Saturday, August 13, 2005

More Pictures!

Ok so last I wrote was a few days ago, lots has happened in a that time. Weds, was a gray day so not much to say, but Thursday was busy. Amanda and I decided to make a compost barrel, since there is so much veggie and fruit waste leaves and more. She found a barrel down the street so we took the car and loaded up Sophia and went on a field trip to retreive the barrel. It was in a horse pasture, we also found an old table which I suggested would be a good folding table for the clothes once they are taken off the line. Everyone here hangs clothes on a line. No dryers needed. When it rains they are hung inside the house. So saying there is no space to fold the clothes but outside. After that excursion, we then went to the hardware store. Amanda seems to speak spanish pretty well, and I was frustrated in listening to her explain that she needed a lid or some metal to put on top of the barrel. To our dismay, we did not find any. We then came backed raked the leaves and began the process of composting. We stuck the barrel the farthest away from the house so that no bugs or animals would enter. By covering the top, will prevent Mosqutios and other bugs from swarming.
She was very excited to be able to accomplish this, and I was happy to help. Amandas father was here this week, with her little brother. They were busy and we didn't see them much accept for later in the evening, when we thought all of us would go out and dance. Gloravell, Danelia, I and Amanda. The After noon was hot and not a great one. We actually got testy with each other in the store. I knew she was tired so I got cleaned up and walked around the town myself.

I watched all the people riding bikes, drinking in the bars and cantina's the dogs running up and down the street, mostly on the sidewalks, and people milling about. I ended up in the alley by the house at this restuarant, where Danelia works. I had a mechalada, a beer with lime in the bottom its really like a sour orange, with salt on the rim and over ice? I like um. In fact this good looking tico guy came in, well under the cover and offered to pay for me. Danelia likes me and took his money and smiled. Then there was a group of people who piled in to get out of the down pour. Most all the places are open to the outside no windows, or doors just walls with iron or roll ups. They stormed in and ordered a bunch of b52's, Danelia doesn't know what they are. I do and say to her to allow them. So the lady got behind the bar and made them. They were hispanic and from the states. She was so nice gave me one too.

They blasted up the music l, people started coming to hear the music. Of course I couldn't stand it, they actually played a song that Sharon and I did on stage with jazzercise, its reagaeton, and its shakira, I think. I got chills and immediately got up to go and dance with those people. THEY LAUGHED AND WERE CLAPING THAT I WAS BRAVE TO DO THIS WITH THEM!!
It was so fun. They thought I was a great dancer. I only stayed a short while, I just needed to clear my head, and I needed to give Amanda some space.

Needless to say, things went a little arye after that. But we talked through a situation that I was trying to avoid. It worked out. I manage to communicate with her about the behaviour I was seeing in her.
Fari was suppose to baby sit for her but in hearing what was going on, she left and didn't return, her cabina is very close everyone can hear everything. I got dressed to go and she did also, we walked with Gloriavell to the cabina to get Fari, but her aunt answered. Saying no se, Fari. She was there I know this trick, but AManda didn't know at all, she walked towards us as if to get us off the balcony and down the stairs. She wouldn't come out at all. So Amanda stayed while Gloriavell an I walked around 10:00 to the disco, lots of people were out. We went to a couple but no one was dancing. Then we went to Trabacone, lots of people there it was ladies night. I had a margarita, we watched and then left. I came home and Amanda and Talked and I went to bed.

The next morning we got up early to take the girly to school, then we rode the bikes to the farmers market. Wow that was fun, little not very many vendors about 20. But with lots of things that I never saw. Fruits and veggies that were so good. The taste of things here are very different, ask anyone who has been here and they will tell you the same. Pineapples are sweeter than ever, the mango delicious. and the papaya is so good and nutty. I love these fruits called mamones, kinda like lychee. They have a red exterior,with spikey little tenicles. You have to rip it open to get this grape like fruit that is sour and sweet! I think this is my new sour gummy worms. Since there is not any of that here, these take the place. THERE GOOD! so refreshing.
We rode back with potted herbs in our baskets, and more fruit than I could carry. I spent around 5 bucks for it all. Came back and made this combination of pina, and mango, strawberries, Granola, yogurt. GOD THAT WAS SO GOOD.

Its been very hot, intermixed with warm rain, even the ocean is warm. People here do not sweat seems like I am the only one sweating like a pig. Oh by the way the bikes are Beach bikes, and if you do not want them touched they have to look tico, like with spray paint on them? It is really fun to bike with all this ruckus. Later we rode around town to go to the grocery store, and look around basically, went to the gym to see about Aerobics, found out they have three classes a week at 7 am, umm I hate that time of the morning. But I will try it on Monday. It was around 2:00 when we decided to go to Esterillios, near Hermosa to find this guy who make wooden stools. There are lots of crafters here, and just by asking you can find out who makes what. The drive was bout 15 to 20 minutes away.
A Beautiful drive, filled with ocean views, breath taking ones. Jungles that come right up to the street, Valleys so green it looks like there painted with floresence colors. Lots of different scenery. We found Hermosa, a dirt road not paved but tons of surfers where there and a hotel.

We found these palm leaves that had just been cut, and told Amanda that these would be good to repair her palm umbrella, she didn't really know that is what it was, but we did pick up the palms and put them in the car HUGE THEY WERE. They covered up Isabella and Sophia. they were under all the palms laughing and playing. Driving up the road along the water we saw bight blue butterflies right next to the car flying along with us. Then I saw pink igrets in the field. Wow like a nature lovers dream, and if in case no one remembers I LOVE NATURE.

We ended up going to the end of Hermosas which is basically one establishment and some houses that were cookie cutter style off the ground on four posts,and all softly painted in pastels.
Actually they were very cool. Right on top of the water, only about 50 feet away.
This road wound about with giant potholes, and curves. When we made this turn there were lots of Bramas, just meandering around loose no fences, looking to my left out Amandas window were two bulls looking right at us. I was amazed that they didn't try to charge the car. I think they thought that Sohpia who was sitting in her mamas lap was dinner. They just stood and stared.
Winding Through we found these very large houses new back there strange looking reminded me of something out of a sci fi movie. Then I saw this big structure with three levels. and palms on the top??? I think it was viewing station of the waves? I was told that they do professional competetions there. Although it was primative yet pristine and great waves.

We continued to another road when we ended up in Esterillios, an out of the way place VERY PRIVATE BEACH and small town consisting of two buildings and lots of large lot homes that were old world run down chickens running about, tico dogs and very rough looking Tico men.
Guess were explorers, but we went to the end of the road to find a bar and a restuarant, Ice cream.
The beach there was unlike others at first the sand was black, then it turned light much lighter than the ones in Washington. The palms were tilted on the edge of the beach and coconuts littered the ground. We found lots of shells, and even baby conche. Tiny little hermit crabs, coral, and drift wood. This beach was so flat and so long. I was feeling like I was dreaming there, on one side the jungle with gobs of parrakeets singing loudly and so pretty on the other the ocean in the distance, with palms laying on there sides and the breeze that blew was warm, the water the same.
When we left we saw trees that were covered with huge philodendron leaves the size of me. Lots of those looked like jurasic park.

The drive back felt different than the drive over seeing more this time. Part of the roadway was canopied with giant Guanacaste trees, silk trees to us, I mean these things were so dang huge I have no idea how tall or wide but they covered the road like an arbor way. When we return Amandas dad was waiting with her brother. He told us he got into some trouble the night before with some transvestites. I guess they thought they were women the acusted them on the streets, and wrapped their arms around them and pick pocketed them both. Well that was the story they told.Who knows, anyhow they got robbed of over a hundred dollars.

After that we all got dressed and went out to dinner. We walked for about three blocks when it started to down pour. I ran for cover.

Rich was home from San Jose for the weekend.

You see he works in San Jose, and on the weekends comes home to Jaco. when we all dashed under the awings of the shops he ran in and got a cord for his surf board while we all waited for the rain to stop.
We had dinner at wish bones, they had mostly mexican style food. There are many different restaurants here Sushi, mexican, Italian, pizza, japanese, and much more. TCBY IS there I haven't had it yet but I did have some ice thing they make from a guy on a cart with a bike. They shave the ice, put powered milk in it, the syrup, then sweetend condensed milk on top.
Ok Im hook on this too. They just roll around and sell, it cost 300 colones, which is 60 cents.

After Dinner we went to the monkey bar, lots of people there. Loud music all reagaeton, and then some American rap. That was fun. The women here are beautiful.They dress very sexy and very up to date. High heels to kill for.Im pist I left mine all at home thinking this would be primative NOT!! in some cases it is but for the most part it is not. I know as time goes on I can explain how. Right now its too complicated to try. But that was great experience in there. People are friendly and were magnatized to me. Amandas Father is my age he was too. She said she was having the best time watching me dance and watching everyone enjoying right along with me as they watched. People dance well here. The booze here if its there is cheap like 2 bucks for a margarita, or 1.50 a shot of tequilla.

We stayed till 2 then Amanda and I only walked home.

Today Rich and her dad and brother were all here, So I made a huge breakfast consisting of lots of fruits and mamones` pineapple, mango, watermelon, the sandias are so red it does not look real, sweetest I ever tasted. It grows year round here. Cantelopes and more.

We ate Rich went surfin, and I hung out. Later amamama and I biked around put up flyers for Casa Ciao bella, and then went to the beach down an alley. sat on the bricks and talked for a hour. Then we rode to the store, got celantro, tortillas, FRESH ORANGE JUICE<> they squeeze for you as you go out.
Then the liquor store to get tequilla for tomorrow. I made fresh fruits with guano, there drink and let it sit above the Cabinet. Maybe this week we will drink it.
For dinner I cooked FRESH FISH TACOS YUMMMMMMM with everything you can think avocado, tomato, cheese, celantro, lettuce and some strange sweet hot sauce.
This day after the ride was hectic, the kids were a wreck, screaming and crying I couldn't take it I walked down the alley for a few just to ease my ears. Came back and well we ate and they went to bed .Fari came in the gate and her and I struggled to talk to one another but neither one of us do well. She with english and me with Spanish. It was fun, we manage to communicate and laugh. Seems the Ticos like me already. The women here are very complimentary. I heard and read that the mean are machismo... but I haven't seen it yet towards me. In fact they hardly look at me. I Think Im fat in comparison to the Tico women. Most are all in awesome shape. Actually I am amazed they do not work out either? THey say its the weather?? I dunno.. But if thats all I have to do to get skinny I may figure out how to handle this heat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Exactly as you say.