Saturday, August 20, 2005

After the class I showered, cleaned up around the place, and got dress. Daniela came by, her I and the whole clan went to Hermosa, to this place off the road where there was this guy who built furniture out of feeder roots from all the bannon, ficas,and other trees of the area. Very Artsy and natural, actually quite pretty. We looked around at this collection of strange shelves, tables, bars, dinning room tables and other objects. Amanda wanted some bar stools. He wanted to charge $20.00 ea for his craft, she thought this was too high. That she had been told they were around $15.00, and thought that perhaps he saw me and her as gringas, with a nice car and it was now more, Although we brought Daniela with us to help us get a better price.

It was such a pretty drive there a short one but a very pretty one. The canopy over the road again as I said before is just amazing. There were Ocean’s to the left, grazing plains to the right, above huge mountains, with tall trees, and palms. So many lush plants, bamboo, Philodendrons, ti, Halaconias, parakeets, and birds of paradise.

The short drive was as a relief for me, to see how simply gorgeous this area is. The poverty is very much in your face, but the beauty seems to surround you and makes you over look the sadness of the country.

Later that after noon, I decided to just walk around. I was dressed in my green and beige blouse with the ruffle on the bottom, and that short kaki skirt. The women as I said before all dress so cute no matter where they are going, so this just fit right in. I stopped at Jaco bell, YES JACO BELL.. it’s a play on words for a taco place on the corner by the Casa Ciao Bella. I ate a burrito with meat and it had for sauce, Thousand Island dressing??? Curios, I asked if it was, and sure enough, Joey the Gringo who owns the place laughed saying that’s our secret sauce and no one has guessed it. I have a discerning palate for sure. Joey and Aida are married, they are the owners of the houses I am taking care of with Rich and Amanda, they also own the cable company building, some stores, gift shops, and the little restaurant. Not to mention a few other places.
Aida stops me and asked me to sit and chat, have a fresco with her, while she smokes her cigarette. She is the very small Tica, with blonde hair and large brown eyes, medium skin. She always dresses so nice!. We chatted for a while, as I was getting ready to leave Aida asked me to help her with the gift store. With the Americans, so that I could sell more gifts for her, I responded as I would be glad to help.
As night fell quickly here around 5:30, Amanda came around the corner, saw me as I was leaving, and said lets take the bikes out and go and eat. Well I had already eaten but didn’t want to tell her, as I snuck away earlier to eat and have some time alone. I agreed, walked back to the alley, filled now with mud and puddles because were entering the Rainy season and it rains hard. But everyday there is Sun and lots of it. I walked through the mud, put some shorts on and got the bike and met her out front. We rode a little way to this place called Toucan soda, A soda once again is a eating place, where the menu is set. You must decide on weather you’re eating chicken, fish, beef. Or veggies. It comes with rice, black beans with this good sauce, and potatoes or other veggies. Coleslaw. Very good, or it may come with Macaroni salad. I just ordered a fresh juice made from Mamones, like lychee juice SWEET AND SOUR. I ate some of hers. After we rode around the town, watched people play slot machines in front of places, and just did some people watching. We went back when it started to rain hard.

The next morning, Amanda got up early as she decided of all times to take Sohpia, to the doctor right before there trip and get her shots??? Oh my?? I was getting ready to go the gym, so I just concentrated on waking up making some good Costa Rican Coffee, then rode off on the bike. As I was riding I was watching all the action so early in the morning. People here get up early; I am sure because of the heat. At the gym today was yoga, and pilates… ok I am not going to elaborate on this I have a couple of words. VERY DIFFICULT< AND EXHAUSTING, but when I left I met two people. One gal was from the states, she was a real estate agent from Century 21, and the other was an artist from Chile, but was German decent. She also has a tour company named Jaco excursions. We talked for a while until I left. When riding back those 8 to 10 blocks or a mile or so. I had allot of thoughts running through my head. Like how I wanted to talk to Brandon, and explain to him some things. How I wanted him to know that this was very medicinal for me although difficult and to him strange that I would think of doing something as far fetched as Going To Costa Rica. Brandon was heavy on my mind on that ride back. I hope that my life will exsist of Working a couple of months out of the year in the States, and then residing the rest in Costa Rica. It would be great to have the kids come here for the Holidays, and have some rest and fun,eat good and enjoy the lifestyle and see some different perspective’s of life. This town Jaco, is diffenately a Party town and a very young town for younger people and tourists, I myself would not live in as I have said over and over. But I know that Brandon, Jordan, Sara and Nancy would like it allot. So would Clint and a few other of my friends.

As the day went forward, we were getting ready to take the drive to San Jose and to stay at Ziada’s and Lyle’s for the evening, so that the airport drop off would go a bit smooth the next day. I suggested that they do this, so it wouldn’t be such a rush. Well on the way the rain on the top of the hill was really bad. The water was gully washing, and there was allot of mud beginning to slide now. I was a little afraid as the road to San Jose is just two lanes and very very whindy. We managed to get to Ziadas safe… it was dark and I knew then I was not driving back this long way alone in the dark. I never drove it before and it was a complicated drive through jungle, mountains and valleys.

It was chilly when we arrived and almost dark, I had gotten the baby out of the car, she was very sick on the drive because of her shots. She was running a fever, and crying allot. She was soaked when I picked her up, so I asked Amanda to take her as I picked up all my things, such as my laptop, my camera, my purse and a bag. I thought I was going back but it was growing dark fast. I told Amanda that we should get all the things out of the car, she was too worried about baby, and said later. I didn’t listen, I went ahead brought all mine with me as we entered this beautiful Spanish style two story house. It has really lovely plantings out in the front yard. Obviously someone who know ‘s something about gardening. Most from what I have seen so far do not care, or have no interest in it. Amanda knocked on the door and this blonde blue eyed young man answer and spoke in a soft masculine voice, in Spanish. He kissed her cheek, and we walked in. I met Ziada, and begain to get aquainted. What a lovely home, little did I know it was a bed and breakfast and a very nice one at that?
It is located in Tres Rios, a ways away from San Jose, with mountain’s right behind about five miles away. But they look so close as if you could walk to them. This house is the best thing I have seen so far, very American, and of course because her husband was A gringo, and it was influenced through the lifestyle they lead in Washington State.
That’s right they lived in Washington in Spokane. The house was so clean and so nice. Like home Beautiful features such as wood and glass pane sliding glass doors metal that resembled stained glass, and really decorative tile floors. Then there was the Courtyard, and the Spanish tile roof, with arches around the courtyard. Providing great Rooms for her guest’s to stay in. Very very nice and very classy. The grounds were so restful and so well done. She is an artist, and it was evident she knew how to make things blend and meld together in her planting techniques. I was fascinated of course! The rooms on the back end of the house were in the hacienda style. All attached like a huge Hacienda. IT was great to see this. We chatted and she offered coffee immediately. Again I say that so far the people here are the most kind and welcoming people I have ever met. Then again they can be the most dangerous too.

As we drank coffee, the baby was crying, the whole time. I asked Amanda if she got things out of the car, and no she had not. We had some sweets with the coffee, and just visited. Soon Lyle came home, and introduced himself to us, as Ziada began to make supper of meat that was boiled, and veggies stirfried with some good rice mixed in, and a good salad. Lyle suggested to Amanda to get her things out of the car and she just ignored, or replied it was alright, but it wasn’t alright I was worried to be honest. Because I have read many times over the net, and in publications and in books that it is highly risky to leave anything in your car. Even a book… simple as that is they suggest leaving nothing in it. As car theift and break ins are extremely high. I read not to even lock the car as this will deture them from breaking in.

Soon Rich arrived a with all his belongings to leave to the states. He came in they all talked and we were getting ready to sit down and eat. We all got seated when Amanda told Rich to go to the store right then, to get some Coffee for there people in the states. He got up and left and We were all eating??? Rich went out and quickly came back in, and announced that the car was broken into and all their things were taken. Amanda jumped up and ran, I thought he was kidding so did Lyle. I did not go outside, as I knew this was going to happen, and with Amanda not acknowledging our knudging her, I just didn’t feel right going out. So I sat with Lyle, and another guest at the dinning room table and we ate and drank wine.
When she returned to the table, she had a smirk on her face and commented how it was all good, that by that she had some sort of sign, that she was going to make allot of money. This I did not understand, in fact I laughed inside thinking to myself that for sure she did not learn that caution is always taken, and when someone wiser and with more knowledge, advises you to something you should take heed and to what is advised.

In other words, with this experience, should learn to next time be very carefull, and do not be so trusting of people.

The following day I woke up to a beautiful sunny morning looking out the window of the Hacienda, was the garden staring at me in the face. I went to the main house to see Lyle waiting for me with a note from Rich, saying Marianna you have two options today, you can ride the bus from San Jose, to Jaco, ok that is a long long way. With a lap top, all my money, since I did not want to leave it in the house at Jaco, I took it with me, thinking I would be driving the car back I also had my purse. Ok the next options was to ride back with Joesy, who works with Rich.
I was upset, the car had to be taken to the repair shop to fix the window so this means no car for me. Taking a bus was not an option as I had all this stuff and worried that someone would see me as a gringa, hit me in the head take the computer, the money all my stuff and not think a thing about it. So I had Zaida call the tourist trasport, a private bus that cost about 15 dollars to dive two hours to Jaco, So they left me there with no instructions on how to get back I was a long way from San Jose, no clothes on what I had on, I had to pay Zaida for staying and for feeding me. I was so put out, but I felt as if I needed that peace and quiet and rest in a beautiful place with hot water and real good friendship. So I ended up helping Ziada changing the sheets cleaning up after all the rooms.
We sat out side after and walked around looking all the different varieties of plants, so many I couldn't name them all we talked all day and had lunch. Finally I called Joesey, and asked him if wouldn't mind coming to Tres Rios to pickme up I would give him some Colones to pay for part of the gas since they were staying in the house next to me. I was renting this to them for the weekend. I tell ya I was really upset them leaving so ubrubtly, with no direction, and they forgot to get the rent money for me to pay their rent. I was suppose to go somewhere with all my stuff in a taxi and pick it up. THIS IS NOT AN EASY THING TO DO IN COSTA RICA. I said no I would not try. I asked his friends to somehow handle this for him.
Later they agreed to pickme up. I was releaved, then Zaida and I went for a walk in the neighborhood. For us this would be a not so nice neighborhood , but for them it was a very nice one. The thing I hate now is all the bars on the houses, the barbed wired, the cut glass stuck on high fences. COPS ARE USELESS HERE. I hate this but outside of that things are good. The house's in this neighborhood are nice but all surrounded like a barracade. Sad but its everywhere. As we walked I saw so many trees of types I never saw, some had orchid like flowers all over them. Later we walked like five blocks to a Chinese restuarant in the dark. I had my purse under my sweater she lent me.
I was very frightened, after the experience the night before, the stories I heard, the stay there with out anything. feeling very helpless and alone. But yet we were walking and she was talking away. Her english is perfect and she is very pretty tica. I have already made some nice friends.
As we walked I was watching everything, but not obviously I was checking out everything, worring that someone was going to try to snatch me and the purse. I held it tight and prayed the whole time, praying angels on me for protection, angles in Spanish. We did fine, a bit scary but fun. We ate really good food, the noodles were home made and thick they deep fried them and they were yummy. We drank an Imperial beer talked and walked back.
I waited for hours finally Joesey came around 11:00. The drive was Crazy, Have you ever seen a movie with the Mexican drivers driving all over the road and going a hundred miles an hour? over potholes and bumps??
Imagine this late at night with a full moon, and three young Tico men in the a small red toyota truck with me in the front seat. There you have it.. ok I was brave! they were kind and so accomdedating. Gave me chickeltts. Well two hours later and some cringing, and nail bitting and we got the house. I had renters in the other house so I didn't want them to distrupt the other's that late so I allowed them to stay in the house with me. It was ok that had very good mannor's and they were friends with Rich. They all work together. Very very smart young men. Around 20's.We talk allot about the laws in USA, and they are really informed more than I.
It was really interesting honestly. I had a nice time.
In the morning they left to surf, and Danelia came by. I was mopping and washing, and cleaning up this place. It was a mess.
So today I have had more renters, I have no keys right now to change the sheets. So Danelia is using the machine to wash, I am sitting outside at the dinning room table listening to all kinds of music blaring and one very LOUD TICO DOG BARKING. I have a fan blasting on me outside,d the flys are thick. The sun is fading so I probably should hop on the bike and go the grocery store and pick up things for dinner. I can't carry allot so that will limit my purchase.Tonight I am making dinner for everyone, The three cute young ticos, and Fernadez and his girlfriend. THey are getting Lemons and sugar, and ice and I have the tequilla, I am going to make Italian dinner lagadia, and salad and bread. Pasta with garlic and bread and salad. SO simple and so cool to eat. Should be good with all the fresh stuff. By the way I can't figure out the spell check on this so Pardon me cause I just fly when I type. SORRY I NEVER PROFESSED TO BE A GREAT SPELLER!

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