping a huge crowd shows up to see me perform my magic for the holidays!!! The only problem is its now Weds 12:-00 midnight and I have no cluem what I will be demonstrating for the show LOL!! I really am laughing inside cause honestly I do not know!!! I hope to go it comes to me in the morning!
This open house show was a big hit last year, lots of people came to see me and to the open house, which in turn made good sales for the company. Its on Thursday at 4:00 and I am on at 5:00 and at 8:00 it should be fun.
Tomorrow will be filled with the same, only after I go to Jazzercise, and get ready to go and be creative all day long into the night untill we finish the showroom for the following day.

ITs cold here and I am having a hard time adjusting after I finnally got adjusted to the heat in Costa Rica. I will soon be back to warm weather, sunshine and blue skies In Decemeber YEAH!!

Being back in Vancouver is making me sad, the pressures of selling this house the car and the rest of the mess that is at Sharons is really weighing on me now. So if anyone is interested in buying a house or a van please email me ok? Its

I hope I get to see a few friends before I Leave again, as this time I am not sure I will return for quite a long time

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